Super Micro Computer, Inc. Announces Receipt of Non-Compliance Letter from Nasdaq

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Super Micro Computer (NASDAQ:SMCI) has received a non-compliance letter from Nasdaq due to a delay in filing its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ending June 30, 2024. The Form 10-K was due on August 29, 2024, and the company filed a Form 12b-25 on August 30, 2024. The notification states that SMCI is not in compliance with Nasdaq listing rule 5250(c)(1), which requires timely filing of reports with the SEC.

The notice does not immediately affect the listing or trading of SMCI's common stock on the Nasdaq Global Select Market. SMCI has 60 days from the date of the notice to either file the Form 10-K or submit a compliance plan to Nasdaq. If a plan is submitted and accepted, SMCI could be granted up to 180 days from the Form 10-K's due date to regain compliance. If Nasdaq does not accept the plan, SMCI can appeal the decision to a Nasdaq hearings panel.

Super Micro Computer (NASDAQ:SMCI) ha ricevuto una lettera di non conformità da Nasdaq a causa di un ritardo nella presentazione del suo Rapporto Annuale sul Modulo 10-K per il periodo che termina il 30 giugno 2024. Il Modulo 10-K doveva essere presentato il 29 agosto 2024, e l'azienda ha presentato un Modulo 12b-25 il 30 agosto 2024. La notifica indica che SMCI non è conforme alla regola di quotazione 5250(c)(1) di Nasdaq, che richiede la presentazione tempestiva dei rapporti alla SEC.

La notifica non influisce immediatamente sulla quotazione o sul trading delle azioni ordinarie di SMCI sul Nasdaq Global Select Market. SMCI ha 60 giorni dalla data della notifica per presentare il Modulo 10-K o inviare un piano di conformità a Nasdaq. Se viene presentato e accettato un piano, a SMCI potrebbe essere concesso fino a 180 giorni dalla data di scadenza del Modulo 10-K per ristabilire la conformità. Se Nasdaq non accetta il piano, SMCI può appellarsi alla decisione di un panel di udienza di Nasdaq.

Super Micro Computer (NASDAQ:SMCI) ha recibido una carta de no conformidad de Nasdaq debido a un retraso en la presentación de su Informe Anual en el Formulario 10-K para el período que finaliza el 30 de junio de 2024. El Formulario 10-K debía presentarse el 29 de agosto de 2024, y la compañía presentó un Formulario 12b-25 el 30 de agosto de 2024. La notificación indica que SMCI no cumple con la regla de cotización 5250(c)(1) de Nasdaq, que requiere la presentación oportuna de informes a la SEC.

La notificación no afecta inmediatamente la cotización o el comercio de las acciones ordinarias de SMCI en el Nasdaq Global Select Market. SMCI tiene 60 días desde la fecha de la notificación para presentar el Formulario 10-K o enviar un plan de cumplimiento a Nasdaq. Si se presenta y acepta un plan, SMCI podría recibir hasta 180 días desde la fecha de vencimiento del Formulario 10-K para recuperar la conformidad. Si Nasdaq no acepta el plan, SMCI puede apelar la decisión ante un panel de audiencias de Nasdaq.

슈퍼 마이크로 컴퓨터(Super Micro Computer, NASDAQ:SMCI)는 나스닥으로부터 비준수 서한을 받았습니다, 2024년 6월 30일 종료 기간에 대한 연례 보고서인 10-K 양식 제출 지연으로 인해. 10-K 양식은 2024년 8월 29일에 제출되어야 하며, 회사는 2024년 8월 30일에 12b-25 양식을 제출했습니다. 통지서에는 SMCI가 SEC에 보고서를 적시에 제출해야 한다는 나스닥의 상장 규정 5250(c)(1)을 준수하지 않는다고 명시되어 있습니다.

이 통지는 즉시 SMCI의 보통주 상장이나 거래에 영향을 주지 않습니다. SMCI는 통지일로부터 60일 이내에 10-K 양식을 제출하거나 나스닥에 준수 계획을 제출해야 합니다. 계획이 제출되고 승인되면 SMCI는 10-K 양식의 마감일까지 최대 180일의 기간을 부여받아 준수를 되찾을 수 있습니다. 나스닥이 계획을 수용하지 않으면 SMCI는 나스닥 청문회 패널에 결정에 대해 항소할 수 있습니다.

Super Micro Computer (NASDAQ:SMCI) a reçu une lettre de non-conformité de Nasdaq en raison d'un retard dans le dépôt de son Rapport Annuel sur le Formulaire 10-K pour la période se terminant le 30 juin 2024. Le Formulaire 10-K devait être déposé le 29 août 2024, et la société a déposé un Formulaire 12b-25 le 30 août 2024. La notification indique que SMCI n'est pas en conformité avec la règle de cotation 5250(c)(1) de Nasdaq, qui exige le dépôt en temps opportun des rapports auprès de la SEC.

La notification n'affecte pas immédiatement la cotation ou la négociation des actions ordinaires de SMCI sur le Nasdaq Global Select Market. SMCI a 60 jours à compter de la date de la notification pour soit déposer le Formulaire 10-K, soit soumettre un plan de conformité à Nasdaq. Si un plan est soumis et accepté, SMCI pourrait se voir accorder jusqu'à 180 jours à partir de la date limite de dépôt du Formulaire 10-K pour retrouver la conformité. Si Nasdaq n'accepte pas le plan, SMCI peut faire appel de la décision auprès d'un panel d'audience de Nasdaq.

Super Micro Computer (NASDAQ:SMCI) hat ein Schreiben über die Nichtkonformität von Nasdaq erhalten, aufgrund einer Verzögerung bei der Einreichung seines Jahresberichts auf dem Formular 10-K für den Zeitraum, der am 30. Juni 2024 endet. Das Formular 10-K war bis zum 29. August 2024 fällig, und das Unternehmen hat am 30. August 2024 ein Formular 12b-25 eingereicht. Die Mitteilung stellt fest, dass SMCI nicht mit der Nasdaq-Listing-Regel 5250(c)(1) konform ist, die die fristgerechte Einreichung von Berichten bei der SEC erfordert.

Die Mitteilung beeinflusst nicht sofort die Listung oder den Handel der Stammaktien von SMCI an der Nasdaq Global Select Market. SMCI hat 60 Tage ab dem Datum der Mitteilung Zeit, entweder das Formular 10-K einzureichen oder einen Konformitätsplan bei Nasdaq einzureichen. Wenn ein Plan eingereicht und akzeptiert wird, könnte SMCI bis zu 180 Tage nach dem Fälligkeitsdatum des Formulars 10-K gewährt werden, um die Konformität wiederherzustellen. Wenn Nasdaq den Plan nicht akzeptiert, kann SMCI gegen die Entscheidung bei einem Nasdaq-Anhörungsausschuss Berufung einlegen.

  • No immediate effect on SMCI's stock listing or trading on Nasdaq Global Select Market
  • Company has 60 days to file Form 10-K or submit compliance plan
  • Potential for up to 180 days to regain compliance if plan is accepted
  • Delay in filing Annual Report on Form 10-K for period ending June 30, 2024
  • Non-compliance with Nasdaq listing rule 5250(c)(1)
  • Risk of delisting if compliance is not regained within given timeframe

The delay in filing the Form 10-K is a significant concern for investors. This non-compliance with Nasdaq rules could potentially lead to delisting if not resolved promptly. While SMCI has a 60-day window to file or submit a compliance plan, this situation raises red flags about the company's financial reporting processes. The extended deadline (up to 180 days) provides some breathing room, but it's important to monitor for any further delays or complications. Investors should be cautious and watch for the actual filing, as it may reveal underlying issues causing the delay. This event might trigger short-term stock volatility and impact investor confidence in SMCI's management and financial stability.

From a legal standpoint, this non-compliance notice is a serious matter. While it doesn't immediately affect SMCI's listing, it initiates a process that requires swift action. The company must either file the Form 10-K or submit a convincing compliance plan within 60 days. Failure to do so could escalate to a Nasdaq hearings panel, potentially leading to delisting. This situation may also attract regulatory scrutiny from the SEC, possibly resulting in investigations or penalties. Shareholders should be alert for any class action lawsuits that might arise if the delay is found to be due to material issues or mismanagement. The company's transparency and communication during this period will be important in maintaining legal and investor relations.

This non-compliance issue could have ripple effects across the tech sector, especially given SMCI's role in AI and cloud infrastructure. Investors may scrutinize other companies in the industry more closely for similar reporting delays. The market's reaction to this news could provide insights into overall sentiment towards tech stocks and financial reporting standards. If SMCI resolves this quickly, it may be seen as a minor hiccup. However, prolonged delays could erode investor confidence in the company and potentially the broader tech sector. Watch for any shifts in institutional holdings or analyst recommendations, as these could signal longer-term market perceptions about SMCI's stability and growth prospects in the competitive AI and cloud markets.

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Super Micro Computer, Inc. (NASDAQ:SMCI) (“SMCI” or the “Company”), a Total IT Solution Provider for AI, Cloud, Storage and 5G/Edge, today announced that the Company received a notification letter from Nasdaq stating that the Company is not in compliance with Nasdaq listing rule 5250(c)(1), which requires timely filing of reports with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The September 17, 2024 letter was sent as a result of the Company’s delay in filing its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ending June 30, 2024 (the “Form 10-K”). The Form 10-K was due on August 29, 2024. The Company filed a Form 12b-25 on August 30, 2024.

The Nasdaq notice has no immediate effect on the listing or trading of the Company’s common stock on the Nasdaq Global Select Market. Under the Nasdaq rules, the Company has 60 days from the date of the notice either to file the Form 10-K or to submit a plan to Nasdaq to regain compliance with Nasdaq’s listing rules. If a plan is submitted and accepted, the Company could be granted up to 180 days from the Form 10-K’s due date to regain compliance. If Nasdaq does not accept the Company’s plan, then the Company will have the opportunity to appeal that decision to a Nasdaq hearings panel.

About Super Micro Computer, Inc.

Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) is a global leader in Application-Optimized Total IT Solutions. Founded and operating in San Jose, California, Supermicro is committed to delivering first to market innovation for Enterprise, Cloud, AI, and 5G Telco/Edge IT Infrastructure. We are a Total IT Solutions Provider with server, AI, storage, IoT, switch systems, software, and support services. Supermicro's motherboard, power, and chassis design expertise further enable our development and production, enabling next generation innovation from cloud to edge for our global customers. Our products are designed and manufactured in-house (in the US, Taiwan, and the Netherlands), leveraging global operations for scale and efficiency and optimized to improve TCO and reduce environmental impact (Green Computing). The award-winning portfolio of Server Building Block Solutions® allows customers to optimize for their exact workload and application by selecting from a broad family of systems built from our flexible and reusable building blocks that support a comprehensive set of form factors, processors, memory, GPUs, storage, networking, power, and cooling solutions (air-conditioned, free air cooling or liquid cooling).

Supermicro, Server Building Block Solutions, and We Keep IT Green are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Super Micro Computer, Inc.

Investor Relations Contact:

Nicole Noutsios


Source: Super Micro Computer, Inc.


Why did Super Micro Computer (SMCI) receive a non-compliance letter from Nasdaq?

SMCI received a non-compliance letter from Nasdaq due to a delay in filing its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ending June 30, 2024, which was due on August 29, 2024.

What is the immediate impact of the Nasdaq non-compliance letter on SMCI's stock?

The Nasdaq notice has no immediate effect on the listing or trading of SMCI's common stock on the Nasdaq Global Select Market.

How long does Super Micro Computer (SMCI) have to regain compliance with Nasdaq?

SMCI has 60 days from the date of the notice to file the Form 10-K or submit a compliance plan. If the plan is accepted, SMCI could have up to 180 days from the Form 10-K's due date to regain compliance.

What options does Super Micro Computer (SMCI) have if Nasdaq doesn't accept its compliance plan?

If Nasdaq does not accept SMCI's compliance plan, the company will have the opportunity to appeal that decision to a Nasdaq hearings panel.

Super Micro Computer, Inc.


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Computer Hardware
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United States of America