SolarEdge Announces Early Certification for Europe’s Mandatory Cyber Security Requirements for Wireless Connected Products

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SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SEDG), a global leader in smart energy technology, has announced early certification and compliance with the European Commission's New Radio Equipment Directive (RED) Article 3.3 requirements for cyber security. This directive, set to take effect in August 2025, establishes a new regulatory framework for radio equipment and imposes cybersecurity requirements for IoT products sold in Europe.

The Article 3.3 requirements focus on improving network protection features, personal data protection, and reducing fraud risks. This regulation is particularly significant for the solar industry due to its growing contribution to global energy generation and its increasing importance as critical energy infrastructure.

Ronen Faier, Interim CEO of SolarEdge, emphasized the company's commitment to safety and security in product design and their role in setting benchmarks for cybersecurity in PV technology. This announcement follows SolarEdge's recent compliance with the UK's Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) regulation, effective April 2024.

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SEDG), un leader globale nella tecnologia energetica intelligente, ha annunciato la certificazione anticipata e la conformità ai requisiti dell'Articolo 3.3 della Nuova Direttiva sui Dispositivi Radio (RED) della Commissione Europea per la sicurezza informatica. Questa direttiva, che entrerà in vigore ad agosto 2025, stabilisce un nuovo quadro normativo per i dispositivi radio e impone requisiti di sicurezza informatica per i prodotti IoT venduti in Europa.

I requisiti dell'Articolo 3.3 si concentrano sul miglioramento delle funzionalità di protezione della rete, sulla protezione dei dati personali e sulla riduzione dei rischi di frode. Questa regolamentazione è particolarmente significativa per l'industria solare a causa del suo crescente contributo alla produzione energetica globale e della sua importanza crescente come infrastruttura energetica critica.

Ronen Faier, CEO ad interim di SolarEdge, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda per la sicurezza e la protezione nella progettazione dei prodotti e il loro ruolo nel fissare standard di riferimento per la sicurezza informatica nella tecnologia fotovoltaica. Questo annuncio segue la recente conformità di SolarEdge alla normativa sulla Sicurezza dei Prodotti e sulle Infrastrutture di Telecomunicazione (PSTI) del Regno Unito, che entrerà in vigore ad aprile 2024.

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SEDG), un líder global en tecnología energética inteligente, ha anunciado la certificación anticipada y el cumplimiento de los requisitos del Artículo 3.3 de la Nueva Directiva de Equipos de Radio (RED) de la Comisión Europea para la ciberseguridad. Esta directiva, que entrará en vigor en agosto de 2025, establece un nuevo marco regulatorio para los equipos de radio e impone requisitos de ciberseguridad para los productos IoT vendidos en Europa.

Los requisitos del Artículo 3.3 se enfocan en mejorar las características de protección de la red, la protección de datos personales y la reducción de riesgos de fraude. Esta regulación es particularmente significativa para la industria solar debido a su creciente contribución a la generación de energía global y su importancia cada vez mayor como infraestructura energética crítica.

Ronen Faier, CEO interino de SolarEdge, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa con la seguridad y la protección en el diseño de productos y su papel en establecer estándares de referencia para la ciberseguridad en tecnología fotovoltaica. Este anuncio sigue al reciente cumplimiento de SolarEdge con la regulación de Seguridad de Productos e Infraestructura de Telecomunicaciones (PSTI) del Reino Unido, que será efectiva en abril de 2024.

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SEDG)는 스마트 에너지 기술의 글로벌 리더로서 유럽연합의 새로운 무선 장비 지침(RED) 제3.3조 사이버 보안 요구 사항에 대한 조기 인증 및 준수를 발표했습니다. 이 지침은 2025년 8월 발효될 예정이며, 무선 장비에 대한 새로운 규제 체계를 확립하고 유럽에서 판매되는 IoT 제품의 사이버 보안 요구 사항을 부과합니다.

제3.3조 요구 사항은 네트워크 보호 기능, 개인 데이터 보호 및 사기 위험 감소 향상에 중점을 둡니다. 이 규제는 태양광 산업에 특히 중요하며, 글로벌 에너지 생산에 대한 기여도 증가와 중요한 에너지 인프라로서의 중요성이 커지고 있습니다.

SolarEdge의 임시 CEO인 Ronen Faier는 제품 설계에서 안전과 보안에 대한 회사의 의지를 강조하며 PV 기술의 사이버 보안 기준을 설정하는 역할을 하고 있다고 언급했습니다. 이 발표는 2024년 4월 시행되는 영국의 제품 보안 및 통신 인프라(PSTI) 규제 준수 발표에 이어 나왔습니다.

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SEDG), un leader mondial de la technologie énergétique intelligente, a annoncé une certification précoce et une conformité avec les exigences de l'article 3.3 de la nouvelle directive européenne sur les équipements radio (RED) en matière de cybersécurité. Cette directive, qui doit entrer en vigueur en août 2025, établit un nouveau cadre réglementaire pour les équipements radio et impose des exigences de cybersécurité pour les produits IoT vendus en Europe.

Les exigences de l'article 3.3 se concentrent sur l'amélioration des fonctionnalités de protection du réseau, la protection des données personnelles et la réduction des risques de fraude. Cette réglementation est particulièrement importante pour l'industrie solaire en raison de sa contribution croissante à la production énergétique mondiale et de son rôle croissant en tant qu'infrastructure énergétique critique.

Ronen Faier, PDG par intérim de SolarEdge, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise envers la sécurité et la protection dans la conception des produits et leur rôle dans l'établissement de références en matière de cybersécurité dans la technologie photovoltaïque. Cette annonce fait suite à la récente conformité de SolarEdge avec la réglementation britannique sur la sécurité des produits et l'infrastructure de télécommunications (PSTI), qui entrera en vigueur en avril 2024.

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SEDG), ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Bereich smarter Energietechnologie, hat die vorzeitige Zertifizierung und Einhaltung der Anforderungen des Artikels 3.3 der neuen Richtlinie über Funkanlagen (RED) der Europäischen Kommission für Cybersicherheit angekündigt. Diese Richtlinie, die im August 2025 in Kraft treten soll, schafft einen neuen regulatorischen Rahmen für Funkanlagen und legt Cybersicherheitsanforderungen für IoT-Produkte fest, die in Europa verkauft werden.

Die Anforderungen des Artikels 3.3 konzentrieren sich auf die Verbesserung des Netzwerkschutzes, den Schutz personenbezogener Daten und die Verringerung von Betrugsrisiken. Diese Regelung ist besonders wichtig für die Solarindustrie, da sie einen wachsenden Beitrag zur globalen Energieerzeugung leistet und zunehmend als kritische Energieinfrastruktur betrachtet wird.

Ronen Faier, Interim-CEO von SolarEdge, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens für Sicherheit und Schutz bei der Produktgestaltung und ihre Rolle bei der Festlegung von Benchmarks für die Cybersicherheit in der PV-Technologie. Diese Ankündigung folgt SolarEdges jüngster Einhaltung der Vorschriften zur Produktsicherheit und Telekommunikationsinfrastruktur (PSTI) des Vereinigten Königreichs, die im April 2024 in Kraft treten.

  • Early certification for European cybersecurity requirements, ahead of 2025 deadline
  • Compliance with UK's PSTI regulation, effective April 2024
  • Positioning as an industry leader in cybersecurity for PV technology
  • None.


SolarEdge's early certification for Europe's cyber security requirements is a strategic move that positions the company favorably in the evolving solar industry landscape. This proactive approach demonstrates SolarEdge's commitment to product security and regulatory compliance, potentially giving them a competitive edge as the 2025 deadline approaches. The certification covers their entire PV inverter portfolio, which is important for maintaining market share in Europe. By addressing network protection, personal data security and fraud risk reduction, SolarEdge is aligning with the growing importance of solar as critical energy infrastructure. This certification may boost customer confidence and could lead to increased adoption of SolarEdge products in the European market. However, the impact on short-term financials may be , as the regulation doesn't come into effect until 2025. Investors should consider this as a long-term strategic advantage rather than an immediate revenue driver.

SolarEdge's early compliance with the RED Article 3.3 requirements positions the company as an industry leader in cybersecurity for solar technology. This move could significantly impact market dynamics in Europe's solar sector. As the regulation becomes mandatory in 2025, SolarEdge may gain a first-mover advantage, potentially capturing market share from competitors who are slower to adapt. The emphasis on cybersecurity aligns with growing concerns about energy infrastructure protection, which could become a key differentiator for consumers and businesses choosing solar solutions. This certification, combined with compliance to UK's PSTI regulation, strengthens SolarEdge's position in key European markets. While the immediate financial impact may be minimal, the long-term benefits could include increased customer trust, potential premium pricing for security-compliant products and reduced regulatory risks. Investors should monitor how this early certification translates into market performance and whether it influences industry standards or customer preferences in the coming years.

MILPITAS, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (“SolarEdge” or “the Company”) (NASDAQ: SEDG), a global leader in smart energy technology, today announces that its portfolio of PV inverters has achieved early certificationi and compliance with the European Commission’s New Radio Equipment Directive (RED) Article 3.3 requirements for cyber security.

Expected to come into effect in August 2025, the Article 3.3 establishes a new regulatory framework for radio equipment and imposes cybersecurity requirements for all applicable IoT products sold in Europe. As part of this Article, PV systems that rely on wireless connectivity will be required to comply with a new and extensive series of cyber security requirements. These requirements focus on the improvement of network protection features, personal data protection and the reduction of fraud risks.

The new regulation holds particular significance for the solar industry due to its expanding contribution in global energy generation and its growing importance as critical energy infrastructure in numerous countries.

Ronen Faier, Interim CEO, SolarEdge Technologies, comments: “As a leader in the smart energy industry, SolarEdge has consistently prioritized safety and security in all our product design, and we believe it is our responsibility to help set the benchmark for cybersecurity capabilities in PV technology. With the rapid growth of solar adoption, the need for non-negotiable cyber security regulations is critical to safeguarding future energy security. We are pleased to see Europe taking the lead with the forthcoming RED regulation, which will help ensure homeowners, businesses and grid operators embrace solar technology with more robust cyber defenses in place.”

Today’s announcement follows the Company’s recent announcement that its entire product portfolio also complies with the UK’s Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) regulation, that has come into effect April 2024.

About SolarEdge

SolarEdge is a global leader in smart energy technology. By leveraging world-class engineering capabilities and with a relentless focus on innovation, SolarEdge creates smart energy solutions that power our lives and drive future progress. SolarEdge developed an intelligent inverter solution that changed the way power is harvested and managed in photovoltaic (PV) systems. The SolarEdge DC optimized inverter seeks to maximize power generation while lowering the cost of energy produced by the PV system. Continuing to advance smart energy, SolarEdge addresses a broad range of energy market segments through its PV, storage, EV charging, batteries, and grid services solutions. Visit us at:

i To verify compliance with the relevant RED article clauses, SolarEdge successfully completed a third-party evaluation of its inverters by Kiwa, one of Europe's leading product certification labs.


SolarEdge Technologies, Inc.

Lily Salkin Senior Global Manager of Public Relations


JB Lowe, Head of Investor Relations

Source: SolarEdge Technologies, Inc.


What cybersecurity certification has SolarEdge (SEDG) achieved for its PV inverters?

SolarEdge has achieved early certification and compliance with the European Commission's New Radio Equipment Directive (RED) Article 3.3 requirements for cyber security for its portfolio of PV inverters.

When will the European Commission's RED Article 3.3 requirements come into effect?

The RED Article 3.3 requirements are expected to come into effect in August 2025.

What does SolarEdge's (SEDG) early compliance with RED Article 3.3 mean for the solar industry?

SolarEdge's early compliance sets a benchmark for cybersecurity in PV technology, addressing the growing importance of solar as critical energy infrastructure and the need for robust cyber defenses in the industry.

Has SolarEdge (SEDG) complied with any other cybersecurity regulations recently?

Yes, SolarEdge has also announced compliance with the UK's Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) regulation, which came into effect in April 2024.

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc.


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