Apex Samples 393 mg/L of Li from The Lithium Creek Project

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Apex Resources Inc. (TSXV: APX) has announced analytical results from fluid samples collected at its Lithium Creek Project in Churchill County, Nevada. The project covers approximately 4,720 acres within the Fernley and Carson Sinks. Lithium values in the samples ranged from 393 mg/L to 4.65 mg/L, with 55% of samples exceeding 50 mg/L. Samples were collected from shallow hand-augured test holes, a historic well, and Lithium Creek.

The results indicate the potential for regional large-scale lithium-enriched brine aquifers or reservoirs at the project. Most shallow groundwater encountered in the playa sediments is classifiable as lithium-brines. A total of 25 fluid samples were analyzed by Western Environmental Testing Laboratory in Sparks, Nevada, using EPA Method 200.7 for total metals analysis.

Apex Resources Inc. (TSXV: APX) ha annunciato i risultati analitici di campioni di fluidi raccolti presso il suo progetto Lithium Creek nella contea di Churchill, Nevada. Il progetto copre circa 4.720 acri all'interno delle Fernley e Carson Sinks. I valori di litio nei campioni variavano da 393 mg/L a 4,65 mg/L, con il 55% dei campioni che superano i 50 mg/L. I campioni sono stati raccolti da fori di prova poco profondi, da un pozzo storico e dal Lithium Creek.

I risultati indicano il potenziale per grandi acquiferi o serbatoi di salamoia arricchiti in litio a livello regionale nel progetto. La maggior parte delle acque sotterranee superficiali incontrate nei sedimenti delle saline può essere classificata come salamoia di litio. Un totale di 25 campioni di fluidi sono stati analizzati dal Western Environmental Testing Laboratory a Sparks, Nevada, utilizzando il Metodo EPA 200.7 per l'analisi dei metalli totali.

Apex Resources Inc. (TSXV: APX) ha anunciado resultados analíticos de muestras de fluidos recolectadas en su Proyecto Lithium Creek en el condado de Churchill, Nevada. El proyecto abarca aproximadamente 4,720 acres dentro de las Fernley y Carson Sinks. Los valores de litio en las muestras variaron de 393 mg/L a 4.65 mg/L, con el 55% de las muestras superando 50 mg/L. Las muestras fueron recolectadas de agujeros de prueba poco profundos, un pozo histórico y Lithium Creek.

Los resultados indican el potencial para grandes acuíferos o reservorios de salmuera enriquecida en litio a escala regional en el proyecto. La mayor parte de las aguas subterráneas superficiales encontradas en los sedimentos de las salinas se pueden clasificar como salmueras de litio. Un total de 25 muestras de fluidos fueron analizadas por el Western Environmental Testing Laboratory en Sparks, Nevada, utilizando el Método EPA 200.7 para el análisis de metales totales.

Apex Resources Inc. (TSXV: APX)는 네바다주 처칠 카운티에 위치한 리튬 크릭 프로젝트에서 채취한 유체 샘플의 분석 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 펀리와 카슨 싱크스 내에서 약 4,720에이커를 포함합니다. 샘플에서 리튬 값은 393 mg/L에서 4.65 mg/L까지 다양하며, 55%의 샘플이 50 mg/L를 초과했습니다. 샘플은 얕은 손으로 파인 시험 구멍, 역사적인 우물 및 리튬 크릭에서 채취되었습니다.

결과는 프로젝트 지역에서 대규모 리튬이 풍부한 염수 담수층 또는 저수지의 잠재력을 나타냅니다. 염전 퇴적물에서 발견된 대부분의 얕은 지하수는 리튬 염수로 분류될 수 있습니다. 총 25개의 유체 샘플이 네바다주 스파크스에 있는 웨스턴 환경 테스트 연구소에서 총 금속 분석을 위해 EPA 방법 200.7을 사용하여 분석되었습니다.

Apex Resources Inc. (TSXV: APX) a annoncé les résultats analytiques des échantillons de fluides prélevés sur son projet Lithium Creek dans le comté de Churchill, au Nevada. Le projet couvre environ 4 720 acres à l'intérieur des Fernley et Carson Sinks. Les valeurs de lithium dans les échantillons variaient de 393 mg/L à 4,65 mg/L, avec 55 % des échantillons dépassant 50 mg/L. Les échantillons ont été prélevés dans des trous d'essai peu profonds, un puits historique et le Lithium Creek.

Les résultats indiquent un potentiel pour d'importants aquifères ou réservoirs de saumure enrichis en lithium à l'échelle régionale dans le projet. La plupart des eaux souterraines peu profondes rencontrées dans les sédiments des salines peuvent être classées comme des saumures de lithium. Un total de 25 échantillons de fluides ont été analysés par le Western Environmental Testing Laboratory à Sparks, Nevada, en utilisant la méthode de l'EPA 200.7 pour l'analyse des métaux totaux.

Apex Resources Inc. (TSXV: APX) hat die analytischen Ergebnisse von Fluidproben bekannt gegeben, die im Lithium Creek Projekt im Churchill County, Nevada, entnommen wurden. Das Projekt erstreckt sich über etwa 4.720 Acres innerhalb der Fernley und Carson Sinks. Die Lithiumwerte in den Proben lagen zwischen 393 mg/L und 4,65 mg/L, wobei 55% der Proben über 50 mg/L lagen. Die Proben wurden aus flachen, von Hand gebohrten Testlöchern, einem historischen Brunnen und dem Lithium Creek entnommen.

Die Ergebnisse deuten auf das Potenzial für großflächige, lithiumangereicherte Salzwasser-Aquiferen oder -Reservoirs in der Region hin. Der Großteil des in den Playa-Sedimenten gefundenen flachen Grundwassers kann als Lithiumsalzwasser eingestuft werden. Insgesamt wurden 25 Fluidproben vom Western Environmental Testing Laboratory in Sparks, Nevada, nach EPA-Methode 200.7 zur Analyse von Gesammetallen untersucht.

  • 55% of fluid samples showed lithium concentrations exceeding 50 mg/L
  • Highest lithium concentration recorded was 393 mg/L
  • Results indicate potential for regional large-scale lithium-enriched brine aquifers
  • Project covers approximately 4,720 acres in a promising lithium-rich area
  • Lowest lithium concentration recorded was only 4.65 mg/L
  • Cut-off grade for the Lithium Creek Project has not been determined yet

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 3, 2024) - Apex Resources Inc. (TSXV: APX) ("Apex" or the "Company") is excited to announce analytical results from fluid samples recently collected from the Company's Lithium Creek Project (the "Project"), located in Churchill County, Nevada. The Project consists of 10 incontiguous blocks of placer claims covering approximately 4,720 acres and adjacent lands within the aerially extensive Fernley and Carson Sinks. These sinks have large expansive playas and lay within large hydrographic basins with a combined area of approximately 1.4 million-acres. The fluid samples were collected from Lithium Creek, a historic well, and shallow hand-dug auger holes that were excavated 1-2 meters below ground surface using hand tools throughout the Project area. The analytical results of the fluid samples show lithium values ranging from 393 milligrams per liter (mg/L) to 4.65 mg/L, with more than half (55%) of the samples higher than 50 mg/L.

The fluid samples were collected from playas where the shallow groundwater could be accessed using hand tools. The sample locations were separated by sufficient distances to examine the potential for the lateral distribution of lithium enriched brines. Fluid samples were collected from 20 shallow hand augured test holes, one (1) historic well remnant of the old salt works operation, and one (1) sample of surface water was collected from Lithium Creek. Two (2) duplicate samples and one (1) field blank sample were collected for Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) purposes in accordance with the sampling and analytical plan for the Project. Table 1 below provides a tabulation of the analytical results for the samples collected.

Table 1: Lithium Creek Project Shallow Groundwater Analytical Results

Sample IDLithium
LiCk-8-08202439377417,900175,290ESW-BORBrineShallow Test Hole
LiCk-29-0821243102227,240167,995ESW-BORBrineShallow Test Hole
LiCk-9-0821241631786220158,096ESW-BORBrineShallow Test Hole
LiCk-12-0821241121116,640123,770ESW-BORBrineShallow Test Hole
DSW-25-08232410428311,200156,386CSBrineShallow Test Hole
LiCk-6-08212485.41863,550118,223ESW-BORBrineShallow Test Hole
Parker-1-08202464.21083,25080,258ESW-BORBrineHistoric Well
DSW-15-08232461.91555,260146,561DSWBrineShallow Test Hole
LiCk-1-08232461.761.43,850123,835ESW-SBrineShallow Test Hole
LiCk-11-08212458.22682,66091,075ESW-BORBrineShallow Test Hole
LiCk-10-08232458.116.13,100133,268ESW-BORBrineShallow Test Hole
LiCk-13-08212452.774.12,85097,160ESW-BORBrineShallow Test Hole
DSW-14-08232440.51094,560134,104DSWBrineShallow Test Hole
DSW-18-08232437.758.34,730126,248CSBrineShallow Test Hole
LiCk-4X-08232426.229.32,27092,127ESW-SBrineDuplicate of LiCk-4
LiCk-4-08232423.830.42,22092,127ESW-SBrineShallow Test Hole
DSW-20-0823242387.72,72086,345DSWBrineShallow Test Hole
DSW-19-08232422.8553,340105,192CSBrineShallow Test Hole
DSW-23-08232420.479.52,28074,863CSBrineShallow Test Hole
DSW-22X-08232413.31282,910143,971DSWBrineDuplicate of DSW-22
DSW-22-08232412.81272,870143,971DSWBrineShallow Test Hole
DSW-28-0823246.9349.678222,448CSBrackish WaterShallow Test Hole
DSW-26-0823246.9258.967524,151CSBrackish WaterShallow Test Hole
LC1-0820244.656.7744531,290ESW-BORBrackish WaterLi Creek (Surface Water)
DSW-30-082324<0.40<2.0<20---Fresh WaterBlank Sample
Notes: Analytical results are reported in milligrams per liter (mg/L).
The results have been tabulated in order from highest to lowest lithium concentration.
* TDS - Total Dissolved Solids: measured in the field using a calibrated multiparameter sonde


Lithium was detected in all samples. Duplicate and field blank samples were submitted to evaluate the quality control standards for the Project in addition to the Western Environmental Testing Laboratory (WET Lab) QC Report for the samples analyzed. Analytical results for over half of the fluid samples indicate lithium concentrations at the Project exceed 50 mg/L, providing further indications that lithium bearing brine deposits exist within the Project area. For samples with lithium concentrations over 100 mg/L, the Company will recollect and analyze confirmatory samples for validation.

A cut-off grade of approximately 50 mg/L has been adopted for several lithium brine projects in North America, as noted in publicly-filed technical reports filed for Albemarle's Silver Peak Project in Clayton Valley, Nevada[1] and Lithium Bank Resources Corp.'s Park Place Lithium-brine property in west-central Alberta, Canada[2]. Cut-off grades are, however, unique to the specific project and a cut-off grade has not been determined for the Lithium Creek Project.

Laboratory analytical results and measurements of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) collected in the field indicate most of the shallow groundwater encountered in the playa sediments at the Project are classifiable as lithium-brines. These data provide compelling evidence of the potential for regional large scale lithium enriched brine aquifers or reservoirs to exist at the Project.

A total of 25 fluid samples were submitted to WET Lab in Sparks, Nevada under Chain of Custody in accordance with the sampling and analytical plan for the Project. WET Lab is an independent and certified laboratory in the state of Nevada. The data and information contained in the WET Lab analytical report were generated using specified or selected methods contained in their references, such as Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, online edition; Methods for Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water, EPA-600/4-79-020; and Test Methods for Evaluation of Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods (SW846) Third Edition. Total metals including lithium, boron, potassium and sodium were analyzed using EPA Method 200.7. EPA Method 200.7 was approved for use as axial view of ICP-OES and is the required EPA method for compliance monitoring by ICP-OES. ICP-OES is preferred for analysis of samples with high total dissolved solids (TDS) or suspended solids.

This news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements as set out in National Instrument 43-101 and the scientific and technical information herein was reviewed and approved by Geoffrey Baldwin, PG., SME-RM., who is a consulting geologist for Apex and who acts as Apex's Qualified Person.

About Apex Resources Inc.
Apex is a mineral exploration company engaged in the business of the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral resource properties. Apex has an option to acquire the Lithium Creek Property located in Churchill County, Nevada, USA and is currently conducting lithium brine exploration on the Project with a view to identifying and defining drill targets with high potential to penetrate lithium brine bearing aquifers.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors of

Apex Resources Inc.

Ron Lang,
President and CEO

Ph. +1(250) 212-7119 or website:

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term in defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.

CAUTIONARY NOTE REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: This news release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws ("forward-looking statements"), such as statements relating to the potential existence of lithium bearing brine deposits on the Project. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," 'projects," "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could" or "should" occur. These forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to fluctuations in metal prices; uncertainties related to raising sufficient financing to fund exploration work in a timely manner and on acceptable terms; changes in planned work resulting from weather, logistical, technical or other factors; the possibility that results of work will not fulfill expectations and realize the perceived potential of the Project; risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns and labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in conducting work programs; the risk of environmental contamination or damage resulting from Apex's operations and other risks and uncertainties. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date it is made and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise.

[1] SEC Technical Report Summary - Pre-Feasibility Study - Silver Peak Lithium Operation- Nevada, USA dated February 14, 2023.

[2] Lithium Bank Resources Corp. Park Place NI 43-101 Technical Report with an effective date of June 24, 2024.

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What were the lithium concentration ranges found in the Lithium Creek Project samples?

The fluid samples from Apex Resources' Lithium Creek Project showed lithium values ranging from 393 mg/L to 4.65 mg/L, with more than half (55%) of the samples higher than 50 mg/L.

How many acres does the Lithium Creek Project cover?

The Lithium Creek Project consists of 10 incontiguous blocks of placer claims covering approximately 4,720 acres in Churchill County, Nevada.

What is the significance of the 50 mg/L lithium concentration in the SLMLF project?

While not specific to SLMLF, a cut-off grade of approximately 50 mg/L has been adopted for several lithium brine projects in North America. However, a specific cut-off grade has not been determined for the Lithium Creek Project yet.

How were the fluid samples collected for the Lithium Creek Project?

Fluid samples were collected from 20 shallow hand-augured test holes, one historic well remnant, and one sample of surface water from Lithium Creek. The samples were collected from playas where shallow groundwater could be accessed using hand tools.

Apex Resources


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