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On July 8, 2021, Salient Midstream & MLP Fund (NYSE: SMM) reported its unaudited Net Asset Value (NAV) as of June 30, 2021. The Fund's total assets reached $192.1 million, with an NAV of $7.93 per share, indicating a 24.8% discount to its market price of $5.96. June's returns were 5.3% for NAV and 4.9% for market price, outperforming the Alerian Midstream Energy Select Index (AMEI) at 4.7%. The Fund's top holdings included leading energy companies, representing 58.4% of total assets.
Salient Midstream & MLP Fund (NYSE: SMM) released its unaudited Net Asset Value (NAV) as of May 31, 2021. The Fund reported total assets of $178.1 million with a NAV per share of $7.53. On the same date, shares closed at $5.68, reflecting a 24.6% discount to NAV. Total returns for May were 6.7% for NAV and 7.1% for market price, outperforming the Alerian Midstream Energy Select Index at 6.6%. The Fund’s balance sheet indicates net assets of $133.4 million with liabilities of $44.7 million.
Salient Midstream & MLP Fund (NYSE: SMM) declared a $0.06 dividend for Q2 2021, payable on May 27, 2021, to shareholders of record by May 18, 2021. As of April 30, 2021, the fund's total assets reached $174.6 million, with a Net Asset Value (NAV) per share of $7.13. The closing share price was $5.36, reflecting a 24.8% discount to NAV. Monthly returns for the fund stood at 5.8% (NAV) and 5.1% (market price), outperforming the Alerian Midstream Energy Select Index which returned 5.9% in April 2021.
Salient Partners, L.P. announced that the Salient Midstream & MLP Fund (SMM) will hold its annual shareholder meeting on June 25, 2021, at 3:00 pm CT in Houston, Texas. The record date for the meeting is May 12, 2021, with proxy materials to be distributed to shareholders and filed with the SEC. The Fund aims to provide high total returns through quarterly cash distributions by investing at least 80% of its assets in MLPs and midstream companies. Forward-looking statements are included, highlighting potential risks affecting future performance.
On April 8, 2021, the Salient Midstream & MLP Fund (NYSE: SMM) reported its unaudited net asset value (NAV) as of March 31, 2021. The Fund's total assets were $166.1 million, with an NAV per share of $6.74. The closing market price on the same date was $5.10, representing a 24.3% discount to NAV. For March, the Fund delivered a total return of 7.5%, outperforming the Alerian Midstream Energy Select Index's return of 7.1%. The Fund's unaudited balance sheet revealed net assets of $119.4 million and 17.7 million shares outstanding.
On March 9, 2021, Salient Midstream & MLP Fund (NYSE: SMM) reported its unaudited statement of assets and liabilities and Net Asset Value (NAV) as of February 28, 2021. The Fund's total assets stood at $156.7 million, with an NAV per share of $6.27. As of the same date, the Fund's closing share price was $4.86, reflecting a 22.5% discount to NAV. NAV and market price total returns for February were 4.9% and 7.4%, respectively, against the Alerian Midstream Energy Select Index return of 7.5%.
Salient Midstream & MLP Fund (NYSE: SMM) announced a dividend of $0.06 per share for Q1 2021, payable on February 25, 2021. As of January 31, 2021, total assets were $170.4 million with a Net Asset Value (NAV) per share of $6.05, reflecting a 24.3% discount to the share price of $4.58. The Fund exhibited total returns of 5.6% (NAV) and 7.3% (market price) for January, outperforming the Alerian Midstream Energy Select Index (4.9%). The dividend comprises both return of capital and ordinary income, with tax implications to be finalized in early 2022.
On January 11, 2021, Salient Midstream & MLP Fund (NYSE: SMM) reported its unaudited Net Asset Value (NAV) as of December 31, 2020. The Fund's total assets amounted to $139.7 million, with an NAV per share of $5.73. The shares were trading at a 25.5% discount to NAV, with a closing price of $4.27. For December, the NAV and market price total returns were 1.6% and 1.2% respectively, slightly outperforming the Alerian Midstream Energy Select Index (AMEI) return of 1.2%.
Salient Midstream & MLP Fund (SMM) reported its unaudited Net Asset Value (NAV) for November 30, 2020, with total assets of $121.4 million and a NAV per share of $5.64. The closing price on that date was $4.22, reflecting a 25.2% discount to NAV. Total returns for the month were 15.1% for NAV and 24.1% for market price, outperforming the Alerian Midstream Energy Select Index's 19.5%. The fund had 17.7 million common shares outstanding, with major holdings in midstream companies.
On November 6, 2020, Salient Midstream & MLP Fund (NYSE: SMM) announced a $0.06 dividend per share for Q4 2020, payable on November 27, 2020. As of October 31, 2020, the Fund's total assets were $104.8 million, with a Net Asset Value (NAV) per share of $4.97. The share price was $3.45, reflecting a 30.6% discount to NAV. The month ending October 31 saw NAV and market price total returns of 0.4% and -1.4%, respectively. The dividend consists of a combination of return of capital and ordinary income.