SkyWater Foundation Grants $100,000 in Scholarships to Support Students Pursuing Higher Education and Technical Skills for Success in U.S. Workforce
SkyWater Technology (NASDAQ: SKYT) has awarded $100,000 in scholarships to 10 recipients through the second annual SkyWater Foundation Scholarship Program. Each student will receive $10,000 to support their higher education pursuits, with an emphasis on STEM fields. The program aims to address the talent gap in the semiconductor industry and develop a skilled workforce.
Eligible applicants included high school graduates or college undergraduates planning to enroll full-time at accredited institutions for the 2024-2025 academic year, with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Selection criteria included academic performance, leadership, and extracurricular activities. The scholarship is funded by the Oxbow Foundation and SkyWater Technology, demonstrating their commitment to advancing STEM education and fostering future industry leaders.
SkyWater Technology (NASDAQ: SKYT) ha assegnato 100.000 dollari in borse di studio a 10 beneficiari attraverso il secondo programma annuale di borse di studio della SkyWater Foundation. Ogni studente riceverà 10.000 dollari per sostenere i propri studi universitari, con un'enfasi sui campi STEM. Il programma mira a colmare il divario di talenti nell'industria dei semiconduttori e a sviluppare una forza lavoro qualificata.
I candidati idonei includevano neodiplomati di scuola superiore o studenti universitari che pianificano di iscriversi a tempo pieno in istituzioni accreditate per l'anno accademico 2024-2025, con un GPA minimo di 3.0. I criteri di selezione includevano rendimento accademico, leadership e attività extracurriculari. La borsa di studio è finanziata dalla Oxbow Foundation e da SkyWater Technology, dimostrando il loro impegno per l'avanzamento dell'istruzione STEM e per la formazione dei futuri leader del settore.
SkyWater Technology (NASDAQ: SKYT) ha otorgado 100,000 dólares en becas a 10 beneficiarios a través del segundo programa anual de becas de la Fundación SkyWater. Cada estudiante recibirá 10,000 dólares para apoyar sus estudios superiores, con un énfasis en los campos STEM. El programa tiene como objetivo abordar la brecha de talento en la industria de semiconductores y desarrollar una fuerza laboral calificada.
Los solicitantes elegibles incluían graduados de secundaria o estudiantes universitarios que planean matricularse a tiempo completo en instituciones acreditadas para el año académico 2024-2025, con un GPA mínimo de 3.0. Los criterios de selección incluían el rendimiento académico, el liderazgo y las actividades extracurriculares. La beca está financiada por la Oxbow Foundation y SkyWater Technology, demostrando su compromiso con el avance de la educación STEM y la formación de futuros líderes de la industria.
SkyWater Technology (NASDAQ: SKYT)는 두 번째 연례 SkyWater 재단 장학금 프로그램을 통해 10명의 수혜자에게 100,000달러의 장학금을 수여했습니다. 각 학생은 STEM 분야에 중점을 두고 고등 교육을 지원하기 위해 10,000달러를 받게 됩니다. 이 프로그램의 목적은 반도체 산업의 인재 부족 문제를 해결하고 숙련된 인력을 개발하는 것입니다.
적격 지원자는 2024-2025 학년도에 인가된 기관에 정규 등록을 계획하는 고등학교 졸업생 또는 대학생으로, 최소 GPA는 3.0 이상이어야 합니다. 선정 기준에는 학업 성적, 리더십 및 extracurricular 활동이 포함되었습니다. 이 장학금은 Oxbow Foundation과 SkyWater Technology가 기금을 지원하여 STEM 교육을 발전시키고 미래의 산업 리더를 육성하는 데 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다.
SkyWater Technology (NASDAQ: SKYT) a attribué 100 000 dollars en bourses d'études à 10 récipiendaires dans le cadre du deuxième programme annuel de bourses de la SkyWater Foundation. Chaque étudiant recevra 10 000 dollars pour soutenir ses études supérieures, avec un accent sur les domaines STEM. Le programme vise à combler le fossé des talents dans l'industrie des semi-conducteurs et à développer une main-d'œuvre qualifiée.
Les candidats éligibles comprenaient des diplômés de l'école secondaire ou des étudiants universitaires prévoyant de s'inscrire à temps plein dans des établissements accrédités pour l'année académique 2024-2025, avec un GPA minimum de 3,0. Les critères de sélection comprenaient la performance académique, le leadership et les activités extrascolaires. La bourse est financée par la Oxbow Foundation et SkyWater Technology, démontrant leur engagement envers l'avancement de l'éducation STEM et la formation de futurs leaders de l'industrie.
SkyWater Technology (NASDAQ: SKYT) hat im Rahmen des zweiten jährlichen SkyWater Foundation Stipendienprogramms 100.000 Dollar in Stipendien an 10 Empfänger vergeben. Jeder Student erhält 10.000 Dollar, um seine höhere Bildung zu unterstützen, wobei ein Schwerpunkt auf den MINT-Fächern liegt. Das Programm verfolgt das Ziel, die Talentlücke in der Halbleiterindustrie zu schließen und eine qualifizierte Arbeitskraft zu entwickeln.
Berechtigte Bewerber waren Absolventen von weiterführenden Schulen oder Studienanfänger, die planen, sich für das akademische Jahr 2024-2025 in akkreditierten Institutionen in Vollzeit einzuschreiben, mit einem Mindest-GPA von 3,0. Die Auswahlkriterien umfassten akademische Leistung, Führung und außerschulische Aktivitäten. Das Stipendium wird von der Oxbow Foundation und SkyWater Technology finanziert, die ihr Engagement für die Förderung von MINT-Bildung und die Entwicklung zukünftiger Branchenführer unter Beweis stellen.
- SkyWater Technology awarded $100,000 in scholarships to 10 students
- Scholarship program aims to address talent gap in semiconductor industry
- Partnership with Oxbow Foundation demonstrates commitment to STEM education
- None.
Eligible applicants included high school graduates or current college undergraduates planning to enroll full-time at an accredited two- or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school for the entire 2024-2025 academic year, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent). Selection criteria considered academic performance, leadership, extracurricular activities and a statement of educational and career goals. Due to an overwhelming response last year, Scholarship America capped applications at the first 1,000 received.
The SkyWater Foundation Scholarship Program is made possible through the generosity of the Oxbow Foundation and SkyWater Technology, Inc. According to SkyWater’s Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Laura Lorenz, “SkyWater is very pleased to partner with the Oxbow Foundation to offer these scholarships. Investing in higher education and helping students develop technical skills is essential for strengthening the
The 10 recipients are pursuing degrees at institutions ranging from Columbia to MIT and Purdue, among others and include majors such as engineering physics, aerospace engineering and computer science.
Oxbow Foundation Director, Elise Unterseher said, “The Foundation takes pride in advancing STEM education and cultivating future leaders in the semiconductor industry through our scholarship program. By making education more accessible, we align with our commitment to fostering learning. These scholarships empower students to pursue higher education, unlocking their potential for greater earning and success in their future careers.”
According to one of the recipients, Emerald W., “This scholarship will allow me to begin my freshman year
Another recipient, William S. who is studying computer engineering at George Mason University, commented, “This scholarship is helping me face the biggest obstacle I have in my college career: the financial one. I’m a first-generation student who lives on campus at a university in which I pay out-of-state tuition, so organizations like SkyWater make it possible for individuals like me to work toward their dreams without getting stuck on the journey.”
Added Oxbow Foundation Director Julia Unterseher, “We are proud that there have been 20 recipients of this scholarship over two years, and we are pleased to see our program empower students in their academic and professional pursuits. We are also excited to support those who are pioneering higher education within their families, and we take pride in fostering their success.”
About SkyWater Foundation’s Annual Scholarship Program
The Oxbow Foundation and SkyWater Technology, Inc. in partnership have established the SkyWater Foundation Fund, Inc. to offer a college scholarship program. Annually, The Oxbow Foundation expects to contribute up to
The SkyWater Foundation Scholarship Program may be cancelled or terminated at the discretion of the Oxbow Foundation and/or the Board of Directors of SkyWater Technology, Inc. at any time.
About SkyWater Technology
SkyWater (NASDAQ: SKYT) is a
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This press release contains “forward-looking” statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements that are based on the Company’s current expectations or forecasts of future events, rather than past events and outcomes, and such statements are not guarantees of future performance. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions, which may cause the Company’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Key factors that could cause the Company’s actual results to be different than expected or anticipated include, but are not limited to, factors discussed in the “Risk Factors” section of its annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and in other documents that the Company files with the SEC, which are available at The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release.
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SkyWater Company Contact: Tara Luther | +1 952-851-5023 |
SkyWater Media Contact: Lauri Julian | +1 949-280-5602 |
Source: SkyWater Technology
How much is each SkyWater Foundation Scholarship worth?
What is the minimum GPA requirement for the SkyWater Foundation Scholarship?
How many SkyWater Foundation Scholarships were awarded in 2024?