SEI Unveils New Direct Index and Factor Investment Strategies

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SEI (NASDAQ: SEIC) has unveiled new investment strategies for its Separately Managed Account (SMA) and Unified Managed Account (UMA) solutions. These additions include fixed income-based direct indexing strategies and dividend-focused equity options. The move aims to enhance choice, control, and customization for advisors and their clients.

Key new strategies include:

  • Systematic U.S. Aggregate Bond Core strategy
  • Systematic Municipal Bond Core strategy
  • Systematic U.S. Dividend Yield Core strategy
  • U.S. Dividend Yield (Multi-Factor SMA) strategy

SEI's CIO, Jim Smigiel, emphasized the company's commitment to delivering solutions based on advice, customization, and stability. The expansion responds to feedback from major strategic clients and aligns with the strong growth in UMA assets, which have been increasing at an annual rate of 34%.

SEI (NASDAQ: SEIC) ha presentato nuove strategie di investimento per le sue soluzioni di Separately Managed Account (SMA) e Unified Managed Account (UMA). Queste novità includono strategie di indicizzazione diretta basate su reddito fisso e opzioni azionarie focalizzate sui dividendi. L'obiettivo è migliorare la scelta, il controllo e la personalizzazione per i consulenti e i loro clienti.

Le nuove strategie chiave includono:

  • Strategia Systematica del Core di Obbligazioni Aggregate USA
  • Strategia Systematica del Core di Obbligazioni Municipali
  • Strategia Systematica del Core di Rendita da Dividendi USA
  • Strategia di Rendita da Dividendi USA (SMA Multi-Fattore)

Il CIO di SEI, Jim Smigiel, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda a fornire soluzioni basate su consulenza, personalizzazione e stabilità. L'espansione risponde ai feedback di importanti clienti strategici e si allinea con la forte crescita degli asset UMA, che sono aumentati a una percentuale annuale del 34%.

SEI (NASDAQ: SEIC) ha revelado nuevas estrategias de inversión para sus soluciones de Cuentas Administradas por Separado (SMA) y Cuentas Administradas Unificadas (UMA). Estas nuevas incorporaciones incluyen estrategias de indexación directa basadas en ingresos fijos y opciones de acciones centradas en dividendos. El objetivo es mejorar la elección, el control y la personalización para asesores y sus clientes.

Las nuevas estrategias clave incluyen:

  • Estrategia Sistemática del Núcleo de Bonos Agregados de EE. UU.
  • Estrategia Sistemática del Núcleo de Bonos Municipales
  • Estrategia Sistemática del Núcleo de Renta de Dividendos de EE. UU.
  • Estrategia de Renta de Dividendos de EE. UU. (SMA Multi-Factor)

El CIO de SEI, Jim Smigiel, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa de ofrecer soluciones basadas en asesoría, personalización y estabilidad. La expansión responde a los comentarios de clientes estratégicos importantes y se alinea con el fuerte crecimiento de los activos UMA, que han estado aumentando a una tasa anual del 34%.

SEI (NASDAQ: SEIC)는 Separately Managed Account (SMA) 및 Unified Managed Account (UMA) 솔루션을 위한 새로운 투자 전략을 공개했습니다. 이 추가 항목에는 고정 수익 기반의 직접 인덱싱 전략배당 중심의 주식 옵션이 포함됩니다. 이번 조치는 고문과 고객에게 선택, 통제 및 맞춤화를 향상시키기 위한 것입니다.

주요 새로운 전략에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 시스템화된 미국 종합 채권 핵심 전략
  • 시스템화된 지방채 핵심 전략
  • 시스템화된 미국 배당 수익 핵심 전략
  • 미국 배당 수익 (다중 요인 SMA) 전략

SEI의 CIO인 Jim Smigiel은 조언, 맞춤화 및 안정성에 기반한 솔루션을 제공하겠다는 회사의 약속을 강조했습니다. 이번 확장은 주요 전략 고객의 피드백에 응답하며, 연간 34%의 비율로 증가하고 있는 UMA 자산의 강력한 성장과 일치합니다.

SEI (NASDAQ: SEIC) a dévoilé de nouvelles stratégies d'investissement pour ses solutions de Comptes Gérés Séparément (SMA) et de Comptes Gérés Unifiés (UMA). Ces ajouts comprennent des stratégies d'indexation directe basées sur des revenus fixes et des options d'actions axées sur les dividendes. Cette initiative vise à améliorer le choix, le contrôle et la personnalisation pour les conseillers et leurs clients.

Les nouvelles stratégies clés incluent :

  • Stratégie Systématique de Core Obligations Agrégées US
  • Stratégie Systématique de Core Obligations Municipales
  • Stratégie Systématique de Core Rendement de Dividende US
  • Stratégie de Rendement de Dividende US (SMA Multi-Facteur)

Le CIO de SEI, Jim Smigiel, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à fournir des solutions basées sur des conseils, de la personnalisation et de la stabilité. L'expansion répond aux retours d'importants clients stratégiques et s'aligne sur la forte croissance des actifs UMA, qui ont augmenté à un taux annuel de 34%.

SEI (NASDAQ: SEIC) hat neue Anlagestrategien für seine Separately Managed Accounts (SMA) und Unified Managed Accounts (UMA) Lösungen vorgestellt. Zu diesen Ergänzungen gehören direkte Indexierungsstrategien auf Basis von festverzinslichen Anlagen sowie dividendenfokussierte Aktienoptionen. Der Schritt zielt darauf ab, die Auswahl, Kontrolle und Anpassung für Berater und ihre Kunden zu verbessern.

Wichtige neue Strategien umfassen:

  • Systematische US Aggregate Bond Core Strategie
  • Systematische Kommunalanleihe-Core-Strategie
  • Systematische US Dividendenrendite-Core-Strategie
  • US Dividendenrendite (Multi-Faktor SMA) Strategie

Der CIO von SEI, Jim Smigiel, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, Lösungen anzubieten, die auf Beratung, Anpassung und Stabilität basieren. Die Erweiterung reagiert auf das Feedback wichtiger strategischer Kunden und steht im Einklang mit dem starken Wachstum der UMA-Vermögenswerte, die mit einer jährlichen Rate von 34 % zunehmen.

  • Launch of new fixed income-based direct indexing and dividend-focused equity investment strategies
  • Expansion of SMA and UMA solutions to provide greater personalization and tax control
  • Strong growth in UMA assets, with a 34% annual growth rate
  • Enhanced product offerings based on client feedback
  • Improved tax-efficiency and cost-effective personalization at scale
  • None.

SEI's expansion of investment strategies in their SMA and UMA solutions is a strategic move to capitalize on the growing demand for personalized investment options. The 34% annual growth rate in UMA assets over the past five years indicates a strong market trend. This expansion could potentially increase SEI's market share and revenue streams.

The new strategies, particularly the direct indexing and factor investing options, align with current investor preferences for tax optimization and customization. This could lead to improved client retention and attraction of new high-net-worth clients, potentially boosting SEI's assets under management. However, the impact on profitability will depend on the pricing strategy and operational costs associated with these new offerings.

SEI's new offerings represent a significant enhancement to their investment ecosystem. The Systematic U.S. Aggregate Bond Core and Municipal Bond Core strategies cater to the growing demand for fixed income solutions in a challenging interest rate environment. These options could provide stability and income for risk-averse investors.

The dividend-focused equity strategies are particularly timely, given the current market's appetite for income-generating investments. By offering both systematic and multi-factor approaches, SEI is catering to different investor preferences and risk tolerances. This diversification could help attract a broader client base and potentially increase assets under management. The emphasis on tax efficiency in these strategies could be a key differentiator in the competitive wealth management landscape.

SEI-Managed Investment Options Bolster Choice, Control, and Customization in SMA and UMA Solutions Through Managed Accounts Program

OAKS, Pa., Aug. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SEI® (NASDAQ: SEIC) today announced a range of additional investment strategies to its Separately Managed Account (SMA) and Unified Managed Account (UMA) solutions offered through the Managed Account Solutions program.1 The additional strategies were developed in response to feedback from some of the company's largest strategic clients and include the launch of fixed income-based direct indexing investment strategies that enhance SEI's existing lineup of individual bond strategies, as well as dividend-focused equity options delivered through SEI's SMA capabilities in direct indexing and factor investing.

Jim Smigiel, Chief Investment Officer and Head of SEI's Investment Management Unit, said:

"We remain steadfast in delivering solutions rooted in advice, customization, and stability for our clients. Our internal capabilities provide access to the entirety of the capital markets through SEI's direct indexing solutions, factor strategies, and individual bond portfolio management. Our solutions give advisors choice in their client recommendations, empowered by SEI's conviction. SMAs and UMAs provide flexibility and tax-optimization, and as adoption increases, we continue to deliver optionality."

UMAs have exhibited strong growth rates over the last half-decade, with assets climbing at an annual rate of 34%, and strong growth for UMA programs is expected over the next four years.2 SEI's SMAs, complemented with a differentiated UMA structure, provide for greater control and personalization. Designed to help advisors better serve mass-affluent, high-net-worth, and ultra-high-net-worth investors, the new strategies include:

  • Systematic U.S. Aggregate Bond Core strategy - Provides exposure to the U.S. aggregate fixed-income market, while seeking to provide an overall risk-factor exposure that is similar to that of the benchmark index.
  • Systematic Municipal Bond Core strategy - Provides exposure to the intermediate municipal bond market, while seeking to provide an overall risk-factor exposure that is similar to that of the benchmark index.
  • Systematic U.S. Dividend Yield Core strategy - Seeks to provide a return similar to that of a dividend yield-focused index and consists of U.S. stocks included within the index that are screened for consistent records of high dividend payments and the ability to sustain them in the future.
  • U.S. Dividend Yield (Multi-Factor SMA) strategy - Deploys a quantitative-based, active investment process—delivered through an enhanced dividend yield factor—that seeks to deliver income without sacrificing long-term capital appreciation through the purchase of high dividend-paying U.S. large-capitalization stocks.

Advisors are increasingly integrating direct indexing and factor investing solutions within custom SMAs to provide greater personalization and tax control to clients. SMAs offer individualized strategies run by distinct professional managers, while UMAs provide a comprehensive investment solution that combines multiple strategies or investment vehicles within a single account structure. UMAs also deliver sophisticated tax optimization that seeks to significantly enhance after-tax returns, and not only improve client outcomes, but also reinforce an advisor's value proposition.

Erich Holland, Executive Managing Director of Client Experience for SEI's Advisor business, added:

"Our clients are at the heart of everything we do. We've listened carefully to their feedback and developed these investment strategies to provide all of our clients with greater control, transparency, and tax-efficiency. This launch represents a significant milestone in our ongoing mission to innovate and enhance our product offerings based on what matters most to our clients.

"Our goal is to continue to offer better tax-efficient and cost-effective personalization at scale, so advisors can unlock new opportunities for growth, navigate complexity with confidence, and better align their strategies with the new wealth portfolio—driven by each client's individual needs and objectives."

1 SEI's implementation vehicles include mutual funds, ETFs, and SMAs offered through SEI Mutual Fund Strategies and Managed Account Solutions.
2 The Cerulli Report, U.S. Managed Account Report, 2023.

About SEI®
SEI (NASDAQ:SEIC) delivers technology and investment solutions that connect the financial services industry. With capabilities across investment processing, operations, and asset management, SEI works with corporations, financial institutions and professionals, and ultra-high-net-worth families to solve problems, manage change, and help protect assets—for growth today and in the future. As of June 30, 2024, SEI manages, advises, or administers approximately $1.5 trillion in assets. For more information, please visit


Information in the U.S. provided by SEI Investments Management Corporation (SIMC), a federally registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of SEI Investments Company (SEI).

Investing involves risk including the potential loss of principal. There is no guarantee the strategies will achieve their objectives.

Neither SEI nor its affiliates or subsidiaries provide tax advice. Please note that (i) any discussion of U.S. tax matters contained in this communication cannot be used by you for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties; (ii) this communication was written to support the promotion or marketing of the matters addressed herein; and (iii) you should seek advice based on your particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.

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What new investment strategies has SEI (SEIC) introduced for its SMA and UMA solutions?

SEI has introduced fixed income-based direct indexing strategies and dividend-focused equity options. These include Systematic U.S. Aggregate Bond Core, Systematic Municipal Bond Core, Systematic U.S. Dividend Yield Core, and U.S. Dividend Yield (Multi-Factor SMA) strategies.

Why did SEI (SEIC) develop these new investment strategies?

SEI developed these strategies in response to feedback from some of its largest strategic clients, aiming to provide greater choice, control, and customization in SMA and UMA solutions.

What is the growth rate of UMA assets according to SEI's (SEIC) announcement?

According to SEI's announcement, UMA assets have been climbing at an annual rate of 34% over the last half-decade.

How do SEI's (SEIC) new strategies benefit advisors and their clients?

The new strategies offer advisors greater control, transparency, and tax-efficiency for their clients. They provide better tax-efficient and cost-effective personalization at scale, allowing advisors to align strategies with each client's individual needs and objectives.

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