SLB Named Sustainability Award Finalist for Supply Chain Decarbonization

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SLB has been named a finalist in the 2024 Reuters Sustainability Awards for the Net Zero: Supply Chain Decarbonization category. This recognition highlights SLB's efforts in managing and transforming their supply chain to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The company was selected from over 700 entries across 17 categories.

Gwenola Boyault, VP of Planning and Supply Chain at SLB, emphasized the importance of initiatives like their Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) program and integrating environmental scoring into the tender process. These efforts have helped suppliers advance in climate action maturity.

SLB's approach to sustainability extends throughout its value chain, engaging employees, customers, and suppliers. Mikki Corcoran, VP of Sustainability, stressed the role of technology in helping SLB and its partners on a low-carbon path. The company's sustainable supply chain practices are detailed in their Sustainability Report.

SLB è stata nominata finalista ai Premi per la Sostenibilità Reuters 2024 nella categoria Net Zero: Decarbonizzazione della Catena di Fornitura. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia gli sforzi di SLB nella gestione e trasformazione della propria catena di fornitura per ridurre le emissioni di gas serra. L'azienda è stata selezionata tra oltre 700 candidature in 17 categorie.

Gwenola Boyault, VP della Pianificazione e della Catena di Fornitura di SLB, ha sottolineato l'importanza di iniziative come il loro Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) e l'integrazione della valutazione ambientale nel processo di gara. Questi sforzi hanno aiutato i fornitori ad avanzare nella maturità dell'azione climatica.

L'approccio di SLB alla sostenibilità si estende lungo tutta la sua catena del valore, coinvolgendo dipendenti, clienti e fornitori. Mikki Corcoran, VP della Sostenibilità, ha evidenziato il ruolo della tecnologia nel supportare SLB e i suoi partner verso un percorso a basse emissioni di carbonio. Le pratiche sostenibili della catena di fornitura dell’azienda sono dettagliate nel loro Rapporto di Sostenibilità.

SLB ha sido nombrada finalista en los Premios de Sostenibilidad Reuters 2024 en la categoría Net Zero: Descarbonización de la Cadena de Suministro. Este reconocimiento destaca los esfuerzos de SLB en la gestión y transformación de su cadena de suministro para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. La empresa fue seleccionada entre más de 700 entradas en 17 categorías.

Gwenola Boyault, VP de Planificación y Cadena de Suministro de SLB, enfatizó la importancia de iniciativas como su Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) y la integración de la evaluación ambiental en el proceso de licitación. Estos esfuerzos han ayudado a los proveedores a avanzar en la madurez de la acción climática.

El enfoque de SLB hacia la sostenibilidad se extiende a lo largo de toda su cadena de valor, involucrando a empleados, clientes y proveedores. Mikki Corcoran, VP de Sostenibilidad, subrayó el papel de la tecnología en ayudar a SLB y sus socios en un camino de bajas emisiones de carbono. Las prácticas sostenibles de la cadena de suministro de la empresa están detalladas en su Informe de Sostenibilidad.

SLB는 2024 로이터 지속가능성 어워드에서 넷 제로: 공급망 탈탄소화 부문 최종 후보로 선정되었습니다. 이러한 인정은 온실가스 배출을 줄이기 위해 공급망을 관리하고 변혁하는 SLB의 노력을 강조합니다. 이 회사는 17개 부문에서 700개 이상의 응모작 중에서 선정되었습니다.

SLB의 계획 및 공급망 부문 부사장인 Gwenola Boyault는 탄소 공시 프로젝트(CDP)와 환경 평가를 입찰 과정에 통합하는 것과 같은 이니셔티브의 중요성을 강조했습니다. 이러한 노력은 공급업체들이 기후 행동 성숙도에서 진전할 수 있도록 도왔습니다.

SLB의 지속 가능성 접근 방식은 가치 사슬 전반에 걸쳐 확장되며, 직원, 고객, 공급업체를 포함합니다. 지속 가능성 부사장인 Mikki Corcoran은 SLB와 그 파트너가 저탄소 경로를 걸을 수 있도록 돕는 기술의 역할을 강조했습니다. 회사의 지속 가능한 공급망 관행은 지속 가능성 보고서에 자세히 설명되어 있습니다.

SLB a été nommé finaliste aux Prix de la durabilité Reuters 2024 dans la catégorie Net Zero : Décarbonisation de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Cette reconnaissance souligne les efforts de SLB pour gérer et transformer sa chaîne d'approvisionnement afin de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. L'entreprise a été sélectionnée parmi plus de 700 candidatures dans 17 catégories.

Gwenola Boyault, VP de la planification et de la chaîne d'approvisionnement chez SLB, a souligné l'importance d'initiatives telles que son Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) et l'intégration de l'évaluation environnementale dans le processus d'appel d'offres. Ces efforts ont aidé les fournisseurs à progresser dans leur maturité en matière d'action climatique.

L'approche de SLB en matière de durabilité s'étend tout au long de sa chaîne de valeur, impliquant employés, clients et fournisseurs. Mikki Corcoran, VP de la durabilité, a souligné le rôle de la technologie pour aider SLB et ses partenaires sur un chemin à faibles émissions de carbone. Les pratiques de chaîne d'approvisionnement durable de l'entreprise sont détaillées dans son rapport de durabilité.

SLB wurde als Finalist der 2024 Reuters Sustainability Awards in der Kategorie Net Zero: Dekarbonisierung der Lieferkette benannt. Diese Anerkennung hebt die Bemühungen von SLB hervor, ihre Lieferkette zu verwalten und zu transformieren, um die Treibhausgasemissionen zu reduzieren. Das Unternehmen wurde aus über 700 Einsendungen in 17 Kategorien ausgewählt.

Gwenola Boyault, VP für Planung und Lieferkette bei SLB, betonte die Bedeutung von Initiativen wie ihrem Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) und der Integration von Umweltbewertungen in den Ausschreibungsprozess. Diese Bemühungen haben den Lieferanten geholfen, Fortschritte bei der Reife ihrer Klimaschutzmaßnahmen zu erzielen.

Der Ansatz von SLB zur Nachhaltigkeit erstreckt sich über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette und bindet Mitarbeiter, Kunden und Lieferanten ein. Mikki Corcoran, VP für Nachhaltigkeit, betonte die Rolle der Technologie, die SLB und seine Partner auf einem Weg mit niedrigen Kohlenstoffemissionen unterstützt. Die nachhaltigen Praktiken der Lieferkette des Unternehmens sind in ihrem Nachhaltigkeitsbericht detailliert dargelegt.

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SLB is among the 2024 Reuters Sustainability Awards finalists in the Net Zero: Supply Chain Decarbonization category.

The Reuters Sustainability Awards celebrate leadership in sustainable business. The supply chain decarbonization category showcases sustainable supply chain practices and highlights how companies are managing and transforming their supply chain to reduce GHG emissions. Finalists were selected from over 700 entries in 17 categories, with seven finalists in the supply chain decarbonization category.

"We are honored to be recognized in this category. It's a reflection of the teamwork across our organization," says Gwenola Boyault, vice president, Planning and Supply Chain, SLB. "Key supply chain initiatives like our Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) program and integrating environmental scoring into our tender process have helped our suppliers advance to the next level of climate action maturity. I'm thrilled to see these efforts being acknowledged."

The SLB supply chain organization plays an important role in helping to reduce emissions by engaging and enabling its value chain on the low-carbon journey. The company's approach to sustainability flows throughout the value chain, empowering employees and partnering with its customers and suppliers.

"Our performance has been driven by the focus from our organization in understanding how to reduce emissions through efficiencies, job design, and alternative energy solutions. As we continue our journey, technology will be fundamental to helping SLB, our customers, and our supply chain on a low carbon path," says Mikki Corcoran, vice president of Sustainability, SLB.

Learn more about SLB's sustainable supply chain here and in the company's Sustainability Report.

View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from SLB on

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Spokesperson: SLB


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What award is SLB (SLB) a finalist for in 2024?

SLB (SLB) is a finalist for the 2024 Reuters Sustainability Awards in the Net Zero: Supply Chain Decarbonization category.

How many entries were there for the 2024 Reuters Sustainability Awards?

There were over 700 entries across 17 categories for the 2024 Reuters Sustainability Awards.

What key initiatives has SLB (SLB) implemented for supply chain decarbonization?

SLB (SLB) has implemented key initiatives such as the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) program and integrating environmental scoring into their tender process to advance suppliers' climate action maturity.

Who is the Vice President of Planning and Supply Chain at SLB (SLB)?

Gwenola Boyault is the Vice President of Planning and Supply Chain at SLB (SLB).

How does SLB (SLB) approach sustainability in its value chain?

SLB (SLB) approaches sustainability by empowering employees and partnering with customers and suppliers throughout its value chain.

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