Solid Biosciences Reports Inducement Grants Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)

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Solid Biosciences Inc. (Nasdaq: SLDB), a life sciences company focused on developing precision genetic medicines for neuromuscular and cardiac diseases, has announced the granting of 51,338 restricted stock units (RSUs) to three newly hired employees. These RSUs are structured to vest in four equal annual installments, with full vesting occurring on the fourth anniversary of the grant date.

The grants were made under the Company's 2024 Inducement Stock Incentive Plan and are in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4). This rule allows for the granting of equity as a material inducement for new employees to join the company. Continued vesting of these equity awards is contingent upon the employees' ongoing service with Solid Biosciences through each vesting date.

Solid Biosciences Inc. (Nasdaq: SLDB), un'azienda nel settore delle scienze della vita concentrata nello sviluppo di farmaci genetici di precisione per malattie neuromuscolari e cardiache, ha annunciato la concessione di 51.338 unità azionarie limitate (RSUs) a tre nuovi dipendenti. Queste RSUs sono strutturate per maturare in quattro rate annuali uguali, con la maturazione completa che avverrà al quarto anniversario della data di concessione.

Le concessioni sono state effettuate nell'ambito del Piano di Incentivo Azionario per Induzione 2024 della Società e sono conformi alla Regola di Quotazione Nasdaq 5635(c)(4). Questa regola consente la concessione di azioni come incentivo materiale per indurre nuovi dipendenti a unirsi all'azienda. La continua maturazione di questi premi azionari è condizionata al servizio continuativo dei dipendenti con Solid Biosciences fino a ciascuna data di maturazione.

Solid Biosciences Inc. (Nasdaq: SLDB), una empresa de ciencias de la vida centrada en desarrollar medicamentos genéticos de precisión para enfermedades neuromusculares y cardíacas, ha anunciado la concesión de 51,338 unidades de acciones restringidas (RSUs) a tres nuevos empleados. Estas RSUs están estructuradas para consolidarse en cuatro cuotas anuales iguales, con la consolidación total ocurriendo en el cuarto aniversario de la fecha de concesión.

Las concesiones se realizaron bajo el Plan de Incentivo Accionario por Inducción 2024 de la empresa y están en conformidad con la Regla 5635(c)(4) de Nasdaq. Esta regla permite la concesión de patrimonio como un incentivo material para que nuevos empleados se unan a la empresa. La consolidación continua de estos premios de capital depende del servicio continuo de los empleados con Solid Biosciences hasta cada fecha de vesting.

솔리드 바이오사이언스 Inc. (NASDAQ: SLDB)는 신경근육 및 심장 질환을 위한 정밀 유전자 의약품 개발에 집중하는 생명 과학 회사로서, 3명의 신규 직원에게 51,338주의 제한된 주식 단위(RSU)를 부여했다고 발표했습니다. 이 RSU는 4개의 동일한 연간 분할 지급으로 구성되어 있으며, 완전한 지급은 부여일로부터 4년째에 발생합니다.

이번 부여는 회사의 2024 유인 주식 인센티브 계획에 따라 이루어졌으며, NASDAQ 상장 규칙 5635(c)(4)에 따라 진행되었습니다. 이 규칙은 새로운 직원들이 회사에 합류하도록 유도하기 위해 자산을 부여할 수 있도록 허용합니다. 이러한 자산 보상의 지속적인 지급은 각 지급일에 연속적으로 솔리드 바이오사이언스에서 근무해야 합니다.

Solid Biosciences Inc. (Nasdaq: SLDB), une entreprise de sciences de la vie axée sur le développement de médicaments génétiques de précision pour les maladies neuromusculaires et cardiaques, a annoncé l'attribution de 51 338 unités d'actions restreintes (RSUs) à trois nouveaux employés. Ces RSUs sont structurées pour se déblocaliser en quatre versements annuels égaux, avec une délocalisation complète se produisant au quatrième anniversaire de la date d'attribution.

Les attributions ont été réalisées dans le cadre du Plan d'Incitation d'Actions pour Induction 2024 de la Société et sont conformes à la Règlementation de Cotation Nasdaq 5635(c)(4). Cette règle autorise l'attribution de capitaux comme incitation matérielle pour les nouveaux employés à rejoindre l'entreprise. La continuité de la délocalisation de ces attributions en actions dépend du service continu des employés avec Solid Biosciences jusqu'à chaque date de délocalisation.

Solid Biosciences Inc. (Nasdaq: SLDB), ein Unternehmen der Lebenswissenschaften, das sich auf die Entwicklung von präzisen genetischen Medikamenten für neuromuskuläre und Herzkrankheiten konzentriert, hat die Gewährung von 51.338 eingeschränkten Aktieneinheiten (RSUs) an drei neu eingestellte Mitarbeiter angekündigt. Diese RSUs sind so strukturiert, dass sie in vier gleichen jährlichen Raten fällig werden, wobei die vollständige Fälligkeit am vierten Jahrestag des Gewährungsdatums erfolgt.

Die Gewährungen erfolgten im Rahmen des Aktienanreizplans 2024 des Unternehmens und entsprechen der Nasdaq-Listing-Regel 5635(c)(4). Diese Regel erlaubt die Gewährung von Eigenkapital als wesentlichen Anreiz für neue Mitarbeiter, um dem Unternehmen beizutreten. Die fortlaufende Fälligkeit dieser Eigenkapitalvergütungen ist von der fortwährenden Mitarbeit der Mitarbeiter bei Solid Biosciences bis zu jedem Fälligkeitstermin abhängig.

  • Attraction of new talent with equity incentives
  • Alignment of employee interests with company performance through RSU grants
  • Potential dilution of existing shareholders' equity

CHARLESTOWN, Mass., Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Solid Biosciences Inc. (Nasdaq: SLDB) (the “Company”), a life sciences company developing precision genetic medicines for neuromuscular and cardiac diseases, today announced grants of 51,338 restricted stock units (“RSUs”) to three newly hired employees.

The RSUs vest in four equal installments on each one-year anniversary of the grant date until the fourth anniversary of the grant date. Vesting of the equity awards is subject to the applicable employee’s continued service with the Company through each applicable vesting date.

These grants were made pursuant to the Company’s 2024 Inducement Stock Incentive Plan and were made as an inducement material to each employee’s acceptance of employment with the Company in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

About Solid Biosciences
Solid Biosciences is a life sciences company focused on advancing a portfolio of gene therapy candidates including SGT-003 for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Duchenne), SGT-501 for the treatment of catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT), AVB-401 for the treatment of BAG3-mediated dilated cardiomyopathy, and additional assets for the treatment of fatal cardiac diseases. Solid is advancing its diverse pipeline across rare neuromuscular and cardiac diseases, bringing together experts in science, technology, disease management, and care. Patient-focused and founded by those directly impacted, Solid’s mandate is to improve the daily lives of patients living with these devastating diseases. For more information, please visit

Solid Biosciences Investor Contact:
Nicole Anderson
Director, Investor Relations and Corporate Communications
Solid Biosciences Inc.

Media Contact:
Glenn Silver
FINN Partners


How many restricted stock units (RSUs) did Solid Biosciences (SLDB) grant to new employees?

Solid Biosciences (SLDB) granted 51,338 restricted stock units (RSUs) to three newly hired employees.

What is the vesting schedule for the RSUs granted by Solid Biosciences (SLDB)?

The RSUs vest in four equal installments on each one-year anniversary of the grant date until the fourth anniversary of the grant date.

Under which plan were the RSUs granted by Solid Biosciences (SLDB)?

The RSUs were granted under Solid Biosciences' 2024 Inducement Stock Incentive Plan.

What is the purpose of the RSU grants by Solid Biosciences (SLDB)?

The RSU grants were made as an inducement material to each employee's acceptance of employment with Solid Biosciences, in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

Solid Biosciences Inc.


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Biological Products, (no Disgnostic Substances)
United States of America