Supermicro Solidifies Position as a Leader in Complete Rack Scale Liquid Cooling Solutions -- Currently Shipping Over 100,000 GPUs Per Quarter

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Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) announces a complete liquid cooling solution for data centers, including Coolant Distribution Units (CDUs), cold plates, Coolant Distribution Manifolds (CDMs), cooling towers, and management software. This solution aims to reduce power costs and infrastructure expenses for data centers. Supermicro has already deployed over 100,000 GPUs with liquid cooling for major AI factories and CSPs.

Key benefits include:

  • Up to 40% power reduction
  • Quadrupled computing density
  • Support for servers approaching 12kW of power
  • Ability to cool racks generating over 100kW of heat
  • Up to 40% energy savings for infrastructure
  • 80% space savings

Supermicro's CEO, Charles Liang, emphasizes the company's innovation in delivering full data center plug-and-play rack scale liquid cooling solutions, reducing deployment time to weeks.

Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) annuncia una soluzione completa di raffreddamento a liquido per i data center, comprendente Unità di Distribuzione del Refrigerante (CDU), piastre di raffreddamento, Manifolds di Distribuzione del Refrigerante (CDM), torri di raffreddamento e software di gestione. Questa soluzione mira a ridurre i costi energetici e le spese per le infrastrutture dei data center. Supermicro ha già installato oltre 100.000 GPU con raffreddamento a liquido per importanti fabbriche di intelligenza artificiale e CSP.

I principali vantaggi includono:

  • Fino al 40% di riduzione dei consumi energetici
  • Quattro volte la densità di calcolo
  • Supporto per server che raggiungono i 12kW di potenza
  • Capacità di raffreddare rack che producono oltre 100kW di calore
  • Fino al 40% di risparmio energetico per le infrastrutture
  • Risparmio di spazio dell'80%

Il CEO di Supermicro, Charles Liang, sottolinea l'innovazione dell'azienda nel fornire soluzioni di raffreddamento a liquido per rack di data center plug-and-play complete, riducendo il tempo di installazione a poche settimane.

Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) anuncia una solución completa de enfriamiento por líquido para centros de datos, que incluye Unidades de Distribución de Refrigerante (CDU), placas frías, Manifolds de Distribución de Refrigerante (CDM), torres de enfriamiento y software de gestión. Esta solución tiene como objetivo reducir los costos de energía y los gastos de infraestructura para los centros de datos. Supermicro ya ha implementado más de 100,000 GPU con enfriamiento por líquido para importantes fábricas de IA y CSP.

Los principales beneficios incluyen:

  • Reducción de hasta el 40% en el consumo de energía
  • Cuádruple de densidad de cálculo
  • Soporte para servidores que alcanzan 12kW de potencia
  • Capacidad para enfriar racks que generan más de 100kW de calor
  • Ahorro energético de hasta el 40% para la infraestructura
  • Ahorro de espacio del 80%

El CEO de Supermicro, Charles Liang, enfatiza la innovación de la empresa al ofrecer soluciones completas de enfriamiento por líquido a escala de rack plug-and-play para centros de datos, reduciendo el tiempo de despliegue a semanas.

Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI)는 냉각 유닛(CDU), 차가운 판, 냉각 분배 맨폴드(CDM), 냉각탑 및 관리 소프트웨어를 포함하는 완전한 액체 냉각 솔루션을 데이터 센터를 위해 발표했습니다. 이 솔루션은 데이터 센터의 전력 비용과 인프라 비용을 절감하는 것을 목표로 합니다. Supermicro는 이미 주요 AI 공장과 CSP를 위해 10만 개 이상의 GPU를 액체 냉각으로 배치했습니다.

주요 이점은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 최대 40%의 전력 감소
  • 4배 증가한 계산 밀도
  • 12kW 전력에 가까운 서버 지원
  • 100kW 이상의 열을 발생시키는 랙을 냉각할 수 있는 능력
  • 인프라에 대해 최대 40%의 에너지 절약
  • 80%의 공간 절약

Supermicro의 CEO인 Charles Liang은 완전한 데이터 센터 플러그 앤 플레이 랙 규모 액체 냉각 솔루션을 제공함으로써 배포 시간을 몇 주로 단축하는 혁신을 강조합니다.

Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) annonce une solution complète de refroidissement liquide pour les centres de données, comprenant des unités de distribution de liquide (CDU), des plaques froides, des manifolds de distribution de liquide (CDM), des tours de refroidissement et un logiciel de gestion. Cette solution vise à réduire les coûts d'énergie et les dépenses d'infrastructure pour les centres de données. Supermicro a déjà déployé plus de 100 000 GPU avec refroidissement liquide pour d'importantes usines d'IA et CSP.

Les principaux avantages comprennent :

  • Réduction de jusqu'à 40 % des coûts énergétiques
  • Densité de calcul quadruplée
  • Soutien pour des serveurs approchant 12 kW de puissance
  • Capacité à refroidir des racks générant plus de 100 kW de chaleur
  • Économie d'énergie allant jusqu'à 40 % pour l'infrastructure
  • Économie d'espace de 80 %

Le PDG de Supermicro, Charles Liang, souligne l'innovation de l'entreprise dans la fourniture de solutions de refroidissement liquide à l'échelle des racks pour centres de données Plug-and-Play complètes, réduisant le temps de déploiement à quelques semaines.

Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) kündigt eine komplette Lösung zur Flüssigkeitskühlung für Rechenzentren an, einschließlich Kühlerverteilungseinheiten (CDUs), Kühlplatten, Kühlerverteilermanschetten (CDMs), Kühltürme und Verwaltungssoftware. Ziel dieser Lösung ist es, die Stromkosten und Infrastrukturkosten für Rechenzentren zu senken. Supermicro hat bereits über 100.000 GPUs mit Flüssigkeitskühlung für große KI-Fabriken und CSPs bereitgestellt.

Wesentliche Vorteile sind:

  • Bis zu 40% Reduzierung des Stromverbrauchs
  • Vervierfachung der Rechenintensität
  • Unterstützung für Server mit bis zu 12 kW Leistung
  • Fähigkeit, Gestelle mit über 100 kW Wärme zu kühlen
  • Bis zu 40% Energieeinsparungen für die Infrastruktur
  • 80% Platzersparnis

Der CEO von Supermicro, Charles Liang, betont die Innovationsfähigkeit des Unternehmens bei der Bereitstellung vollständiger Plug-and-Play-Rack-Skalierungslösungen für Flüssigkeitskühlung in Rechenzentren und reduziert die Bereitstellungszeit auf Wochen.

  • Deployed over 100,000 GPUs with liquid cooling solution for major AI factories and CSPs
  • Up to 40% power reduction in data centers
  • Quadrupled computing density with ultra-dense server design
  • Up to 40% energy savings for infrastructure and 80% space savings
  • Reduced deployment time to weeks instead of months
  • None.

Designed for Data Center Scale Reduction in TCO and Enabling Large AI Clusters to Perform with a Lower Energy Budget, Liquid Cooling Solution Handles the Highest Wattage Servers Containing the Latest GPUs and CPUs, Resulting in Lower Costs for AI Factories – Over 2,000 Liquid Cooled Racks Delivered Since June 2024

SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Supermicro, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMCI), a Total IT Solution Provider for Cloud, AI/ML, Storage, and 5G/Edge, is announcing a complete liquid cooling solution that includes powerful Coolant Distribution Units (CDUs), cold plates, Coolant Distribution Manifolds (CDMs), cooling towers and end to end management software. This complete solution reduces ongoing power costs and Day 0 hardware acquisition and data center cooling infrastructure costs. The entire end-to-end data center scale liquid cooling solution is available directly from Supermicro.

"Supermicro continues to innovate, delivering full data center plug-and-play rack scale liquid cooling solutions," said Charles Liang, CEO and president of Supermicro. "Our complete liquid cooling solutions, including SuperCloud Composer for the entire life-cycle management of all components, are now cooling massive, state-of-the-art AI factories, reducing costs and improving performance. The combination of Supermicro deployment experience and delivering innovative technology is resulting in data center operators coming to Supermicro to meet their technical and financial goals for both the construction of greenfield sites and the modernization of existing data centers. Since Supermicro supplies all the components, the time to deployment and online are measured in weeks, not months."

Learn more about Supermicro liquid cooling solutions at 

Many organizations require the highest-performing GPUs and CPUs to remain competitive and need these servers to run constantly. Supermicro's ultra-dense server with dual top-bin CPUs and 8 NVIDIA HGX GPUs in just 4U with liquid cooling is the ultimate AI server needed in AI factories. When installed in a rack, this server quadruples the computing density, allowing organizations to run larger training models with a smaller data center footprint.

Supermicro recently deployed more than 100,000 GPUs with liquid cooling solution (DLC) for some of the largest AI factories ever built, as well as other CSPs. With each server approaching 12kW of power needed for AI and HPC workloads, liquid cooling is a more efficient choice to maintain the desired operating temperature for each GPU and CPU. A single AI rack now generates over 100kW of heat, which needs to be efficiently removed from the data center. Datacenter-scale liquid cooling significantly reduces the power demand for a given cluster size. Up to 40% power reduction allows you to deploy more AI servers in a fixed power envelope to increase computing power and decrease LLM time to train, which are critical for these large CSPs and AI factories. 

The entire liquid cooling solution directly from Supermicro includes:

  • Optimally designed cold plates that allow liquid to flow through microchannels with a maximum surface area that dissipates up to 1600W for next-generation GPUs.
  • Specifically designed CDM (horizontal and vertical) to enable the highest GPU per rack density with up to 96 NVIDIA B200 GPUs per rack.
  • State-of-the-art rack-CDU solutions with increased cooling capacity of 250kW and hot swappable pumps and power supplies to avoid any downtime
  • Modular cooling towers tailored to cool DLC Racks with the latest energy efficient EC fan technology are ready to ship and deploy in days, enabling a faster Time-to-Online (TTO).
  • SuperCloud Composer life cycle management software monitors the systems, SW, CDUs, racks, and cooling towers, optimizing the operational cost and managing the integrity of liquid-cooled data centers.

Direct Liquid Cooling delivers several advantages over air cooling, including:

  • Up to 40% energy savings for infrastructure and 80% space savings, eliminating the need for traditional CRAC/CRAH units
  • Support for warm water cooling up to 113°F (45°C) and allow for the reuse of heat generated by AI systems for applications such as district heating and greenhouses.

Supermicro's leadership in Direct Liquid Cooling (DLC) technology is revolutionizing data center infrastructure towards Green Computing. From winning top industry awards to setting new efficiency benchmarks with a PUE of less than 1.1, Supermicro DLC solutions are leading in innovation and sustainability. By integrating DLC with modular cooling towers and SuperCloud Composer management software, Supermicro provides an end-to-end, complete data center scale total solution empowering CSPs and enterprise customers to achieve more with less while achieving higher operational efficiency, lower environmental impacts and much quicker TTO.

About Super Micro Computer, Inc.

Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) is a global leader in Application-Optimized Total IT Solutions. Founded and operating in San Jose, California, Supermicro is committed to delivering first to market innovation for Enterprise, Cloud, AI, and 5G Telco/Edge IT Infrastructure. We are a Total IT Solutions provider with server, AI, storage, IoT, switch systems, software, and support services. Supermicro's motherboard, power, and chassis design expertise further enable our development and production, enabling next generation innovation from cloud to edge for our global customers. Our products are designed and manufactured in-house (in the US, Taiwan, and the Netherlands), leveraging global operations for scale and efficiency and optimized to improve TCO and reduce environmental impact (Green Computing). The award-winning portfolio of Server Building Block Solutions® allows customers to optimize for their exact workload and application by selecting from a broad family of systems built from our flexible and reusable building blocks that support a comprehensive set of form factors, processors, memory, GPUs, storage, networking, power, and cooling solutions (air-conditioned, free air cooling or liquid cooling).

Supermicro, Server Building Block Solutions, and We Keep IT Green are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Super Micro Computer, Inc.

All other brands, names, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


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What is Supermicro's new liquid cooling solution for data centers?

Supermicro's new liquid cooling solution includes Coolant Distribution Units (CDUs), cold plates, Coolant Distribution Manifolds (CDMs), cooling towers, and end-to-end management software. It's designed to reduce power costs and infrastructure expenses for data centers.

How many GPUs has Supermicro deployed with liquid cooling since June 2024?

Supermicro has deployed over 100,000 GPUs with liquid cooling solution for major AI factories and CSPs since June 2024.

What are the key benefits of Supermicro's liquid cooling solution for data centers?

Key benefits include up to 40% power reduction, quadrupled computing density, support for high-power servers (up to 12kW), ability to cool racks generating over 100kW of heat, up to 40% energy savings for infrastructure, and 80% space savings.

How does Supermicro's liquid cooling solution impact deployment time for data centers?

Supermicro's liquid cooling solution reduces deployment time to weeks instead of months, as the company supplies all components for a plug-and-play rack scale solution.

What is the stock symbol for Supermicro?

Supermicro's stock symbol is SMCI, traded on NASDAQ.

Super Micro Computer, Inc.


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