The Ohio State University Opens NuScale Power Energy Exploration (E2) Center

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NuScale Power (NYSE: SMR) announced the opening of its latest Energy Exploration (E2) Center at The Ohio State University in Columbus. The center, co-funded by the university's Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and a U.S. Department of Energy grant, features a 12-module SMR power plant control room simulator for hands-on nuclear training.

The E2 Center provides real-world nuclear power plant operation scenarios through state-of-the-art computer modeling, allowing users to experience control room operations firsthand. The facility will also serve as an educational hub for community outreach, offering demonstrations and tours to local leaders, K-12 students, and the public.

This marks NuScale's sixth E2 Center globally, with other locations at Oregon State University, Texas A&M University, Idaho State University, University Politechnica in Romania, and Seoul National University in South Korea.

NuScale Power (NYSE: SMR) ha annunciato l'apertura del suo ultimo Energy Exploration (E2) Center presso l'Università dello Stato dell'Ohio a Columbus. Il centro, cofinanziato dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale dell'università e da un bando del Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti, dispone di un simulatore di sala controllo per impianti SMR composto da 12 moduli, destinato a fornire formazione pratica nel settore nucleare.

Il Centro E2 offre scenari operativi reali per impianti di energia nucleare attraverso moderni modelli informatici, consentendo agli utenti di vivere in prima persona le operazioni della sala controllo. Inoltre, la struttura fungerà da hub educativo per le attività di sensibilizzazione della comunità, offrendo dimostrazioni e visite a leader locali, studenti delle scuole K-12 e al pubblico.

Questo segna il sesto E2 Center di NuScale a livello globale, con altre sedi presso l'Oregon State University, il Texas A&M University, l'Idaho State University, l'Università Politecnica in Romania e la Seoul National University in Corea del Sud.

NuScale Power (NYSE: SMR) anunció la apertura de su último Energy Exploration (E2) Center en la Universidad Estatal de Ohio en Columbus. El centro, cofinanciado por el Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica y Aeroespacial de la universidad y una subvención del Departamento de Energía de EE. UU., cuenta con un simulador de sala de control de planta de energía SMR de 12 módulos para formación práctica en energía nuclear.

El Centro E2 ofrece escenarios operativos reales de plantas de energía nuclear a través de modelado por computadora de última generación, permitiendo a los usuarios experimentar de primera mano las operaciones de la sala de control. Además, la instalación servirá como un núcleo educativo para la divulgación comunitaria, ofreciendo demostraciones y recorridos a líderes locales, estudiantes de K-12 y al público.

Este es el sexto E2 Center de NuScale a nivel mundial, con otras ubicaciones en la Universidad Estatal de Oregon, la Universidad Texas A&M, la Universidad Estatal de Idaho, la Universidad Politécnica en Rumanía y la Universidad Nacional de Seúl en Corea del Sur.

NuScale Power (NYSE: SMR)는 콜럼버스에 있는 오하이오 주립대학교에 최신 Energy Exploration (E2) Center의 개소를 발표했습니다. 이 센터는 대학의 기계 및 항공우주 공학과와 미국 에너지부의 보조금으로 공동 자금 지원받았으며, 실제 핵 훈련을 위한 12 모듈 SMR 발전소 제어실 시뮬레이터를 갖추고 있습니다.

E2 센터는 최첨단 컴퓨터 모델링을 통해 실제 핵 발전소 운영 시나리오를 제공하며, 사용자가 제어실 운영을 직접 경험할 수 있도록 합니다. 또한 이 시설은 교육적인 허브 역할을 하여 지역 사회에 대한 홍보를 수행하며, 지역 리더, K-12 학생 및 일반 대중을 위한 시연 및 투어를 제공합니다.

이것은 NuScale의 여섯 번째 E2 센터로, 오리건 주립대학교, 텍사스 A&M 대학, 아이다호 주립대학교, 루마니아의 폴리테크닉 대학교 및 한국의 서울국립대학교에 다른 위치가 있습니다.

NuScale Power (NYSE: SMR) a annoncé l'ouverture de son dernier Energy Exploration (E2) Center à l'Université d'État de l'Ohio à Columbus. Le centre, cofinancé par le Département de Génie Mécanique et Aérospatial de l'université et une subvention du Département de l'Énergie des États-Unis, est équipé d'un simulateur de salle de contrôle de centrale SMR à 12 modules pour une formation pratique en nucléaire.

Le Centre E2 propose des scénarios opérationnels réels de centrales nucléaires grâce à une modélisation informatique de pointe, permettant aux utilisateurs de vivre directement les opérations de la salle de contrôle. De plus, l'installation servira de centre éducatif pour les initiatives communautaires, offrant des démonstrations et des visites à des dirigeants locaux, des étudiants de K-12 et au grand public.

Cela marque le sixième E2 Center de NuScale à l'échelle mondiale, avec d'autres sites à l'Université d'État de l'Oregon, à l'Université Texas A&M, à l'Université de l'Idaho, à l'Université Polytechnique en Roumanie et à l'Université Nationale de Séoul en Corée du Sud.

NuScale Power (NYSE: SMR) kündigte die Eröffnung seines neuesten Energy Exploration (E2) Centers an der Ohio State University in Columbus an. Das Zentrum, das gemeinsam vom Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering der Universität und einem Zuschuss des US-Energieministeriums finanziert wird, verfügt über einen Simulationsraum für ein 12-modulares SMR-Kraftwerkskontrollraumtraining zur praktischen Ausbildung im Kernbereich.

Das E2 Center bietet realistische Szenarien für den Betrieb von Kernkraftwerken durch hochmoderne Computer-Modellierung und ermöglicht es den Nutzern, die Abläufe im Kontrollraum aus erster Hand zu erleben. Zudem wird die Einrichtung als Bildungszentrum für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit dienen und lokale Führungskräfte, K-12-Schüler und die Öffentlichkeit zu Demonstrationen und Besichtigungen einladen.

Dies ist das sechste E2 Center von NuScale weltweit, mit weiteren Standorten an der Oregon State University, der Texas A&M University, der Idaho State University, der Politechnika in Rumänien und der Seoul National University in Südkorea.

  • Strategic expansion of educational infrastructure with new E2 Center opening
  • Government support through DOE grant funding
  • International presence with six E2 Centers across multiple countries
  • Addressing industry-wide shortage of skilled nuclear workers


The opening of a new NuScale E2 Center at Ohio State University represents a strategic educational initiative but has immediate business impact. While the simulator facility enhances nuclear workforce development, it's primarily an educational tool that won't directly affect NuScale's revenue or operations in the near term. The facility, co-funded through a DOE grant, joins five other global E2 Centers in NuScale's educational network.

The expansion of E2 Centers demonstrates NuScale's commitment to building industry expertise and public acceptance of SMR technology. However, the real value proposition lies in the long-term cultivation of skilled operators and engineers for future SMR deployments. This aligns with addressing the nuclear industry's workforce shortage but doesn't materially impact NuScale's current business metrics or stock performance.

NuScale’s E2 Center offers hands-on learning opportunities to apply nuclear science and engineering principles in simulated nuclear power plant operation scenarios

CORVALLIS, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- NuScale Power Corporation (NuScale or the Company) (NYSE: SMR), the industry-leading provider of proprietary and innovative advanced small modular reactor (SMR) nuclear technology, today announced the opening of its next Energy Exploration (E2) Center at The Ohio State University in Columbus to help support the development of the next generation’s nuclear workforce.

This E2 Center was co-funded by The Ohio State University Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP).

NuScale E2 Centers are innovative learning environments that offer users a hands-on opportunity to apply nuclear science and engineering principles through simulated, real-world nuclear power plant operation scenarios. Using state-of-the-art computer modeling within a 12-module SMR power plant control room simulator, the E2 Center allows users to assume the role of control room operator. The E2 Center will also facilitate community education on the benefits of nuclear power through demonstrations, tours to local leaders, K-12 students, and the broader public.

“Building a nuclear-ready workforce is critical to the success of the clean energy transition,” said John Hopkins, NuScale President and Chief Executive Officer. “The nuclear industry is facing a shortage of skilled workers and that’s why partnerships like the one with The Ohio State University are so critical for the future. NuScale E2 centers provide truly one-of-a-kind experiences for students that we know helps foster interest and understanding of the nuclear industry and our SMR technology.”

“The installation of this simulator will provide opportunities for a better understanding of how nuclear reactors can operate,” said Rob Siston, Professor and Chair, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at The Ohio State University. “Our department is proud to support the progress toward the next generation of advanced reactor operators and the nuclear workforce.”

NuScale E2 Centers operate at Oregon State University (Corvallis, Ore.), Texas A&M University (College Station, Tex.), Idaho State University (Pocatello, Idaho), University Politechnica (Bucharest, Romania), and Seoul National University (Seoul, South Korea). Learn more about NuScale E2 Centers.

Title provides identification purposes only. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individual only and do not necessarily reflect the positions of The Ohio State University.

About NuScale Power

Founded in 2007, NuScale Power Corporation (NYSE: SMR) is the industry-leading provider of proprietary and innovative advanced small modular reactor (SMR) nuclear technology, with a mission to help power the global energy transition by delivering safe, scalable, and reliable carbon-free energy. The Company’s groundbreaking SMR technology is powered by the NuScale Power Module™, a small, safe, pressurized water reactor that can each generate 77 megawatts of electricity (MWe) or 250 megawatts thermal (gross), and can be scaled to meet customer needs through an array of flexible configurations up to 924 MWe (12 modules) of output.

As the first and only SMR to have its design certified by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NuScale is well-positioned to serve diverse customers across the world by supplying nuclear energy for electrical generation, data centers, district heating, desalination, commercial-scale hydrogen production, and other process heat applications.

To learn more, visit NuScale Power’s website or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X and YouTube.

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Actual results may differ materially as a result of a number of factors, including, among other things, the Company’s liquidity and ability to raise capital; the Company's failure to receive new contract awards; cost overruns, project delays or other problems arising from project execution activities, including the failure to meet cost and schedule estimates; intense competition in the industries in which we operate; failure of our partners to perform their obligations; cyber-security breaches; foreign economic and political uncertainties; client cancellations of, or scope adjustments to, existing contracts; failure to maintain safe worksites and international security risks; risks or uncertainties associated with events outside of our control, including weather conditions, pandemics (including COVID-19), public health crises, political crises or other catastrophic events; the use of estimates and assumptions in preparing our financial statements; client delays or defaults in making payments; the failure of our suppliers, subcontractors and other third parties to adequately perform services under our contracts; uncertainties, restrictions and regulations impacting our government contracts; the inability to hire and retain qualified personnel; the potential impact of certain tax matters; possible information technology interruptions; the Company's ability to secure appropriate insurance; liabilities associated with the performance of nuclear services; foreign currency risks; the loss of one or a few clients that account for a significant portion of the Company's revenues; damage to our reputation; failure to adequately protect intellectual property rights; asset impairments; climate change and related environmental issues; increasing scrutiny with respect to sustainability practices; the availability of credit and restrictions imposed by credit facilities for our clients, suppliers, subcontractors or other partners; failure to obtain favorable results in existing or future litigation and regulatory proceedings, dispute resolution proceedings or claims, including claims for additional costs; failure by us or our employees, agents or partners to comply with laws; new or changing legal requirements, including those relating to environmental, health and safety matters; failure to successfully implement our strategic and operational initiatives and restrictions on possible transactions imposed by our charter documents and Delaware law. Caution must be exercised in relying on these and other forward-looking statements. Due to known and unknown risks, the Company’s results may differ materially from its expectations and projections.

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Media contact

Chuck Goodnight, Vice President, Business Development

Investor contact

Scott Kozak, Director, Investor Relations

Source: NuScale Power


What is the purpose of NuScale's E2 Center at Ohio State University?

The E2 Center provides hands-on nuclear training through a 12-module SMR power plant simulator, offering real-world operation scenarios and community education opportunities.

How many E2 Centers does NuScale Power (SMR) currently operate?

NuScale operates six E2 Centers globally, located at universities in the US (Oregon State, Texas A&M, Idaho State, Ohio State), Romania (University Politechnica), and South Korea (Seoul National University).

How is the Ohio State University E2 Center funded?

The center is co-funded by The Ohio State University Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy's Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP).

What training capabilities does NuScale's SMR simulator provide?

The simulator provides state-of-the-art computer modeling within a 12-module SMR power plant control room, allowing users to assume the role of control room operator and experience real-world scenarios.

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