Sky Quarry Predicts Fuel Shortage in Nevada as California Refinery Shutdowns Spark Supply Concerns
Sky Quarry (NASDAQ: SKYQ) forecasts potential fuel shortages in Nevada amid regional supply disruptions and regulatory challenges. The company's analysis reveals critical concerns following California refinery shutdowns, including the Martinez facility (9.64% of state capacity) and Phillips 66's planned closure (9% reduction). California currently supplies 88% of Nevada's and 33% of Arizona's fuel needs.
Key factors contributing to the shortage include:
- Nevada imports approximately 150,000 barrels of transportation fuel daily
- Martinez refinery's restart in Q2 2025 at 50% capacity
- California's new ABX2-1 law affecting inventory management
- 59% of California's crude oil is imported
- Growing industrial demand in Nevada
As Nevada's only crude oil refinery, Sky Quarry's Foreland Refinery plans to increase its 4,500-5,000 barrel-per-day capacity in 2025 to help address the supply gap and capitalize on rising refining margins.
Sky Quarry (NASDAQ: SKYQ) prevede potenziali carenze di carburante in Nevada a causa di interruzioni regionali della fornitura e sfide normative. L'analisi dell'azienda rivela preoccupazioni critiche dopo le chiusure delle raffinerie in California, inclusa quella di Martinez (9,64% della capacità statale) e la chiusura pianificata della Phillips 66 (riduzione del 9%). Attualmente, la California fornisce l'88% del fabbisogno di carburante del Nevada e il 33% di quello dell'Arizona.
I fattori chiave che contribuiscono alla carenza includono:
- Il Nevada importa circa 150.000 barili di carburante per i trasporti al giorno
- Il riavvio della raffineria di Martinez nel secondo trimestre del 2025 al 50% della capacità
- La nuova legge ABX2-1 della California che influisce sulla gestione dell'inventario
- Il 59% del petrolio greggio della California è importato
- Aumento della domanda industriale in Nevada
Essendo l'unica raffineria di petrolio greggio del Nevada, la raffineria Foreland di Sky Quarry prevede di aumentare la propria capacità da 4.500 a 5.000 barili al giorno nel 2025 per aiutare a colmare il divario di fornitura e sfruttare i margini di raffinazione in crescita.
Sky Quarry (NASDAQ: SKYQ) pronostica posibles escaseces de combustible en Nevada debido a interrupciones regionales en el suministro y desafíos regulatorios. El análisis de la empresa revela preocupaciones críticas tras el cierre de refinerías en California, incluida la instalación de Martinez (9.64% de la capacidad estatal) y el cierre planeado de Phillips 66 (reducción del 9%). Actualmente, California suministra el 88% de las necesidades de combustible de Nevada y el 33% de Arizona.
Los factores clave que contribuyen a la escasez incluyen:
- Nevada importa aproximadamente 150,000 barriles de combustible de transporte diariamente
- El reinicio de la refinería de Martinez en el segundo trimestre de 2025 al 50% de su capacidad
- La nueva ley ABX2-1 de California que afecta la gestión de inventarios
- El 59% del petróleo crudo de California es importado
- Aumento de la demanda industrial en Nevada
Como la única refinería de petróleo crudo en Nevada, la refinería Foreland de Sky Quarry planea aumentar su capacidad de 4,500 a 5,000 barriles por día en 2025 para ayudar a abordar la brecha de suministro y capitalizar los márgenes de refinación en aumento.
Sky Quarry (NASDAQ: SKYQ)는 지역 공급 중단 및 규제 문제로 인해 네바다에서 연료 부족 가능성을 예측하고 있습니다. 회사의 분석에 따르면 캘리포니아 정유소의 가동 중단 이후 심각한 우려가 제기되고 있으며, 여기에는 마르티네즈 시설(주 용량의 9.64%)과 필립스 66의 계획된 폐쇄(9% 감소)가 포함됩니다. 현재 캘리포니아는 네바다의 연료 수요의 88%와 애리조나의 33%를 공급하고 있습니다.
부족에 기여하는 주요 요인은 다음과 같습니다:
- 네바다는 매일 약 150,000 배럴의 운송 연료를 수입합니다
- 마르티네즈 정유소는 2025년 2분기에 50% 용량으로 재가동될 예정입니다
- 재고 관리를 영향을 미치는 캘리포니아의 새로운 ABX2-1 법안
- 캘리포니아의 원유 59%가 수입됩니다
- 네바다의 산업 수요 증가
네바다의 유일한 원유 정유소인 Sky Quarry의 Foreland Refinery는 2025년에 4,500에서 5,000 배럴로 생산 능력을 늘릴 계획이며, 이를 통해 공급 격차를 해소하고 증가하는 정제 마진을 활용할 것입니다.
Sky Quarry (NASDAQ: SKYQ) prévoit des pénuries potentielles de carburant au Nevada en raison de perturbations régionales de l'approvisionnement et de défis réglementaires. L'analyse de l'entreprise révèle des préoccupations critiques suite aux fermetures de raffineries en Californie, y compris celle de Martinez (9,64 % de la capacité de l'État) et la fermeture prévue de Phillips 66 (réduction de 9 %). Actuellement, la Californie fournit 88 % des besoins en carburant du Nevada et 33 % de ceux de l'Arizona.
Les facteurs clés contribuant à la pénurie incluent :
- Le Nevada importe environ 150 000 barils de carburant de transport par jour
- Le redémarrage de la raffinerie de Martinez au deuxième trimestre 2025 à 50 % de sa capacité
- La nouvelle loi ABX2-1 de Californie affectant la gestion des stocks
- 59 % du pétrole brut de Californie est importé
- Demande industrielle croissante au Nevada
En tant que seule raffinerie de pétrole brut du Nevada, la raffinerie Foreland de Sky Quarry prévoit d'augmenter sa capacité de 4 500 à 5 000 barils par jour en 2025 pour aider à combler le fossé d'approvisionnement et tirer parti des marges de raffinage en hausse.
Sky Quarry (NASDAQ: SKYQ) prognostiziert potenzielle Treibstoffengpässe in Nevada aufgrund regionaler Lieferunterbrechungen und regulatorischer Herausforderungen. Die Analyse des Unternehmens zeigt kritische Bedenken nach den Schließungen von Raffinerien in Kalifornien, einschließlich der Raffinerie in Martinez (9,64% der staatlichen Kapazität) und der geplanten Schließung von Phillips 66 (9% Reduktion). Derzeit liefert Kalifornien 88% des Treibstoffbedarfs von Nevada und 33% von Arizona.
Wichtige Faktoren, die zur Knappheit beitragen, sind:
- Nevada importiert täglich etwa 150.000 Barrel Transportkraftstoff
- Der Neustart der Raffinerie Martinez im 2. Quartal 2025 bei 50% Kapazität
- Das neue Gesetz ABX2-1 in Kalifornien, das das Bestandsmanagement betrifft
- 59% des Rohöls in Kalifornien wird importiert
- Wachsende industrielle Nachfrage in Nevada
Als einzige Rohölraffinerie in Nevada plant die Foreland Raffinerie von Sky Quarry, ihre Kapazität von 4.500 auf 5.000 Barrel pro Tag im Jahr 2025 zu erhöhen, um die Versorgungslücke zu schließen und von den steigenden Raffinierungsgewinnen zu profitieren.
- Only operating refinery in Nevada, positioning company to capture market share
- Plans to increase production capacity to meet growing demand
- Potential for higher refining margins due to supply constraints
- Strategic advantage from California refinery closures reducing regional competition
- Currently operating below full capacity
- production capacity of 4,500-5,000 barrels per day compared to regional demand
- Potential impact from proposed tariffs on imported crude oil could affect input costs
Sky Quarry's forecast of a Nevada fuel shortage represents a significant market opportunity for the company. As the owner of Foreland Refinery - Nevada's only crude oil refinery - SKYQ stands to benefit substantially from regional supply constraints that are creating favorable pricing dynamics.
The company has identified multiple catalysts tightening West Coast fuel markets: California refinery disruptions (Martinez explosion representing 9.64% of state capacity), planned closures (Phillips 66 representing another 9%), and regulatory pressures from California's new ABX2-1 law. With Nevada importing 150,000 barrels daily and 88% coming from California, these disruptions create a natural opportunity for Sky Quarry.
Most importantly, SKYQ has confirmed its Foreland Refinery currently operates below its 4,500-5,000 barrel-per-day capacity, suggesting immediate expansion potential without major capital investment. While this represents just a fraction of Nevada's daily needs, incremental production at higher margins could significantly impact SKYQ's financial performance.
The regional dynamics mirror a classic supply-demand imbalance that typically drives refining margins higher. With additional pressure from potential crude oil tariffs and increasing industrial demand in Nevada, Sky Quarry appears well-positioned to capitalize on what could be an extended period of elevated margins in a constrained market.
Company Prepares to Ramp Up Production to Help Keep Nevada Fueled
WOODS CROSS, Utah, March 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sky Quarry Inc. (NASDAQ: SKYQ) ("Sky Quarry" or "the Company"), an integrated energy solutions company committed to revolutionizing the waste asphalt shingle recycling industry, is forecasting a potential fuel shortage in Nevada. Sky Quarry reached this conclusion after conducting research prompted by the surge of inquiries to secure long term fuel supply from Nevada market participants. Sky Quarry believes that the potential fuel shortage will be caused by market challenges including production disruptions in the region (specifically California), supply constraints driven by regulatory action and long-term historical uptrends in demand. The potential impact of tariffs on imported oil may also have a significant impact because both Utah and California purchase crude internationally.
With Nevada importing approximately 150,000 barrels of transportation fuel daily and California supplying about
Adding to the uncertainty, California's recently enacted ABX2-1 law, aimed at curbing gasoline price spikes, could further reduce the state’s refinery output or willingness to sell fuel into Nevada. Often referred to as a “gasoline island” due to its lack of multistate logistics networks and pipeline infrastructure, California is particularly vulnerable to supply shocks. The law specifically mandates that refiners maintain high levels of inventory to reduce the potential for price spikes. This law could have a significant impact on fuel availability in Nevada and Arizona as the law “may artificially create shortages in downstream markets” 1
Proposed tariffs on imported crude oil could further tighten supply and contribute to rising fuel prices across the West. California, and by extension, Nevada and Arizona, currently imports
Additionally, the Nevada fuel market is tightening as demand rises, driven by expanding industrial sectors like mining, which are crucial to the state's economy and expected to grow further in 2025.
As the only crude oil refinery in Nevada, Sky Quarry’s Foreland Refinery is uniquely positioned to help bridge this anticipated fuel supply gap. Currently operating below full capacity, the company plans to ramp up production in 2025, utilizing its 4,500-5,000 barrel-per-day refining capacity to stabilize the regional fuel market and capitalize on rising refining margins.
"The delicate balance of California’s refining infrastructure is being tested by major supply disruptions, creating a highly favorable environment for our growing operations in Utah and Nevada," said David Sealock, CEO of Sky Quarry. "As the only refinery in Nevada, we believe Sky Quarry will play a critical role in stabilizing the regional fuel supply. With our finger on the pulse of these market shifts, we remain committed to supporting energy security in the Southwest through strategic expansion and operational resilience."
About Sky Quarry Inc.
Sky Quarry Inc. (NASDAQ:SKYQ) and its subsidiaries are, collectively, an oil production, refining, and a development-stage environmental remediation company formed to deploy technologies to facilitate the recycling of waste asphalt shingles and remediation of oil-saturated sands and soils. Our waste-to-energy mission is to repurpose and upcycle millions of tons of asphalt shingle waste, diverting them from landfills. By doing so, we can contribute to improved waste management, promote resource efficiency, conserve natural resources, and reduce environmental impact. For more information, please visit
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Investor Relations
Jennifer Standley
Director of Investor Relations
Company Website
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