Solis Minerals Encounters Copper Mineralisation Encountered During Reconnaissance at Canyon Project
Solis Minerals has confirmed widespread copper oxide mineralisation during initial reconnaissance at its Canyon Project in Peru. Rock grab samples from road-cuts over 400m revealed significant copper and molybdenum values, with assays reaching 0.74% Cu/0.07% Mo and 0.53% Cu/0.02% Mo. The mineralisation was found in joints and faults of porphyritic quartz granodiorites. The company plans follow-up remote sensing, mapping, and rock geochemistry across the 25,600 Ha tenement package, with targeted drilling programs scheduled from Q1 2025.
Solis Minerals ha confermato un'ampia mineralizzazione di rame ossidato durante le indagini preliminari nel suo Canyon Project in Perù. Campioni di roccia estratti da tagli stradali su una lunghezza di 400m hanno rivelato valori significativi di rame e molibdeno, con analisi che hanno raggiunto 0,74% Cu/0,07% Mo e 0,53% Cu/0,02% Mo. La mineralizzazione è stata trovata in giunti e faglie di granodioriti quarziti porfiriche. L'azienda prevede di effettuare monitoraggio remoto, mappatura e geochimica delle rocce su un pacchetto di concessioni di 25.600 Ha, con programmi di perforazione mirati pianificati a partire dal primo trimestre del 2025.
Solis Minerals ha confirmado una amplia mineralización de óxido de cobre durante la exploración inicial en su Canyon Project en Perú. Muestras de roca tomadas de cortes en la carretera a lo largo de 400m revelaron valores significativos de cobre y molibdeno, con ensayos que alcanzaron 0,74% Cu/0,07% Mo y 0,53% Cu/0,02% Mo. La mineralización se encontró en juntas y fallas de granodioritas cuarzosas porfiríticas. La empresa planea un seguimiento mediante teledetección, mapeo y geociencia de rocas en un paquete de concesiones de 25,600 Ha, con programas de perforación específicos programados para el primer trimestre de 2025.
Solis Minerals는 페루의 Canyon Project에서 초기 탐사 기간 동안 광범위한 구리 산화물 광물화를 확인했습니다. 400m의 도로 절단에서 채취한 암석 샘플은 상당한 구리 및 몰리브덴 값을 나타냈으며, 분석 결과는 0.74% Cu/0.07% Mo 및 0.53% Cu/0.02% Mo에 달했습니다. 광물화는 공주와 화강암의 단층에서 발견되었습니다. 이 회사는 25,600헥타르의 권리 패키지 전역에서 원격 감지, 매핑 및 암석 지구화학을 수행할 계획이며, 목표 드릴링 프로그램은 2025년 1분기부터 예정되어 있습니다.
Solis Minerals a confirmé une large minéralisation de cuivre oxydé lors d'une première reconnaissance de son Canyon Project au Pérou. Des échantillons de roche prélevés sur des coupes routières sur 400m ont révélé des valeurs significatives de cuivre et de molybdène, avec des analyses atteignant 0,74% Cu/0,07% Mo et 0,53% Cu/0,02% Mo. La minéralisation a été trouvée dans des joints et des failles de granodiorites quartz porphyriques. La société prévoit un suivi par télédétection, une cartographie et une géochimie des roches sur le 25 600 Ha du paquet de concessions, avec des programmes de forage ciblés programmés à partir du premier trimestre 2025.
Solis Minerals hat während der ersten Erkundung in seinem Canyon Project in Peru eine weit verbreitete Kupferoxidmineralisierung bestätigt. Gesteinsproben, die auf einer Länge von 400m aus Straßenaufschnitten entnommen wurden, zeigten signifikante Werte für Kupfer und Molybdän, mit Analysen, die 0,74% Cu/0,07% Mo und 0,53% Cu/0,02% Mo erreichten. Die Mineralisierung wurde in Störungen und Verwerfungen von porphyrischen Quarzgranodioriten gefunden. Das Unternehmen plant eine Nachverfolgung durch Fernerkundung, Kartierung und Gesteinsgeochemie über das 25.600 Hektar große Lizenzpaket, mit gezielten Bohrprogrammen, die ab dem ersten Quartal 2025 geplant sind.
- High-grade copper samples discovered with values up to 0.74% Cu
- Large exploration area of 25,600 hectares secured
- Strategic location within Coastal Intrusive Belt near operating mines
- Drilling programs planned for Q1 2025
- Mineralisation found is discontinuous and patchy
- No quantitative estimate of mineralisation feasible yet
- Project still in early reconnaissance phase
- Mining permits still pending from authorities
- Widespread copper oxide mineralisation confirmed in initial reconnaissance sampling at Canyon Project, with copper occurrences in road-cuts over 400m.
- Rock grab samples returned assays of
0.74% Cu/0.07% Mo, and0.53% Cu/0.02% Mo. - Associated high molybdenum values indicate primary porphyry style mineralisation.
- Follow-up remote sensing, mapping, and rock geochemistry planned at the Canyon Project to quickly focus in on prospective targets over 25km strike length and parallel corridors.
- Solis is advancing its portfolio of targets in the Coastal Belt of Peru with targeted drilling programs across multiple copper projects planned from Q1 2025.
West Leederville, Western Australia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 12, 2024) - Latin American focused copper-gold explorer, Solis Minerals Limited (ASX: SLM) ("Solis" or the "Company") is pleased to announce an update on exploration activities at the Canyon Project in Peru.
Initial reconnaissance activities have commenced at the Canyon Project with sampling confirming the presence of copper oxide mineralisation. The mineralisation was found in joints and faults in road-cuts over a distance of approximately 400m in discontinuous patches.
Two samples returned high values of copper and molybdenum, indicating a porphyry-style mineralisation. Some quartz-veining and alteration were also observed in porphyritic quartz granodiorites indicating the primary controls on mineralisation. As well as providing an obvious follow-up target, this mineralised zone presents as an excellent pathfinder to rollout exploration over the entire 25,600 Ha tenement package.
Executive Director, Mike Parker, commented:
"First pass reconnaissance work at our Canyon Project has commenced and we are pleased to have found widespread evidence of copper oxides so early on. The geology is intriguing, and we are quickly developing our understanding of some controls on the copper oxide distribution.
"Our follow-up work at Canyon will include remote sensing, mapping, and rock geochemistry aimed at defining the most prospective zones within our large 25,600 Ha application area. It's an exciting time for Solis as we move forward with our vectoring and targeting strategy".
Figure 1: Cu oxides in joint and fault planes in porphyritic quartz granodiorites at Canyon. This area was sampled and returned assays of
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An initial reconnaissance visit to the Canyon Project (Figure 2) has confirmed the presence of copper oxides in intrusive rocks in a zone adjacent to a major cross-fault (Figure 3). The copper oxides were observed sporadically in road-cuts over a zone of approximately 400m in length, trending in a NNW direction, and are predominantly present as fracture and joint fills in largely unaltered porphyritic quartz granodiorites (Figure 1).
Figure 2: Canyon Project with third party Cu prospects bracketing Solis' applications with cross faults shown.
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This area is 4.5km SE of previous exploration drilling that was permitted in 2013 (Figure 3). No results of this drilling have been located for confirmation. Continuing along this NNW trend beyond the tenement boundaries are the known copper oxide occurrences of Los Pinos (14.5km) and Nispero (21.0km) (Figure 2 and Figure 3).
Figure 3: Position of rock grab samples in relation to previous drilling application, mineralised trend, and faulting.
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The extent of the mineralised zone encountered is undefined and the oxides occur in distinct discontinuous patches from 0.5 to 3m in size. No quantitative estimate of mineralisation is feasible due to the nature of the outcrops, the evident discontinuities, ubiquitous dust, and the early reconnaissance nature of the geological inspection. Follow-up in this area will include detailed mapping, undertaken to add to geological understanding of the copper oxide occurrences and aiding the rollout of additional exploration strategies across the entire tenement package.
The assays obtained from two rock samples are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Rock grab assay results Canyon Project
SAMPLE ID | Prospect | Easting | Northing | Elevation | Au ppm | Ag ppm | Cu ppm | Mo ppm |
22122 | CANYON | 383514 | 8546240 | 1329 | 0.054 | 1.5 | 5340 | 231 |
22123 | CANYON | 383653 | 8546636 | 1369 | 0.013 | 2.1 | 7360 | 699 |
Note: The mineralisation identified, and its associated alteration, is considered a "pathfinder" exploration indicator for the potential presence of associated porphyry copper mineralisation in the tenements. Such mineralisation and alteration do not guarantee the presence of associated porphyry mineralisation and thus the significance of the assays and images are strictly in the context of exploration potential. The nature of grab samples implies that they are not necessarily representative of broader mineralisation, nor is the presence of such broader mineralisation implied.
The host rocks are characterised by large (up to 5mm) euhedral hexagonal primary biotite crystals and partially weathered pyrites. Whilst the copper mineralisation is predominantly a secondary weathering product, inspection of the area shows some potassic alteration related to veining, and the presence of <5mm wide sugary-textured quartz veins with weathered Cu oxides (Figure 4) which may indicate a primary source of the mineralisation. On a larger scale, distinct zones of late cross-cutting porphyritic diorite dykes up to 30m wide appear to have a spatial, roughly parallel, relationship with the presence of Cu oxides observed in the joints and fracture zones (Figure 5).
Figure 4: Cu oxides adjacent to quartz veining and fractures in porphyritic quartz granodiorite with coarse biotite crystals.
This area was sampled and returned assays of
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Figure 5: View from central Canyon looking east with location of samples indicated behind ridge. Late porphyry dioritic dykes identified (partially indicated in yellow) with evidence of cutting the granodiorites and dipping steeply east. These barren dykes, some up to 30m wide, appear to exert a geological control on some of the mineralisation.
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Next steps
Following the positive reconnaissance at Canyon, Solis will initiate work programs including remote sensing, mapping, and rock geochemistry to vector in on the most prospective areas.
The corridor that appears to be most favourable due to previous exploration and the presence of known occurrences has a strike length of 25km in the application area. In addition, potential for the existence of parallel corridors adds considerable exploration prospectivity and will be subject to further evaluation.
Canyon Project
Solis has made applications for 27 exploration concessions, totalling 25,600Ha, in a contiguous block known as the Canyon Project. The target is copper porphyry mineralisation, principally oxides, situated on a NW-SE prospective trend with known porphyry occurrences just outside the application area, as well as reported exploration activities within the area itself.
The application area contains a belt of intrusive rocks identified as the Coastal Intrusive Belt containing various Coastal Batholiths that stretch from the Ecuadorian border in the north to the Chilean border in the south along the coast of Peru (Figure 6).
These rocks, of Late Jurassic to Cretaceous age, host (from south to north) Solis' Ilo projects (Ilo Este, Chocolate, Chancho Al Palo) as well as important copper deposits of Tia Maria and Zafranal in Arequipa, the Almacen prospect 8km south-east of the applications, and the Los Pinos project 4km north-west, plus several other Cu projects and prospects (Figure 6). Additionally, the Canyon applications are bound to the east by the operating Cerro Lindo VMS mine.
Figure 6: Coastal Intrusive Belt as indicated in green. Canyon is located in the NW of the Figure, with Solis' other projects (Ilo Este, Chancho Al Palo, & Chocolate) located in the SE. Other intrusive belts shown in different colours. Geology and data points derived from USGS* (*refer JORC tables).
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The application area is approximately 22km by 12km and the geology predominantly consists of granodiorite and tonalite. These intrusive rocks dip steeply to the west with structures aligned along NW-SE strike. Prominent high-angle faults cut across strike and seem to localise the occurrences of porphyry style mineralisation within the intrusive rocks.
Exploration and Drilling Pipeline
Solis is advancing its portfolio of targets in the Coastal Intrusive Belt of Peru to targeted drilling programs as shown in Table 2 below, subject to securing permits from authorities.
Table 2: Solis Project Portfolio Pipeline
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This announcement is authorised by Michael Parker, Executive Director of Solis Minerals Ltd.
Michael Parker
Executive Director
Solis Minerals Limited
+61 8 6117 4795
Media & Broker Enquiries:
Fiona Marshall & Jason Mack
White Noise Communications
+61 400 643 799
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as the term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy of accuracy of this news release.
About Solis Minerals Limited
Solis Minerals is an emerging exploration company, focused on unlocking the potential of its South American critical minerals portfolio. The Company is building a significant copper portfolio around its core tenements of Ilo Este and Ilo Norte and elsewhere in the Coastal Intrusive Belt of Peru and currently holds 76 exploration concessions for a total of 65,100Ha (42 concessions granted with 34 applications in process). The Company is led by a highly- credentialled and proven team with excellent experience across the mining lifecycle in South America. Solis is actively considering a range of new opportunities across varied commodities and jurisdictions. South America is a key player in the global export market for critical minerals and Solis, under its leadership team, is strategically positioned to capitalise on growth the opportunities within this mineral-rich region.
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains certain forward-looking statements that relate to future events or performance and reflect management's current expectations and assumptions. Such forward- looking statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on assumptions made and information currently available to the Company. Readers are cautioned that these forward- looking statements are neither promises nor guarantees and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause future results to differ materially from those expected, including, but not limited to, market conditions, availability of financing, actual results of the Company's exploration and other activities, environmental risks, future metal prices, operating risks, accidents, labour issues, delays in obtaining governmental approvals and permits, and other risks in the mining industry. All the forward-looking statements made in this news release are qualified by these cautionary statements and those in our continuous disclosure filings available on SEDAR at These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof, and the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances save as required by applicable law.
Qualified Person Statement
The technical information in this news release was reviewed by Michael Parker, a Fellow of the Australian institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101).
Competent Person Statement
The information in this ASX release concerning Geological Information and Exploration Results is based on and fairly represents information compiled by Mr Michael Parker, a Competent Person who is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Parker is an employee of Solis Minerals Ltd. and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and types of deposit under consideration and to the exploration activities undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the "Australian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Mr Parker consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on information in the form and context in which it appears. Mr Parker has provided his prior written consent regarding the form and context in which the Geological Information and Exploration Results and supporting information are presented in this Announcement.
Mining Concessions table
Westminster Peru SAC1 ‐ Concessions and Applications in Peru as of 12 November 2024
Solis Permit Status - September 2024 | ||||||
Date | Concession | Project | Status | Ha | Interest Held | |
CANYON | ||||||
1. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C01 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
2. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C02 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
3. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C03 | Canyon | Application | 900 | |
4. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C04 | Canyon | Application | 900 | |
5. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C05 | Canyon | Application | 800 | |
6. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C06 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
7. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C07 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
8. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C08 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
9. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C09 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
10. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C10 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
11. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C11 | Canyon | Application | 600 | |
12. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C12 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
13. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C13 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
14. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C14 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
15. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C15 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
16. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C16 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
17. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C17 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
18. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C18 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
19. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C19 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
20. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C20 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
21. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C21 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
22. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C22 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
23. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C23 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
24. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C24 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
25. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C25 | Canyon | Application | 1,000 | |
26. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C26 | Canyon | Application | 500 | |
27. | 10/09/2024 | Solis C27 | Canyon | Application | 900 | |
Canyon Total Application | 25,600 | |||||
1. | 13/10/2009 | LATIN ILO NORTE 8 | Chancho Al Palo | Granted | 1,000 | |
2. | 1/03/2011 | MADDISON 1 | Chancho Al Palo | Granted | 1,000 | |
3. | 1/03/2011 | BRIDGETTE 1 | Chancho Al Palo | Granted | 1,000 | |
4. | 1/03/2011 | ESSENDON 26 | Chancho Al Palo | Granted | 1,000 | |
5. | 16/11/2022 | SOLIS NORTE 1 | Chancho Al Palo | Granted | 1,000 |
1 Westminster is a subsidiary of Solis Minerals
6. | 16/11/2022 | SOLIS NORTE 2 | Chancho Al Palo | Granted | 500 | |
Chancho Al Palo Total Granted | 5,500 | |||||
CINTO | ||||||
1. | 4/01/2022 | SOLIS06 | Cinto | Granted | 1,000 | |
2. | 4/01/2022 | SOLIS04 | Cinto | Granted | 400 | |
3. | 4/01/2022 | SOLIS03 | Cinto | Granted | 500 | |
4. | 4/01/2022 | SOLIS05 | Cinto | Granted | 500 | |
5. | 4/01/2022 | SOLIS02A | Cinto | Granted | 100 | |
6. | 4/01/2022 | SOLIS02 | Cinto | Granted | 200 | |
7. | 4/01/2022 | SOLIS07 | Cinto | Application | 300 | |
8. | 4/01/2022 | SOLIS07A | Cinto | Application | 200 | |
Cinto Total Granted | 2,700 | |||||
Cinto Total Application | 500 | |||||
CHOCOLATE | ||||||
1. | 2/05/2024 | SOLIS NORTE 18 | Chocolate | Granted | 1,000 | |
2. | 2/05/2024 | SOLIS NORTE 19 | Chocolate | Application | 1,000 | |
3. | 2/05/2024 | SOLIS NORTE 20 | Chocolate | Application | 1,000 | |
4. | 2/05/2024 | SOLIS NORTE 21 | Chocolate | Application | 700 | |
5. | 2/05/2024 | SOLIS NORTE 22 | Chocolate | Application | 400 | |
6. | 2/05/2024 | SOLIS NORTE 17 | Chocolate | Granted | 1,000 | |
7. | 2/05/2024 | SOLIS NORTE 23 | Chocolate | Application | 1,000 | |
Chocolate Total Granted | 2,000 | |||||
Chocolate Total Application | 4,100 | |||||
Ilo Este | ||||||
1. | 22/08/2008 | LATIN ILO ESTE III | Ilo Este | Granted | 600 | |
2. | 22/08/2008 | LATIN ILO ESTE I | Ilo Este | Granted | 800 | |
3. | 22/08/2008 | LATIN ILO ESTE II | Ilo Este | Granted | 900 | |
4. | 5/03/2014 | LATIN ILO ESTE IX | Ilo Este | Granted | 900 | |
5. | 2/10/2023 | SOLIS ILO ESTE I | Ilo Este | Granted | 400 | |
Ilo Este Total Granted | 3,600 | |||||
Ilo Norte | ||||||
1. | 11/03/2009 | LATIN ILO NORTE 4 | Ilo Norte | Granted | 1,000 | |
2. | 11/03/2009 | LATIN ILO NORTE 3 | Ilo Norte | Granted | 1,000 | |
3. | 13/10/2009 | LATIN ILO NORTE 7 | Ilo Norte | Granted | 1,000 | |
4. | 13/10/2009 | LATIN ILO NORTE 6 | Ilo Norte | Granted | 700 | |
Ilo Norte Total Granted | 3,700 | |||||
1. | 16/11/2022 | SOLIS NORTE 4 | Regional North | Granted | 900 | |
2. | 16/11/2022 | SOLIS NORTE 6 | Regional North | Granted | 1,000 | |
3. | 16/11/2022 | SOLIS NORTE 3 | Regional North | Granted | 1,000 | |
4. | 16/11/2022 | SOLIS NORTE 5 | Regional North | Granted | 1,000 | |
5. | 16/11/2022 | SOLIS NORTE 7 | Regional North | Granted | 1,000 | |
6. | 21/02/2023 | SOLIS NORTE 10 | Regional North | Granted | 1,000 | |
7. | 21/02/2023 | SOLIS NORTE 11 | Regional North | Granted | 400 | |
8. | 21/02/2023 | SOLIS NORTE 8 | Regional North | Granted | 1,000 | |
9. | 21/02/2023 | SOLIS NORTE 9 | Regional North | Granted | 1,000 | |
10. | 21/02/2023 | SOLIS NORTE 12 | Regional North | Granted | 1,000 | |
11. | 22/06/2023 | SOLIS NORTE 14 | Regional North | Granted | 900 | |
12. | 22/06/2023 | SOLIS NORTE 15 | Regional North | Granted | 800 | |
13. | 22/06/2023 | SOLIS NORTE 16 | Regional North | Granted | 1,000 | |
14. | 22/06/2023 | SOLIS NORTE 13 | Regional North | Granted | 1,000 | |
Regional North Total Granted | 13,000 | |||||
1. | 28/01/2021 | CARUCA | Regional South | Granted | 600 | |
2. | 16/11/2022 | SOLIS SUR 2 | Regional South | Granted | 900 | |
3. | 16/11/2022 | SOLIS SUR 3 | Regional South | Granted | 900 | |
4. | 21/02/2023 | SOLIS KELLY 01 | Regional South | Granted | 1,000 | |
5. | 21/02/2023 | SOLIS KELLY 02 | Regional South | Granted | 1,000 | |
Regional South Total Granted | 4,400 | |||||
Concession Overview | ||||||
Granted | 42 | |||||
Granted Ha | 34,900 | |||||
In Application | 34 | |||||
In Application Ha | 30,200 |
JORC Code, 2012 Edition - Table 1
Criteria | JORC Code explanation | Commentary |
Sampling techniques |
Drilling techniques |
Drill sample recovery |
Logging |
Criteria | JORC Code explanation | Commentary |
| ||
Sub-sampling techniques and sample preparation |
Quality of assay data and laboratory tests |
Verification of Sampling and assaying |
Location of data points |
Criteria | JORC Code explanation | Commentary |
Data spacing and distribution |
Orientation of data in relation to geological structure |
Sample security |
Audits or reviews |
Section 2 Reporting of Exploration Results (Criteria listed in the preceding section also apply to this section)
Criteria | JORC Code explanation | Commentary |
Mineral tenement and land tenure status |
Exploration done by other parties |
Geology |
Drill hole Information |
Criteria | JORC Code explanation | Commentary |
Data aggregation methods |
Relationship between mineralisation widths and intercept lengths |
Diagrams |
Balanced reporting |
Other substantive exploration data |
Further work |
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