Shanghai Electric Awarded with Numerous Safety and Environmental Protection Certifications for Its International Power Plant Projects
Shanghai Electric (SEHK:2727, SSE:601727) has received multiple certifications for its international clean energy projects, demonstrating excellence in safety and environmental protection. The company achieved significant milestones including:
- 15 million safe human hours at Dubai's Noor Energy 1 Solar Project
- 3 million safe labor hours at Oman's Manah-1 Solar Plant
- 5 million safe labor hours at Bangladesh's Rupsha Power Plant
The company's waste-to-energy plant in Selangor, Malaysia, received the Annual Environmental Management Excellence Award, adding to eight previous environmental awards. In Pakistan's Thar region, the company contributed to community development through educational donations. Shanghai Electric's ESG performance has been recognized through inclusion in multiple Hang Seng Sustainability indices and the ESG Listed Companies Yangtze River Delta Pioneer 50 (2024).
Shanghai Electric (SEHK:2727, SSE:601727) ha ottenuto numerose certificazioni per i suoi progetti internazionali di energia pulita, dimostrando eccellenza nella sicurezza e nella protezione ambientale. L'azienda ha raggiunto traguardi significativi, tra cui:
- 15 milioni di ore lavorative sicure nel progetto solare Noor Energy 1 a Dubai
- 3 milioni di ore lavorative sicure presso l'impianto solare Manah-1 in Oman
- 5 milioni di ore lavorative sicure presso l'impianto Rupsha in Bangladesh
L'impianto di energia da rifiuti in Selangor, Malesia, ha ricevuto il Premio annuale per l'eccellenza nella gestione ambientale, aggiungendo ad altri otto premi ambientali precedenti. Nella regione di Thar in Pakistan, l'azienda ha contribuito allo sviluppo della comunità attraverso donazioni educative. Le performance ESG di Shanghai Electric sono state riconosciute attraverso l'inclusione in vari indici di sostenibilità di Hang Seng e nel gruppo ESG Listed Companies Yangtze River Delta Pioneer 50 (2024).
Shanghai Electric (SEHK:2727, SSE:601727) ha recibido múltiples certificaciones por sus proyectos internacionales de energía limpia, demostrando excelencia en seguridad y protección ambiental. La empresa logró hitos significativos, incluyendo:
- 15 millones de horas de trabajo seguras en el proyecto solar Noor Energy 1 en Dubái
- 3 millones de horas laborales seguras en la planta solar Manah-1 en Omán
- 5 millones de horas laborales seguras en la planta de energía Rupsha en Bangladés
La planta de energía a partir de residuos de la empresa en Selangor, Malasia, recibió el Premio Anual de Excelencia en Gestión Ambiental, sumándose a otros ocho premios ambientales anteriores. En la región de Thar en Pakistán, la empresa contribuyó al desarrollo comunitario a través de donaciones educativas. El desempeño ESG de Shanghai Electric ha sido reconocido a través de su inclusión en múltiples índices de sostenibilidad de Hang Seng y en el grupo ESG Listed Companies Yangtze River Delta Pioneer 50 (2024).
상하이 전기(SHK:2727, SSE:601727)는 국제 청정 에너지 프로젝트에 대해 여러 인증을 받았으며, 안전과 환경 보호에서 우수성을 입증했습니다. 이 회사는 다음과 같은 중요한 이정표를 달성했습니다:
- 두바이 Noor Energy 1 태양광 프로젝트에서 1500만 안전 노동 시간
- 오만 Manah-1 태양광 발전소에서 300만 안전 노동 시간
- 방글라데시 Rupsha 발전소에서 500만 안전 노동 시간
말레이시아 셀랑고르의 폐기물 에너지 플랜트는 연간 환경 관리 우수상(Annual Environmental Management Excellence Award)을 수상하여, 여덟 개의 이전 환경상을 추가했습니다. 파키스탄 타르 지역에서 이 회사는 교육 기부를 통해 지역 사회 개발에 기여했습니다. 상하이 전기의 ESG 성과는 다양한 항셍 지속 가능성 지수에 포함되었고, ESG 상장 기업 양쯔 강 삼각주 선도 기업 50(2024)에도 포함되었습니다.
Shanghai Electric (SEHK:2727, SSE:601727) a reçu de nombreuses certifications pour ses projets internationaux d'énergie propre, démontrant son excellence en matière de sécurité et de protection de l'environnement. L'entreprise a atteint des étapes importantes, notamment :
- 15 millions d'heures de travail sécurisé au projet solaire Noor Energy 1 à Dubaï
- 3 millions d'heures de travail sécurisé à l'usine solaire Manah-1 à Oman
- 5 millions d'heures de travail sécurisé à l'usine de puissance Rupsha au Bangladesh
L'usine de valorisation des déchets en énergie de l'entreprise à Selangor, Malaisie, a reçu le Prix annuel d'excellence en gestion environnementale, s'ajoutant à huit autres prix environnementaux précédents. Dans la région de Thar au Pakistan, l'entreprise a contribué au développement communautaire par des dons éducatifs. Les performances ESG de Shanghai Electric ont été reconnues par son inclusion dans plusieurs indices de durabilité de Hang Seng et dans le groupe ESG Listed Companies Yangtze River Delta Pioneer 50 (2024).
Shanghai Electric (SEHK:2727, SSE:601727) hat mehrere Zertifizierungen für seine internationalen Projekte im Bereich erneuerbare Energien erhalten und zeigt hervorragende Leistungen im Bereich Sicherheit und Umweltschutz. Das Unternehmen hat bedeutende Meilensteine erreicht, darunter:
- 15 Millionen sichere Arbeitsstunden im Solarprojekt Noor Energy 1 in Dubai
- 3 Millionen sichere Arbeitsstunden im Solarpark Manah-1 im Oman
- 5 Millionen sichere Arbeitsstunden im Kraftwerk Rupsha in Bangladesch
Das Abfall-zu-Energie-Werk des Unternehmens in Selangor, Malaysia, erhielt den jährlichen Preis für hervorragendes Umweltmanagement und fügte sich erfolgreich zu acht vorherigen Umweltpreisen hinzu. In der Region Thar in Pakistan trug das Unternehmen durch Bildungsdonationen zur Gemeinschaftsentwicklung bei. Die ESG-Leistungen von Shanghai Electric wurden durch die Aufnahme in mehrere Hang Seng Nachhaltigkeitsindizes sowie die ESG Listed Companies Yangtze River Delta Pioneer 50 (2024) anerkannt.
- Achieved multiple safety milestones across international projects, demonstrating operational excellence
- Received Environmental Management Excellence Award in Malaysia
- Included in multiple prestigious Hang Seng Sustainability indices
- Named in China's ESG Listed Companies Yangtze River Delta Pioneer 50 (2024)
- None.
The operational safety and environmental protection of clean energy projects are of vital importance for accelerating the development of green technology applications.
Regarding safety, Shanghai Electric received a certificate of appreciation for exemplary HSE performance at Noor Energy 1 Solar Project, a 950MW hybrid CSP and PV solar power station in
Shanghai Electric's Rupsha 800MW Combined Cycle Power Plant project in
Environmental protection
Shanghai Electric's waste-to-energy plant in Selangor,
Community building
Shanghai Electric advances environmentally sustainable technologies through research and industrialized management. Its 2024 ESG excellent practice cases, chosen from within the Company, highlight green intelligent manufacturing, digital twin applications, wind turbine reuse, and resource recycling, emphasizing environmental, social, and regulatory impact and effectiveness.
Shanghai Electric's A shares have been included in the Hang Seng A-Share Sustainable Enterprise Index, Hang Seng Mainland and Hong Kong Sustainable Enterprise Index, and Hang Seng A-Share Sustainable Enterprise Benchmark Index for two consecutive years. Its H shares are part of the Hang Seng (Mainland and
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SOURCE Shanghai Electric
What safety certifications did Shanghai Electric (SIELY) receive in 2024?
What environmental awards did Shanghai Electric (SIELY) win in Malaysia?
Which sustainability indices include Shanghai Electric (SIELY) shares?