SES AI to Present at AI and EV Battery Industry Conferences to Share Exciting Progress on Its New “All-in on AI” Initiative

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SES AI (NYSE: SES), a leader in Li-Metal battery development, announces its participation in four major AI and EV Battery conferences to showcase progress on its 'All-in on AI' initiative. The company will present at:

1. Air Taxi World Congress (Oct 9, 2024, Dubai): Dr. Qichao Hu discusses Advanced Air Mobility challenges and Li-Metal battery solutions.

2. MITAI Conference (Oct 26, 2024, New York City): Dr. Hu explores AI's potential in battery technology.

3. Advanced Lithium Batteries Conference (Oct 28-29, 2024, Montréal): Presentations on AI-accelerated materials discovery for Li-Metal batteries.

4. Supercomputing Conference (Nov 21, 2024, Atlanta): Update on SES AI's Avatar system for quality and safety in manufacturing.

These presentations will highlight SES AI's advancements in AI for Manufacturing, Safety, and Science within the battery industry.

SES AI (NYSE: SES), leader nello sviluppo di batterie al Li-Metal, annuncia la sua partecipazione a quattro importanti conferenze dedicate all'IA e alle batterie per veicoli elettrici, per mostrare i progressi della sua 'Iniziativa All-in on AI'. L'azienda presenterà:

1. Congresso Mondiale degli Air Taxi (9 ottobre 2024, Dubai): Il Dr. Qichao Hu discute delle sfide della Mobilità Aerea Avanzata e delle soluzioni delle batterie al Li-Metal.

2. MITAI Conference (26 ottobre 2024, New York City): Il Dr. Hu esplora il potenziale dell'IA nella tecnologia delle batterie.

3. Conferenza sulle Batterie al Litio Avanzate (28-29 ottobre 2024, Montréal): Presentazioni sulla scoperta di materiali accelerata dall'IA per batterie al Li-Metal.

4. Conferenza sul Supercomputing (21 novembre 2024, Atlanta): Aggiornamento sul sistema Avatar di SES AI per la qualità e la sicurezza nella produzione.

Queste presentazioni evidenzieranno i progressi di SES AI nell'IA per la produzione, la sicurezza e la scienza nell'industria delle batterie.

SES AI (NYSE: SES), líder en el desarrollo de baterías de Li-Metal, anuncia su participación en cuatro conferencias importantes sobre IA y baterías para vehículos eléctricos para mostrar los avances de su 'Iniciativa Todo en IA'. La empresa presentará en:

1. Congreso Mundial de Taxis Aéreos (9 de octubre de 2024, Dubái): El Dr. Qichao Hu discute los desafíos de la Movilidad Aérea Avanzada y las soluciones de baterías de Li-Metal.

2. Conferencia MITAI (26 de octubre de 2024, Nueva York): El Dr. Hu explora el potencial de la IA en la tecnología de baterías.

3. Conferencia de Baterías de Litio Avanzadas (28-29 de octubre de 2024, Montreal): Presentaciones sobre el descubrimiento de materiales acelerado por IA para baterías de Li-Metal.

4. Conferencia de Supercomputación (21 de noviembre de 2024, Atlanta): Actualización sobre el sistema Avatar de SES AI para calidad y seguridad en la fabricación.

Estas presentaciones resaltarán los avances de SES AI en IA para la fabricación, la seguridad y la ciencia en la industria de las baterías.

SES AI (NYSE: SES), 리-메탈 배터리 개발의 선두주자가 인공지능(AI) 및 전기차 배터리 관련 네 개의 주요 컨퍼런스에 참여하여 'AI에 올인하는 이니셔티브'의 진행 상황을 보여준다고 발표했습니다. 회사는 다음과 같은 행사에서 발표할 예정입니다:

1. 항공 택시 세계 총회 (2024년 10월 9일, 두바이): Qichao Hu 박사가 고급 항공 이동성의 도전과 리-메탈 배터리 솔루션에 대해 논의합니다.

2. MITAI 컨퍼런스 (2024년 10월 26일, 뉴욕): Hu 박사가 배터리 기술에서 AI의 가능성을 탐구합니다.

3. 고급 리튬 배터리 컨퍼런스 (2024년 10월 28-29일, 몬트리올): 리-메탈 배터리를 위한 AI 가속 소재 발견에 대한 발표가 있습니다.

4. 슈퍼컴퓨팅 컨퍼런스 (2024년 11월 21일, 애틀랜타): 제조 품질과 안전을 위한 SES AI의 아바타 시스템 업데이트.

이 발표들은 배터리 산업 내 AI를 통한 제조, 안전 및 과학 분야에서 SES AI의 발전을 강조할 것입니다.

SES AI (NYSE: SES), leader dans le développement de batteries au Li-Métal, annonce sa participation à quatre grandes conférences sur l'IA et les batteries pour véhicules électriques afin de mettre en avant les progrès de son 'Initiative Tout sur l'IA'. L'entreprise présentera lors de :

1. Congrès Mondial des Taxis Aériens (9 octobre 2024, Dubaï) : Dr. Qichao Hu discute des défis de la Mobilité Aérienne Avancée et des solutions de batteries au Li-Métal.

2. Conférence MITAI (26 octobre 2024, New York) : Dr. Hu explore le potentiel de l'IA dans la technologie des batteries.

3. Conférence sur les Batteries au Lithium Avancées (28-29 octobre 2024, Montréal) : Présentations sur la découverte de matériaux accélérée par l'IA pour les batteries au Li-Métal.

4. Conférence sur le Supercalcul (21 novembre 2024, Atlanta) : Mise à jour sur le système Avatar de SES AI pour la qualité et la sécurité dans la fabrication.

Ces présentations mettront en avant les avancées de SES AI dans l'IA pour la fabrication, la sécurité et la science au sein de l'industrie des batteries.

SES AI (NYSE: SES), führend in der Entwicklung von Li-Metal-Batterien, kündigt seine Teilnahme an vier bedeutenden Konferenzen zu KI und Elektrofahrzeugbatterien an, um Fortschritte bei seiner 'All-in on AI'-Initiative zu präsentieren. Das Unternehmen wird auf folgenden Veranstaltungen sprechen:

1. Weltkongress für Lufttaxis (9. Oktober 2024, Dubai): Dr. Qichao Hu erörtert die Herausforderungen der fortschrittlichen Luftmobilität und Lösungen von Li-Metal-Batterien.

2. MITAI-Konferenz (26. Oktober 2024, New York City): Dr. Hu erforscht das Potenzial von KI in der Batterietechnologie.

3. Konferenz zu fortgeschrittenen Lithiumbatterien (28.-29. Oktober 2024, Montréal): Präsentationen zur KI-unterstützten Materialentdeckung für Li-Metal-Batterien.

4. Supercomputing-Konferenz (21. November 2024, Atlanta): Update zum Avatar-System von SES AI für Qualität und Sicherheit in der Fertigung.

Diese Präsentationen werden die Fortschritte von SES AI in der KI für Fertigung, Sicherheit und Wissenschaft in der Batterieindustrie hervorheben.

  • Participation in four major industry conferences indicates strong market presence
  • Collaboration with NVIDIA suggests technological advancements in AI applications for battery development
  • Focus on AI integration in manufacturing, safety, and science demonstrates innovation in battery technology
  • None.

WOBURN, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- SES AI Corporation (“SES AI”) (NYSE: SES), a global leader in the development and manufacturing of high-performance Li-Metal batteries, today announced it will present at four prominent AI and EV Battery conferences and share meaningful progress on its new “All-in on AI” initiative with OEMs, including AI for Manufacturing, AI for Safety, and AI for Science.

Air Taxi World Congress
Date: Oct 9, 2024, 12:20pm GST (panel discussion)
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Event Details: Dr. Qichao Hu, Founder, Chairman, and CEO, provides a comprehensive exploration of the critical technological challenges inherent in Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) and the solutions that form the technological backbone of this industry, highlighting the pivotal roles of safe and lightweight Li-Metal batteries, with AI for Safety, AI for Manufacturing, and AI for Science.

MITAI Conference
Date: Oct 26, 11:45am ET (fireside chat)
Location: New York City, New York
Event Details: Dr. Qichao Hu, alongside James J. Collins, MIT Termeer Professor of Medical Engineering & Science, will explore the transformative potential of AI application in revolutionizing battery technology.

Advanced Lithium Batteries for Automobile Applications Conference
Date: Oct 28, 2024, 11:15am ET (presentation); Oct 29, 2024, 12:25 pm ET (presentation joined by NVIDIA)
Location: Montréal, Canada
Event Details: Dr. Qichao Hu and Jerry Chen, NVIDIA’s Director of Global Business Development for Manufacturing & Industrials, will discuss the impact of AI-accelerated materials discovery on next-generation Li-Metal batteries. Discover the innovations shaping the future of energy storage and sustainability.

Supercomputing Conference
Date: Nov 21, 2024, 2pm ET (presentation with NVIDIA)
Location: Atlanta, Georgia (booth 2523 & 4155)
Event Details: Dr. Hu will give an update on the latest technological achievement, highlighting how SES AI’s Avatar (AI4Safety + AI4Manufacturing) is driving breakthroughs in ensuring quality and safety in large-scale manufacturing.

About SES AI:

SES AI Corp. (NYSE: SES) is powering the future of global electric transportation on land and in the air with the world’s most advanced Li-Metal batteries. SES AI is the first battery company in the world to accelerate its pace of innovation by utilizing superintelligent AI across the spectrum of its business, from research and development; materials sourcing; cell design; engineering and manufacturing; to battery health and safety monitoring. Founded in 2012, SES AI is an Li-Metal battery developer and manufacturer headquartered in Boston and with operations in Singapore, Shanghai, and Seoul. Learn more at SES.AI.

SES AI may use its website as a distribution channel of material company information. Financial and other important information regarding SES AI is routinely posted on and accessible through the Company’s website at Accordingly, investors should monitor this channel, in addition to following SES AI’s press releases, Securities and Exchange Commission filings and public conference calls and webcasts.

For the media:

For investors:

Source: SES AI Corporation


When and where will SES AI (NYSE: SES) present at the Air Taxi World Congress?

SES AI will present at the Air Taxi World Congress on October 9, 2024, at 12:20pm GST in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

What topics will SES AI (NYSE: SES) discuss at the MITAI Conference?

At the MITAI Conference on October 26, 2024, in New York City, SES AI will explore the transformative potential of AI application in revolutionizing battery technology.

How is SES AI (NYSE: SES) collaborating with NVIDIA at the Advanced Lithium Batteries Conference?

SES AI and NVIDIA's Director of Global Business Development for Manufacturing & Industrials will jointly present on AI-accelerated materials discovery for next-generation Li-Metal batteries on October 29, 2024, at 12:25 pm ET in Montréal, Canada.

What will SES AI (NYSE: SES) showcase at the Supercomputing Conference in Atlanta?

At the Supercomputing Conference on November 21, 2024, in Atlanta, SES AI will present an update on their Avatar system (AI4Safety + AI4Manufacturing) and its role in ensuring quality and safety in large-scale manufacturing.

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