Silgan Completes Acquisition of Weener Packaging

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Silgan Holdings Inc. (NYSE: SLGN) has completed its acquisition of Weener Plastics Holdings B.V., a leading producer of dispensing solutions for personal care, food, and healthcare products. Weener operates 19 facilities globally, primarily in Europe and the Americas, with around 4,000 employees. Silgan funded the acquisition through term and revolving loan borrowings, including a €700 million incremental term loan.

The company expects to achieve operational cost synergies of approximately €20 million within 18 months. The transaction is anticipated to be slightly accretive to adjusted earnings per share in 2024, with about 10% accretion once fully integrated and synergies realized. Silgan, with annual net sales of approximately $6.0 billion in 2023, operates 124 manufacturing facilities worldwide and is a leading supplier of sustainable rigid packaging solutions for consumer goods products.

Silgan Holdings Inc. (NYSE: SLGN) ha completato l'acquisizione di Weener Plastics Holdings B.V., un produttore leader di soluzioni di erogazione per prodotti di cura personale, alimentari e sanitari. Weener gestisce 19 impianti a livello globale, principalmente in Europa e nelle Americhe, con circa 4.000 dipendenti. Silgan ha finanziato l'acquisizione tramite prestiti a termine e prestiti rotativi, compresa una linea di credito incrementale di €700 milioni.

L'azienda si aspetta di raggiungere sinergie operative sui costi di circa €20 milioni entro 18 mesi. Si prevede che la transazione sia leggermente accretiva all'utile per azione rettificato nel 2024, con circa il 10% di accrescimento una volta completamente integrata e le sinergie realizzate. Silgan, con vendite nette annuali di circa $6,0 miliardi nel 2023, opera 124 impianti di produzione in tutto il mondo ed è un fornitore leader di soluzioni di imballaggio rigido sostenibile per prodotti di consumo.

Silgan Holdings Inc. (NYSE: SLGN) ha completado su adquisición de Weener Plastics Holdings B.V., un productor líder de soluciones de dispensación para productos de cuidado personal, alimentación y atención médica. Weener opera 19 instalaciones a nivel mundial, principalmente en Europa y las Américas, con alrededor de 4.000 empleados. Silgan financió la adquisición a través de préstamos a plazo y de línea, incluyendo un préstamo a plazo incremental de €700 millones.

La empresa espera lograr sinergias de costos operativos de aproximadamente €20 millones en un plazo de 18 meses. Se anticipa que la transacción sea ligeramente accretiva a las ganancias por acción ajustadas en 2024, con un 10% de incremento una vez integrada completamente y realizadas las sinergias. Silgan, con ventas netas anuales de aproximadamente $6.0 mil millones en 2023, opera 124 instalaciones de fabricación en todo el mundo y es un proveedor líder de soluciones de embalaje rígido sostenible para productos de consumo.

Silgan Holdings Inc. (NYSE: SLGN)는 Weener Plastics Holdings B.V.의 인수를 완료했습니다. 개인 용품, 식품 및 의료 제품에 대한 분배 솔루션의 주요 생산업체입니다. Weener는 전 세계적으로 19개의 시설을 운영하며, 주로 유럽과 아메리카에 위치하고 약 4,000명의 직원을 고용하고 있습니다. Silgan은 €700백만의 추가 대출을 포함하여 기간 대출 및 회전 대출 차입을 통해 인수를 자금 조달했습니다.

회사는 18개월 이내에 약 €20백만의 운영 비용 시너지를 달성할 것으로 예상합니다. 이 거래는 2024년 조정된 주당 순이익에 소폭 기여할 것으로 예상됩니다. 완전히 통합되고 시너지가 실현될 경우 약 10%의 기여도가 있을 것입니다. Silgan은 2023년 약 $6.0십억의 연간 순매출을 기록하며 전 세계 124개의 제조 시설을 운영하고 있으며, 소비재 제품을 위한 지속 가능한 경량 포장 솔루션의 주요 공급업체입니다.

Silgan Holdings Inc. (NYSE: SLGN) a achevé son acquisition de Weener Plastics Holdings B.V., un producteur leader de solutions de distribution pour des produits de soin personnel, d'alimentation et de santé. Weener exploite 19 installations dans le monde, principalement en Europe et dans les Amériques, avec environ 4 000 employés. Silgan a financé l'acquisition par des emprunts à terme et des emprunts renouvelables, y compris un prêt à terme additionnel de 700 millions d'euros.

L'entreprise s'attend à réaliser des synergies opérationnelles de coût d'environ 20 millions d'euros dans les 18 mois. La transaction devrait être légèrement accretive aux bénéfices par action ajustés en 2024, avec environ 10 % d'accroissement une fois entièrement intégré et les synergies réalisées. Silgan, avec un chiffre d'affaires net annuel d'environ 6,0 milliards de dollars en 2023, exploite 124 installations de fabrication dans le monde et est un fournisseur leader de solutions d'emballage rigide durable pour des produits de consommation.

Silgan Holdings Inc. (NYSE: SLGN) hat die Übernahme von Weener Plastics Holdings B.V. abgeschlossen, einem führenden Hersteller von Dosierungslösungen für Produkte in der persönlichen Pflege, Lebensmittel- und Gesundheitsbranche. Weener betreibt weltweit 19 Einrichtungen, hauptsächlich in Europa und Amerika, mit etwa 4.000 Mitarbeitern. Silgan finanzierte die Übernahme durch Fest- und revolvierende Darlehen, einschließlich eines inkrementellen Terminkredits in Höhe von 700 Millionen Euro.

Das Unternehmen erwartet betriebliche Kostensynergien von etwa 20 Millionen Euro innerhalb von 18 Monaten. Es wird erwartet, dass die Transaktion leicht akkretiert für den bereinigten Gewinn pro Aktie im Jahr 2024, mit etwa 10% Akkretion, nachdem die Integration vollständig ist und die Synergien realisiert wurden. Silgan, mit einem jährlichen Nettoumsatz von etwa 6,0 Milliarden USD im Jahr 2023, betreibt weltweit 124 Produktionsstätten und ist ein führender Anbieter von nachhaltigen starren Verpackungslösungen für Konsumgüter.

  • Acquisition of Weener Plastics expands Silgan's market presence in dispensing solutions
  • Expected operational cost synergies of €20 million within 18 months
  • Transaction anticipated to be slightly accretive to adjusted EPS in 2024
  • Projected 10% accretion once fully integrated with synergies achieved
  • Expansion of global manufacturing footprint with 19 additional facilities
  • Increased debt due to €700 million incremental term loan for acquisition funding
  • Potential integration challenges with 4,000 new employees and 19 facilities


Silgan's acquisition of Weener Packaging is a significant strategic move that expands its global footprint and product portfolio. The €700 million incremental term loan to fund the purchase indicates a substantial investment. Key points to consider:

  • Expected operational synergies of €20 million within 18 months suggest potential for cost savings and improved efficiency.
  • Slight accretion to adjusted EPS in 2024, growing to 10% accretion once fully integrated, points to positive financial impact.
  • Weener's 19 facilities and 4,000 employees significantly increase Silgan's scale and capabilities, particularly in Europe and the Americas.
  • The acquisition enhances Silgan's position in dispensing solutions for high-growth sectors like personal care, food and healthcare.

While the short-term impact on earnings may be modest, the long-term strategic benefits and potential for margin improvement make this acquisition appear favorable for Silgan's growth trajectory and market position.

This acquisition positions Silgan to capitalize on several key market trends:

  • Sustainability focus: As a supplier of sustainable rigid packaging, Silgan aligns with growing consumer and regulatory demands for eco-friendly packaging solutions.
  • Clean room capabilities: Weener's expertise here opens doors to high-value markets like healthcare and pharmaceuticals.
  • Geographic expansion: Strengthening presence in Europe and the Americas diversifies revenue streams and reduces regional market risks.
  • Product portfolio diversification: Adding Weener's dispensing solutions complements Silgan's existing offerings, potentially leading to cross-selling opportunities and increased customer stickiness.

The deal enhances Silgan's competitive position against other major packaging players. However, integration challenges and potential cultural differences between the companies could pose short-term hurdles. Overall, this acquisition appears to be a strategic fit that could drive long-term value creation for Silgan.

STAMFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Silgan Holdings Inc. (NYSE: SLGN), a leading supplier of sustainable rigid packaging solutions for the world's essential consumer goods products, announced today that it has completed its acquisition of Weener Plastics Holdings B.V., a leading producer of differentiated dispensing solutions for personal care, food and healthcare products. Weener operates a global network of 19 facilities predominantly in Europe and the Americas, with approximately 4,000 employees and proprietary manufacturing technologies including significant clean room capabilities.

The Company funded the purchase price for this acquisition and related costs and expenses through term and revolving loan borrowings under its senior secured credit facility, including a €700 million incremental term loan. Silgan expects to realize operational cost synergies related to the acquisition of approximately €20 million within 18 months. The transaction is expected to be slightly accretive to adjusted earnings per share in 2024, with approximately 10% accretion once fully integrated and with synergies achieved.

Silgan is a leading supplier of sustainable rigid packaging solutions for the world's essential consumer goods products with annual net sales of approximately $6.0 billion in 2023. Silgan operates 124 manufacturing facilities in North and South America, Europe and Asia. The Company is a leading worldwide supplier of dispensing and specialty closures for fragrance and beauty, food, beverage, personal and health care, home care and lawn and garden products. The Company is also a leading supplier of metal containers in North America and Europe for pet and human food and general line products. In addition, the Company is a leading supplier of custom containers for shelf-stable food and personal care products in North America.

Alexander Hutter

Vice President, Investor Relations


Source: Silgan Holdings Inc.


What company did Silgan Holdings (SLGN) acquire?

Silgan Holdings Inc. (NYSE: SLGN) acquired Weener Plastics Holdings B.V., a leading producer of differentiated dispensing solutions for personal care, food and healthcare products.

How much are the expected cost synergies from Silgan's acquisition of Weener Plastics?

Silgan expects to realize operational cost synergies of approximately €20 million within 18 months related to the acquisition of Weener Plastics.

How did Silgan (SLGN) finance the Weener Plastics acquisition?

Silgan funded the purchase price through term and revolving loan borrowings under its senior secured credit facility, including a €700 million incremental term loan.

What is the expected impact of the Weener Plastics acquisition on Silgan's (SLGN) earnings?

The transaction is expected to be slightly accretive to Silgan's adjusted earnings per share in 2024, with approximately 10% accretion once fully integrated and with synergies achieved.

Silgan Holdings Inc


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Packaging & Containers
Metal Cans
United States of America