Sokoman Minerals Updates Phase 1 Diamond Drilling Program Fleur de Lys Gold Project, NW Newfoundland

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Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV:SIC)(OTCQB:SICNF) has provided an update on its maiden drilling program at the Fleur de Lys Property in northwestern Newfoundland. The company has completed 1,442 metres of NQ-sized diamond core drilling in 16 holes. The drilling has intersected previously unknown structures, shear and quartz vein zones with associated sulphide mineralization, showing potential for gold mineralization. Assays are pending for all 465 core samples sent to Eastern Analytical

The 2,000 m Phase 1 program is testing historical and new targets, including the Golden Bull Prospect discovered in 2023. The drilling has focused on an approximately 8 km2 area with several discrete targets. The program aims to locate the source of mineralized boulders and test additional targets in the northern portion of the property.

Sokoman is targeting "Dalradian-type" orogenic gold mineralization similar to the Curraghinalt deposit in Northern Ireland, which hosts more than 6 million ounces of gold. The company will continue drilling for two to three more weeks, with decisions on follow-up drilling to be made once all assays are received.

Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV:SIC)(OTCQB:SICNF) ha fornito un aggiornamento sul suo programma di perforazione iniziale presso la Fleur de Lys Property nel nord-ovest della Newfoundland. L'azienda ha completato 1.442 metri di perforazione a carota diamantata di dimensioni NQ in 16 fori. Le perforazioni hanno intersecato strutture precedentemente sconosciute, zone di taglio e vene di quarzo con mineralizzazione di solfuri associati, mostrando il potenziale per la mineralizzazione dell'oro. Gli esami sono in attesa per tutti i 465 campioni di carota inviati a Eastern Analytical.

Il programma Fase 1 di 2.000 m sta testando obiettivi storici e nuovi, incluso il Golden Bull Prospect scoperto nel 2023. Le perforazioni si sono concentrate su un'area di circa 8 km2 con diversi obiettivi distinti. Il programma mira a localizzare la fonte dei massi mineralizzati e testare obiettivi aggiuntivi nella parte settentrionale della proprietà.

Sokoman sta puntando a una mineralizzazione dell'oro di tipo 'Dalradian' orogeno, simile al deposito di Curraghinalt in Irlanda del Nord, che ospita oltre 6 milioni di once d'oro. L'azienda continuerà a perforare per altre due o tre settimane, con decisioni sulla perforazione di follow-up da prendere una volta ricevuti tutti gli esami.

Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV:SIC)(OTCQB:SICNF) ha proporcionado una actualización sobre su programa de perforación inicial en la Fleur de Lys Property en el noroeste de Newfoundland. La compañía ha completado 1,442 metros de perforación con núcleo diamantado de tamaño NQ en 16 pozos. Las perforaciones han intersectado estructuras previamente desconocidas, zonas de cizallamiento y venas de cuarzo con mineralización de sulfuros asociada, mostrando potencial para la mineralización de oro. Los ensayos están pendientes para todas las 465 muestras de núcleo enviadas a Eastern Analytical.

El programa Fase 1 de 2,000 m está probando objetivos históricos y nuevos, incluido el Golden Bull Prospect descubierto en 2023. La perforación se ha centrado en un área de aproximadamente 8 km2 con varios objetivos discretos. El programa tiene como objetivo localizar la fuente de los bloques mineralizados y probar objetivos adicionales en la porción norte de la propiedad.

Sokoman está apuntando a la mineralización de oro 'orogénica tipo Dalradian', similar al depósito de Curraghinalt en Irlanda del Norte, que alberga más de 6 millones de onzas de oro. La compañía continuará perforando durante dos o tres semanas más, y se tomarán decisiones sobre la perforación de seguimiento una vez que se reciban todos los ensayos.

Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV:SIC)(OTCQB:SICNF)는 북서부 뉴펀들랜드에 위치한 Fleur de Lys Property에서의 첫 번째 시추 프로그램에 대한 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 회사는 1,442 미터의 NQ 사이즈 다이아몬드 코어 시추를 16개 구멍에서 완료했습니다. 시추는 이전에 알려지지 않은 구조물, 절리 및 황화물 광물화와 관련된 석영 맥을 교차했고, 금 광물화의 잠재력을 보여주고 있습니다. Eastern Analytical에 보낸 465개의 코어 샘플에 대한 분석 결과는 아직 대기 중입니다.

2,000 m 1단계 프로그램은 2023년에 발견된 Golden Bull Prospect를 포함하여 역사적 및 새로운 목표를 테스트하고 있습니다. 시추는 약 8 km2 지역에 여러 개의 분리된 목표에 집중하고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 광물화된 바위의 원천을 찾고, 자산 북부에 있는 추가 목표를 시험하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Sokoman은 북아일랜드의 Curraghinalt 매장지와 유사한 'Dalradian형' 오로지 금 광물화를 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 매장지는 600만 온스 이상의 금을 보유하고 있습니다. 회사는 향후 2~3주간 추가 시추를 계속 진행할 예정이며, 모든 분석 결과가 수집된 후 후속 시추 여부를 결정할 것입니다.

Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV:SIC)(OTCQB:SICNF) a fourni une mise à jour sur son programme de forage inaugural à la Fleur de Lys Property dans le nord-ouest de Terre-Neuve. L'entreprise a réalisé 1 442 mètres de forage à carotte diamantée de taille NQ dans 16 trous. Le forage a intersecté des structures précédemment inconnues, des zones de cisaillement et des veines de quartz avec une minéralisation de sulfures associée, montrant un potentiel pour la minéralisation aurifère. Les essais sont en attente pour tous les 465 échantillons de carotte envoyés à Eastern Analytical.

Le programme Phase 1 de 2 000 m teste des cibles historiques et nouvelles, y compris le Golden Bull Prospect découvert en 2023. Le forage s'est concentré sur une zone d'environ 8 km2 avec plusieurs cibles discrètes. Le programme vise à localiser la source des blocs minéralisés et à tester des cibles supplémentaires dans la partie nord de la propriété.

Sokoman cible une minéralisation aurifère de type 'Dalradian', similaire à la découverte de Curraghinalt en Irlande du Nord, qui contient plus de 6 millions d'onces d'or. L'entreprise continuera à forer pendant encore deux à trois semaines, avec des décisions sur le forage de suivi à prendre une fois tous les essais reçus.

Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV:SIC)(OTCQB:SICNF) hat ein Update zu seinem ersten Bohrprogramm auf der Fleur de Lys Property im Nordwesten von Newfoundland bereitgestellt. Das Unternehmen hat 1.442 Meter NQ-größtes Diamantkernbohrungen in 16 Löchern abgeschlossen. Die Bohrungen haben zuvor unbekannte Strukturen, Scher- und Quarzgänge mit damit verbundener Sulfidmineralisierung durchstoßen, was auf das Potenzial für Goldmineralisierung hinweist. Die Analysen für alle 465 Kernproben, die an Eastern Analytical gesendet wurden, stehen noch aus.

Das 2.000 m Phase 1 Programm testet historische und neue Ziele, einschließlich des 2023 entdeckten Golden Bull Prospects. Die Bohrungen konzentrieren sich auf ein ungefähr 8 km2 großes Gebiet mit mehreren separaten Zielen. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, die Quelle der mineralisierten Blöcke zu lokalisieren und zusätzliche Ziele im nordlichen Teil des Geländes zu testen.

Sokoman zielt auf 'Dalradian-artige' orogene Goldmineralisierung ähnlich dem Curraghinalt-Vorkommen in Nordirland ab, das mehr als 6 Millionen Unzen Gold beherbergt. Das Unternehmen wird zwei bis drei Wochen länger bohren, und die Entscheidungen über Folgebore werden getroffen, sobald alle Analysen eingegangen sind.

  • Intersected previously unknown structures, shear and quartz vein zones with associated sulphide mineralization
  • Completed 1,442 metres of diamond core drilling in 16 holes
  • Testing historical and new targets, including the Golden Bull Prospect
  • Targeting "Dalradian-type" orogenic gold mineralization similar to large deposits in Northern Ireland
  • No assay results received yet from the 465 core samples
  • Only a narrow, 15 cm stylolitic quartz vein resembling the large float boulders has been intersected in the Golden Bull Prospect area

ST. JOHN'S, NL / ACCESSWIRE / October 3, 2024 / Sokoman Minerals Corp. (TSXV:SIC)(OTCQB:SICNF) ("Sokoman" or the "Company") provides an update on the maiden drilling program at the 100%-owned Fleur de Lys Property located in the mineral-rich Baie Verte Mining District of northwestern Newfoundland. To date, 1,442 metres of NQ-sized diamond core drilling has been completed in 16 holes. No assays have been received from the 465 core samples sent to Eastern Analytical Ltd. in Springdale, Newfoundland.

Timothy Froude, P. Geo., President and CEO of Sokoman Minerals states; "We are pleased with the results of our first drill program on the Fleur de Lys gold property. Our drilling is the first in the area except for holes FDL-24-09 and 10 which undercut a 1988 drill hole by Noranda which tested a showing they discovered. The drilling has intersected previously unknown structures, shear and quartz vein zones with associated sulphide mineralization, that show the potential for gold mineralization. We are awaiting assays from all holes including four holes testing the area of the Golden Bull Prospect, an area of mineralized float with no bedrock exposure. To date only a narrow, 15 cm stylolitic quartz vein vaguely resembling the large float boulders has been intersected. Drilling will continue in the Golden Bull boulder field in the coming two to three weeks to locate the source of the mineralized boulders and additional targets in the northern portion of the property will also be tested.

Exploration during the past three years has targeted world-class "Dalradian-type" orogenic gold mineralization in a similar geological environment in the Caledonian domain of Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom where the Curraghinalt deposit in Northern Ireland is one of the largest undeveloped gold deposits in the Caledonian-Appalachian Orogen hosting more than 6 million ounces of gold."

Program to Date

The 2,000 m Phase 1 program is testing two historical, as well as new targets generated by Sokoman's 2021-2024 till and prospecting programs that include the Golden Bull Prospect (boulder field) discovered late in 2023. Drilling is focussing on an approximately 8 km2 area that includes several discrete targets highlighted by the Golden Bull Prospect area. Drilling has tested six separate targets (see Map 1) with no assays received to date. Other targets located several kilometres further north will be tested in the coming weeks.

Map 1: Drilling overview

Holes FDL-24-01 to FDL-24-04 tested quartz breccia zones 2 km southwest of the Golden Bull Prospect target area and that gave anomalous gold values up to 2 g/t Au from random rock grab (outcrop and float) samples in 2022 and 2023. No previous drilling tested the zones. All four holes intersected sheared / locally brecciated psammitic schists with variable quartz veining and 1%-2% disseminated pyrite over core lengths of 0.5 m to 4.0 m (true thickness approximately 90% of core length).

Drill holes FDL-24-05 to FDL-24-08 tested geophysical / soil geochemical targets underlain by a strong north-trending structural corridor, originally defined by Noranda in 1988 but never tested. Two of the holes (FDL-24-07 and 08) intersected quartz veining with variable sulphide (1%-3% disseminated pyrite and pyrrhotite) over 2.9 m to 10.0 m core length (true thickness 80% of core length).

Figure 1: FDL-24-01 quartz breccia zone with 1%-2% sulphide (40 m - 44 m downhole)
Figure 2: FDL-24-08 quartz chlorite breccia with 1%-3% sulphide (17.5 m - 21.9 m downhole)

Drill holes FDL-24-09 and 10 tested two gold showings discovered by Noranda in 1988 with only one, the Castor's Brook showing, trenched and drill-tested by Noranda. It consists of a quartz breccia zone exposed in four trenches and tested by a single 107 m drill hole with drill assays of 0.42 g/t Au / 0.20 m and 0.30 g/t Au / 0.30 m. Noranda trench values range up to 8.25 grams per tonne gold (g/t Au) over 0.4 m, and 3.00 g/t Au over 0.70 m from trenches 50 m apart. Sokoman DDH FDL-24-09 was drilled to test the 8.25 g/t Au trench values. Results remain pending.

Figure 3: FDL-24-09 shear zone with variable quartz veining and 1%-2% sulphide (41 m - 48 m downhole)

Diamond drill hole FDL-24-10 tested the Castor's North showing also discovered by Noranda in 1988 located 300 m north of the Castor's Brook showing. It is a 0.5 m to 3.0 m wide quartz breccia zone with reported Noranda grab sample results of 7.46 g/t Au and 3.4 g/t Au. The showing was not drilled by Noranda. FDL-24-10, a 100 m hole, which intersected a 10.3 m wide (core length - true thickness believed to be 80% of core length) zone of shearing with variable quartz veining and 1%-2% sulphide from 5.7 m to 16 m.

Holes FDL-24-11, 12, 13 & 16 tested anomalous gold values in float samples, including the stylolitic Golden Bull boulders, which gave up to 9.03 g/t and a north-south trending VLF EM conductor located just to the east of the anomalous boulders. Hole FDL-24-11 intersected psammites and amphibolites with zones of elevated sulphides, up to 1%. Hole FDL-24-12 intersected a 14 cm banded quartz vein with trace disseminated pyrite at 87.66 m. This vein was hosted in a 10.52 m graphitic zone with 2%-3% blebby sulphides from 79.8 m. Hole FDL-24-13 intersected a 72 cm smoky quartz breccia zone with 1% blebby pyrite from 115.72 m and a 2.54 m graphitic shear zone with 2% dusty disseminated pyrite from 124.39 m. Hole FDL-24-16 intersected 2.72 m of graphitic schist with up to 2% coarse / blebby pyrite at 46.95 m and a 50 cm quartz albite zone with up to 6% sulphides from 49.76 m.

Holes FDL-24-14 and 15 targeted a breccia zone outcrop which gave values up to 1.67 g/t Au in grab samples, located just south of the Golden Bull Prospect area. FDL-24-14 intersected 2.11 m of quartz cemented breccia comprising at least three phases of quartz from 11.4 m, with trace dusty, disseminated, pyrite in the quartz. FDL-24-15 intersected a 1.26 m breccia zone at 34.31 m.

Figure 4: FDL-24-14 quartz breccia with disseminated pyrite (11.40 m - 13.51 m downhole)

Drilling will continue for two to three more weeks with a decision on follow-up drilling this fall to be made once all assays have been received.


This news release has been reviewed and approved by Timothy Froude, P.Geo., a "Qualified Person" under National Instrument 43-101 and President and CEO of Sokoman Minerals Corp.

Analytical Techniques / QA/QC

Samples, including duplicates, blanks, and standards, are submitted to Eastern Analytical Ltd. in Springdale, Newfoundland for gold analysis. Eastern Analytical Ltd. is an accredited assay lab that conforms to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. Samples are delivered in sealed bags directly to the lab by Sokoman personnel. All samples of quartz vein material were submitted for total pulp metallics and gravimetric finish. Total pulp metallic analysis includes: the whole sample is crushed to -10 mesh; and then pulverized to 95% -150 mesh. The total sample is weighed and screened to 150 mesh; the +150 mesh fraction is fire-assayed for Au, and a 30 g subsample of the -150 mesh fraction is fire-assayed for Au; with a calculated weighted average of total Au in the sample reported as well. One blank and one industry-approved standard for every twenty samples submitted is included in the sample stream. Random duplicates of selected samples are analyzed in addition to the in-house standard and duplicate policies of Eastern Analytical Ltd. All reported assays are uncut.

About Sokoman Minerals Corp.

Sokoman Minerals Corp. is a discovery-oriented company and one of the largest landholders in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's emerging gold district. The Company's primary focus is its portfolio of gold projects; the 100%-owned flagship, advanced-stage Moosehead, Crippleback Lake, and the district-scale Fleur de Lys project near Baie Verte in northwestern Newfoundland, targeting Dalradian-type orogenic gold mineralization similar to the Curraghinalt and Cavanacaw deposits in Northern Ireland. The Company entered a strategic alliance with Benton Resources Inc. through three, large-scale, joint-venture properties including Grey River, Golden Hope, and Kepenkeck in Newfoundland.

In October 2023, Sokoman and Benton completed an agreement with Piedmont Lithium Inc., a major developer of lithium projects and processing plants in the USA, and exactly the right partner to have to advance the lithium project. For full details of the agreement please refer to the Company's press release dated October 11, 2023.

Projects optioned with optionee fully vested:

  • East Alder Project optioned to Canterra Minerals Inc (SIC retains 850,000 shares of CTM plus 1% NSR)

  • Startrek Project optioned to Thunder Gold (SIC retains 1,750,000 shares of TGOL plus 1% NSR)

For more information, please contact:

Timothy Froude, P.Geo., President & CEO
T: 709-765-1726

Cathy Hume, VP Corporate Development, Director
T: 416-868-1079 x 251

Twitter: @SokomanMinerals
Facebook: @SokomanMinerals
LinkedIn: @SokomanMineralsCorp

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Investors are cautioned that trading in the securities of the Corporation should be considered highly speculative. Except for historical information contained herein, this news release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially. Sokoman Minerals Corp. will not update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof. More detailed information about potential factors that could affect financial results is included in the documents filed from time to time with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities by Sokoman Minerals Corp.

SOURCE: Sokoman Minerals Corp.

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What is the current status of Sokoman Minerals' drilling program at the Fleur de Lys Property?

Sokoman Minerals has completed 1,442 metres of NQ-sized diamond core drilling in 16 holes at the Fleur de Lys Property. The company is awaiting assay results for 465 core samples sent to Eastern Analytical

What are the main targets of Sokoman Minerals' drilling program at Fleur de Lys?

The drilling program is targeting historical and new targets, including the Golden Bull Prospect discovered in 2023. It focuses on an approximately 8 km2 area with several discrete targets, aiming to locate the source of mineralized boulders and test additional targets in the northern portion of the property.

What type of gold mineralization is Sokoman Minerals (SICNF) targeting at the Fleur de Lys Property?

Sokoman Minerals is targeting "Dalradian-type" orogenic gold mineralization, similar to the Curraghinalt deposit in Northern Ireland, which hosts more than 6 million ounces of gold.

How long will Sokoman Minerals (SICNF) continue drilling at the Fleur de Lys Property?

Sokoman Minerals will continue drilling for two to three more weeks, with decisions on follow-up drilling to be made once all assays are received.



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