Skye Bioscience Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Recent Highlights

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Skye Bioscience (NASDAQ: SKYE) reported Q2 2024 financial results and recent highlights. The company is advancing its nimacimab peripheral CB1 inhibitor for obesity, with a Phase 2 clinical trial expected to begin in Q3 2024. Key points include:

- CBeyond™ Phase 2 trial design announced, targeting 120 patients
- Collaboration with Beacon Biosignals for sleep quality assessment
- Discontinuation of glaucoma study and ophthalmology pipeline
- Appointment of new board member and Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board
- Uplisting to NASDAQ Global Market® and inclusion in Russell indexes
- Q2 2024 financials: $74.1M cash position, $4.1M R&D expenses, $4.3M G&A expenses, $7.9M net loss

Skye expects current cash to fund operations through at least H1 2027.

Skye Bioscience (NASDAQ: SKYE) ha riportato i risultati finanziari del secondo trimestre del 2024 e gli sviluppi recenti. L'azienda sta avanzando il suo inibitore periferico CB1 nimacimab per l'obesità, con un trial clinico di Fase 2 previsto per iniziare nel terzo trimestre del 2024. I punti chiave includono:

- Annuncio del design dello studio di Fase 2 CBeyond™, con l'obiettivo di 120 pazienti
- Collaborazione con Beacon Biosignals per la valutazione della qualità del sonno
- Interruzione dello studio sul glaucoma e pipeline in oftalmologia
- Nomina di un nuovo membro del consiglio e del Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board
- Passaggio al NASDAQ Global Market® e inclusione negli indici Russell
- Finanziari del Q2 2024: posizione di cassa di $74,1M, spese per R&S di $4,1M, spese generali e amministrative di $4,3M, perdita netta di $7,9M

Skye prevede che l'attuale liquidità sosterrà le operazioni almeno fino alla prima metà del 2027.

Skye Bioscience (NASDAQ: SKYE) informó los resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024 y los desarrollos recientes. La empresa está avanzando en su inhibidor periférico CB1 nimacimab para la obesidad, con un ensayo clínico de Fase 2 que se espera comience en el tercer trimestre de 2024. Los puntos clave incluyen:

- Anuncio del diseño del ensayo de Fase 2 CBeyond™, con un objetivo de 120 pacientes
- Colaboración con Beacon Biosignals para la evaluación de la calidad del sueño
- Descontinuación del estudio sobre glaucoma y pipeline en oftalmología
- Nombramiento de un nuevo miembro de la junta y del Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board
- Listado en el NASDAQ Global Market® e inclusión en los índices de Russell
- Resultados financieros del Q2 2024: posición de caja de $74,1M, gastos en I+D de $4,1M, gastos generales y administrativos de $4,3M, y pérdida neta de $7,9M

Skye espera que la caja actual financie las operaciones al menos hasta la primera mitad de 2027.

스카이 바이오사이언스(SNASDAQ: SKYE)는 2024년 2분기 재무 결과 및 최근 주요 사항을 보고했습니다. 회사는 비만 치료를 위한 말초 CB1 억제제인 니마시맙을 개발 중이며, 2024년 3분기 중 2상 임상 시험이 시작될 예정입니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

- 120명의 환자를 대상으로 하는 CBeyond™ 2상 시험 설계 발표
- 수면 품질 평가를 위한 비콘 바이오사이널스와의 협력
- 녹내장 연구 및 안과 파이프라인 중단
- 신규 이사 및 임상 및 과학 자문 위원회 위원 임명
- NASDAQ 글로벌 마켓®으로의 상장 및 러셀 지수 포함
- 2024년 2분기 재무: 현금 보유액 $74.1M, 연구개발 비용 $4.1M, 일반 관리 비용 $4.3M, 순 손실 $7.9M

스카이는 현재 현금으로 2027년 상반기까지 운영을 지원할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

Skye Bioscience (NASDAQ: SKYE) a annoncé ses résultats financiers pour le deuxième trimestre de 2024 ainsi que ses récents progrès. La société avance son inhibiteur périphérique CB1 nimacimab pour l'obésité, avec un essai clinique de phase 2 prévu pour débuter au troisième trimestre de 2024. Les points clés incluent :

- Annonce du design de l'essai de phase 2 CBeyond™, ciblant 120 patients
- Collaboration avec Beacon Biosignals pour l'évaluation de la qualité du sommeil
- Arrêt de l'étude sur le glaucome et pipeline en ophtalmologie
- Nommer un nouveau membre du conseil et un Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board
- Inscription au NASDAQ Global Market® et inclusion dans les indices Russell
- Finances du deuxième trimestre de 2024 : position de trésorerie de 74,1 millions de dollars, dépenses en R&D de 4,1 millions de dollars, dépenses générales et administratives de 4,3 millions de dollars, perte nette de 7,9 millions de dollars

Skye prévoit que la trésorerie actuelle financera les opérations au moins jusqu'au premier semestre 2027.

Skye Bioscience (NASDAQ: SKYE) hat die finanziellen Ergebnisse des 2. Quartals 2024 und aktuelle Entwicklungen bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen entwickelt seinen peripheren CB1-Inhibitor Nimacimab zur Behandlung von Fettleibigkeit, mit einer Phase-2-Studie, die voraussichtlich im 3. Quartal 2024 beginnen wird. Wichtige Punkte sind:

- Ankündigung des Studiendesigns der CBeyond™-Phase-2-Studie mit 120 Patienten als Ziel
- Zusammenarbeit mit Beacon Biosignals zur Bewertung der Schlafqualität
- Einstellung der Glaukomstudie und des Angebots in der Augenheilkunde
- Ernennung eines neuen Vorstandsmitglieds sowie eines Clinical and Scientific Advisory Boards
- Listung an der NASDAQ Global Market® und Aufnahme in die Russell-Indizes
- Finanzen des 2. Quartals 2024: Barbestand von 74,1 Mio. USD, F&E-Aufwendungen von 4,1 Mio. USD, allgemeine und administrative Aufwendungen von 4,3 Mio. USD, Nettoverlust von 7,9 Mio. USD

Skye erwartet, dass die derzeitigen Mittel die Geschäftsführung mindestens bis zur ersten Hälfte 2027 finanzieren können.

  • Phase 2 obesity clinical trial for nimacimab expected to begin in Q3 2024
  • Strong cash position of $74.1 million, expected to fund operations through at least H1 2027
  • Uplisting to NASDAQ Global Market® and inclusion in Russell 2000® and Russell 3000® Indexes
  • Formation of Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board with key opinion leaders
  • Conversion of $5.0 million convertible debt into common stock
  • Net loss increased to $7.9 million in Q2 2024 compared to $3.1 million in Q2 2023
  • R&D expenses increased to $4.1 million in Q2 2024 from $1.8 million in Q2 2023
  • G&A expenses increased to $4.3 million in Q2 2024 from $1.2 million in Q2 2023
  • Discontinuation of glaucoma study and entire ophthalmology pipeline due to unsuccessful Phase 2a trial results

Skye Bioscience's Q2 2024 results reveal a significant financial position with $74.1 million in cash, excluding $9.1 million in restricted cash. This runway is expected to fund operations through H1 2027, providing ample resources for their Phase 2 obesity trial. However, the company's net loss widened to $7.9 million from $3.1 million year-over-year, primarily due to increased R&D and G&A expenses.

The R&D expenses jumped to $4.1 million from $1.8 million, reflecting investments in clinical trials. G&A expenses also rose significantly to $4.3 million from $1.2 million, driven by stock-based compensation and costs associated with NASDAQ uplisting. While these increases indicate aggressive investment in growth, investors should monitor the burn rate carefully.

Skye's pivot to metabolic health, focusing on nimacimab for obesity treatment, represents a strategic shift in their clinical pipeline. The upcoming Phase 2 CBeyond™ trial, set to begin in Q3 2024, is a critical milestone. With 120 patients and multiple endpoints including weight loss, metabolic biomarkers and an exploratory GLP-1 agonist combination arm, this trial could potentially position Skye as a significant player in the competitive obesity market.

The collaboration with Beacon Biosignals to assess sleep quality is an innovative approach, addressing a often-overlooked aspect of obesity. However, the discontinuation of the SBI-100 OE glaucoma program due to unsuccessful Phase 2a results highlights the risks inherent in drug development. This setback underscores the importance of the nimacimab program's success for Skye's future prospects.

Skye's uplisting to NASDAQ and inclusion in the Russell 2000® and 3000® indexes are significant milestones that could enhance visibility and liquidity for investors. The formation of a new Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board with renowned experts signals a strong commitment to their metabolic health focus and could bolster credibility in the field.

The obesity treatment market is highly competitive and rapidly evolving, particularly with the success of GLP-1 agonists. Skye's strategy to explore a combination therapy with Wegovy® is intriguing and could potentially differentiate nimacimab. However, the company faces significant challenges, including established competitors and the need to demonstrate superior efficacy or safety profiles. Investors should closely monitor the progress and results of the CBeyond™ trial, as it will be important in determining Skye's position in this lucrative but crowded market.

Advancement of clinical and regulatory steps enable the expected initiation of Phase 2 obesity clinical trial for nimacimab peripheral CB1 inhibitor in Q3 2024

SAN DIEGO, Aug. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Skye Bioscience, Inc. (NASDAQ: SKYE) (“Skye” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on unlocking new therapeutic pathways for metabolic health, today reported financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024, and highlighted recent corporate achievements.

“Our strategic acquisition of nimacimab in August 2023 has propelled Skye into the metabolic landscape, where there is a need to provide patients with obesity more tolerable and sustainable therapeutic alternatives to manage weight loss and address comorbid conditions,” said Punit Dhillon, CEO of Skye. “In Q2, at our event, ‘Metabolic Rewiring with CB1 Inhibition,’ we outlined our CBeyond™ Phase 2 clinical trial design and highlighted nimacimab’s differentiators, which we believe competitively position Skye. During the second quarter of 2024, we made changes to further support our metabolic focus by adding expertise to our Board of Directors and forming a clinical and scientific advisory board with key opinion leaders. We believe that our uplisting to NASDAQ and strong cash position provide us with the foundation to efficiently execute our Phase 2 obesity clinical trial and build on our strategic vision.”

Key Corporate and Clinical Program Highlights

Phase 2 Trial in Obesity Expected to Begin in Q3 2024

Nimacimab, is a first-in-class humanized monoclonal antibody that acts as a negative allosteric modulator to inhibit CB1 signaling in the periphery.

  • Skye recently announced its CBeyond™ Phase 2 clinical trial design for nimacimab, for the treatment of obesity. This 120-patient trial is on track to begin screening in Q3 2024 and is expected to provide interim and topline data in Q2 and Q4 of 2025, respectively. The trial’s primary endpoint is to evaluate weight loss using nimacimab compared to placebo.
  • Secondary endpoints include evaluations of safety and tolerability, neuropsychiatric and cognitive evaluation, change in body composition by Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA), and changes in key metabolic biomarkers such as triglycerides, insulin and leptin sensitivity.
  • This trial will also be the first to evaluate the combination of a CB1 inhibitor (nimacimab) and a GLP-1 agonist (Wegovy®) in humans in an exploratory arm which will assess the difference in weight loss, the difference in body composition and changes in sleep quality.
  • In connection with the Company’s CBeyond™ trial for nimacimab, Skye announced a collaboration with Beacon Biosignals. Because obesity is recognized as detrimentally affecting sleep quality in some people1, Skye’s CBeyond™ trial will use Beacon Biosignal’s FDA 510(k)-cleared Dreem Headband to collect sleep data and assess validated sleep endpoints in a subset of 40 patients, encompassing all arms of the trial, as an exploratory endpoint.

Completion of Glaucoma Study

  • Skye completed a Phase 2a double-masked randomized, placebo-controlled trial of SBI-100 Ophthalmic Emulsion (“SBI-100 OE”) in 56 patients with elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) diagnosed with primary open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension. The primary endpoint evaluated the change in diurnal IOP in the treated arm vs. placebo over 2 weeks. The study did not achieve a statistically significant improvement in IOP over placebo.
  • Skye has discontinued all clinical development, and research and development related to SBI-100 OE, including its ophthalmology pipeline, and redirected capital resources from its ocular program to its metabolic program.

Corporate Highlights

  • Skye recently announced the appointment of Karen Smith, MD, Ph.D., MBA, LLM, to its Board of Directors. Dr. Smith brings significant global biotech and biopharma leadership expertise to Skye, including over 10 years of board and advisory experience.
  • Skye recently announced the appointment of a new Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board to support the development of nimacimab, with advisors including Lee Kaplan, MD, Ph.D., Louis Aronne, MD, Rekha Kumar, MD, M.S., Marcus DaSilva Goncalves, MD, Ph.D., Beverly Tchang, MD, Eduardo Muñoz, MD, Ph.D. and Giovanni Appendino, Ph.D.
  • Skye uplisted to the NASDAQ Global Market® stock exchange from the OTCQB.
  • Skye was included in the Russell 2000® Index and the broad-market Russell 3000® Index, effective at the U.S. market open on July 1, 2024, as part of the annual reconstitution of the Russell stock indexes.
  • Subsequent to the end of second quarter, in August, Skye’s convertible debt with a principal balance of $5.0 million was converted into 968,973 shares of the Company’s common stock.

Second Quarter 2024 Financial Highlights:

Cash Position: Cash and cash equivalents totaled $74.1 million, excluding restricted cash of $9.1 million on June 30, 2024. The Company expects its current cash and cash equivalents to fund projected operations through at least the first half of 2027.

R&D Expenses: Research and development (R&D) expenses for the second quarter of 2024 were $4.1 million, as compared to $1.8 million for the same period in 2023. The increase was primarily due to costs associated with the completion of our Phase 2a clinical trial for glaucoma, which has since been discontinued, and the costs from the preparation of the launch of our Phase 2 clinical trial for the treatment of obesity.

G&A Expenses: General and administrative (G&A) expenses for the second quarter of 2024 were $4.3 million, as compared to $1.2 million for the same period in 2023. The increase was primarily due to increases in non-cash incentive stock-based compensation, professional services and fees associated with the Company’s January and March 2024 PIPE financings, uplisting to NASDAQ and expansion to support and advance its operations as a publicly-traded company.

Net Loss: Net loss for the second quarter of 2024 totaled $7.9 million, with non-cash share-based compensation expense of $1.8 million and non-cash interest expense of $0.3 million, compared to $3.1 million for the second quarter of 2023 with non-cash share-based compensation expense of $0.1 million.

1 Shazia Jehan et al, “Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Obesity: Implications for Public Health,” Sleep Med Disord. 2017; 1(4): 00019. Published online 2017 Dec 12.

About Skye Bioscience

Skye is focused on unlocking new therapeutic pathways for metabolic health through the development of next-generation molecules that modulate G-protein coupled receptors. Skye's strategy leverages biologic targets with substantial human proof of mechanism for the development of first-in-class therapeutics with clinical and commercial differentiation. Skye plans to start a Phase 2 clinical trial in obesity in Q3 2024 for nimacimab, a negative allosteric modulating antibody that peripherally inhibits CB1, comparing monotherapy and combination arms of nimacimab and a GLP-1R agonist (Wegovy®). For more information, please visit: Connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Forward-looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements regarding our product development for nimacimab, business strategy, the timing of clinical trials for nimacimab, the therapeutic potential of nimacimab and the expected timing through which our current cash and cash equivalents will fund our operating plans. Such statements and other statements in this press release that are not descriptions of historical facts are forward-looking statements that are based on management’s current expectations and assumptions and are subject to risks and uncertainties. If such risks or uncertainties materialize or such assumptions prove incorrect, our business, operating results, financial condition, and stock price could be materially negatively affected. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology including “anticipated,” “plans,” “goal,” “focus,” “aims,” “intends,” “believes,” “expects,” “can,” “could,” “challenge,” “predictable,” “will,” “would,” “may” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. We operate in a rapidly changing environment, and new risks emerge from time to time. As a result, it is not possible for our management to predict all risks, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements the Company may make. Risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, our capital resources, uncertainty regarding the results of future testing and development efforts and other risks that are described in the Company’s periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including in the “Risk Factors” section of Skye’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Except as expressly required by law, Skye disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

 For the Three Months Ended 
June 30,
 For the Six Months Ended 
June 30,
Operating expenses       
Research and development$4,078,751  $1,788,434  $6,025,201  $2,973,314 
General and administrative 4,326,820   1,206,405   8,532,620   3,121,683 
Estimated legal contingency    (151,842)     (151,842)
Total operating expenses 8,405,571   2,842,997   14,557,821   5,943,155 
Operating loss (8,405,571)  (2,842,997)  (14,557,821)  (5,943,155)
Other (income) expense       
Interest expense 450,052   186,429   886,988   204,828 
Interest income (961,237)  (8,598)  (1,388,791)  (33,112)
(Gain) loss from asset sales       (1,145,141)  307,086 
Debt conversion inducement expense          1,383,285 
Wind-down costs    87,072      470,181 
Other expense (income) 359      1,399   (3)
Total other (income) expense, net (510,826)  264,903   (1,645,545)  2,332,265 
Loss before income taxes (7,894,745)  (3,107,900)  (12,912,276)  (8,275,420)
Provision for income taxes 8,071   3,600   10,071   3,600 
Net loss$(7,902,816) $(3,111,500) $(12,922,347) $(8,279,020)
Loss per common share:       
Basic$(0.20) $(0.80) $(0.39) $(2.16)
Diluted$(0.20) $(0.80) $(0.39) $(2.16)
Weighted average shares of common stock outstanding used to compute earnings per share:       
Basic 38,669,330   3,886,198   33,334,616   3,827,216 
Diluted 38,669,330   3,886,198   33,334,616   3,827,216 

 June 30,
 December 31,
Current assets   
Cash and cash equivalents$74,120,854  $1,256,453 
Restricted cash 9,080,202   9,080,202 
Prepaid expenses 1,096,039   194,259 
Other current assets 2,707,368   1,119,929 
Total current assets 87,004,463   11,650,843 
Property and equipment, net 45,772   43,276 
Operating lease right-of-use asset 202,987   237,983 
Other assets 8,309   8,309 
Total assets$87,261,531  $11,940,411 
Current liabilities   
Accounts payable$1,079,493  $1,155,785 
Accrued interest - related party 124,658   126,027 
Accrued payroll liabilities 556,573   888,381 
Accrued interest - legal contingency 384,896   234,750 
Other current liabilities 1,184,795   998,552 
Estimate for legal contingency 6,053,468   6,053,468 
Convertible note - related party, net of discount 4,859,525   4,371,998 
Operating lease liability, current portion 79,165   72,038 
Total current liabilities 14,322,573   13,900,999 
Non-current liabilities   
Operating lease liability, net of current portion 129,907   171,230 
Total liabilities 14,452,480   14,072,229 
Commitments and contingencies (Note 9)   
Stockholders’ equity (deficit)   
Preferred stock, $0.001 par value; 200,000 shares authorized at June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023; no shares issued and outstanding at June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023     
Common stock, $0.001 par value; 100,000,000 shares authorized at June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023; 28,067,907 and 12,349,243 shares issued and outstanding at June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively 28,068   12,349 
Additional paid-in-capital 190,085,879   102,238,382 
Accumulated deficit (117,304,896)  (104,382,549)
Total stockholders’ equity (deficit) 72,809,051   (2,131,818)
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity (deficit)$87,261,531  $11,940,411 


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LifeSci Advisors, Mike Moyer
(617) 308-4306

Media Inquiries
LifeSci Communications, Michael Fitzhugh
(628) 234-3889


When is Skye Bioscience (SKYE) expected to start its Phase 2 obesity clinical trial?

Skye Bioscience (SKYE) is expected to begin its Phase 2 obesity clinical trial for nimacimab in Q3 2024.

What were Skye Bioscience's (SKYE) key financial figures for Q2 2024?

In Q2 2024, Skye Bioscience (SKYE) reported a cash position of $74.1 million, R&D expenses of $4.1 million, G&A expenses of $4.3 million, and a net loss of $7.9 million.

How long does Skye Bioscience (SKYE) expect its current cash to fund operations?

Skye Bioscience (SKYE) expects its current cash position to fund projected operations through at least the first half of 2027.

What major corporate changes did Skye Bioscience (SKYE) announce in Q2 2024?

Skye Bioscience (SKYE) announced uplisting to the NASDAQ Global Market®, inclusion in Russell indexes, appointment of a new board member, and formation of a Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board.

Why did Skye Bioscience (SKYE) discontinue its ophthalmology pipeline?

Skye Bioscience (SKYE) discontinued its ophthalmology pipeline, including SBI-100 OE for glaucoma, due to unsuccessful Phase 2a trial results that did not achieve statistically significant improvement in intraocular pressure over placebo.

Skye Bioscience, Inc.


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