Shanghai Electric Announces Ambitious Plans to Drive Innovation and Lead New Changes for New Energy and Industrial Equipment

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Shanghai Electric (SIELY) unveiled ambitious plans to advance self-reliance in science and technology at its Technology Conference 2024. The company aims to boost innovation in new energy and industrial equipment sectors. Key highlights include:

1. Integrating resources to foster an innovation ecosystem
2. Establishing national key laboratories and R&D centers
3. Launching a three-year action plan to enhance talent development
4. Allocating 17.7 billion RMB to R&D from 2021 to 2023, with 30% directed towards emerging sectors
5. Forming strategic partnerships with Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tsinghua University

Chairman Wu Lei emphasized the company's commitment to technological innovation and its goal to become an innovation powerhouse contributing to national strategy and industrial development.

Shanghai Electric (SIELY) ha svelato ambiziosi piani per promuovere l'autosufficienza nella scienza e nella tecnologia durante la sua Conferenza Tecnologica 2024. L'azienda mira a potenziare l'innovazione nei settori di nuove energie e attrezzature industriali. I punti salienti includono:

1. Integrazione delle risorse per favorire un ecosistema di innovazione
2. Creazione di laboratori chiave nazionali e centri di R&S
3. Lancio di un piano d'azione triennale per migliorare lo sviluppo delle competenze
4. Assegnazione di 17,7 miliardi di RMB alla R&S dal 2021 al 2023, con il 30% destinato a settori emergenti
5. Formazione di partnership strategiche con l'Università Jiao Tong di Shanghai e l'Università Tsinghua

Il presidente Wu Lei ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda verso l'innovazione tecnologica e il suo obiettivo di diventare un centro di innovazione che contribuisce alla strategia nazionale e allo sviluppo industriale.

Shanghai Electric (SIELY) presentó planes ambiciosos para avanzar en la autosuficiencia en ciencia y tecnología en su Conferencia Tecnológica 2024. La empresa tiene como objetivo impulsar la innovación en los sectores de nueva energía y equipos industriales. Los puntos destacados incluyen:

1. Integrar recursos para fomentar un ecosistema de innovación
2. Establecer laboratorios clave nacionales y centros de I+D
3. Lanzar un plan de acción trienal para mejorar el desarrollo de talentos
4. Asignar 17,7 mil millones de RMB a I+D desde 2021 hasta 2023, con el 30% dirigido a sectores emergentes
5. Formar asociaciones estratégicas con la Universidad Jiao Tong de Shanghai y la Universidad de Tsinghua

El presidente Wu Lei enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa con la innovación tecnológica y su objetivo de convertirse en una potencia de innovación que contribuya a la estrategia nacional y al desarrollo industrial.

상하이 전기(SIELY)는 2024 기술 컨퍼런스에서 과학 및 기술의 독립성을 증진하기 위한 야심찬 계획을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 신재생 에너지 및 산업 장비 분야에서 혁신을 촉진하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 혁신 생태계를 조성하기 위한 자원 통합
2. 국가 주요 실험실 및 연구개발 센터 설립
3. 인재 개발을 증진하기 위한 3개년 행동 계획 시행
4. 2021년부터 2023년까지 연구개발에 177억 위안 할당, 이 중 30%는 신흥 분야에 지정
5. 상하이 교통대학교 및 칭화대학교와의 전략적 파트너십 형성

우 레이 회장은 기술 혁신에 대한 회사의 헌신과 국가 전략 및 산업 발전에 기여하는 혁신 중심이 되는 목표를 강조했습니다.

Shanghai Electric (SIELY) a dévoilé des plans ambitieux pour promouvoir l'autonomie en science et technologie lors de sa Conférence Technologique 2024. L'entreprise vise à stimuler l'innovation dans les secteurs de l'énergie nouvelle et des équipements industriels. Les points clés comprennent :

1. Intégration des ressources pour favoriser un écosystème d'innovation
2. Établissement de laboratoires clés nationaux et de centres de R&D
3. Lancement d'un plan d'action triennal pour améliorer le développement des talents
4. Allocution de 17,7 milliards de RMB à la R&D de 2021 à 2023, dont 30% destinés aux secteurs émergents
5. Formation de partenariats stratégiques avec l'Université Jiao Tong de Shanghai et l'Université Tsinghua

Le président Wu Lei a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise envers l'innovation technologique et son objectif de devenir un pilier de l'innovation contribuant à la stratégie nationale et au développement industriel.

Shanghai Electric (SIELY) hat auf seiner Technologiekonferenz 2024 ehrgeizige Pläne zur Förderung der Selbstständigkeit in Wissenschaft und Technologie enthüllt. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, die Innovation in den Bereichen neue Energien und industrielle Ausrüstungen voranzutreiben. Zu den wichtigsten Punkten gehören:

1. Integration von Ressourcen zur Förderung eines Innovationsökosystems
2. Gründung nationaler Schlüssel-Labore und Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentren
3. Einführung eines Dreijahresaktionsplans zur Verbesserung der Talententwicklung
4. Zuweisung von 17,7 Milliarden RMB für F&E von 2021 bis 2023, wobei 30% auf aufstrebende Sektoren entfallen
5. Bildung strategischer Partnerschaften mit der Shanghai Jiao Tong Universität und der Tsinghua Universität

Vorsitzender Wu Lei betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens für technologische Innovation und das Ziel, eine Innovationskraft zu werden, die zur nationalen Strategie und industriellen Entwicklung beiträgt.

  • Allocated 17.7 billion RMB to R&D from 2021 to 2023, with 30% focused on emerging sectors
  • Launched a three-year action plan to enhance talent development and retention
  • Formed strategic partnerships with Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tsinghua University for research and innovation
  • Expanded 'Project Management of R&D Investment Regarded as Profit Assessment' initiative, resulting in 940 million RMB accumulated profit
  • Established Shanghai Electric Excellence Engineer Academy for talent development
  • None.

SHANGHAI, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- At a recent gathering of company employees from R&D and tech, the Technology Conference 2024 held at its global headquarters, Shanghai, Shanghai Electric (SEHK:2727, SSE:601727) revealed ambitious plans to advance self-reliance in science and technology, particularly in emerging sectors.

At this internal conference, Shanghai Electric also unveiled a new development roadmap for its new energy and industrial equipment business units. This roadmap lays out detailed plans aimed at boosting the company's innovation prowess to cement its market leadership.

"Amidst a complex global environment filled with both opportunities and challenges, Shanghai Electric is committed to elevating technological innovation to new heights within our corporate development," said Wu Lei, Chairman of Shanghai Electric. "To achieve this, we are integrating resources to foster an innovation ecosystem and to develop a pathway for building a stronger engineering team, as demanded by the industry. This effort is part of our broader strategy to optimize our innovation-driven blueprint for future growth."

Outlining corporate guidelines, which are also aligned with China's national strategy to build a tech-centric economic model, Wu also said that Shanghai Electric will enhance synergy across group-level enterprises to accelerate innovation projects.

In addition, the Company, with its priorities set on leading and emerging industries, plans to establish national key laboratories and research and development centers, as hubs for technological innovation. The company aims to enhance the precision of its innovation projects, actively participate in technology award applications, and optimize support policies for tech talent that achieves significant breakthroughs.

Transforming the workforce with a three-year action plan

In another company development, Shanghai Electric has launched a three-year action plan to facilitate both business growth and technological advancement, introducing measures to sharpen core competitiveness by improving youth talent training and management. By implementing a dual approach that combines internal training programs with external recruitment efforts, the company seeks to attract and retain exceptional professionals in the field.

As part of this action plan, The Shanghai Electric Excellence Engineer Academy was founded as a talent development platform designed to cultivate an engineering workforce with strong innovation capability, as well as the critical skills and knowledge that help reshape the industry.

Boosting R&D with investments in emerging sectors

From 2021 to 2023, Shanghai Electric allocated 17.7 billion RMB to research and development, with 30% of this investment directed towards emerging sectors such as wind, solar, hydrogen storage, automation equipment, and industrial software. The company continued to push forward its initiative, "Project Management of R&D Investment Regarded as Profit Assessment", by incorporating 11 new projects in 2023, expanding support to a total of 50 projects and resulting in an accumulated profit of 940 million RMB.

Driving innovation through university-industry partnerships

On April 9, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Shanghai Electric signed a strategic cooperation agreement to establish a long-term, sustainable partnership through which they will join hands to create a research center for green intelligent equipment, addressing national and Shanghai's strategic industry needs through technological innovation and talent cultivation, with a focus on the industrialization of innovative technologies.

This initiative was followed by another significant alliance with a prestigious higher education institution, formed with Tsinghua University on July 23. This partnership will concentrate on refining advanced manufacturing and low-carbon energy solutions, as both institutions work to establish high-level innovation platforms.

"With a clear and detailed roadmap, Shanghai Electric is set to become an innovation powerhouse committed to contributing to the national strategy and industrial development. Through focused efforts in research and development and strategic collaborations with industry leaders and academic institutions, Shanghai Electric aims to achieve its goals and set new industry standards by leveraging partnerships and pushing technological boundaries in both leading and emerging industries," Wu added.

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What is Shanghai Electric's (SIELY) investment in R&D from 2021 to 2023?

Shanghai Electric (SIELY) allocated 17.7 billion RMB to research and development from 2021 to 2023, with 30% of this investment directed towards emerging sectors such as wind, solar, hydrogen storage, automation equipment, and industrial software.

What universities has Shanghai Electric (SIELY) partnered with for innovation?

Shanghai Electric (SIELY) has formed strategic partnerships with Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tsinghua University to collaborate on research and innovation in areas such as green intelligent equipment, advanced manufacturing, and low-carbon energy solutions.

What is the focus of Shanghai Electric's (SIELY) three-year action plan announced in 2024?

Shanghai Electric's (SIELY) three-year action plan focuses on facilitating business growth and technological advancement by improving youth talent training and management, combining internal training programs with external recruitment efforts to attract and retain exceptional professionals.

What sectors is Shanghai Electric (SIELY) focusing on for innovation according to the 2024 announcement?

According to the 2024 announcement, Shanghai Electric (SIELY) is focusing on innovation in new energy and industrial equipment sectors, with particular emphasis on emerging areas such as wind, solar, hydrogen storage, automation equipment, and industrial software.



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