Safety Shot Announces First Peer-Reviewed Publication of Human Clinical Trial Confirming Rapid Alcohol Reduction and Hangover Prevention
Safety Shot (NASDAQ: SHOT) has published groundbreaking results from its first peer-reviewed human clinical trial in the Journal of Nutrition and Dietary Supplements, demonstrating the efficacy of Safety Shot® in reducing alcohol effects. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study showed statistically significant reductions in blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) within 30 minutes of consumption.
Key findings include:
- Significant reduction in blood alcohol levels (p<0.05) from 30 through 240 minutes post-consumption
- Substantial increase in aldehyde dehydrogenase levels
- Improved hangover symptoms including reduced head discomfort and fatigue
- Enhanced urine output indicating faster alcohol elimination
The study, conducted by The Center for Applied Health Sciences (CAHS), positions Safety Shot® in the growing hangover cure market, projected to reach over $6 billion by 2032 with a 14.1% CAGR from 2023 to 2030.
Safety Shot (NASDAQ: SHOT) ha pubblicato risultati rivoluzionari dal suo primo studio clinico umano sottoposto a revisione paritaria nella Journal of Nutrition and Dietary Supplements, dimostrando l'efficacia di Safety Shot® nella riduzione degli effetti dell'alcol. Lo studio randomizzato, in doppio cieco e controllato con placebo ha mostrato riduzioni statisticamente significative nella concentrazione di alcol nel sangue (BAC) e nella concentrazione di alcol nel respiro (BrAC) entro 30 minuti dal consumo.
I risultati chiave includono:
- Riduzione significativa dei livelli di alcol nel sangue (p<0.05) da 30 a 240 minuti dopo il consumo
- Aumento sostanziale dei livelli di aldeide deidrogenasi
- Miglioramento dei sintomi da postumi di sbornia, inclusi riduzione del fastidio alla testa e della fatica
- Aumento della produzione di urina che indica un'eliminazione più rapida dell'alcol
Lo studio, condotto dal Center for Applied Health Sciences (CAHS), posiziona Safety Shot® nel crescente mercato dei rimedi per la sbornia, che si prevede raggiunga oltre 6 miliardi di dollari entro il 2032, con un CAGR del 14,1% dal 2023 al 2030.
Safety Shot (NASDAQ: SHOT) ha publicado resultados innovadores de su primer ensayo clínico humano revisado por pares en el Journal of Nutrition and Dietary Supplements, demostrando la eficacia de Safety Shot® en la reducción de los efectos del alcohol. El estudio aleatorizado, doble ciego y controlado con placebo mostró reducciones estadísticamente significativas en la concentración de alcohol en sangre (BAC) y en la concentración de alcohol en el aliento (BrAC) dentro de los 30 minutos posteriores al consumo.
Los hallazgos clave incluyen:
- Reducción significativa de los niveles de alcohol en sangre (p<0.05) de 30 a 240 minutos después del consumo
- Aumento sustancial en los niveles de aldehído deshidrogenasa
- Mejora de los síntomas de resaca, incluyendo reducción del malestar en la cabeza y la fatiga
- Aumento de la producción de orina que indica una eliminación más rápida del alcohol
El estudio, llevado a cabo por el Center for Applied Health Sciences (CAHS), posiciona a Safety Shot® en el creciente mercado de remedios para la resaca, que se proyecta alcanzará más de 6 mil millones de dólares para 2032, con un CAGR del 14.1% desde 2023 hasta 2030.
세이프티 샷 (NASDAQ: SHOT)은 Journal of Nutrition and Dietary Supplements에서 동료 검토를 거친 첫 번째 인간 임상 시험의 획기적인 결과를 발표하며, 세이프티 샷®이 알코올 효과를 줄이는 데 효과적임을 입증했습니다. 무작위 이중 맹검 위약 대조 연구는 소비 후 30분 이내에 혈중 알코올 농도(BAC)와 호흡 중 알코올 농도(BrAC)의 통계적으로 유의미한 감소를 보여주었습니다.
주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- 소비 후 30분에서 240분 사이에 혈중 알코올 수치의 유의미한 감소 (p<0.05)
- 알데히드 탈수소효소 수치의 상당한 증가
- 두통과 피로 감소를 포함한 숙취 증상 개선
- 알코올 배출 속도를 나타내는 소변 배출량 증가
이 연구는 응용 건강 과학 센터(CAHS)에서 수행되었으며, 세이프티 샷®을 2032년까지 60억 달러를 초과할 것으로 예상되는 숙취 치료 시장에 위치시킵니다. 이 시장은 2023년부터 2030년까지 연평균 14.1% 성장할 것으로 보입니다.
Safety Shot (NASDAQ: SHOT) a publié des résultats révolutionnaires de son premier essai clinique humain évalué par des pairs dans le Journal of Nutrition and Dietary Supplements, démontrant l'efficacité de Safety Shot® dans la réduction des effets de l'alcool. L'étude randomisée, en double aveugle et contrôlée par placebo a montré des réductions statistiquement significatives de la concentration d'alcool dans le sang (BAC) et de la concentration d'alcool dans l'haleine (BrAC) dans les 30 minutes suivant la consommation.
Les résultats clés incluent:
- Réduction significative des niveaux d'alcool dans le sang (p<0.05) de 30 à 240 minutes après consommation
- Augmentation substantielle des niveaux d'aldéhyde déshydrogénase
- Amélioration des symptômes de gueule de bois, y compris réduction de l'inconfort à la tête et de la fatigue
- Augmentation de la production d'urine indiquant une élimination plus rapide de l'alcool
L'étude, réalisée par le Center for Applied Health Sciences (CAHS), positionne Safety Shot® sur le marché croissant des remèdes contre la gueule de bois, qui devrait atteindre plus de 6 milliards de dollars d'ici 2032, avec un TCAC de 14,1 % de 2023 à 2030.
Safety Shot (NASDAQ: SHOT) hat bahnbrechende Ergebnisse aus seiner ersten von Fachkollegen überprüften klinischen Studie am Menschen im Journal of Nutrition and Dietary Supplements veröffentlicht, die die Wirksamkeit von Safety Shot® bei der Reduzierung der Auswirkungen von Alkohol demonstriert. Die randomisierte, doppelblinde, placebokontrollierte Studie zeigte statistisch signifikante Reduktionen der Blutalkoholkonzentration (BAC) und der Atemalkoholkonzentration (BrAC) innerhalb von 30 Minuten nach dem Konsum.
Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:
- Signifikante Reduktion der Blutalkoholwerte (p<0.05) von 30 bis 240 Minuten nach dem Konsum
- Substantielle Erhöhung der Aldehyddehydrogenasewerte
- Verbesserte Kater-Symptome, einschließlich reduzierter Kopfschmerz und Müdigkeit
- Erhöhte Urinproduktion, die auf eine schnellere Alkohol-Elimination hinweist
Die Studie, die vom Center for Applied Health Sciences (CAHS) durchgeführt wurde, positioniert Safety Shot® im wachsenden Markt für Katerheilmittel, der bis 2032 voraussichtlich über 6 Milliarden Dollar erreichen wird und von 2023 bis 2030 eine jährliche Wachstumsrate von 14,1% aufweisen wird.
- First-ever human clinical trial proving efficacy of dietary supplement for alcohol reduction
- Statistically significant results (p<0.05) in reducing blood alcohol levels
- Fast-acting results within 30 minutes of consumption
- Positioned to capture share in $6B market growing at 14.1% CAGR
- Peer-reviewed validation in scientific journal
- Study to small amounts of alcohol consumption
- Broad participant demographics may affect specific use-case efficacy
- Results to controlled laboratory conditions
The Safety Shot clinical trial represents a significant scientific breakthrough in dietary interventions for alcohol metabolism. The peer-reviewed publication in the Journal of Nutrition and Dietary Supplements validates their approach with robust methodology - a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover design that minimizes bias and inter-individual variability.
What's mechanistically impressive is the demonstrated upregulation of aldehyde dehydrogenase, which plays a important role in converting acetaldehyde (a toxic alcohol metabolite) into harmless acetic acid. The temporary elevation of acetaldehyde triggered an accelerated metabolic response that enhanced alcohol clearance, showing statistically significant reductions in both blood and breath alcohol concentrations starting at just 30 minutes post-consumption.
This human-centric approach represents a critical advancement over previous research that relied primarily on animal models, which often fail to translate effectively to human physiology due to species differences in alcohol metabolism. The consistent effects across diverse participants suggest broad applicability, though the study's ethical limitations on alcohol quantity should be noted.
The multiple correlated endpoints showing improvement - reduced BAC/BrAC levels, increased enzyme activity, improved subjective symptoms, and enhanced urine output - suggest a comprehensive physiological effect rather than a single-mechanism action. This multi-pathway approach to addressing alcohol's effects establishes a new standard of evidence in what has historically been a scientifically underwhelming product category.
Safety Shot's clinical validation arrives at a strategic market inflection point. The
For a company with just
The timing aligns perfectly with evolving consumer attitudes toward alcohol consumption. Modern consumers increasingly seek products that allow social participation while mitigating negative effects - exactly what Safety Shot delivers with now-validated efficacy. This addresses the growing "functional wellness" trend where consumers demand products with proven benefits beyond marketing claims.
The market validation opens potential B2B partnership avenues with hospitality groups, rideshare services, and alcohol producers concerned with promoting responsible consumption. The addressable market extends beyond direct-to-consumer channels into potentially lucrative institutional partnerships.
This scientific validation transforms Safety Shot from a speculative wellness play into a clinically-proven solution in a rapidly expanding market segment where few competitors can make similar claims backed by peer-reviewed human clinical data.
New controlled study published in Journal of Nutrition and Dietary Supplements highlights statistically significant reductions in ethanol levels following acute alcohol intake
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., March 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Safety Shot, Inc. (Nasdaq: SHOT) (“Safety Shot” or the “Company”), a wellness and dietary supplement company, today announces the peer-reviewed publication of its groundbreaking randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of Safety Shot® in mitigating the negative effects of alcohol consumption. The study, published in the Journal of Nutrition and Dietary Supplements (Feb 26, 2025, Volume 17, Pages 43-62), demonstrates that Safety Shot® statistically significantly reduces blood alcohol concentration (BAC), breath alcohol concentration (BrAC), and hangover symptoms compared to placebo (p < 0.05), and at a remarkably faster rate than the body's natural processes. For the complete article, visit the website at:
"This is a momentous occasion for Safety Shot as it demonstrates in a peer-reviewed setting, the potential for the product’s utility in daily practice. Alcohol consumption may have implications in multiple settings, but the results of this study show that there are solutions available – over the counter – that can mitigate its effects and dangers and allow for a more positive overall experience," said Jarrett Boon, Safety Shot CEO. "Our unwavering commitment to scientific research and development has culminated in this groundbreaking achievement, and we believe that this clinically proven solution empowers individuals to take responsibility and control of their alcohol consumption."
This is the first-ever human clinical trial to demonstrate the efficacy of a dietary supplement blend in reducing the acute effects of alcohol. Previous research has primarily relied on animal models, which may not translate directly into human physiology. Safety Shot's human clinical trial provides more relevant and reliable data, positioning Safety Shot® as a revolutionary advancement in the field and a potential game-changer for the growing market of individuals seeking to manage the after-effects of alcohol consumption.
Details of the Trial
The study, conducted by The Center for Applied Health Sciences (CAHS), an independent, third-party research organization, involved healthy men and women of various ages, ethnicities and body types. Participants were randomly assigned to consume alcohol followed by either Safety Shot® or a placebo in a crossover design, where each participant served as their own control. This rigorous double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover design ensured the highest level of scientific rigor and minimized inter-individual variability. Details include:
- Rapid Alcohol Reduction: Safety Shot® reduced blood alcohol levels in as little as 30 minutes. This was evidenced by statistically significant reductions (p< 0.05) in both blood-drawn and breath-analyzed alcohol levels at 30 through 240 minutes after consumption.
- Rapid and Substantial Increase in Aldehyde Dehydrogenase: Over time, the aldehyde dehydrogenase values were significantly heightened. The AUC and Cmax for aldehyde dehydrogenase were both significantly greater in Safety Shot® vs Placebo (p = 0.004 and p = 0.010 respectively), suggesting an altering of the kinetics of acetaldehyde. By temporarily elevating acetaldehyde, Safety Shot effectively triggered a faster metabolic response, enhancing the body’s ability to eliminate alcohol and its toxic intermediates.
- Improved Hangover Symptoms: Trial participants taking Safety Shot® reported less head discomfort, reduced fatigue, increased energy levels, improvements in concentration, and reduced feelings of tiredness compared to the placebo. These improvements were observed at multiple time points throughout the study, as evidenced by the VAS scores.
- Increased Urine Output: Participants in the Safety Shot® group had greater urine output, particularly at the 60-minute mark, suggesting enhanced elimination of alcohol from the body.
Dr. Tim Ziegenfuss, CEO of CAHS, added, "These results are highly encouraging, showcasing Safety Shot's potential as a beneficial supplement for individuals consuming alcohol. The observed reductions in breath and blood alcohol levels, along with the improvements in subjective feelings and physiological measures, highlight the benefit of Safety Shot in supporting better outcomes in post-alcohol consumption."
The Company notes that given ethical and legal limitations, participants were only permitted to consume a small amount of alcohol. Further, study protocol was not limited to specific demographics as defined by age (except to be able to legally consume alcohol), sex, anthropometric disposition or frequency and tolerance of alcohol consumption. While many studies attempt to control for these variables, investigators made this as broad as possible to verify the potential for the widest use, and success, possible.
With these groundbreaking results, Safety Shot® is entering a massive and rapidly expanding global market for hangover cure products. According to a report by Grand View Research, this market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
About Safety Shot, Inc.
Safety Shot, Inc., a wellness and dietary supplement company, has developed Sure Shot, the first patented wellness product on Earth that lowers blood alcohol content by supporting its metabolism, while boosting clarity, energy, and overall mood. Sure Shot is available for purchase online at, and Amazon. Safety Shot, Inc. is introducing business-to-business sales of Sure Shot to distributors, retailers, restaurants, and bars throughout 2025. Safety Shot® is a proprietary blend of natural ingredients, including red ginseng, N-acetyl cysteine, dandelion extract, milk thistle, and other antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and nootropics. These ingredients work synergistically to support the body's natural detoxification processes, reduce oxidative stress, and promote overall wellness.
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