Shimmick Awarded Contract for North Hollywood to Pasadena Bus Rapid Transit Project
Shimmick Construction and Myers and Sons, operating as Myers-Shimmick Joint Venture (MSJV), have been awarded an $8.26 million contract for preconstruction services on the North Hollywood to Pasadena Bus Rapid Transit Project by LA Metro. The project involves developing a 19-mile transit corridor connecting multiple California cities with 22 new stations.
If awarded the construction phase, the project's estimated value would be $190 million. The initiative aims to provide faster transit options, reduce traffic congestion, and improve air quality using zero-emission electric buses. Early utility work is scheduled to begin in 2025, with completion targeted for 2028.
Shimmick Construction e Myers and Sons, operanti come Myers-Shimmick Joint Venture (MSJV), hanno ricevuto un contratto di 8,26 milioni di dollari per i servizi di precostruzione sul progetto di Bus Rapid Transit che collega North Hollywood a Pasadena, assegnato da LA Metro. Il progetto prevede lo sviluppo di un corridoio di trasporto di 19 miglia che collegherà diverse città californiane con 22 nuove stazioni.
Se verrà assegnata la fase di costruzione, il valore stimato del progetto sarà di 190 milioni di dollari. L'iniziativa mira a fornire opzioni di trasporto più rapide, ridurre la congestione del traffico e migliorare la qualità dell'aria utilizzando autobus elettrici a zero emissioni. I primi lavori sulle utenze sono programmati per iniziare nel 2025, con completamento previsto per il 2028.
Shimmick Construction y Myers and Sons, operando como Myers-Shimmick Joint Venture (MSJV), han sido adjudicados un contrato de 8.26 millones de dólares para servicios de preconstrucción en el Proyecto de Transporte Rápido de Autobuses de North Hollywood a Pasadena por LA Metro. El proyecto implica el desarrollo de un corredor de tránsito de 19 millas que conectará múltiples ciudades de California con 22 nuevas estaciones.
Si se adjudica la fase de construcción, se estima que el valor del proyecto será de 190 millones de dólares. La iniciativa busca proporcionar opciones de transporte más rápidas, reducir la congestión del tráfico y mejorar la calidad del aire utilizando autobuses eléctricos de cero emisiones. Se tiene previsto comenzar con los trabajos de servicios públicos en 2025, con una finalización prevista para 2028.
Shimmick Construction와 Myers and Sons는 Myers-Shimmick Joint Venture (MSJV)로서 LA Metro에 의해 북할리우드와 파사데나 간의 버스 고속 교통 프로젝트를 위한 공사 전 서비스 계약 826만 달러를 수주했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 19마일의 교통 회랑을 개발하여 캘리포니아의 여러 도시와 22개의 새로운 정류장을 연결하는 것을 포함합니다.
건설 단계가 수주된다면, 프로젝트의 추정 가치는 1억 9천만 달러에 이를 것입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 더 빠른 교통 옵션을 제공하고 교통 혼잡을 줄이며 무공해 전기 버스를 이용해 공기 질을 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 초기 유틸리티 작업은 2025년에 시작될 예정이며, 2028년 완료를 목표로 하고 있습니다.
Shimmick Construction et Myers and Sons, opérant sous le nom de Myers-Shimmick Joint Venture (MSJV), ont été attribués un contrat de 8,26 millions de dollars pour des services de préconstruction sur le projet de Bus Rapid Transit reliant North Hollywood à Pasadena par LA Metro. Le projet implique le développement d'un corridor de transport de 19 miles reliant plusieurs villes californiennes avec 22 nouvelles stations.
Si la phase de construction est attribuée, la valeur estimée du projet serait de 190 millions de dollars. L'initiative vise à offrir des options de transport plus rapides, à réduire la congestion du trafic et à améliorer la qualité de l'air à l'aide de bus électriques zéro émission. Des travaux de services publics préliminaires sont prévus pour commencer en 2025, avec une achèvement ciblé pour 2028.
Shimmick Construction und Myers and Sons, die als Myers-Shimmick Joint Venture (MSJV) arbeiten, haben von LA Metro einen Vertrag über 8,26 Millionen Dollar für Vorbereitungsdienstleistungen für das Projekt des Bus Rapid Transit von North Hollywood nach Pasadena erhalten. Das Projekt umfasst die Entwicklung eines 19 Meilen langen Verkehrskorridors, der mehrere kalifornische Städte mit 22 neuen Stationen verbindet.
Wenn die Bauphase vergeben wird, würde der geschätzte Wert des Projekts bei 190 Millionen Dollar liegen. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, schnellere Verkehrsmöglichkeiten zu bieten, den Verkehrsfluss zu reduzieren und die Luftqualität mit emissionsfreien elektrischen Bussen zu verbessern. Erste Versorgungsarbeiten sind für 2025 geplant, mit dem Ziel, 2028 fertigzustellen.
- Secured $8.26 million contract for preconstruction services
- Potential additional $190 million construction phase contract
- Strategic partnership with Myers and Sons strengthens market position
- Construction phase contract not yet secured
- Extended project timeline until 2028 may impact cash flow
IRVINE, Calif., Dec. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Shimmick Construction Company, Inc. (“Shimmick”), a leader in critical infrastructure, water, and transit solutions, announced today that it has been awarded a key role in the North Hollywood to Pasadena Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project by Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro). Shimmick, with our partner Myers and Sons, as part of the Myers-Shimmick Joint Venture (MSJV), will serve as the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) for the project's preconstruction services phase.
"We are excited to once again partner with Myers and Sons and LA Metro on this critical infrastructure project to improve mobility and connectivity for millions of LA County residents," said Ural Yal, CEO of Shimmick. "We are encouraged to utilize the CM/GC project delivery method, which allows the entire project team to work together to address projects risks and set the project up for success during the construction phase."
The project enhances transit access for disadvantaged Equity Focus Communities (EFCs) in the project area, including improved pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and utilizes electric zero-emission buses to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The preconstruction phase will involve close collaboration between the Myers-Shimmick team, Metro, and the design team to refine project designs, ensure cost control, and develop a comprehensive construction schedule. Early utility work is scheduled to begin in 2025, with the project slated for completion by 2028.
For more information, visit Metro's North Hollywood to Pasadena Transit Corridor Project Page.
Shimmick (NASDAQ: SHIM) is a leading provider of water and critical infrastructure solutions nationwide. Shimmick has a long history of delivering complex infrastructure projects from the world's largest wastewater recycling and purification system in Orange County California to the iconic Hoover Dam. Shimmick is at the forefront of delivering solutions to meet the nation’s growing demand for water infrastructure. Our self-performing capability ensures better cost control, quality and client satisfaction across our diverse project portfolio. According to Engineering News Record, in 2024, Shimmick was nationally ranked as a top ten builder of water supply (#8), dams and reservoirs (#6), and water treatment and desalination plants (#7).
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