SJI Reports Third Quarter 2021 Results Reaffirms Guidance

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SJI announced its third quarter 2021 results, reporting a GAAP loss of $(25.8) million, or $(0.23) per share, compared to a loss of $(10.3) million in Q3 2020. Year-to-date GAAP earnings fell to $6.3 million from $88.2 million in 2020. Economic earnings for Q3 were $(18.8) million versus $(6.0) million in the previous year. Despite this, the company reaffirmed its 2021 economic earnings guidance of $1.55-$1.65 per diluted share, with ongoing clean energy projects and utility investments aimed at enhancing service reliability for over 700,000 customers.

  • Customer growth of approximately 7,600 new customers in the last 12 months, bringing total to about 409,000.
  • Infrastructure upgrades, with $69 million expected to roll into rates by January 2022.
  • Continuous progress on clean energy investments, including the Bronx fuel cell project and RNG production at eight dairy farms.
  • Q3 2021 GAAP earnings fell to $(25.8) million, significantly worse than $(10.3) million in Q3 2020.
  • Year-to-date GAAP earnings dropped to $6.3 million from $88.2 million in 2020.
  • Non-utility GAAP earnings were $(81.2) million, down from $27.2 million in 2020.

FOLSOM, NJ , Nov. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

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Daniel Fidell
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Dominick DiRocco
609-561-9000 x4262

SJI Reports Third Quarter 2021 Results
Reaffirms Guidance

FOLSOM, NJ (November 3, 2021) - SJI (NYSE: SJI) today reported operating results for the third quarter and year-to-date (YTD) periods ended September 30, 2021. Highlights include:

  • Q3 2021 GAAP earnings $(0.23) per diluted share compared to $(0.10) per diluted share in 2020 Economic Earnings* $(0.17) per diluted share compared to $(0.06) per diluted share in 2020
  • YTD 2021 GAAP earnings $0.06 per diluted share compared to $0.92 per diluted share in 2020 Economic Earnings $1.02 per diluted share compared to $1.04 per diluted share in 2020
  • Key initiatives advancing -- Pre-construction engineering and permitting of LNG redundancy project has commenced; SJG Infrastructure Investment Program (IIP) proposal progressing toward resolution
  • Clean Energy investments on track -- Bronx fuel cell project under development; RNG production at eight dairy farms progressing for in-service in 2022
  • Reaffirming 2021 economic earnings guidance of $1.55-$1.65 per diluted share

"Our utility and non-utility businesses continue to perform very well and we remain on track to achieve our financial goals in 2021," said Mike Renna, SJI President and Chief Executive Officer. "Our regulatory initiatives and clean energy investments targeting enhanced infrastructure safety, reliability and decarbonization for the benefit of our more than 700,000 New Jersey customers and our region continue to advance. My thanks, as always, to our entire team for their exceptional work and continued dedication to our mission," added Renna.

  Three Months Ended September 30, 2021 Three Months Ended September 30, 2020
  GAAPGAAPEconomic Economic GAAPGAAPEconomic Economic
  EarningsEPSEarningsEPS EarningsEPSEarningsEPS
Utility $(9.4)$(0.08)$(17.2)$(0.15) $(18.4)$(0.18)$(18.4)$(0.18)
Non-Utility $(6.8)$(0.06)$8.1 $0.07  $17.5 $0.17 $21.6 $0.21 
Other $(9.6)$(0.09)$(9.6)$(0.09) $(9.4)$(0.09)$(9.2)$(0.09)
Total - Continuing Ops $(25.8)$(0.23)$(18.8)$(0.17) $(10.3)$(0.10)$(6.0)$(0.06)
Average Diluted Shares  112.4   112.4    100.6   100.6 
*Non-GAAP, see "Explanation and Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures."      
Note: Earnings and average shares outstanding are in millions. Amounts and/or EPS may not add due to rounding.  

Third Quarter 2021 Results

For the three-month period ended September 30, 2021, SJI reported consolidated GAAP earnings of $(25.8) million compared to $(10.3) million in the prior year period. SJI uses the non-GAAP measure of economic earnings when discussing results. We believe this presentation provides clarity into the continuing earnings of our business. A full explanation and reconciliation of economic earnings is provided under “Explanation and Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures” later in this report and in our 10-K for the year ending December 31, 2020. For the three-month period ended September 30, 2021, economic earnings were $(18.8) million compared to $(6.0) million in the prior year period.


Utility entities include the regulated operations of South Jersey Gas (SJG) and Elizabethtown Gas (ETG). Third quarter 2021 GAAP earnings were $(9.4) million compared with $(18.4) million in 2020. Third quarter 2021 economic earnings were $(17.2) million compared with $(18.4) in 2020.

South Jersey Gas

Performance. Third quarter 2021 GAAP/economic earnings were $(7.7) million compared with $(9.5) million in 2020. Utility margin increased $7.0 million, reflecting rate relief effective October 1, 2020, customer growth and the roll-in of investments from infrastructure replacement programs. We define utility margin, a non-GAAP measure, as natural gas revenues plus depreciation and amortization expenses, less natural gas costs, regulatory rider expenses and related volumetric and revenue-based energy taxes. Total expenses increased $5.2 million, primarily reflecting higher depreciation and interest expenses.

Customer Growth. SJG added approximately 7,600 new customers over the last 12 months and now serves approximately 409,000 customers. SJG’s 1.7% customer growth rate compares favorably to the peer average and remains driven by gas conversions from alternate fuels such as oil and propane, and new construction.

Infrastructure Modernization. Through infrastructure replacement programs, SJG enhances the safety and reliability of our system while earning our authorized utility return on approved investments in a timely manner. SJG's Accelerated Infrastructure Replacement Program (AIRP II) authorized investment of $302.5 million from 2016-2021 for infrastructure replacement upgrades. Our investment of approximately $69 million from July 2020 to September 2021 is anticipated to be rolled into rates on January 1, 2022. SJG's Storm Hardening and Reliability Program (SHARP) authorized investment of $100 million from 2018-2021 for four projects to enhance the safety, redundancy and resiliency of the distribution system along our coastal communities. Our investment of approximately $23 million from July 2020 to June 2021 was rolled into rates on October 1, 2021.

IIP Proposal. In November 2020, SJG filed a request with the BPU for approval of an Infrastructure Investment Program (IIP) that would accelerate planned capital expenditures to enhance the delivery of safe, reliable, affordable natural gas, create jobs, and support the State’s environmental goals. Under the proposed five-year program, SJG will invest approximately $742.5 million to replace 825 miles of aging steel mains and install excess flow valves on new service lines. These enhancements ensure the continued safety and reliability of SJG's system. Settlement discussions continue to progress toward a final resolution.

Energy Efficiency. Through energy efficiency programs, SJG advances New Jersey’s clean energy goals in a manner that benefits customers, the environment and the State’s green economy while recovering our investments in a timely manner. SJG's energy efficiency program, as approved by the BPU in April 2021, authorizes investment of $133.2 million from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024. Our investment of approximately $40 million from July 2021 to June 2022 commenced recovery in July 2021.

Redundancy. In August, the BPU approved SJG's engineering and route proposal to construct system upgrades in support of a planned 2.0+ Bcf liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility. This project is critically important to ensure service is not interrupted to our customers in the event of a significant outage, either behind our city gate, or on one of the two interstate pipelines that serve the SJG system. Pre-construction engineering and permitting of the project has commenced. We also continue to explore alternatives that will allow for a secondary supply of gas needed to create reliability and resiliency for approximately 140,000 customers in Atlantic and Cape May counties.

Elizabethtown Gas

Performance. Third quarter 2021 GAAP earnings were $(1.7) million compared with $(8.6) million in 2020. Third quarter 2021 economic earnings were $(9.5) million compared with $(8.6) million in 2020. Utility margin, as previously defined, remained generally consistent, reflecting customer growth and the roll-in of investments from infrastructure replacement programs. Total expenses increased $0.9 million, primarily reflecting higher depreciation and interest expenses.

Customer Growth. ETG added approximately 4,700 new customers over the last 12 months and now serves approximately 302,000 customers. ETG’s 1.3% customer growth rate has increased from its historic 0.9% rate, driven by increases in gas conversions from alternate fuels such as oil and propane, and new construction.

Infrastructure Modernization. ETG's Infrastructure Investment Plan (IIP) authorizes investment of $300 million from 2019-2024 for important infrastructure upgrades including the replacement of up to 250 miles of cast iron and bare steel mains. Our investment of approximately $64 million from July 2020 to June 2021 was rolled into rates on October 1, 2021.

Energy Efficiency. ETG's energy efficiency program, as approved by the BPU in April 2021, authorizes investment of $74.0 million from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024. Our investment of approximately $21 million from July 2021 to June 2022 commenced recovery in July 2021.


Non-utility entities include Energy Management, Energy Production and Midstream. Third quarter 2021 GAAP earnings were $(6.8) million compared with $17.5 million in 2020. Third quarter 2021 economic earnings were $8.1 million compared with $21.6 million in 2020.

Energy Management

Performance. Energy Management includes Wholesale Services (Fuel Management/Marketing) and Retail Services (Account Services/Energy Consulting). Third quarter 2021 GAAP earnings were $(10.0) million compared with $2.7 million in 2020. Third quarter 2021 economic earnings were $4.4 million compared with $6.6 million in 2020.

  • Wholesale Services/Other third quarter 2021 GAAP earnings were $(10.8) million compared with $2.4 million in 2020. Third quarter 2021 economic earnings were $3.7 million compared with $7.1 million in 2020, primarily reflecting more robust asset optimization opportunities in the year ago period.
  • Retail Services third quarter 2021 GAAP earnings were $0.8 million compared with $0.3 million in 2020. Third quarter 2021 economic earnings were $0.7 million compared with $(0.5) million in 2020, reflecting improved contributions from consulting activities and steady meter reading and appliance service contract fees.

Energy Production

Performance. Energy Production includes renewable (fuel cell/solar) and decarbonization (REV/RNG development) investments. Third quarter 2021 GAAP earnings were $3.4 million compared with $13.7 million in 2020. Third quarter 2021 economic earnings were $3.9 million compared with $13.8 million in 2020.

  • Renewables third quarter 2021 GAAP earnings were $2.9 million compared with $13.7 million in 2020. Third quarter 2021 economic earnings were $3.4 million compared with $13.8 million in 2020, primarily reflecting $2.3 million in investment tax credits (ITC's) recorded the latest period associated with solar investments as compared with $12.0 million in ITC's last year related to fuel cell and solar investments.
  • Decarbonization third quarter 2021 GAAP/economic earnings were $0.5 million, reflecting contributions from SJI's 35% equity interest in REV partially offset by new business investments. RNG development activities at eight dairy farms is proceeding on track, with in-service anticipated in 2022.


Performance. Midstream includes SJI's 20% equity interest in the PennEast Pipeline. Third quarter 2021 GAAP/economic earnings were $(0.3) million compared with $1.2 million in 2020, reflecting the absence of Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) related to the project. As previously communicated, although PennEast received a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from FERC to construct the proposed pipeline and obtained some required permits, PennEast has not received certain critical permits, including a water quality certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act and other wetlands permits for the New Jersey portion of the project. Therefore, the PennEast Partners, following extensive evaluation and discussion, recently determined that further development of the project is no longer supported. Accordingly, PennEast has ceased all further development of the project.


Performance. Other entity includes interest on debt, including debt associated with past acquisitions. Third quarter 2021 GAAP earnings were $(9.6) million compared with $(9.4) million in 2020. Third quarter 2021 economic earnings were $(9.6) million compared with $(9.2) million in 2020, reflecting higher interest and bank fees partially offset by lower outstanding debt.

Nine Months 2021 Results

  Nine Months Ended September 30, 2021 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020
  GAAPGAAPEconomic Economic GAAPGAAPEconomic Economic
  EarningsEPSEarningsEPS EarningsEPSEarningsEPS
Utility $115.5 $1.05 $107.7 $0.98  $92.3 $0.96 $93.5 $0.98 
Non-Utility $(81.2)$(0.74)$32.2 $0.29  $27.2 $0.29 $32.9 $0.34 
Other $(28.1)$(0.26)$(27.8)$(0.25) $(31.3)$(0.33)$(26.4)$(0.28)
Total - Continuing Ops $6.3 $0.06 $112.1 $1.02  $88.2 $0.92 $100.0 $1.04 
Average Diluted Shares  109.6   109.6    95.7   95.7 
*Non-GAAP, see "Explanation and Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures."      
Note: Earnings and average shares outstanding are in millions. Amounts and/or EPS may not add due to rounding.  

For the nine-month year-to-date (YTD) period ended September 30, 2021, SJI reported consolidated GAAP earnings of $6.3 million compared to $88.2 million in the prior year period. For the nine-month YTD period ended September 30, 2021, economic earnings were $112.1 million compared to $100.0 million in the prior year period.


2021 YTD GAAP earnings were $115.5 million compared with $92.3 million in 2020. 2021 YTD economic earnings were $107.7 million compared with $93.5 million in 2020.

  • SJG. 2021 YTD GAAP earnings were $82.2 million compared with $64.7 million in 2020. 2021 YTD economic earnings were $82.2 million compared with $65.9 million in 2020. Utility margin increased $33.7 million, primarily reflecting rate relief effective October 1, 2020, customer growth and the roll-in of investments from infrastructure replacement programs. Total expenses increased $17.4 million, primarily reflecting higher depreciation and interest expenses.
  • ETG. 2021 YTD GAAP earnings were $33.3 million compared with $27.3 million in 2020. 2021 YTD economic earnings were $25.4 million compared with $27.3 million in 2020. Utility margin increased $4.3 million, primarily reflecting customer growth and the roll-in of investments from infrastructure replacement programs. Total expenses increased $6.2 million, primarily reflecting higher depreciation and interest expenses.


2021 YTD GAAP earnings were $(81.2) million compared with $27.2 million in 2020. 2021 YTD economic earnings were $32.2 million compared with $32.9 million in 2020.

  • Energy Management. 2021 YTD GAAP earnings were $(0.4) million compared with $13.7 million in 2020. 2021 YTD economic earnings were $25.4 million compared with $18.8 million in 2020.
    • Wholesale Services/Other 2021 YTD GAAP earnings were $(2.4) million compared with $12.7 million in 2020. 2021 YTD economic earnings were $23.3 million compared with $18.3 million in 2020. 2020 YTD results included a $2.9 million after-tax refund from a third-party supplier. 2021 YTD results primarily reflect improved asset optimization opportunities as compared with the year ago period.
    • Retail Services 2021 YTD GAAP earnings were $2.1 million compared with $1.0 million in 2020. 2021 YTD economic earnings were $2.1 million compared with $0.5 million in 2020, primarily reflecting improved contributions from consulting activities.
  • Energy Production. 2021 YTD GAAP earnings were $4.6 million compared with $10.3 million in 2020. 2021 YTD economic earnings were $4.9 million compared with $10.9 million in 2020.
    • Renewables 2021 YTD GAAP earnings were $3.7 million compared with $10.3 million in 2020. 2021 YTD economic earnings were $4.0 million compared with $10.9 million in 2020, reflecting income associated with past fuel cell and solar investments and the timing of recognition of ITC's from current investments.
    • Decarbonization 2021 YTD GAAP/economic earnings were $0.9 million, reflecting contributions from SJI's 35% equity interest in REV partially offset by initial operating costs and new business investments.
  • Midstream. 2021 YTD GAAP earnings were $(85.4) million compared with $3.2 million in 2020, reflecting an impairment charge of $87.4 million recorded in the quarterly period ended June 30, 2021. 2021 YTD economic earnings were $1.9 million compared with $3.2 million in 2020, reflecting AFUDC related to the project.


2021 YTD GAAP earnings were $(28.1) million compared with $(31.3) million in 2020. 2021 YTD economic earnings were $(27.8) million compared with $(26.4) million in 2020, reflecting higher interest and bank fees partially offset by lower outstanding debt.

Capital Expenditures and Cash Flow

For the nine months ended September 30, 2021:

  • Net cash provided by operating activities was $273.9 million compared with $254.2 million in the prior year period, primarily reflecting rate relief at SJG, improved wholesale marketing results and customer growth.
  • Net cash used in investing activities was $434.2 million compared with $297.3 million in the prior year period, primarily reflecting $373.5 million in capital expenditures and $54.5 million in affiliate and other investments.
  • Net cash provided by financing activities was $143.9 million compared with $25.0 million in the prior year period, primarily reflecting debt and equity issuances partially offset by debt repayment and refinancing.

Balance Sheet

  • Equity-to-total capitalization was 35.0% at September 30, 2021 compared with 32.2% at December 31, 2020, largely reflecting equity financing and repayment of debt.
  • Assuming conversion of mandatory convertible equity units and equity credit from rating agencies for long-duration debt, SJI's adjusted equity-to-total capitalization, a non-GAAP measure, was 43.4% at September 30, 2021 compared with 39.7% at December 31, 2020.
  • At September 30, 2021, SJI had total credit facilities of $1.0 billion, with $844.8 million of available liquidity.

Guidance and Outlook

Based on solid operational performance for the nine months year-to-date, we are reaffirming our expectation for 2021 economic earnings of $1.55 to $1.65 per diluted share.

Our long-term economic earnings per share growth target remains 5 to 8 percent, with significant step ups anticipated in 2023 and 2025, driven by timing associated with utility rate cases and clean energy investments. Our long-term targets are based on expected annual rate base growth of approximately 10 percent, driven by above-average customer growth, a long runway for infrastructure modernization, and clean energy and decarbonization investment.

We are also affirming our five-year capital expenditures outlook through 2025 of approximately $3.5 billion, with approximately 80% for Utility investments and approximately 20% for Non-Utility investments focused on decarbonization and renewables.

Conference Call & Webcast

SJI will host a conference call and webcast on Thursday, November 4 to discuss third quarter 2021 financial results. To access the call, please dial the applicable number approximately 5-10 minutes prior to the start time. No passcode is required. The call will also be webcast in a listen-only format for the media and general public. The webcast can be accessed at under Events & Presentations.

Date/Time:        Thursday, November 4, 11:00 a.m. ET

Dial-In:                Toll Free: 888-347-6081; Toll: 412-317-5181

About SJI

SJI (NYSE: SJI), an energy infrastructure holding company based in Folsom, NJ, delivers energy services to customers through two primary subsidiaries: SJI Utilities (SJIU) and SJI Energy Enterprises (SJIEE). SJIU houses the company’s regulated natural gas utility operations, delivering safe, reliable and affordable natural gas to more than 700,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers across New Jersey via its South Jersey Gas and Elizabethtown Gas subsidiaries. SJIEE houses the company’s non-utility operations primarily focused on clean energy development and decarbonization via renewable energy production and energy management activities. Visit for more information about SJI and its subsidiaries.

Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors

This news release, including information incorporated by reference, contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact, including statements regarding guidance, industry prospects or future results of operations or financial position, expected sources of incremental margin, strategy, financing needs, future capital expenditures and the outcome or effect of ongoing litigation, are forward-looking. This Quarterly Report uses words such as "anticipate," "believe," "expect," "estimate," "forecast," "goal," "intend," "objective," "plan," "project," "seek," "strategy," "target," "will" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs and assumptions of management at the time that these statements were prepared and are inherently uncertain. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, general economic conditions on an international, national, state and local level; weather conditions in SJI’s marketing areas; changes in commodity costs; changes in the availability of natural gas; “non-routine” or “extraordinary” disruptions in SJI’s distribution system; cybersecurity incidents and related disruptions; regulatory, legislative and court decisions; competition; the availability and cost of capital; costs and effects of legal proceedings and environmental liabilities; the failure of customers, suppliers or business partners to fulfill their contractual obligations; changes in business strategies; and public health crises and epidemics or pandemics, such as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). These risks and uncertainties, as well as other risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, are described in greater detail under the heading “Item 1A. Risk Factors” in this Quarterly Report, SJI’s and SJG's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2020 and in any other SEC filings made by SJI or SJG during 2020 and 2021 and prior to the filing of this earnings release. Also refer to the additional risk factor described below:

Explanation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Management uses the non-GAAP financial measures of Economic Earnings and Economic Earnings per share when evaluating its results of operations. These non-GAAP financial measures should not be considered as an alternative to GAAP measures, such as net income, operating income, earnings per share from continuing operations or any other GAAP measure of financial performance. We define Economic Earnings as: Income from Continuing Operations, (i) less the change in unrealized gains and plus the change in unrealized losses on non-utility derivative transactions; (ii) less income and plus losses attributable to noncontrolling interest; and (iii) less the impact of transactions, contractual arrangements or other events where management believes period to period comparisons of SJI's operations could be difficult or potentially confusing. With respect to part (iii) of the definition of Economic Earnings, items excluded from Economic Earnings for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2021 and 2020, are described in (A)-(E) in the table below. Economic Earnings is a significant financial measure used by our management to indicate the amount and timing of income from continuing operations that we expect to earn after taking into account the impact of derivative instruments on the related transactions, as well as the impact of contractual arrangements and other events that management believes make period to period comparisons of SJI's operations difficult or potentially confusing. Management uses Economic Earnings to manage its business and to determine such items as incentive/compensation arrangements and allocation of resources. Specifically regarding derivatives, we believe that this financial measure indicates to investors the profitability of the entire derivative-related transaction and not just the portion that is subject to mark-to-market valuation under GAAP. We believe that considering only the change in market value on the derivative side of the transaction can produce a false sense as to the ultimate profitability of the total transaction as no change in value is reflected for the non-derivative portion of the transaction.

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

The following table presents a reconciliation of our income from continuing operations and earnings per share from continuing operations to Economic Earnings and Economic Earnings per share (in thousands, except per share data):

 Three Months Ended
September 30,
 Nine Months Ended
September 30,
 2021 2020 2021 2020
(Loss) Income from Continuing Operations$(25,830)  $(10,344)  $6,308    $88,178   
Unrealized Mark-to-Market Losses on Derivatives19,815    5,904    35,089    11,847   
Income Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest(238)  —    (540)  —   
Impairment of Equity Method Investment (A)—    —    87,370    —   
Acquisition/Sale Net Costs (B)924    (77)  1,602    1,241   
Other Costs (C)(10,960)  77    (10,960)  977   
Income Taxes (D)(2,519)  (1,564)  (20,971)  (3,484) 
Additional Tax Adjustments (E)—    —    14,176    1,214   
Economic Earnings$(18,808)  $(6,004)  $112,074    $99,973   
(Loss) Earnings per Share from Continuing Operations$(0.23)  $(0.10)  $0.06    $0.92   
Unrealized Mark-to-Market Losses on Derivatives0.17    0.06    0.32    0.12   
Income Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest—    —    (0.01)  —   
Impairment of Equity Method Investment (A)—    —    0.80    —   
Acquisition/Sale Net Costs (B)0.01    —    0.01    0.01   
Other Costs (C)(0.10)  —    (0.10)  0.01   
Income Taxes (D)(0.02)  (0.02)  (0.19)  (0.03) 
Additional Tax Adjustments (E)—    —    0.13    0.01   
Economic Earnings per Share$(0.17)  $(0.06)  $1.02    $1.04   

(A) Represents an other-than-temporary impairment charge on the Company’s equity method investment in PennEast.

(B) Represents costs incurred in 2021 to finalize the transactions related to acquiring Bronx Midco and solar projects and costs incurred to cease operations at ACLE, along with the final working capital payment on the sale of ELK, which was finalized during the first quarter of 2021. Also represents items recognized during 2020 such as costs incurred to prepare to exit the TSA, costs incurred to acquire EnerConnex and Annadale, and gains/losses recognized and costs incurred on the sale of solar assets as well as MTF/ACB.

(C) For 2021, includes a gain recognized by ETG from a Uniform Transitional Utility Assessment settlement agreement. For 2020, represents severance and other employee separation costs.

(D) The income taxes were determined using a combined average statutory tax rate.

(E) Represents additional tax adjustments, primarily including a federal deferred tax asset valuation allowance at SJI related to the impairment charge described in (A), and a one-time tax adjustment in 2020 resulting from the BPU's approval of a stipulation for SJG.

Summary of Utility Margin

The following tables summarize Utility Margin for SJG and ETG (in thousands):


 Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
 2021 20202021 2020
Utility Margin:      
Residential$23,630   $25,109   $181,330   $144,977  
Commercial and Industrial15,111   13,695   76,233   60,771  
Cogeneration and Electric Generation1,136   1,120   3,558   3,471  
Interruptible15     94   41  
Off-System Sales & Capacity Release237   222   1,170   1,178  
Other Revenues523   457   1,502   1,118  
Margin Before Weather Normalization & Decoupling40,652   40,611   263,887   211,556  
CIP Mechanism1,011   (5,770) 885   19,593  
EET Mechanism1,644   1,485   4,653   4,532  
Utility Margin**$43,307   $36,326   $269,425   $235,681  


 Three Months Ended
September 30,
 Nine Months Ended
September 30,
 2021 2020 2021 2020
Utility Margin:       
Residential$13,634    $14,281    $101,168    $93,849   
Commercial & Industrial14,623    13,870    64,396    57,419   
Regulatory Rider Expenses*(1,871)  (1,802)  (16,049)  (6,011) 
Utility Margin**$26,386    $26,349    $149,515    $145,257   

*Represents pass-through expenses for which there is a corresponding credit in operating revenues.  Therefore, such recoveries have no impact on financial results.

**Utility Margin is a non-GAAP financial measure and is further defined on page 2 under SJG performance. The definition of Utility Margin is the same for SJG and ETG gas utility operations.

(In Thousands Except for Per Share Data)

 Three Months Ended
September 30,
 Nine Months Ended
September 30,
 2021 2020 2021 2020
Operating Revenues:       
Utility$106,123    $103,383    $653,009    $636,110   
Nonutility259,508    158,166    698,750    419,515   
Total Operating Revenues365,631    261,549    1,351,759    1,055,625   
Operating Expenses:       
Cost of Sales - (Excluding depreciation and amortization)       
- Utility24,128    29,277    183,927    210,167   
- Nonutility264,237    146,752    677,507    379,583   
Operations and Maintenance61,198    63,307    194,182    197,311   
Depreciation33,081    27,977    97,924    81,877   
Energy and Other Taxes(8,040)  2,730    (1,245)  9,228   
Total Operating Expenses374,604    270,043    1,152,295    878,166   
Operating (Loss) Income (8,973)  (8,494)  199,464    177,459   
Other Income and Expense2,225    5,143    7,885    7,621   
Interest Charges(31,468)  (27,762)  (94,112)  (88,887) 
(Loss) Income Before Income Taxes(38,216)  (31,113)  113,237    96,193   
Income Taxes11,727    19,467    (25,340)  (13,725) 
Equity in Earnings (Loss) of Affiliated Companies659    1,302    (81,589)  5,710   
(Loss) Income from Continuing Operations(25,830)  (10,344)  6,308    88,178   
Loss from Discontinued Operations - (Net of tax benefit)(127)  (58)  (278)  (178) 
Net (Loss) Income(25,957)  (10,402)  6,030    88,000   
Less: Income Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest173    —    390    —   
Net (Loss) Income Attributable to South Jersey Industries, Inc.$(26,130)  $(10,402)  $5,640    $88,000   
Basic (Loss) Earnings Per Common Share:       
Continuing Operations$(0.23)  $(0.10)  $0.06    $0.92   
Discontinued Operations—    —    —    —   
Net (Loss) Income(0.23)  (0.10)  0.06    0.92   
Less: Income Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest—    —    —    —   
Net (Loss) Income Attributable to South Jersey Industries, Inc.$(0.23)  $(0.10)  $0.06    $0.92   
Average Shares of Common Stock Outstanding - Basic112,448    100,587    108,108    95,599   
Diluted (Loss) Earnings Per Common Share:       
Continuing Operations$(0.23)  $(0.10)  $0.06    $0.92   
Discontinued Operations—    —    —    —   
Net (Loss) Income(0.23)  (0.10)  0.06    0.92   
Less: Income Attributable to Noncontrolling Interest—    —    —    —   
Net (Loss) Income Attributable to South Jersey Industries, Inc.$(0.23)  $(0.10)  $0.06    $0.92   
Average Shares of Common Stock Outstanding - Diluted112,448    100,587    109,589    95,724   

(In Thousands)

 Nine Months Ended
September 30,
 2021 2020
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities$273,927    $254,200   
Cash Flows from Investing Activities:   
Capital Expenditures(373,516)  (344,828) 
Cash Paid for Acquisitions, Net of Cash Acquired—    (10,932) 
Proceeds from Business Dispositions and Sale of Property, Plant & Equipment—    119,948   
Investment in Contract Receivables(16,429)  (18,787) 
Proceeds from Contract Receivables10,494    10,457   
Investment in Affiliates(13,155)  (1,353) 
Advances to Affiliates(26,615)  —   
Net Repayment of Notes Receivable - Affiliates—    2,504   
Acquisition/Divestiture Working Capital Settlement(267)  —   
Investment in Subsidiary, Net of Cash Acquired(14,683)  (54,328) 
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities(434,171)  (297,319) 
Cash Flows from Financing Activities:   
Net Repayments of Short-Term Credit Facilities(453,900)  (251,700) 
Proceeds from Issuance of Long-Term Debt460,000    800,000   
Principal Repayments of Long-Term Debt(110,000)  (660,000) 
Payments for Issuance of Long-Term Debt(16,304)  (6,810) 
Dividends on Common Stock(64,460)  (54,553) 
Proceeds from Sale of Common Stock329,772    200,000   
Payments for the Issuance of Common Stock(2,318)  (1,897) 
Capital Contributions of Noncontrolling Interest in Subsidiary1,072    —   
Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities143,862    25,040   
Net Decrease in Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash(16,382)  (18,079) 
Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash at Beginning of Period 41,831    28,381   
Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash at End of Period $25,449    $10,302   

(In Thousands)

 September 30,
 December 31,
Property, Plant and Equipment:   
Utility Plant, at original cost$5,566,423    $5,265,661   
Accumulated Depreciation(970,861)  (914,122) 
Nonutility Property and Equipment, at cost183,294    147,764   
Accumulated Depreciation(37,427)  (35,069) 
Property, Plant and Equipment - Net4,741,429    4,464,234   
Available-for-Sale Securities32    32   
Restricted34    7,786   
Investment in Affiliates36,157    106,230   
Total Investments36,223    114,048   
Current Assets:   
Cash and Cash Equivalents25,415    34,045   
Accounts Receivable272,286    278,723   
Unbilled Revenues26,783    85,423   
Provision for Uncollectibles(43,065)  (30,582) 
Notes Receivable - Affiliate4,340    2,847   
Natural Gas in Storage, average cost65,325    39,440   
Materials and Supplies, average cost1,066    2,561   
Prepaid Taxes47,505    23,851   
Derivatives - Energy Related Assets141,690    41,439   
Other Prepayments and Current Assets30,311    29,081   
Total Current Assets571,656    506,828   
Regulatory and Other Noncurrent Assets:   
Regulatory Assets669,487    673,992   
Derivatives - Energy Related Assets37,307    6,935   
Notes Receivable - Affiliate54,956    31,073   
Contract Receivables47,127    41,428   
Goodwill706,960    706,960   
Other158,866    143,650   
Total Regulatory and Other Noncurrent Assets1,674,703    1,604,038   
Total Assets$7,024,011    $6,689,148   

 September 30,
 December 31,
Capitalization and Liabilities   
Common Stock$140,561    $125,740   
Premium on Common Stock1,463,655    1,218,000   
Treasury Stock (at par)(280)  (321) 
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss(38,191)  (38,216) 
Retained Earnings262,842    355,678   
Total South Jersey Industries, Inc. Equity1,828,587    1,660,881   
Noncontrolling Interest7,457    5,995   
Total Equity1,836,044    1,666,876   
Long-Term Debt 3,195,869    2,776,400   
Total Capitalization5,031,913    4,443,276   
Current Liabilities:   
Notes Payable142,500    596,400   
Current Portion of Long-Term Debt66,076    142,801   
Accounts Payable300,955    256,589   
Customer Deposits and Credit Balances37,833    35,899   
Environmental Remediation Costs41,150    45,265   
Taxes Accrued5,471    6,025   
Derivatives - Energy Related Liabilities106,244    27,006   
Deferred Contract Revenues764    479   
Derivatives - Other Current560    659   
Dividends Payable34,016    —   
Interest Accrued36,442    21,140   
Pension Benefits3,704    3,704   
Other Current Liabilities43,065    27,665   
Total Current Liabilities818,780    1,163,632   
Deferred Credits and Other Noncurrent Liabilities:   
Deferred Income Taxes - Net173,242    149,534   
Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits128,984    135,023   
Environmental Remediation Costs131,124    148,310   
Asset Retirement Obligations205,355    202,092   
Derivatives - Energy Related Liabilities25,124    4,947   
Derivatives - Other Noncurrent7,467    9,279   
Regulatory Liabilities418,422    420,577   
Other83,600    12,478   
Total Deferred Credits and Other Noncurrent Liabilities1,173,318    1,082,240   
Commitments and Contingencies  (Note 11)   
Total Capitalization and Liabilities$7,024,011    $6,689,148   


What were SJI's Q3 2021 GAAP earnings?

SJI reported GAAP earnings of $(25.8) million for Q3 2021.

How does SJI's Q3 2021 performance compare to 2020?

SJI's GAAP earnings for Q3 2021 were $(25.8) million, compared to $(10.3) million in Q3 2020.

What is the economic earnings guidance for SJI in 2021?

SJI reaffirmed its economic earnings guidance for 2021 at $1.55-$1.65 per diluted share.

What impact did customer growth have on SJI's performance?

SJI added approximately 7,600 customers in the last 12 months, enhancing its revenue base.

What are the key infrastructure projects SJI is working on?

SJI is advancing its LNG redundancy project and a $742.5 million Infrastructure Investment Program.



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Natural Gas Distribution