SEER and Eco Tadweer have announced significant progress in the Green Riyadh project, partnering with Biochar Now and Davey Tree Expert Company. The initiative focuses on implementing biochar applications for soil enhancement in Saudi Arabia. The companies have developed a specialized 'Saudi char' product, specifically designed for Saudi soil conditions, which has shown remarkable results in improving water retention, nutrient retention, and soil structure in their first park treatment.
Testing protocols included measuring biochar impact on indigenous plants, seed germination, desert cultivation, and experimental garden studies. The project demonstrated higher growth and survival rates compared to control groups, with significant water savings and improved nutrient availability. The initiative also includes the generation of audited, fully insured carbon credits that can be traded with smart contracts and blockchain verification.
SEER ed Eco Tadweer hanno annunciato progressi significativi nel progetto Green Riyadh, collaborando con Biochar Now e Davey Tree Expert Company. L'iniziativa si concentra sull'implementazione di applicazioni di biochar per il miglioramento del suolo in Arabia Saudita. Le aziende hanno sviluppato un prodotto specializzato chiamato 'Saudi char', progettato specificamente per le condizioni del suolo saudita, che ha mostrato risultati notevoli nel migliorare la ritenzione idrica, la ritenzione di nutrienti e la struttura del suolo nel loro primo trattamento del parco.
I protocolli di test hanno incluso la misurazione dell'impatto del biochar su piante indigene, la germinazione dei semi, la coltivazione desertica e studi su giardini sperimentali. Il progetto ha dimostrato tassi di crescita e sopravvivenza superiori rispetto ai gruppi di controllo, con significativi risparmi idrici e una migliore disponibilità di nutrienti. L'iniziativa comprende anche la generazione di crediti di carbonio auditati e completamente assicurati che possono essere scambiati tramite contratti intelligenti e verifica sulla blockchain.
SEER y Eco Tadweer han anunciado avances significativos en el proyecto Green Riyadh, asociándose con Biochar Now y Davey Tree Expert Company. La iniciativa se centra en la implementación de aplicaciones de biochar para el mejoramiento del suelo en Arabia Saudita. Las empresas han desarrollado un producto especializado llamado 'Saudi char', diseñado específicamente para las condiciones del suelo saudí, que ha mostrado resultados notables en la mejora de la retención de agua, la retención de nutrientes y la estructura del suelo en su primer tratamiento del parque.
Los protocolos de prueba incluyeron la medición del impacto del biochar en plantas nativas, la germinación de semillas, la agricultura en el desierto y estudios de jardines experimentales. El proyecto demostró tasas de crecimiento y supervivencia más altas en comparación con los grupos de control, con ahorros significativos de agua y una mejor disponibilidad de nutrientes. La iniciativa también incluye la generación de créditos de carbono auditados y completamente asegurados que pueden ser comercializados con contratos inteligentes y verificación en blockchain.
SEER와 Eco Tadweer는 Biochar Now 및 Davey Tree Expert Company와 협력하여 Green Riyadh 프로젝트에서 중요한 진전을 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 사우디 아라비아의 토양 개선을 위한 바이오차 응용 프로그램 구현에 중점을 둡니다. 이들 회사는 사우디 토양 조건에 맞게 특별히 설계된 'Saudi char'라는 제품을 개발했으며, 이는 첫 번째 공원 처리에서 수분 유지, 영양소 유지 및 토양 구조 개선에 놀라운 결과를 보여주었습니다.
테스트 프로토콜에는 자생 식물, 씨앗 발아, 사막 재배 및 실험 정원 연구에 대한 바이오차의 영향 측정이 포함되었습니다. 이 프로젝트는 대조군에 비해 더 높은 성장 및 생존율을 나타냈으며, 상당한 수자원 절약과 개선된 영양소 가용성을 보였습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 또한 스마트 계약 및 블록체인 검증을 사용하여 거래할 수 있는 감사 받고 완전히 보장된 탄소 크레딧의 생성도 포함합니다.
SEER et Eco Tadweer ont annoncé des progrès significatifs dans le projet Green Riyadh, en collaboration avec Biochar Now et Davey Tree Expert Company. L'initiative se concentre sur la mise en œuvre d'applications de biochar pour l'amélioration des sols en Arabie Saoudite. Les entreprises ont développé un produit spécialisé appelé 'Saudi char', spécifiquement conçu pour les conditions du sol saoudien, qui a montré des résultats remarquables dans l'amélioration de la rétention d'eau, de la rétention de nutriments et de la structure du sol lors de leur premier traitement de parc.
Les protocoles de test comprenaient la mesure de l'impact du biochar sur les plantes indigènes, la germination des graines, l'agriculture désertique et les études de jardins expérimentaux. Le projet a démontré des taux de croissance et de survie plus élevés par rapport aux groupes de contrôle, avec des économies d'eau significatives et une meilleure disponibilité des nutriments. L'initiative comprend également la génération de crédits carbone audités et entièrement assurés pouvant être échangés via des contrats intelligents et une vérification par blockchain.
SEER und Eco Tadweer haben bedeutende Fortschritte im Green Riyadh-Projekt gemacht und arbeiten mit Biochar Now und der Davey Tree Expert Company zusammen. Die Initiative konzentriert sich auf die Implementierung von Biochar-Anwendungen zur Bodensanierung in Saudi-Arabien. Die Unternehmen haben ein spezialisiertes Produkt namens 'Saudi char' entwickelt, das speziell für die Bodenbedingungen in Saudi-Arabien entworfen wurde und bemerkenswerte Ergebnisse bei der Verbesserung der Wasser- und Nährstoffspeicherung sowie der Bodenstruktur in ihrer ersten Parkbehandlung gezeigt hat.
Die Testprotokolle beinhalteten die Messung der Auswirkungen von Biochar auf einheimische Pflanzen, die Samengermination, die Wüstenbewirtschaftung und experimentelle Gartenstudien. Das Projekt zeigte höhere Wachstums- und Überlebensraten im Vergleich zu Kontrollgruppen, mit erheblichen Wassereinsparungen und einer verbesserten Verfügbarkeit von Nährstoffen. Die Initiative umfasst auch die Generierung von geprüften, vollständig versicherten Kohlenstoffgutschriften, die mit Smart Contracts und Blockchain-Überprüfung gehandelt werden können.
- Development of specialized 'Saudi char' product for local soil conditions
- Successful implementation in first Riyadh park with proven effectiveness
- Expected revenue generation in 2025 from long-term contracts
- Potential additional revenue from carbon credits trading
- No current revenue generation from the project
- Dependence on future contract negotiations for revenue realization
SEER Celebrates Significant Achievements in the Green Riyadh Project in Saudi Arabia and Secures its Partnership Role as a Technology Provider Going Forward
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Dec. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Strategic Environmental & Energy Resources, Inc. (SEER) (OTCQB: SENR), with its Saudi joint venture partner, Eco Tadweer, announces significant progress in the Green Riyadh project, ( in alignment with Saudi Vision 2030’s environmental goals and the Saudi & Middle East Green Initiatives.
Partnering with Biochar Now ( (“BCN”) and having engaged Davey Tree Expert Company ( ) (“Davey”), SEER and Eco Tadweer have successfully treated its first park in Riyadh and achieved remarkable results in their biochar enhanced tree growth study in the Kingdom.
“This is a milestone in SEER’s new global decarbonization and soil regeneration program,” said John Combs, SEER’s CEO. “SEER recently achieved its first enhanced soil and plant vitality application in a Riyadh Green city park through innovative biochar applications with BCN’s proprietary, high-carbon biochar product custom-designed for Saudi soils. Collaborative testing and studies are ongoing, and SEER and Eco Tadweer intend to leverage this initial success into long-term and profitable contracts in the Kingdom to generate 2025 revenue,” Combs continued.
“Working with SEER and a leading Saudi university, BCN has developed a proprietary, Ph adjusted biochar product for the specific Saudi soil conditions; a special Saudi char™ or sorts,” said James Gaspard, CEO of Biochar Now. “SEER and Davey are using this product for specialized soil amendment and mixing to take advantage of our high-content carbon benefits to enhance plant growth conditions for trees, turf and shrubs. They are using the Saudi char in soil mixes at studied ratios for maximum benefits in the Kingdom. We are very impressed with the testing methodologies developed by Davey and are extremely pleased with the results,” said Gaspard.
Testing Protocol
The joint venture project included several steps to measure the impact of the Saudi char on plant growth and water savings:
1. Measuring the direct impact of Saudi char on indigenous plants.
2. Evaluating the effect of Saudi char on seed germination and seedlings in nurseries.
3. Assessing the impact of Saudi char on cultivation in natural desert sites and soils.
4. Creating soil mixes for an experimental garden in the Green Riyadh program to identify and quantify specific benefits of the BCN Saudi char in the Saudi region.
Benefits for the sandy Saudi soil:
The “Saudi Char” has proven to be highly effective in improving the quality of sandy soils common in arid regions like Saudi Arabia. Its applications resulted in:
1. Improved Water Retention: Biochar significantly increases the water-holding capacity of sandy soils, reducing the need for frequent irrigation and helping plants survive longer without water. This results in significant water savings.
2. Enhanced Nutrient Retention: Biochar helps retain essential nutrients in the sandy soils, preventing them from leeching or being washed away by irrigation or rain, which makes them available to the plant for extended periods.
3. Improved Soil Structure: Adding biochar improves soil structure, increasing its porosity and aeration, which promotes root growth and overall plant health.
Water Conservation:
Biochar's ability to retain water and nutrients significantly reduces the need for frequent watering, which is particularly beneficial in water-scarce regions. This contributes to more sustainable water management practices and supports the health and growth of plants under arid conditions.
Partnership for a Green Future
“SEER and Eco Tadweer have made significant strides to becoming an integral part of the long-term and sustainable solutions needed to achieve the ambitious objectives set out in the various Saudi green programs. Our joint efforts include working with private farms, nurseries, and directly with the Green Riyadh Project. The bottom line is we have demonstrated higher growth and survival rates when compared to control groups, and the biochar-treated areas exhibited higher soil moisture retention, resulting in significant water savings and better nutrient availability,” said Combs.
“We are thrilled to see these tangible benefits of our efforts in the Green Riyadh project. Our partnership with Eco Tadweer, the Davey Institute, and BCN has been crucial in achieving these remarkable results. We look forward to expanding our initiatives and contributing to Saudi Arabia’s vision for a sustainable ecosystem and greener future, all for the benefit of our collective stakeholders and the planet. We are confident our collective efforts and success will translate to demonstrable income growth in 2025,” Combs concluded.
Areej Alturki, CEO of Eco Tadweer, emphasized that Saudi Arabia, while rich in oil, embraces its potential for a much greener and cleaner future for both the Kingdom and the planet. “Our mission is to achieve real, sustainable agriculture, clean air, and a pollution-free environment, living in harmony with nature while enhancing our Kingdom’s natural resources. We believe that by integrating SEER’s technologies and expertise, we can significantly contribute to these water-saving and decarbonization goals,” said Alturki. “We are excited to be working with SEER and its partners to create more sustainable agriculture and further our collective decarbonization objectives and carbon credit monetization programs while benefitting the Kingdom’s overall green initiatives,” Alturki continued.
Building on this initial success, SEER and Eco Tadweer are in discussions to partner with one of the GIGA projects in Saudi Arabia to replicate and expand their environmental solutions on a larger scale. This partnership will further establish Saudi Arabia as a leader in environmental sustainability and innovative land management practices and secure SEER’s role as a provider of environmental technology solutions.
Insured Smart Carbon Credits and Environmental Benefits
A significant benefit of this initiative is the generation of audited, fully insured carbon credits that can be traded with smart contracts and blockchain verification. This will result in verifiable carbon offsets and ensure recognition and rewards for the environmental benefits of SEER’s biochar applications in the Kingdom. Creating these high-value carbon credits will generate revenue for both SEER and its project partners. The entire decarbonization project reflects Saudi Arabia’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and provides significant financial incentives for continued environmental stewardship that align with the broader goals of the Saudi Green Initiative and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
About Strategic Environmental & Energy Resources, Inc.
Strategic Environmental & Energy Resources, Inc. (SEER) (OTCQB: SENR), identifies, secures, and commercializes patented and proprietary environmental clean technologies in several multibillion-dollar sectors (including oil & gas, renewable fuels, and all types of waste management, both solid and gaseous) for the purpose of either destroying/minimizing hazardous waste streams more safely and at lower cost than any competitive alternative, and/or processing the waste for use as a renewable fuel for the benefit of the customers and the environment. SEER has two wholly-owned operating subsidiaries: MV Technologies, LLC and SEER Environmental Materials, LLC; and two majority-owned subsidiaries: Paragon Waste Solutions, LLC; and PelleChar, LLC. For more information about the Company visit:
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of various provisions of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, commonly identified by such terms as "believes," "looking ahead," "anticipates," "estimates," and other terms with similar meaning. Although the company believes that the assumptions upon which its forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, it can give no assurance that these assumptions will prove to be correct. Such forward-looking statements should not be construed as fact. Statements in this press release regarding future performance or fiscal projections, the cost effectiveness, impact and ability of the Company's products to handle the future needs of customers are forward-looking statements. The information contained in such statements is beyond the ability of the Company to control, and in many cases the Company cannot predict what factors would cause results to differ materially from those indicated in such statements. All forward-looking statements in the press release are expressly qualified by these cautionary statements and by reference to the underlying assumptions.
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