Globe Small Cap Research Releases Company Report: SMC’s ChainTrade Platform Poised to Revolutionize Capital Markets’ Data Intelligence
SMC Entertainment, Inc. (OTC: SMCE) has announced the release of a corporate report by Globe Small Cap Research, coinciding with the launch of their ChainTrade Platform. This platform utilizes AI applications specifically designed for capital markets. Key highlights from the report include:
1. SMC's focus on AI and machine learning to drive commercial adoption of products and services
2. The potential of ChainTrade Platform to revolutionize data intelligence in capital markets
3. An AI-based research platform using advanced algorithms to optimize trading strategies
4. A recent LOI to acquire an Australian-based global investment manager
5. Successful debt-reduction strategy and potential name change
The company offers a free trial of ChainTrade's affiliate program, positioning itself to drive innovation and stakeholder value in the fintech sector.
SMC Entertainment, Inc. (OTC: SMCE) ha annunciato il rilascio di un rapporto aziendale da parte di Globe Small Cap Research, in concomitanza con il lancio della loro Piattaforma ChainTrade. Questa piattaforma utilizza applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale specificamente progettate per i mercati dei capitali. I punti salienti del rapporto includono:
1. L'attenzione di SMC su IA e machine learning per promuovere l'adozione commerciale di prodotti e servizi
2. Il potenziale della Piattaforma ChainTrade di rivoluzionare l'intelligenza dei dati nei mercati dei capitali
3. Una piattaforma di ricerca basata su IA che utilizza algoritmi avanzati per ottimizzare le strategie di trading
4. Un recente LOI per acquisire un gestore di investimenti globale con sede in Australia
5. Una strategia di riduzione del debito di successo e un potenziale cambio di nome
L'azienda offre una prova gratuita del programma affiliati di ChainTrade, posizionandosi per guidare l'innovazione e aggiungere valore agli stakeholder nel settore fintech.
SMC Entertainment, Inc. (OTC: SMCE) ha anunciado la publicación de un informe corporativo por Globe Small Cap Research, coincidiendo con el lanzamiento de su Plataforma ChainTrade. Esta plataforma utiliza aplicaciones de IA diseñadas específicamente para los mercados de capitales. Los aspectos más destacados del informe incluyen:
1. El enfoque de SMC en IA y aprendizaje automático para impulsar la adopción comercial de productos y servicios
2. El potencial de la Plataforma ChainTrade para revolucionar la inteligencia de datos en los mercados de capitales
3. Una plataforma de investigación basada en IA que utiliza algoritmos avanzados para optimizar estrategias de trading
4. Un reciente LOI para adquirir un gestor de inversiones global con sede en Australia
5. Una estrategia exitosa de reducción de deuda y un posible cambio de nombre
La empresa ofrece una prueba gratuita del programa de afiliados de ChainTrade, posicionándose para impulsar la innovación y el valor para los interesados en el sector fintech.
SMC Entertainment, Inc. (OTC: SMCE)는 Globe Small Cap Research의 기업 보고서 발표를 알리며 체인트레이드 플랫폼의 출시와 맞물려 있습니다. 이 플랫폼은 자본 시장을 위해 특별히 설계된 AI 애플리케이션을 활용합니다. 보고서의 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
1. 제품 및 서비스의 상용화를 추진하기 위한 SMC의 AI 및 머신러닝에 대한 집중
2. 체인트레이드 플랫폼이 자본 시장의 데이터 인텔리전스를 혁신할 수 있는 잠재력
3. 거래 전략을 최적화하기 위해 고급 알고리즘을 사용하는 AI 기반 연구 플랫폼
4. 호주에 본사를 둔 글로벌 투자 관리자를 인수하기 위한 최근 LOI
5. 성공적인 부채 감소 전략 및 잠재적인 이름 변경
회사는 ChainTrade의 제휴 프로그램 무료 체험을 제공하여 핀테크 분야에서 혁신과 이해 관계자 가치를 높이고자 합니다.
SMC Entertainment, Inc. (OTC: SMCE) a annoncé la publication d'un rapport d'entreprise par Globe Small Cap Research, coïncidant avec le lancement de leur Plateforme ChainTrade. Cette plateforme utilise des applications d'IA spécialement conçues pour les marchés de capitaux. Les points saillants du rapport incluent :
1. L'accent mis par SMC sur l'IA et l'apprentissage automatique pour stimuler l'adoption commerciale de produits et services
2. Le potentiel de la Plateforme ChainTrade à révolutionner l'intelligence des données sur les marchés de capitaux
3. Une plateforme de recherche basée sur l'IA utilisant des algorithmes avancés pour optimiser les stratégies de trading
4. Un récent LOI pour acquérir un gestionnaire d'investissements global basé en Australie
5. Une stratégie réussie de réduction de la dette et un changement de nom potentiel
L'entreprise propose un essai gratuit du programme d'affiliation de ChainTrade, se positionnant pour stimuler l'innovation et la valeur pour les parties prenantes dans le secteur fintech.
SMC Entertainment, Inc. (OTC: SMCE) hat die Veröffentlichung eines Unternehmensberichts von Globe Small Cap Research angekündigt, der mit dem Launch ihrer ChainTrade-Plattform zusammenfällt. Diese Plattform nutzt KI-Anwendungen, die speziell für die Kapitalmärkte entwickelt wurden. Zu den wichtigsten Punkten des Berichts gehören:
1. SMGs Fokus auf KI und maschinelles Lernen, um die kommerzielle Einführung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen voranzutreiben
2. Das Potenzial der ChainTrade-Plattform, die Datenintelligenz auf den Kapitalmärkten zu revolutionieren
3. Eine auf KI basierende Forschungsplattform, die fortgeschrittene Algorithmen zur Optimierung von Handelsstrategien nutzt
4. Ein kürzlich unterzeichnetes LOI zur Übernahme eines globalen Investmentmanagers mit Sitz in Australien
5. Erfolgreiche Schuldenreduzierungsstrategie und mögliche Namensänderung
Das Unternehmen bietet eine kostenlose Testversion des Partnerprogramms von ChainTrade an und positioniert sich, um Innovation und Wert für die Stakeholder im Fintech-Sektor zu fördern.
- Launch of ChainTrade Platform, an AI-driven solution for capital markets data intelligence
- Potential acquisition of Australian-based global investment manager to expand international financial services
- Successful implementation of debt-reduction strategy
- Focus on AI and machine learning to drive commercial adoption of products and services
- None.
BOCA RATON, Fla., Sept. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SMC Entertainment, Inc. ("SMC" or the "Company") (OTC: SMCE), an incubator company focused on acquisition and support of commercialized services and technology (Fintech) companies, announced today that Globe Small Cap Research, released their corporate report on SMC to coincide with the Company’s ChainTrade Platform going live.
ChainTrade deploys an array of vertically focused AI Applications specifically designed for the Capital Markets. To learn more and sign-up for a free trial of the ChainTrade’s affiliate program click here.
Summary of Globe Small Cap Research:
- SMC is positioned to identify and deploy resources with the potential to drive both innovation and stakeholder value
- SMC focuses on investing in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to drive commercial adoption of products and services in its portfolio
- Newly acquired ChainTrade Platform is poised to revolutionize data intelligence in capital markets
- AI-based research platform uses advanced algorithms and ML to optimize trading strategies and improve decision-making
- Recent LOI to acquire an Australian-based boutique global investment manager will launch international financial services division
- Recent corporate update emphasizes lengthy list of recent milestones, including successful debt-reduction strategy and potential name change
About SMC Entertainment, Inc.
SMC is a versatile holding company focused on acquisition and support of proven commercialized financial services and technology (Fintech) companies. SMC's multi-discipline growth by acquisition approach is to enhance revenues and shareholder equity. SMC currently operates two wholly owned subsidiaries; Fyniti Global Equities EBT Inc. and ChainTrade Ltd.
About ChainTrade
ChainTrade LTD is a UK Registered Entity and is affiliated with Red Matter Capital LTD, a registered financial services company, with its subsidiary granted a securities trading license by the Capital Market Authority of Montenegro. ChainTrade's AI research tools will enable investors to analyze thousands of data points including live price data, performance, investor sentiment, fair value, and risk factors simultaneously. These features enable the ChainTrade AI Research tool to provide timely insights to investors, which in turn allows them to make informed decisions on optimizing their portfolio performance.
About Fyniti Global Equities EBT Inc.
Fyniti Global Equities EBT Inc. is a Fintech platform developer founded by veteran Wall Street technologists and investment bankers who worked for Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America (Merrill Lynch) and Citigroup. Fyniti has a clear focus on developing disruptive technologies in the Wealth Management and capital markets domains. Fyniti owns the IQ Engine and EBT Technology which combine to provide AI driven Quantitative investing and AI based Basket Trading platforms.
Press Release Contact:
Erik Blum
Chief Executive Officer
SMC Entertainment, Inc.
Safe Harbor Statement
Some of the statements in this press release may be forward-looking statements or statements of future expectations based on currently available information. Such statements are naturally subject to risks and uncertainties. Factors such as the development of general economic conditions, future market conditions, unusual catastrophic loss events, changes in the capital markets, and other circumstances may cause the actual events or results to be materially different from those anticipated by such statements. The Company does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, or updated status of such forward-looking statements or information provided by the third-party. Therefore, in no case whatsoever will the Company and its affiliate companies be liable to anyone for any decision made or action taken in conjunction with the information and/or statements in this press release or any related damages.

What is SMC Entertainment's new ChainTrade Platform?
Has SMC Entertainment (SMCE) announced any potential acquisitions?
What recent milestones has SMC Entertainment (SMCE) achieved?