Launching Ambitions With SLB: She Is an Astronaut Program Inspires Future Female Leaders in STEM

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SLB, a global energy technology company, has partnered with the She Is Foundation to launch the She Is an Astronaut program, aimed at inspiring young women in STEM fields. The program brought 24 girls aged 11-16 from Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru to the NASA Space Center in Houston, Texas. Participants engaged in virtual and in-person STEM learning over several months, culminating in a week-long experience that included visits to NASA and SLB's technology center.

The program offers participants a behind-the-scenes look at mission control rooms and astronaut training areas, emphasizing the importance of diversity and collaboration in STEM. Carlos Sarmiento, director of Culture, Diversity and Inclusion at SLB, highlighted the company's belief in the transformative power of education. The initiative aims to empower young women to become future leaders in STEM and develop projects that positively impact their communities.

SLB, un'azienda globale di tecnologia energetica, ha collaborato con la She Is Foundation per lanciare il programma She Is an Astronaut, mirato a ispirare le giovani donne nei campi STEM. Il programma ha portato 24 ragazze di età compresa tra 11 e 16 anni dalla Colombia, dall'Ecuador e dal Perù al Centro Spaziale NASA di Houston, Texas. Le partecipanti hanno partecipato a un apprendimento STEM virtuale e in presenza per diversi mesi, culminando in un'esperienza di una settimana che ha incluso visite alla NASA e al centro tecnologico di SLB.

Il programma offre alle partecipanti uno sguardo dietro le quinte delle sale di controllo delle missioni e delle aree di addestramento degli astronauti, sottolineando l'importanza della diversità e della collaborazione nei campi STEM. Carlos Sarmiento, direttore della Cultura, Diversità e Inclusione di SLB, ha evidenziato la convinzione dell'azienda nel potere trasformativo dell'istruzione. L'iniziativa mira a responsabilizzare le giovani donne affinché diventino future leader nei campi STEM e sviluppino progetti che abbiano un impatto positivo nelle loro comunità.

SLB, una empresa global de tecnología energética, se ha asociado con la Fundación She Is para lanzar el programa She Is an Astronaut, con el objetivo de inspirar a jóvenes mujeres en campos STEM. El programa llevó a 24 chicas de entre 11 y 16 años de Colombia, Ecuador y Perú al Centro Espacial NASA en Houston, Texas. Las participantes se involucraron en aprendizajes STEM virtuales y presenciales durante varios meses, culminando en una experiencia de una semana que incluyó visitas a la NASA y al centro tecnológico de SLB.

El programa ofrece a las participantes una mirada detrás de escena a las salas de control de misión y áreas de entrenamiento de astronautas, enfatizando la importancia de la diversidad y la colaboración en STEM. Carlos Sarmiento, director de Cultura, Diversidad e Inclusión en SLB, destacó la creencia de la empresa en el poder transformador de la educación. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo empoderar a las jóvenes mujeres para que se conviertan en futuras líderes en STEM y desarrollen proyectos que impacten positivamente a sus comunidades.

SLB는 전 세계 에너지 기술 회사로, She Is an Astronaut 프로그램을 시작하기 위해 She Is Foundation과 협력했습니다. 이 프로그램은 STEM 분야에서 젊은 여성들에게 영감을 주기 위한 것입니다. 이 프로그램은 콜롬비아, 에콰도르 및 페루의 11세에서 16세 사이의 24명의 소녀들을 텍사스 휴스턴 NASA우주센터로 데려갔습니다. 참가자들은 몇 달 동안 가상 및 대면 STEM 학습에 참여하였으며, NASA 및 SLB의 기술 센트를 방문하는 일주일 간의 경험으로 마무리되었습니다.

이 프로그램은 참가자들에게 임무 통제실과 우주 비행사 훈련 구역을 배경으로 한 전망을 제공하며, STEM 분야에서 다양성과 협업의 중요성을 강조합니다. SLB의 문화, 다양성 및 포용성 책임자인 카를로스 사르미엔토는 교육의 변혁적 힘에 대한 회사의 신념을 강조했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 젊은 여성들이 STEM 분야에서의 미래의 리더가 되고 그들의 지역 사회에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 프로젝트를 개발할 수 있도록 권한을 부여하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

SLB, une entreprise mondiale de technologie énergétique, s'est associée à la She Is Foundation pour lancer le programme She Is an Astronaut, visant à inspirer les jeunes femmes dans les domaines STEM. Le programme a amené 24 filles âgées de 11 à 16 ans de Colombie, d'Équateur et du Pérou au Centre spatial NASA à Houston, Texas. Les participantes se sont engagées dans un apprentissage STEM virtuel et en personne pendant plusieurs mois, culminant en une expérience d'une semaine comprenant des visites à la NASA et au centre technologique de SLB.

Le programme offre aux participantes un aperçu des salles de contrôle des missions et des zones de formation des astronautes, soulignant l'importance de la diversité et de la collaboration dans les STEM. Carlos Sarmiento, directeur de la culture, de la diversité et de l'inclusion chez SLB, a souligné la conviction de l'entreprise dans le pouvoir transformateur de l'éducation. L'initiative vise à autonomiser les jeunes femmes pour qu'elles deviennent de futures dirigeantes dans les STEM et développent des projets ayant un impact positif dans leurs communautés.

SLB, ein globales Energie-Technologieunternehmen, hat sich mit der She Is Foundation zusammengetan, um das Programm She Is an Astronaut ins Leben zu rufen, das darauf abzielt, junge Frauen in MINT-Berufen zu inspirieren. Das Programm brachte 24 Mädchen im Alter von 11 bis 16 Jahren aus Kolumbien, Ecuador und Peru ins NASA Space Center in Houston, Texas. Die Teilnehmerinnen nahmen über mehrere Monate an virtuell und persönlich durchgeführten MINT-Lernaktivitäten teil, die in einem einwöchigen Erlebnis kulminierten, das Besuche bei der NASA und im Technologiezentrum von SLB beinhaltete.

Das Programm bietet den Teilnehmerinnen einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Missionskontrollräume und der Astronautentrainingsbereiche und betont die Bedeutung von Vielfalt und Zusammenarbeit in MINT. Carlos Sarmiento, Leiter für Kultur, Vielfalt und Inklusion bei SLB, hob den Glauben des Unternehmens an die transformative Kraft der Bildung hervor. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, junge Frauen zu ermächtigen, zukünftige Führungspersönlichkeiten im MINT-Bereich zu werden und Projekte zu entwickeln, die positive Auswirkungen auf ihre Gemeinschaften haben.

  • SLB is actively promoting diversity in STEM fields through the She Is an Astronaut program
  • The program provides hands-on experience and exposure to cutting-edge technologies for young women
  • Collaboration with NASA and the She Is Foundation enhances SLB's corporate social responsibility profile
  • None.


In an initiative that combines inspiration with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), participants of She Is an Astronaut recently embarked on an exciting visit to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space Center in Houston, Texas.

Organized by the She Is Foundation in collaboration with SLB, a global energy technology company, this program empowers young women with the opportunity to learn about space science, engage with industry professionals, and envision themselves as future leaders in STEM.

A total of 24 girls from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru are taking part in the program. Ranging from 11 to 16 years old, these young women from diverse backgrounds engaged in virtual and in-person STEM learning over several months. The program culminated in a week-long experience in Houston, which included going to the NASA Space Center as well as a visit to the SLB technology center to explore cutting-edge technologies first-hand.

"At SLB, we believe in the transformative power of education and inspiring diverse young people through STEM," notes Carlos Sarmiento, director, Culture, Diversity and Inclusion. "At the end of the program, the young women will develop a project to positively impact their communities and inspire other young people about STEM vocations."

The participants toured the NASA facility, where they enjoyed a behind-the-scenes look at mission control rooms and astronaut training areas, and were impressed by the range of collaborative research projects run in conjunction with NASA's many international and domestic partners.

"One of the participants said that since she was a little girl, her dream has been to become an engineer and one day visit NASA," says Ruth Zambrano, managing director, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, SLB. "For these young women, their trip is the culmination of four months of hard work. We're delighted to support them to learn and grow in their STEM journey."

By the end of the visit, the participants gained an in-depth understanding about STEM as well as an understanding about the power of diversity and collaboration. The She Is an Astronaut program opens doors, inspiring young women to become innovators, scientists and engineers. Their trip was more than just a visit to NASA; it's a launchpad for their dreams.

Learn more about the She Is an Astronaut program here and about SLB educational initiatives in the company's sustainability report.

She Is an Astronaut participants discovered space science during their visit to NASA.

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What is the She Is an Astronaut program organized by SLB?

The She Is an Astronaut program is an initiative organized by SLB in collaboration with the She Is Foundation to empower young women in STEM fields. It includes virtual and in-person learning experiences, culminating in a visit to NASA Space Center and SLB's technology center in Houston, Texas.

How many participants are involved in SLB's She Is an Astronaut program?

The She Is an Astronaut program involves 24 girls aged 11-16 from Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

What activities did participants engage in during the SLB-sponsored NASA visit?

Participants in the SLB-sponsored program toured NASA facilities, including behind-the-scenes looks at mission control rooms and astronaut training areas. They also learned about collaborative research projects and gained insights into space science and STEM fields.

What is the goal of SLB's She Is an Astronaut program?

The goal of SLB's She Is an Astronaut program is to inspire and empower young women to become future leaders in STEM fields, encouraging them to develop projects that positively impact their communities and inspire others about STEM vocations.

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