SLB adds AI-driven geosteering to its autonomous drilling solutions to achieve more efficient and productive wells
SLB has introduced Neuro autonomous geosteering, an AI-powered drilling technology that automatically guides drill bits through the most productive reservoir layers. The system dynamically interprets real-time subsurface data and makes autonomous decisions, eliminating the need for manual interpretation by geologists.
The technology builds upon SLB's existing Neuro autonomous directional drilling system, adding high-fidelity downhole measurements for optimal well placement. In a successful deployment in Ecuador for Shaya Ecuador S.A., the system executed 25 autonomous trajectory changes across a 2,392-foot lateral section, resulting in one of the country's best-producing wells.
SLB ha introdotto Neuro geosteering autonomo, una tecnologia di perforazione alimentata dall'IA che guida automaticamente le punte di perforazione attraverso i livelli di reservoir più produttivi. Il sistema interpreta dinamicamente i dati sottomarini in tempo reale e prende decisioni autonome, eliminando la necessità di interpretazioni manuali da parte dei geologi.
La tecnologia si basa sul sistema di perforazione direzionale autonomo Neuro esistente di SLB, aggiungendo misurazioni downhole ad alta fedeltà per un posizionamento ottimale del pozzo. In un'implementazione di successo in Ecuador per Shaya Ecuador S.A., il sistema ha eseguito 25 cambi di traiettoria autonomi attraverso una sezione laterale di 2.392 piedi, portando a uno dei pozzi produttivi più redditizi del paese.
SLB ha introducido geosteering autónomo Neuro, una tecnología de perforación impulsada por IA que guía automáticamente las brocas a través de las capas de reservorio más productivas. El sistema interpreta dinámicamente los datos subsuperficiales en tiempo real y toma decisiones autónomas, eliminando la necesidad de interpretación manual por parte de geólogos.
La tecnología se basa en el sistema de perforación direccional autónoma Neuro existente de SLB, añadiendo mediciones downhole de alta fidelidad para un mejor posicionamiento del pozo. En una implementación exitosa en Ecuador para Shaya Ecuador S.A., el sistema ejecutó 25 cambios de trayectoria autónomos a lo largo de una sección lateral de 2,392 pies, lo que resultó en uno de los pozos más productivos del país.
SLB는 신경 자율 지오스티어링을 도입했습니다. 이는 AI 기반의 드릴링 기술로, 가장 생산성이 높은 저수지 층을 자동으로 안내하는 드릴 비트를 제공합니다. 이 시스템은 실시간 지하 데이터 를 역동적으로 해석하며 자율적으로 결정을 내리기 때문에 지질학자의 수동 해석이 필요하지 않습니다.
이 기술은 SLB의 기존 신경 자율 방향 드릴링 시스템을 기반으로 하며, 최적의 웰 배치를 위한 고충실도 다운홀 측정을 추가합니다. 에콰도르의 Shaya Ecuador S.A.를 위한 성공적인 배포에서 이 시스템은 2,392피트의 측면 구간에서 25회의 자율 궤적 변경을 수행하여 에콰도르에서 가장 생산성이 높은 유정 중 하나를 생성했습니다.
SLB a introduit le géostérage autonome Neuro, une technologie de forage alimentée par l'intelligence artificielle qui guide automatiquement les têtes de forage à travers les couches de réservoir les plus productives. Le système interprète dynamiquement les données souterraines en temps réel et prend des décisions autonomes, éliminant le besoin d'une interprétation manuelle par des géologues.
La technologie repose sur le système de forage directionnel autonome Neuro existant de SLB, ajoutant des mesures downhole à haute fidélité pour un placement optimal du puits. Lors d'un déploiement réussi en Équateur pour Shaya Ecuador S.A., le système a effectué 25 changements de trajectoire autonomes dans une section latérale de 2 392 pieds, aboutissant à l'un des puits les plus productifs du pays.
SLB hat neuroautonomes Geosteering eingeführt, eine KI-gesteuerte Bohrtechnologie, die Bohrköpfe automatisch durch die produktivsten Reservoirschichten leitet. Das System interpretiert dynamisch Echtzeit-Untergrunddaten und trifft autonome Entscheidungen, wodurch die Notwendigkeit einer manuellen Interpretation durch Geologen entfällt.
Die Technologie baut auf SLBs bestehendem neuroautonomen Richtbohrsystem auf und fügt hochpräzise Messungen im Bohrloch hinzu, um die optimale Bohrlochplatzierung zu gewährleisten. Bei einem erfolgreichen Einsatz in Ecuador für Shaya Ecuador S.A. führte das System 25 autonome Trajektorienänderungen über einen seitlichen Abschnitt von 2.392 Fuß aus und resultierte in einem der bestproduzierenden Bohrlöcher des Landes.
- Introduction of innovative AI-driven drilling technology that improves well productivity
- Successful deployment in Ecuador resulting in one of the country's best-producing wells
- Technology reduces operational emissions and optimizes field development
- System automates complex processes, reducing human intervention and improving efficiency
- None.
The introduction of Neuro autonomous geosteering represents a significant technological leap in drilling automation. By leveraging AI to interpret real-time subsurface data and autonomously adjust drilling trajectories, this system could dramatically improve well productivity and operational efficiency. The technology's ability to make decisions in seconds, compared to traditional manual interpretation methods, is particularly noteworthy.
The successful implementation in Ecuador, resulting in one of the country's best-producing wells, validates the technology's potential. This system's integration with existing Neuro autonomous directional drilling capabilities creates a comprehensive automated drilling solution that could set new industry standards for precision and efficiency in well placement.
The reduction in human intervention could lead to more consistent results across operations while potentially lowering operational costs and reducing drilling-related emissions. This development positions SLB at the forefront of drilling automation and could strengthen its competitive advantage in the energy technology sector.
This innovation strengthens SLB's market position in the energy technology sector, particularly in drilling automation. The technology addresses critical industry needs for improved efficiency, reduced environmental impact and enhanced well productivity. The successful deployment in Ecuador serves as a powerful proof of concept that could accelerate market adoption.
The timing is strategic, as the energy industry faces increasing pressure to improve operational efficiency while reducing environmental impact. This dual benefit could drive significant customer interest, especially among operators looking to optimize their field development plans while meeting sustainability goals. The technology's ability to improve well productivity while reducing drilling-related emissions aligns perfectly with current industry trends and regulatory requirements.
- Intelligent closed-loop drilling system dynamically responds to subsurface geological information
- Keeps well trajectory in the “sweet spot” of the reservoir for maximum production
- Improves efficiency — minimizing the carbon footprint of drilling operations
Using AI, Neuro geosteering integrates and interprets complex real-time subsurface information to autonomously guide the drill bit through the most productive layer or “sweet spot” of the reservoir. (Photo: Business Wire)
Using artificial intelligence (AI), Neuro geosteering integrates and interprets complex real-time subsurface information to autonomously guide the drill bit through the most productive layer or “sweet spot” of the reservoir. During conventional geosteering operations, geologists must manually interpret this data to identify a well target, update the well plan and trajectory, and communicate this to the directional driller. Neuro geosteering does all of these steps end to end — without any human intervention.
“Neuro autonomous geosteering is a remarkable industry-first achievement that is for drillers what the autonomous vehicle is for drivers,” said Jesus Lamas, president, Well Construction, SLB. “Using advanced cloud and edge AI capabilities, the system automatically selects the best route for drilling the well based on high-fidelity downhole measurements, bringing the well trajectory in line with the real-world conditions of the reservoir. By drilling more consistent and higher-producing wells, our customers can optimize their field development plan while reducing operational emissions from drilling over the lifetime of the asset.”
Neuro autonomous geosteering builds on the technology foundation of SLB’s Neuro autonomous directional drilling, which drills wells to a defined well target in accordance with the well plan. Neuro autonomous geosteering takes this a step further — incorporating high-fidelity downhole measurements that ensure certainty of well placement in the best part of the reservoir.
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SLB (NYSE: SLB) is a global technology company that drives energy innovation for a balanced planet. With a global footprint in more than 100 countries and employees representing almost twice as many nationalities, we work each day on innovating oil and gas, delivering digital at scale, decarbonizing industries, and developing and scaling new energy systems that accelerate the energy transition. Find out more at
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Josh Byerly – SVP of Communications
Moira Duff – Director of External Communications
Tel: +1 (713) 375-3407
James R. McDonald – SVP of Investor Relations & Industry Affairs
Joy V. Domingo – Director of Investor Relations
Tel: +1 (713) 375-3535
Source: SLB
What is SLB's new Neuro autonomous geosteering technology?
How did SLB's Neuro autonomous geosteering perform in Ecuador?