Sila Realty Trust Completes $35.12 Million Acquisition of Knoxville Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility
Sila Realty Trust (NYSE: SILA) has completed a $35.12 million acquisition of a 57-bed inpatient rehabilitation facility in Knoxville, Tennessee. The approximately 70,000 square foot facility, built in 2021, is fully leased to Knoxville Rehabilitation Hospital, - a joint venture between the University of Tennessee Medical Center, Lifepoint Health, and Tennova Healthcare.
The facility specializes in neurological rehabilitation, stroke rehabilitation, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, amputation, and orthopedics. Located within the 109-acre Tennova Health Park, it operates alongside an ambulatory surgical center and a behavioral health center. This marks Sila's first acquisition in Tennessee, representing an expansion into the Sun Belt market and positively impacting their weighted average remaining lease term.
Sila Realty Trust (NYSE: SILA) ha completato un acquisto di 35,12 milioni di dollari di una struttura di riabilitazione per pazienti ricoverati con 57 letti a Knoxville, Tennessee. La struttura, di circa 70.000 piedi quadrati, costruita nel 2021, è completamente affittata al Knoxville Rehabilitation Hospital, una joint venture tra il University of Tennessee Medical Center, Lifepoint Health e Tennova Healthcare.
La struttura è specializzata nella riabilitazione neurologica, riabilitazione post-ictus, lesioni cerebrali, lesioni del midollo spinale, amputazioni e ortopedia. Situata all'interno del Tennova Health Park di 109 acri, opera accanto a un centro chirurgico ambulatoriale e a un centro di salute comportamentale. Questo segna il primo acquisto di Sila in Tennessee, rappresentando un'espansione nel mercato del Sun Belt e avendo un impatto positivo sulla loro durata media ponderata residua del contratto di locazione.
Sila Realty Trust (NYSE: SILA) ha completado una adquisición de 35,12 millones de dólares de una instalación de rehabilitación para pacientes internados con 57 camas en Knoxville, Tennessee. La instalación, de aproximadamente 70,000 pies cuadrados, construida en 2021, está completamente alquilada al Knoxville Rehabilitation Hospital, una empresa conjunta entre el University of Tennessee Medical Center, Lifepoint Health y Tennova Healthcare.
La instalación se especializa en rehabilitación neurológica, rehabilitación post-ictus, lesiones cerebrales, lesiones de la médula espinal, amputaciones y ortopedia. Ubicada dentro del Tennova Health Park de 109 acres, opera junto a un centro quirúrgico ambulatorio y un centro de salud conductual. Esta es la primera adquisición de Sila en Tennessee, representando una expansión en el mercado del Sun Belt y teniendo un impacto positivo en su plazo medio ponderado restante del contrato de arrendamiento.
Sila Realty Trust (NYSE: SILA)는 테네시주 녹스빌에 있는 57병상 입원 재활 시설을 3,512만 달러에 인수했습니다. 2021년에 건설된 약 70,000 제곱피트 규모의 시설은 녹스빌 재활 병원에 전액 임대되어 있으며, 이는 테네시 대학교 의료 센터, 라이프포인트 헬스, 테노바 헬스케어 간의 합작 투자입니다.
이 시설은 신경 재활, 뇌졸중 재활, 뇌 손상, 척수 손상, 절단 및 정형외과 분야에 전문화되어 있습니다. 109에이커 규모의 테노바 헬스 파크 내에 위치하며, 외래 수술 센터 및 행동 건강 센터와 함께 운영됩니다. 이는 Sila의 테네시에서의 첫 번째 인수로, 선벨트 시장으로의 확장을 나타내며, 임대 계약의 가중 평균 잔여 기간에 긍정적인 영향을 미칩니다.
Sila Realty Trust (NYSE: SILA) a finalisé une acquisition de 35,12 millions de dollars d'un établissement de réhabilitation pour patients hospitalisés de 57 lits à Knoxville, Tennessee. L'établissement, d'environ 70 000 pieds carrés, construit en 2021, est entièrement loué à l'hôpital de réhabilitation de Knoxville, une coentreprise entre le centre médical de l'université du Tennessee, Lifepoint Health et Tennova Healthcare.
L'établissement est spécialisé dans la réhabilitation neurologique, la réhabilitation post-AVC, les lésions cérébrales, les lésions de la moelle épinière, les amputations et l'orthopédie. Situé dans le parc de santé Tennova de 109 acres, il fonctionne aux côtés d'un centre chirurgical ambulatoire et d'un centre de santé comportementale. Cela marque la première acquisition de Sila dans le Tennessee, représentant une expansion sur le marché du Sun Belt et ayant un impact positif sur leur durée moyenne pondérée restante du bail.
Sila Realty Trust (NYSE: SILA) hat eine Akquisition in Höhe von 35,12 Millionen Dollar für eine 57-Betten-Rehabilitationsklinik in Knoxville, Tennessee, abgeschlossen. Die etwa 70.000 Quadratfuß große Einrichtung, die 2021 erbaut wurde, ist vollständig an das Knoxville Rehabilitation Hospital vermietet, ein Joint Venture zwischen dem University of Tennessee Medical Center, Lifepoint Health und Tennova Healthcare.
Die Einrichtung ist auf neurologische Rehabilitation, Schlaganfall-Rehabilitation, Hirnverletzungen, Rückenmarksverletzungen, Amputationen und Orthopädie spezialisiert. Sie befindet sich im 109 Acres großen Tennova Health Park und arbeitet neben einem ambulanten Operationszentrum und einem Zentrum für Verhaltensgesundheit. Dies markiert Silas erste Akquisition in Tennessee, was eine Expansion in den Sun-Belt-Markt darstellt und sich positiv auf die gewichtete durchschnittliche verbleibende Mietdauer auswirkt.
- New $35.12M revenue-generating acquisition
- 100% occupancy with institutional-grade tenant
- Strategic expansion into Tennessee Sun Belt market
- Improves portfolio's weighted average lease term
- Modern facility built in 2021
- None.
The Knoxville Healthcare Facility is a 57-bed, inpatient rehabilitation facility offering programs to provide care and therapy for neurological rehabilitation, stroke rehabilitation, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, amputation, and orthopedics. The approximately 70,000 square foot facility was built in 2021 and is fully leased to Knoxville Rehabilitation Hospital, LLC, a joint venture between the University of Tennessee Medical Center, Lifepoint Health, and an affiliate of Community Health Systems, Tennova Healthcare. The facility is located within the 109-acre Tennova Health Park, which currently hosts an ambulatory surgical center and a behavioral health center, in addition to the inpatient rehabilitation facility.
“We are pleased to see the momentum from 2024 continue into 2025, with the acquisition of a highly utilized, institutional quality healthcare facility within a health park that acts as a hub in the
About The University of Tennessee Medical Center, Lifepoint Health & Community Health Systems
The University of Tennessee Medical Center is a not-for-profit healthcare system based in
About Sila Realty Trust, Inc.
Sila Realty Trust, Inc., headquartered in
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Certain statements contained herein, other than historical fact, may be considered “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and are intended to be covered by the safe harbor provided by the same. These statements are based on management’s current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of trends and uncertainties. No forward-looking statement is intended to, nor shall it, serve as a guarantee of future performance. You can identify the forward-looking statements by the use of words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “outlook,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “seek,” “should,” “will” and other similar terms and phrases, including statements about our focus on building additional scale in the Sun Belt market and the facility being accretive to the portfolio. Forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties and factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations, and you should not rely on forward-looking statements since they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which are, in some cases, beyond the Company's control and could materially affect the Company's results of operations, financial condition, cash flows, performance or future achievements or events. Additional factors include those described under the section entitled Item 1A. "Risk Factors" of Part I of the Company's 2024 Annual Report on Form 10-K, as filed with the SEC on March 3, 2025, a copy of which are available at The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law.
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Source: Sila Realty Trust, Inc.