Skye Bioscience Hosts Virtual KOL Event, “Metabolic Rewiring with CB1 Inhibition,” and Details Phase 2 Nimacimab Clinical Trial Design Including Obstructive Sleep Apnea Exploratory Endpoints

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Skye Bioscience (Nasdaq: SKYE) is hosting a virtual KOL event on July 24, 2024, focusing on 'Metabolic Rewiring with CB1 Inhibition' and detailing its Phase 2 Nimacimab clinical trial design. The event will cover the current obesity treatment landscape, the potential role of peripheral CB1 inhibition, and preclinical and Phase 1 data on Nimacimab.

Key highlights of the CBeyond™ Phase 2 trial include:

  • 120 patients across four treatment groups
  • 26-week treatment period with 13-week safety follow-up
  • Primary endpoint: weight loss evaluation
  • Secondary endpoints: safety, metabolic parameters, body composition changes
  • Exploratory endpoints: combination therapy evaluation, sleep improvement

Skye has also announced a collaboration with Beacon Biosignals to assess sleep quality and sleep apnea in the trial, using Beacon's FDA-cleared Dreem Headband for data collection.

Skye Bioscience (Nasdaq: SKYE) ospiterà un evento virtuale KOL il 24 luglio 2024, incentrato su 'Ristrutturazione Metabolica con Inibizione del CB1' e fornendo dettagli sul design del suo trial clinico di Fase 2 con Nimacimab. L'evento trattarà il panorama attuale del trattamento dell'obesità, il potenziale ruolo dell'inibizione del CB1 periferico e i dati preclinici e di Fase 1 su Nimacimab.

Punti salienti del trial CBeyond™ di Fase 2 includono:

  • 120 pazienti suddivisi in quattro gruppi di trattamento
  • Periodo di trattamento di 26 settimane con follow-up di sicurezza di 13 settimane
  • Obiettivo primario: valutazione della perdita di peso
  • Obiettivi secondari: sicurezza, parametri metabolici, cambiamenti nella composizione corporea
  • Obiettivi esplorativi: valutazione della terapia combinata, miglioramento del sonno

Skye ha anche annunciato una collaborazione con Beacon Biosignals per valutare la qualità del sonno e l'apnea notturna nel trial, utilizzando la Dreem Headband approvata dalla FDA di Beacon per la raccolta dati.

Skye Bioscience (Nasdaq: SKYE) llevará a cabo un evento virtual KOL el 24 de julio de 2024, centrado en 'Reestructuración Metabólica con Inhibición de CB1' y detallando el diseño de su ensayo clínico de Fase 2 con Nimacimab. El evento abordará el panorama actual del tratamiento de la obesidad, el posible papel de la inhibición periférica de CB1 y los datos preclínicos y de Fase 1 sobre Nimacimab.

Aspectos destacados del ensayo CBeyond™ de Fase 2 incluyen:

  • 120 pacientes en cuatro grupos de tratamiento
  • Periodo de tratamiento de 26 semanas con un seguimiento de seguridad de 13 semanas
  • Objetivo primario: evaluación de la pérdida de peso
  • Objetivos secundarios: seguridad, parámetros metabólicos, cambios en la composición corporal
  • Objetivos exploratorios: evaluación de terapias combinadas, mejora del sueño

Skye también ha anunciado una colaboración con Beacon Biosignals para evaluar la calidad del sueño y la apnea del sueño en el ensayo, utilizando la Dreem Headband aprobada por la FDA de Beacon para la recolección de datos.

스카이 생명과학(SNASDAQ: SKYE)이 2024년 7월 24일 'CB1 억제로 인한 대사 재구성'을 주제로 가상 KOL 이벤트를 개최하며, 니마시맙의 2상 임상 시험 설계에 대한 세부사항을 설명합니다. 이 이벤트에서는 현재 비만 치료의 현황, 말초 CB1 억제의 잠재적 역할, 그리고 니마시맙에 대한 전임상 및 1상 데이터를 다룰 것입니다.

CBeyond™ 2상 임상 시험의 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 4개의 치료 그룹에서 120명의 환자
  • 26주 치료 기간과 13주 안전성 추적 관찰
  • 주요 목표: 체중 감소 평가
  • 부차적 목표: 안전성, 대사 파라미터, 신체 구성 변화
  • 탐색적 목표: 병합 요법 평가, 수면 개선

스카이는 또한 비콘 바이오사이그널스와 협력하여 임상 시험에서 수면 품질 및 수면 무호흡증을 평가하며, 데이터 수집을 위해 비콘의 FDA 승인 드림 헤드밴드를 사용할 것이라고 발표했습니다.

Skye Bioscience (Nasdaq: SKYE) organise un événement KOL virtuel le 24 juillet 2024, axé sur la 'Reconfiguration Métabolique par Inhibition du CB1' et détaillant le design de son essai clinique de phase 2 avec Nimacimab. L'événement portera sur le paysage actuel du traitement de l'obésité, le rôle potentiel de l'inhibition périphérique du CB1, ainsi que sur les données précliniques et de phase 1 concernant Nimacimab.

Les points clés de l'essai CBeyond™ de phase 2 incluent :

  • 120 patients répartis en quatre groupes de traitement
  • Période de traitement de 26 semaines avec suivi de sécurité de 13 semaines
  • Objectif principal : évaluation de la perte de poids
  • Objectifs secondaires : sécurité, paramètres métaboliques, changements de la composition corporelle
  • Objectifs exploratoires : évaluation de la thérapie combinée, amélioration du sommeil

Skye a également annoncé une collaboration avec Beacon Biosignals pour évaluer la qualité du sommeil et l'apnée du sommeil dans l'essai, en utilisant le Dreem Headband approuvé par la FDA de Beacon pour la collecte de données.

Skye Bioscience (Nasdaq: SKYE) veranstaltet am 24. Juli 2024 ein virtuelles KOL-Event, das sich mit 'Metabolischer Umstrukturierung durch CB1-Inhibition' beschäftigt und das Design seiner Phase-2-Nimacimab-Studie detailliert. Die Veranstaltung wird die aktuelle Landschaft der Adipositasbehandlung, die potenzielle Rolle der peripheren CB1-Inhibition sowie präklinische und Phase-1-Daten zu Nimacimab behandeln.

Wesentliche Highlights der CBeyond™ Phase-2-Studie umfassen:

  • 120 Patienten in vier Behandlungsgruppen
  • 26-wöchige Behandlungsdauer mit 13-wöchiger Sicherheitsnachverfolgung
  • Primäres Ziel: Bewertung des Gewichtsverlusts
  • Sekundäre Ziele: Sicherheit, metabolische Parameter, Veränderungen der Körperzusammensetzung
  • Explorative Ziele: Bewertung der Kombinationstherapie, Verbesserung des Schlafes

Skye hat außerdem eine Zusammenarbeit mit Beacon Biosignals angekündigt, um die Schlafqualität und Schlafapnoe in der Studie zu bewerten und dabei das von der FDA zugelassene Dreem Headband von Beacon zur Datenerhebung zu verwenden.

  • Skye's Nimacimab entering Phase 2 clinical trials for obesity treatment
  • Collaboration with Beacon Biosignals to evaluate sleep quality and sleep apnea
  • Inclusion of combination therapy arm with Wegovy® in the trial design
  • Diverse endpoints covering weight loss, metabolic parameters, and sleep improvement
  • Results from the Phase 2 trial not expected until Q2 and Q4 2025
  • Competitive landscape in obesity treatment with established GLP-1 receptor agonists

The announcement of Skye Bioscience's Phase 2 clinical trial for Nimacimab, coupled with their collaboration with Beacon Biosignals, holds significant potential for both the company and its investors. The detailed trial design, targeting weight loss and sleep apnea, indicates a strategic move to address unmet needs in the obesity treatment landscape. These steps could bolster investor confidence due to the potential for successful trial outcomes leading to marketable products. The primary and secondary endpoints of the study, such as weight loss efficacy and metabolic improvements, are important indicators for future revenue streams. If these trials yield positive results, Skye might see substantial stock appreciation due to increased valuation and potentially lucrative partnerships or acquisitions.

Nimacimab's Phase 2 clinical trial is meticulously designed to explore its effectiveness not just in weight loss, but also in improving metabolic health, which underscores its potential as a differentiated therapeutic option. The inclusion of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) as an exploratory endpoint, studied through advanced EEG analytics from Beacon Biosignals, opens a new frontier in the therapeutic landscape. This could position Nimacimab uniquely in the market, appealing to both patients and healthcare providers. The combination therapy approach with Wegovy® also reflects a holistic strategy to maximize patient outcomes, which can be a game-changer in obesity management. Successful results could lead to broader applications and enhanced market adoption.

The collaboration with Beacon Biosignals for assessing sleep quality and apnea events is a forward-thinking approach. By integrating cutting-edge EEG analytics, Skye is leveraging advanced technology to provide comprehensive data on Nimacimab's efficacy. This collaboration can significantly enhance the credibility and robustness of the clinical trial data. From a market perspective, the ability to demonstrate improvements in both weight loss and sleep quality can create a differentiated product profile, making Nimacimab highly attractive in a competitive market. This dual therapeutic benefit could drive higher adoption rates and market penetration, potentially translating into substantial market share gains for Skye Bioscience.

Skye introduces collaboration with Beacon Biosignals to evaluate potential impact of Nimacimab on sleep quality and sleep apnea

SAN DIEGO, July 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Skye Bioscience, Inc. (Nasdaq: SKYE) (“Skye”), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on unlocking new therapeutic pathways for metabolic health, is hosting a virtual KOL event titled “Metabolic Rewiring with CB1 Inhibition” today at 9:00 AM ET. During this event the company and members of its clinical advisory board will discuss the scientific rationale for its Nimacimab peripheral CB1 inhibitor and the CBeyond™ Phase 2 clinical trial design, as well as a collaboration with Beacon Biosignals to evaluate sleep quality and sleep apnea in the Phase 2 trial.

Advanced registration is required to participate in the webcast and can be completed by clicking here. The presentation and a replay of the call will also be available on the Company’s website.

The event will feature distinguished obesity key opinion leaders combined with Skye’s management team. The KOL event will cover the following topics:

  • Current treatment landscape for obesity
  • Mechanism and potential role of peripheral CB1 inhibition as a differentiated and complementary anti-obesity therapeutic pathway to other mechanisms of action
  • Preclinical and Phase 1 clinical data on Nimacimab
  • Finalized CBeyond™ Phase 2 clinical trial goals and design
  • Introduction of collaboration to assess sleep disturbances in Phase 2 Nimacimab study
  • Overview of Nimacimab clinical development plan
  • Q&A session.

“We believe there is a promising opportunity for our peripheral CB1 inhibitor, Nimacimab, to play a distinct and complementary role compared to currently available treatments for weight loss, including GLP-1 receptor agonists,” said Tu Diep, Chief Development Officer of Skye. “The KOLs bring extensive experience and a unique perspective in the rapidly evolving field of obesity, and we are pleased that their knowledge and expertise will be shared with a broad audience in today’s event.”

CBeyond™ Phase 2 Clinical Trial Design

Skye has amended its open Investigational New Drug (IND) application for Nimacimab with an updated clinical trial protocol for its Phase 2 study. The study is expected to begin screening in August 2024 and provide interim and topline data in Q2 and Q4 2025, respectively. This protocol consists of the following elements:

  • 120 patients across four treatment groups will be enrolled.
    • 80 patients will receive either Nimacimab 200 mg or Nimacimab-matching placebo subcutaneously once-weekly in a double-blinded design.
    • 40 patients will receive either Nimacimab + Wegovy® or Nimacimab-matching placebo + Wegovy® once-weekly in a partially-blinded design.
  • Wegovy® will be administered once-weekly following appropriate titration up to a maximum weekly dose of 2.4mg.
  • Patients will be treated for 26 weeks and followed for safety for an additional 13 weeks.
  • Primary endpoint: evaluation of weight loss in the Nimacimab arm vs placebo.
  • Secondary endpoints: safety and tolerability; neuropsychiatric and cognitive evaluation; change in body composition by Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA); change in key metabolic parameters; triglycerides; insulin sensitivity; leptin sensitivity.
  • Exploratory endpoints: evaluation of combination of Nimacimab and Wegovy®; evaluation of difference in weight loss between Nimacimab and Wegovy®; evaluation of difference in body composition between Nimacimab and Wegovy®; improvement in sleep.
  • The study will evaluate patients with obesity (≥ 30 kg/m2 to ≤ 45 kg/m2) OR overweight (≥ 27 kg/m2 and < 30 kg/m2) with clinically confirmed diagnosis of at least one of the following weight-related co-morbidities: dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) syndrome, or controlled arterial hypertension, among other inclusion criteria.
  • Patients with diabetes will be excluded.
  • This study is being conducted at 18 clinical trial sites in the U.S.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Beacon Biosignals Collaboration

Obesity is a major risk factor for OSA and its detrimental sleep disturbances and related effects. Weight loss via therapeutic drugs can reduce these effects1, and OSA has emerged as an approvable indication comorbid with obesity and has been included in weight-loss drug labelling. Skye will also assess improvement in sleep as an exploratory endpoint in this Phase 2 study of Nimacimab. To facilitate this assessment, Skye has entered into a collaboration with Beacon Biosignals, which has an EEG analytics platform aimed at accelerating the development of therapies in neurology, psychiatry, and sleep medicine.

In this trial, Beacon’s FDA 510(k)-cleared Dreem Headband will be used in a subset of 40 patients encompassing all arms of the study to collect sleep data and assess validated sleep endpoints. Multi-night data will be collected following screening, and in weeks 13, 26, and the follow-up period. By integrating Beacon’s advanced sleep monitoring technology platform, the trial will assess improvements in sleep patterns and apnea events, such as sleep efficiency and the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI).

1 Atul Malhotra et al, Tirzepatide for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Obesity, New England Journal of Medicine, June 21, 2024

About Nimacimab

Nimacimab is a first-in-class humanized monoclonal antibody that acts as a negative allosteric modulator to inhibit CB1 signaling in the periphery. Inhibition of CB1 has shown anti-fibrotic, anti-inflammatory, and metabolic mechanisms of action with potential to address a broad range of diseases with unmet medical needs such as obesity, chronic kidney disease, and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH).

About Skye Bioscience

Skye is focused on unlocking new therapeutic pathways for metabolic health. Backed by specialist life science investors, Skye’s strategy leverages biologic targets with substantial human proof of mechanism for the development of first-in-class therapeutics with clinical and commercial differentiation. Skye plans to start a Phase 2 clinical trial in obesity in Q3 2024 for Nimacimab, a negative allosteric modulating antibody that peripherally inhibits CB1, comparing monotherapy and combination arms of Nimacimab and a GLP-1R agonist. For more information, please visit:


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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements regarding our product development, business strategy, the timing of clinical trials and the therapeutic potential of our therapeutic candidates. Such statements and other statements in this press release that are not descriptions of historical facts are forward-looking statements that are based on management’s current expectations and assumptions and are subject to risks and uncertainties. If such risks or uncertainties materialize or such assumptions prove incorrect, our business, operating results, financial condition, and stock price could be materially negatively affected. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology including “anticipated,” “plans,” “goal,” “focus,” “aims,” “intends,” “believes,” “can,” “could,” “challenge,” “predictable,” “will,” “would,” “may” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. We operate in a rapidly changing environment, and new risks emerge from time to time. As a result, it is not possible for our management to predict all risks, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements the Company may make. Risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, our capital resources, uncertainty regarding the results of future testing and development efforts and other risks that are described in the Company’s periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including in the “Risk Factors” section of Skye’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Except as expressly required by law, Skye disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements.


What is the primary endpoint of Skye Bioscience's Phase 2 Nimacimab trial?

The primary endpoint of Skye Bioscience's (SKYE) Phase 2 Nimacimab trial is the evaluation of weight loss in the Nimacimab arm compared to placebo.

When is Skye Bioscience expected to report results from the Phase 2 Nimacimab trial?

Skye Bioscience (SKYE) expects to provide interim data in Q2 2025 and topline data in Q4 2025 from the Phase 2 Nimacimab trial.

How is Skye Bioscience collaborating with Beacon Biosignals in the Nimacimab trial?

Skye Bioscience (SKYE) is collaborating with Beacon Biosignals to assess sleep quality and sleep apnea in the Phase 2 Nimacimab trial using Beacon's FDA-cleared Dreem Headband for sleep data collection.

What is the duration of treatment in Skye Bioscience's Phase 2 Nimacimab trial?

In Skye Bioscience's (SKYE) Phase 2 Nimacimab trial, patients will be treated for 26 weeks and followed for safety for an additional 13 weeks.

Skye Bioscience, Inc.


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