Sun Life U.S. expands specialty disability coverage to help healthcare organizations recruit and retain more providers

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Sun Life U.S. is expanding its Healthcare Professional long-term disability () coverage to provide more income protection for non-physician providers with medical specialties. This expansion aims to help healthcare organizations recruit and retain talent, addressing the growing demand for nurses, physician assistants (PAs), and nurse practitioners (NPs).

The coverage is designed to protect the unique skillsets of these providers and offer income replacement if they are unable to work due to illness or injury. It also includes support for returning to work, with Sun Life vocational specialists assisting in obtaining education or training for alternative roles if needed.

This expansion aligns with the projected rapid growth in employment for PAs (28%) and nurse specialists (40%) over the next decade, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The enhanced coverage is part of Sun Life's broader strategy to offer health-connected services that improve member health outcomes.

Sun Life U.S. sta espandendo la copertura per invalidità a lungo termine dei Professionisti Sanitari per fornire una maggiore protezione del reddito ai fornitori non medici con specializzazioni mediche. Questa espansione ha l’obiettivo di aiutare le organizzazioni sanitarie a reclutare e mantenere talenti, affrontando la crescente domanda di infermieri, assistenti medici (PA) e infermieri specializzati (NP).

La copertura è progettata per proteggere le competenze uniche di questi fornitori e offrire una sostituzione del reddito se non possono lavorare a causa di malattia o infortunio. Include anche supporto per il rientro al lavoro, con specialisti professionali di Sun Life che assistono nell'ottenere educazione o formazione per ruoli alternativi se necessario.

Questa espansione è in linea con la prevista rapida crescita dell'occupazione per PA (28%) e specializzati in infermieristica (40%) nel prossimo decennio, come riportato dal Bureau of Labor Statistics. La copertura potenziata fa parte della strategia più ampia di Sun Life per offrire servizi collegati alla salute che migliorano i risultati per la salute dei membri.

Sun Life U.S. está expandiendo su cobertura de invalidez a largo plazo para Profesionales de la Salud para proporcionar una mayor protección de ingresos a proveedores no médicos con especialidades médicas. Esta expansión tiene como objetivo ayudar a las organizaciones de atención médica a reclutar y retener talento, abordando la creciente demanda de enfermeras, asistentes de médicos (PA) y enfermeros practicantes (NP).

La cobertura está diseñada para proteger las habilidades únicas de estos proveedores y ofrecer un reemplazo de ingresos si no pueden trabajar debido a enfermedad o lesión. También incluye apoyo para el retorno al trabajo, con especialistas vocacionales de Sun Life que ayudan a obtener educación o capacitación para roles alternativos si es necesario.

Esta expansión se alinea con el crecimiento proyectado en el empleo de PA (28%) y especialistas en enfermería (40%) durante la próxima década, según informa la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales. La cobertura mejorada es parte de la estrategia más amplia de Sun Life para ofrecer servicios conectados a la salud que mejoren los resultados de salud de los miembros.

선라이프 U.S.는 의료 전문가의 장기 장애 보험 범위를 확장하고 있습니다. 이를 통해 비 의사 전문 의료 제공자에게 더 많은 소득 보호를 제공합니다. 이번 확장은 의료 기관들이 간호사, 의사 보조인(PA), 간호사 전문인력(NP)에 대한 수요 증가에 맞춰 인재를 유치하고 유지하는 데 도움을 주기 위한 것입니다.

이 보험은 이러한 제공자의 고유한 기술 세트를 보호하고 질병이나 부상으로 인해 근무할 수 없는 경우 소득 대체를 제공합니다. 또한 필요할 경우 대체 역할을 위해 교육 또는 훈련을 받을 수 있도록 선라이프 직업 전문가가 지원합니다.

이번 확장은 노동 통계국이 보고한 바에 따르면 향후 10년 동안 PA(28%) 및 간호 전문직(40%)의 고용이 빠르게 증가할 것으로 예상되는 것과 일정이 일치합니다. 향상된 보장은 회원의 건강 결과를 개선하는 건강 관련 서비스를 제공하기 위한 선라이프의 광범위한 전략의 일환입니다.

Sun Life U.S. étend sa couverture d'incapacité de longue durée pour les professionnels de la santé afin de fournir une protection de revenu accrue aux prestataires non médecins ayant des spécialités médicales. Cette expansion vise à aider les organisations de santé à recruter et à conserver des talents, répondant ainsi à la demande croissante d'infirmières, d'assistants médicaux (PA) et de praticiens infirmiers (NP).

La couverture est conçue pour protéger les compétences uniques de ces prestataires et offrir un remplacement de revenus s'ils sont incapables de travailler en raison d'une maladie ou d'une blessure. Elle inclut également une assistance pour le retour au travail, avec des spécialistes de la réinsertion professionnelle de Sun Life qui aident à obtenir des formations ou des cours pour des rôles alternatifs si nécessaire.

Cette expansion est cohérente avec la rapide croissance projetée de l'emploi pour les PA (28 %) et les spécialistes en soins infirmiers (40 %) au cours de la prochaine décennie, comme le rapporte le Bureau des statistiques du travail. La couverture renforcée fait partie de la stratégie plus large de Sun Life pour offrir des services liés à la santé qui améliorent les résultats en matière de santé des membres.

Sun Life U.S. erweitert seinen Versicherungsschutz für langfristige Invalidität von Gesundheitsberufen, um mehr Einkommensschutz für nicht-medizinische Anbieter mit medizinischen Fachrichtungen zu bieten. Diese Erweiterung zielt darauf ab, Gesundheitsorganisationen dabei zu helfen, Talente zu rekrutieren und zu halten, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach Pflegekräften, Physician Assistants (PAs) und Nurse Practitioners (NPs) gerecht zu werden.

Der Versicherungsschutz ist darauf ausgelegt, die einzigartigen Fähigkeiten dieser Anbieter zu schützen und einen Einkommensersatz zu bieten, falls sie aufgrund von Krankheit oder Verletzung nicht arbeiten können. Er umfasst auch Unterstützung beim Wiedereinstieg ins Berufsleben, wobei die Berufsexperten von Sun Life helfen, Schulungen oder Ausbildungen für alternative Rollen zu erhalten, falls dies erforderlich ist.

Diese Erweiterung steht im Einklang mit dem prognostizierten schnellen Wachstum der Beschäftigung für PAs (28%) und Pflegefachkräfte (40%) im kommenden Jahrzehnt, so das Bureau of Labor Statistics. Der erweiterte Schutz ist Teil der umfassenderen Strategie von Sun Life, gesundheitsbezogene Dienstleistungen anzubieten, die die Gesundheitsergebnisse der Mitglieder verbessern.

  • Expansion of Healthcare Professional coverage to include more non-physician providers
  • Potential to help healthcare organizations recruit and retain talent amid provider shortages
  • Alignment with projected growth in employment for PAs (28%) and nurse specialists (40%)
  • Inclusion of vocational support for returning to work or transitioning to new roles
  • None.


Sun Life U.S.'s expansion of Healthcare Professional long-term disability () coverage is a strategic move to capitalize on the growing healthcare workforce market. With the Bureau of Labor Statistics projecting significant growth in nurse and physician assistant employment, this product expansion positions Sun Life to capture a larger share of the healthcare benefits market.

The focus on non-physician providers addresses a critical gap in specialty disability coverage, potentially giving Sun Life a competitive edge. This move could lead to increased market penetration and revenue growth in the healthcare sector. However, the impact on Sun Life's overall financial performance may be in the short term, as group benefits typically represent a smaller portion of a diversified insurer's revenue.

While this product expansion is positive for Sun Life's market positioning, its immediate impact on stock performance is likely to be neutral. Investors should monitor long-term adoption rates and the product's contribution to revenue growth in future earnings reports to gauge its success.

WELLESLEY, Mass., Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sun Life U.S. is expanding its Healthcare Professional long-term disability (LTD) coverage, which is designed to address the unique needs of healthcare providers if they are unable to work due to illness or injury. The expansion of the coverage provides more income protection for non-physician providers (also known as physician extenders) who offer a medical specialty, such as physician assistants (PAs), registered nurses (RNs), nurse practitioners (NPs) or clinical social workers. Competitive benefits that provide a better experience and improved health outcomes have become a powerful tool for healthcare organizations to recruit and retain talent.

"Nurses, PAs, and other providers that extend beyond physicians are essential resources in providing care, and it is important that their employers are able to offer them excellent benefits," said Joi Tillman, president, Group Benefits Sun Life U.S. "LTD also helps those on disability return to their roles in clinics and hospitals. The expansion of our Healthcare Professional LTD coverage gives organizations a strong tool to attract and retain more talent, helping to mitigate the provider shortages across the U.S. healthcare system."

Employment of nurses and PAs is expected to increase rapidly over the next decade, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment of PAs is expected to grow 28%, while employment of nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives and NPs is expected to increase by 40%. Research in Nurse Journal shows that nurse practitioner is the fastest growing occupation in the U.S.

"When healthcare professionals are on disability leave, it affects not just the individual and their family, but patients and colleagues as well," said Rachael Kolodica, director, Healthcare Professional Market Development, Sun Life U.S. "It is crucial to our healthcare economy that these providers, especially those with a medical specialty, have the coverage they need to feel secure in their careers, and continue delivering care."

Healthcare Professional LTD protects the unique skillsets of non-physician providers with medical specialties, such as surgery or oncology. LTD coverage not only provides income replacement but can also help medical professionals return to work. When a member's ability to perform their job changes due to their illness or injury, Sun Life vocational specialists can help them obtain education or training in another role or field.

The expansion of Healthcare Professional LTD coverage builds on Sun Life's other coverage solutions that meet the changing needs of today's workforce. Sun Life offers health-connected services to help improve the health outcomes of members, including care navigation, mental health, musculoskeletal condition support, clinical oversight and intervention, and family planning benefits.

For more information on Healthcare Professional LTD coverage, visit:

About Sun Life
Sun Life is a leading international financial services organization providing asset management, wealth, insurance and health solutions to individual and institutional Clients. Sun Life has operations in a number of markets worldwide, including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India, China, Australia, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia and Bermuda. As of June 30, 2024, Sun Life had total assets under management of C$1.46 trillion. For more information, please visit

Sun Life Financial Inc. trades on the Toronto (TSX), New York (NYSE) and Philippine (PSE) stock exchanges under the ticker symbol SLF.

Sun Life U.S. is one of the largest providers of employee and government benefits, helping approximately 50 million Americans access the healthcare and coverage they need. Through employers, industry partners and government programs, Sun Life U.S. offers a portfolio of benefits and services, including dental, vision, disability, absence management, life, supplemental health, medical stop-loss insurance, and healthcare navigation. Sun Life employs more than 8,500 people in the U.S., including associates in our partner dental practices and affiliated companies in asset management. Group insurance policies are issued by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Wellesley Hills, Mass.), except in New York, where policies are issued by Sun Life and Health Insurance Company (U.S.) (Lansing, Mich.). For more information visit our website and newsroom.

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Sun Life U.S.

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SOURCE Sun Life U.S.


What is Sun Life U.S. expanding in its Healthcare Professional coverage for SLF?

Sun Life U.S. is expanding its Healthcare Professional long-term disability () coverage to provide more income protection for non-physician providers with medical specialties, such as physician assistants, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, and clinical social workers.

How does the expanded coverage benefit healthcare organizations for SLF?

The expanded coverage helps healthcare organizations recruit and retain talent by offering competitive benefits, addressing provider shortages, and providing income protection and return-to-work support for non-physician providers with medical specialties.

What growth projections support Sun Life's expansion of Healthcare Professional coverage for SLF?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of physician assistants is expected to grow 28%, while employment of nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners is projected to increase by 40% over the next decade.

What additional services does Sun Life offer alongside the expanded coverage for SLF?

Sun Life offers health-connected services including care navigation, mental health support, musculoskeletal condition support, clinical oversight and intervention, and family planning benefits to improve health outcomes for members.

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