SEI and Canoe Intelligence Power Future of Alternatives Data Management through Expanded Relationship

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SEI (NASDAQ:SEIC) and Canoe Intelligence have expanded their partnership to enhance alternatives data management for family offices. The integration automates the transmission of private equity and hedge fund valuations, as well as private equity call and distribution data, improving operational efficiency for users of the SEI Archway Platform. This collaboration addresses the challenges faced by family offices in managing alternative assets, which comprised 42% of their investment portfolios in 2023.

The enhanced integration introduces a new data channel that streamlines the collection, aggregation, and analysis of alternative asset data. Key benefits include automated fund and allocation-level data gathering, improved processing of asset pricing and capital transactions, and streamlined investment reporting processes. Since the partnership began, Canoe has processed over 150,000 documents for SEI's clients, automating data transmission across more than 3,400 alternative investments.

SEI (NASDAQ:SEIC) e Canoe Intelligence hanno ampliato la loro partnership per migliorare la gestione dei dati alternativi per gli uffici familiari. L'integrazione automatizza la trasmissione delle valutazioni di private equity e hedge fund, così come dei dati di chiamata e distribuzione del private equity, aumentando l'efficienza operativa per gli utenti della piattaforma SEI Archway. Questa collaborazione affronta le sfide che gli uffici familiari devono affrontare nella gestione degli asset alternativi, che rappresentavano il 42% dei loro portafogli di investimento nel 2023.

L'integrazione migliorata introduce un nuovo canale dati che semplifica la raccolta, l'aggregazione e l'analisi dei dati sugli asset alternativi. I principali vantaggi includono la raccolta automatizzata dei dati a livello di fondi e allocazioni, una migliore elaborazione della valutazione degli asset e delle transazioni di capitale, e processi di reporting sugli investimenti semplificati. Dall'inizio della partnership, Canoe ha elaborato oltre 150.000 documenti per i clienti di SEI, automatizzando la trasmissione dei dati attraverso più di 3.400 investimenti alternativi.

SEI (NASDAQ:SEIC) y Canoe Intelligence han ampliado su asociación para mejorar la gestión de datos alternativos para las oficinas familiares. La integración automatiza la transmisión de valorizaciones de capital privado y fondos de cobertura, así como los datos de llamadas y distribuciones de capital privado, mejorando la eficiencia operativa para los usuarios de la plataforma SEI Archway. Esta colaboración aborda los desafíos que enfrentan las oficinas familiares en la gestión de activos alternativos, que representaron el 42% de sus carteras de inversión en 2023.

La integración mejorada introduce un nuevo canal de datos que simplifica la recolección, agregación y análisis de datos de activos alternativos. Los beneficios clave incluyen la recolección automatizada de datos a nivel de fondo y asignación, una mejor procesamiento de precios de activos y transacciones de capital, así como procesos de informes de inversión más eficientes. Desde que comenzó la asociación, Canoe ha procesado más de 150,000 documentos para los clientes de SEI, automatizando la transmisión de datos a través de más de 3,400 inversiones alternativas.

SEI (NASDAQ:SEIC)와 Canoe Intelligence는 가족 사무소를 위한 대체 데이터 관리 향상을 위해 파트너십을 확대했습니다. 이 통합은 사모펀드 및 헤지펀드 평가뿐만 아니라 사모펀드 호출 및 분배 데이터의 전송을 자동화하여 SEI Archway 플랫폼의 사용자에게 운영 효율성을 개선합니다. 이 협력은 2023년 가족 사무소의 투자 포트폴리오에서 42%를 차지하는 대체 자산 관리의 문제를 다룹니다.

향상된 통합은 대체 자산 데이터의 수집, 집계 및 분석을 간소화하는 새로운 데이터 채널을 도입합니다. 주요 이점으로는 기금 및 할당 수준의 데이터 수집 자동화, 자산 가격 및 자본 거래 처리 개선, 투자 보고 프로세스 간소화가 포함됩니다. 파트너십이 시작된 이후 Canoe는 SEI 고객을 위해 150,000개 이상의 문서를 처리하였으며, 3,400개 이상의 대체 투자에 걸쳐 데이터 전송을 자동화했습니다.

SEI (NASDAQ:SEIC) et Canoe Intelligence ont élargi leur partenariat pour améliorer la gestion des données alternatives pour les bureaux familiaux. L'intégration automatise la transmission des évaluations de capital-investissement et de fonds spéculatifs, ainsi que des données d'appels et de distributions de capital-investissement, améliorant l'efficacité opérationnelle pour les utilisateurs de la plateforme SEI Archway. Cette collaboration répond aux défis auxquels font face les bureaux familiaux dans la gestion des actifs alternatifs, qui représentaient 42% de leurs portefeuilles d'investissement en 2023.

Cette intégration améliorée introduit un nouveau canal de données qui simplifie la collecte, l'agrégation et l'analyse des données sur les actifs alternatifs. Les principaux avantages incluent la collecte automatisée des données au niveau des fonds et des allocations, une meilleure gestion des prix des actifs et des transactions de capital, ainsi que des processus de reporting des investissements simplifiés. Depuis le début du partenariat, Canoe a traité plus de 150 000 documents pour les clients de SEI, automatisant la transmission des données à travers plus de 3 400 investissements alternatifs.

SEI (NASDAQ:SEIC) und Canoe Intelligence haben ihre Partnerschaft ausgeweitet, um das Management von Alternativdaten für Family Offices zu verbessern. Die Integration automatisiert die Übertragung von Bewertungen von Private Equity und Hedgefonds sowie von Daten über Private Equity-Anrufe und -Verteilungen, wodurch die Betriebseffizienz für die Nutzer der SEI Archway Plattform gesteigert wird. Diese Zusammenarbeit geht auf die Herausforderungen ein, mit denen Family Offices bei der Verwaltung alternativer Vermögenswerte konfrontiert sind, die im Jahr 2023 42% ihrer Anlageportfolios ausmachten.

Die verbesserte Integration führt einen neuen Datenkanal ein, der die Erfassung, Aggregation und Analyse von Daten zu alternativen Vermögenswerten vereinfachen soll. Zu den wichtigsten Vorteilen gehören die automatisierte Erfassung von Daten auf Fonds- und Allokationsebene, eine verbesserte Verarbeitung von Vermögenspreisen und Kapitaltransaktionen sowie optimierte Berichtsprozesse für Investitionen. Seit Beginn der Partnerschaft hat Canoe über 150.000 Dokumente für SEIs Kunden verarbeitet und die Datenübertragung für mehr als 3.400 alternative Investitionen automatisiert.

  • Automation of private equity and hedge fund data transmission, improving operational efficiency
  • Streamlined extraction, validation, and delivery of fund and allocation-level data
  • Reduced time spent on manual tasks, safeguarding data integrity and reliability
  • Enhanced investment activity, allocation, and performance reporting capabilities
  • Processing of over 150,000 documents and automation of data transmission for 3,400+ alternative investments
  • None.

The expanded partnership between SEI and Canoe Intelligence marks a significant advancement in alternative asset data management for family offices. This integration addresses a important pain point in the industry, streamlining the historically manual and error-prone process of handling private equity and hedge fund data.

From a financial technology perspective, this collaboration is particularly noteworthy for several reasons:

  • Market Timing: With alternative assets projected to reach $23 trillion by 2027 and family offices allocating 42% of their portfolios to alternatives, this solution comes at a critical juncture in the market.
  • Operational Efficiency: The automation of data transmission and consistency checks will likely result in substantial time and cost savings for family offices, potentially improving their bottom line.
  • Data Accuracy: By reducing manual data entry, the risk of human error decreases significantly, which is important for accurate reporting and decision-making in high-stakes investment environments.
  • Scalability: As the alternative asset market grows, this solution positions both SEI and Canoe to capture a larger market share by offering a scalable, efficient solution to a growing problem.

The integration's impact is already evident, with over 150,000 documents processed and 24 mutual clients automating data transmission across more than 3,400 alternative investments. This level of adoption suggests strong market validation and potential for further growth.

However, it's important to note that while this integration offers significant benefits, it also increases dependency on technology partners. Family offices will need to carefully consider data security and continuity plans in case of any disruptions to these services.

The enhanced integration between SEI and Canoe Intelligence represents a significant leap forward in alternative asset management for family offices. This development is particularly timely given the growing importance of alternative investments in wealth management strategies.

Key implications for investment management include:

  • Portfolio Diversification: With improved data management, family offices can more effectively incorporate alternative assets into their portfolios, potentially leading to better risk-adjusted returns.
  • Performance Analysis: Enhanced reporting capabilities will allow for more granular and timely analysis of alternative investment performance, enabling quicker decision-making and portfolio adjustments.
  • Resource Allocation: By automating data gathering and processing, family offices can redirect resources from operational tasks to more value-added activities such as investment strategy and client relationship management.
  • Risk Management: Improved data accuracy and timeliness can lead to better risk assessment and management, particularly important in the often opaque world of alternative investments.

The integration's ability to streamline fund and allocation-level data gathering, improve processing of asset pricing and capital transactions and enhance investment reporting processes addresses key pain points in alternative asset management. This could potentially lead to increased allocation to alternatives, as the operational barriers are reduced.

However, it's important to note that while this technology solution enhances operational efficiency, it doesn't directly impact the performance of the underlying alternative investments. Family offices and wealth managers must still exercise due diligence in investment selection and ongoing monitoring.

Integration Enhances Operational Efficiency and User Experience for Family Offices

OAKS, Pa. and NEW YORK, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SEI® (NASDAQ:SEIC) and Canoe Intelligence (Canoe) today announced an enhanced integration that automates the transmission of private equity and hedge fund valuations, as well as private equity call and distribution data, to improve operational efficiency for family offices using the SEI Archway PlatformSM.

With global alternative assets expected to hit $23 trillion by 2027,1 family offices allocated 42% of their investment portfolios to alternative assets in 2023.2 However, as the demand for alternative assets has grown, single family offices have been challenged with manual data management workflows, resulting in inefficient data aggregation, accounting, and reporting that can be error-prone. By automating data transmission and ensuring data consistency, this integration streamlines the accessibility and integration of alternatives data to maximize operational efficiency and empower family offices to make confident decisions.

Sandy Ewing, Head of SEI's Family Office Services business, said:

"Investors expect a personalized wealth management experience tailored to meet their individual financial goals, and alternatives can play an important role in portfolio diversification. Family offices require solutions that help make alternatives data more accessible and accurate given the complex and historically manual nature of the ongoing data management process.

"SEI has been at the forefront of this trend, offering a client-centric approach to managing alternative assets that meet the industry's needs for more than 25 years. We are investing in solutions like the SEI Archway Platform and SEI Altigo® Platform that further enhance the end-to-end alternatives investment experience. We're thrilled to expand our relationship with Canoe as we continue to deliver on our commitment to our clients."

The enhanced integration introduces a new data channel that makes it easier for SEI Archway Platform users to collect, aggregate, and analyze their alternative asset data. By leveraging the connectivity of these two platforms, mutual clients are able to:

  • Automate fund and allocation-level data gathering: Streamlined extraction, validation, and delivery of fund and allocation-level data helps ensure accurate and reliable data is transmitted from Canoe to the SEI Archway Platform.
  • Improve processing of alternative asset pricing and capital transactions: Automated processes reduce time spent on historically manual tasks, including inputting valuation data and booking capital calls and distributions, helping safeguard data integrity and reliability and improving workflow efficiency.
  • Streamline alternative investment reporting processes: Readily available alternative asset data allows for enhanced investment activity, allocation, and performance reporting that are accurate, relevant, and on time.

Mike Muniz, Chief Revenue Officer at Canoe Intelligence, said:

"As family offices and wealth managers increase their allocations to alternatives, they need technology that paints a more detailed, accurate picture and provides greater control over investment document workflows. We're excited for this evolution of our strategic partnership with SEI as we work together to power the future of wealth by making alternative asset data more efficient and actionable."

Since the beginning of the strategic partnership, Canoe has processed more than 150,000 documents on behalf of SEI's clients and positioned 24 mutual clients to automate data transmission across more than 3,400 alternative investments. The integration is one of several alternative asset-specific features of the SEI Archway Platform focused on enhancing the user experience through reporting, operational efficiency, data connectivity, and integrations.

1 'The Future of Alternatives in 2027," Preqin, 2024.
2 "Global Family Office Report," UBS, 2024, pp. 10.

About SEI®
SEI (NASDAQ:SEIC) delivers technology and investment solutions that connect the financial services industry. With capabilities across investment processing, operations, and asset management, SEI works with corporations, financial institutions and professionals, and ultra-high-net-worth families to help drive growth, make confident decisions, and protect futures. As of June 30, 2024, SEI manages, advises, or administers approximately $1.5 trillion in assets. For more information, visit

About SEI's Family Office Services business
SEI's Family Office Services segment delivers technology and outsourced services that connect and power the accounting, investment management, and reporting functions of family offices and family office divisions of financial intermediaries. Designed to streamline family office operations and deliver advanced financial reporting for ultra-high-net-worth families, SEI's award-winning Archway Platform℠ and high-touch outsourced services efficiently handle complex partnership, portfolio, and corporate accounting alongside bill payment, investment management, and multi-asset class data aggregation. As of June 30, 2024, SEI Family Office Services has $630 billion in assets on its platform.* For more information, visit

* Assets on platform is not indicative of potential revenue.

About Canoe Intelligence

Canoe Intelligence (Canoe) is a financial technology company dedicated to advancing alternative investment intelligence for institutional investors, capital allocators, wealth managers, and asset servicing firms. Canoe empowers clients with technology, data, and insights to manage alternative assets more efficiently, accurately, and confidently. With a commitment to innovation and excellence, Canoe is redefining the future of alternative investment data management.


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SOURCE SEI Investments Company


What is the purpose of the expanded partnership between SEI and Canoe Intelligence?

The expanded partnership aims to enhance alternatives data management for family offices by automating the transmission of private equity and hedge fund valuations, as well as private equity call and distribution data, improving operational efficiency for users of the SEI Archway Platform.

How much did family offices allocate to alternative assets in 2023?

According to the press release, family offices allocated 42% of their investment portfolios to alternative assets in 2023.

What are the key benefits of the SEI and Canoe Intelligence integration for SEIC stock?

The integration offers automated fund and allocation-level data gathering, improved processing of asset pricing and capital transactions, and streamlined alternative investment reporting processes, potentially enhancing SEI's service offerings and client satisfaction.

How many documents has Canoe processed for SEI's clients since the beginning of their partnership?

Canoe has processed more than 150,000 documents on behalf of SEI's clients since the beginning of their strategic partnership.

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