Sandvik wins SEK 1.9 billion order from BHP for the Jansen Potash Project

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Sandvik has secured a major contract worth SEK 1.9 billion from BHP for the Jansen Potash Project in Saskatchewan, Canada. This order, for Stage 2 of the project, includes potash continuous mining systems. The order value will be reported in installments: SEK 500 million in Q3 2024, SEK 400 million each in Q2 and Q3 2025, and the remainder in Q2 2026. Deliveries are expected from 2028 to 2029.

This contract follows a SEK 2 billion order for Stage 1 announced in 2022. The Jansen Potash Project has the potential to become the world's largest potash-producing mine, supporting global food production through fertilizer production.

Sandvik ha ottenuto un importante contratto del valore di 1,9 miliardi di SEK da BHP per il Progetto Potassico Jansen in Saskatchewan, Canada. Questo ordine, relativo alla Fase 2 del progetto, include sistemi di estrazione continua di potassio. Il valore dell'ordine sarà riportato in rate: 500 milioni di SEK nel terzo trimestre del 2024, 400 milioni di SEK ciascuno nel secondo e nel terzo trimestre del 2025, e il restante nella seconda metà del 2026. Le consegne sono attese tra il 2028 e il 2029.

Questo contratto segue un ordine di 2 miliardi di SEK per la Fase 1 annunciato nel 2022. Il Progetto Potassico Jansen ha il potenziale per diventare la miniera di potassio più grande al mondo, sostenendo la produzione alimentare globale attraverso la produzione di fertilizzanti.

Sandvik ha conseguido un importante contrato por valor de 1,9 mil millones de SEK de BHP para el Proyecto de Potasio Jansen en Saskatchewan, Canadá. Este pedido, para la Fase 2 del proyecto, incluye sistemas de minería continua de potasio. El valor del pedido se reportará en cuotas: 500 millones de SEK en el tercer trimestre de 2024, 400 millones de SEK cada uno en el segundo y tercer trimestre de 2025, y el resto en el segundo trimestre de 2026. Se espera que las entregas sean entre 2028 y 2029.

Este contrato sigue a un pedido de 2 mil millones de SEK para la Fase 1 anunciado en 2022. El Proyecto de Potasio Jansen tiene el potencial de convertirse en la mina de potasio productora más grande del mundo, apoyando la producción de alimentos global a través de la producción de fertilizantes.

산드빅은 캐나다 사스카추완에 위치한 얀센 칼륨 프로젝트를 위해 BHP로부터 19억 스웨덴 크로나에 달하는 중요한 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 주문은 프로젝트의 2단계에 해당하며, 칼륨 연속 채굴 시스템을 포함합니다. 주문의 가치는 다음과 같이 분할 보고됩니다: 5억 스웨덴 크로나는 2024년 3분기에, 4억 스웨덴 크로나는 2025년 2분기와 3분기에 각각, 나머지는 2026년 2분기에 보고됩니다. 납품은 2028년부터 2029년 사이에 예상됩니다.

이 계약은 2022년에 발표된 20억 스웨덴 크로나의 주문에 이은 것입니다. 얀센 칼륨 프로젝트는 세계에서 가장 큰 칼륨 생산 광산이 될 잠재력이 있으며, 비료 생산을 통한 글로벌 식량 생산을 지원합니다.

Sandvik a obtenu un important contrat d'une valeur de 1,9 milliard de SEK de BHP pour le Projet de Potasse Jansen en Saskatchewan, Canada. Cette commande, pour la Phase 2 du projet, comprend des systèmes de minage continu de potasse. La valeur de la commande sera rapportée en versements : 500 millions de SEK au troisième trimestre 2024, 400 millions de SEK chacun au deuxième et au troisième trimestre 2025, et le reste au deuxième trimestre 2026. Les livraisons sont attendues entre 2028 et 2029.

Ce contrat fait suite à une commande de 2 milliards de SEK pour la Phase 1 annoncée en 2022. Le Projet de Potasse Jansen a le potentiel de devenir la plus grande mine de potasse au monde, soutenant la production alimentaire mondiale grâce à la production d'engrais.

Sandvik hat einen wichtigen Vertrag im Wert von 1,9 Milliarden SEK von BHP für das Jansen-Kaliumprojekt in Saskatchewan, Kanada, gesichert. Diese Bestellung für die Phase 2 des Projekts umfasst kontinuierliche Kalium-Bergbausysteme. Der Auftragswert wird in Raten gemeldet: 500 Millionen SEK im 3. Quartal 2024, 400 Millionen SEK jeweils im 2. und 3. Quartal 2025 und der Rest im 2. Quartal 2026. Die Lieferungen werden von 2028 bis 2029 erwartet.

Dieser Vertrag folgt einer Bestellung über 2 Milliarden SEK für Phase 1, die 2022 angekündigt wurde. Das Jansen-Kaliumprojekt hat das Potenzial, die größte Kaliumproduktionsmine der Welt zu werden und unterstützt die globale Nahrungsmittelproduktion durch Düngemittelproduktion.

  • Secured a major contract worth SEK 1.9 billion from BHP
  • Follow-up order to a previous SEK 2 billion contract from 2022
  • Strengthens long-term partnership with BHP
  • Involvement in potentially the world's largest potash-producing mine project
  • None.

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sandvik has been awarded a major contract from BHP to the Jansen Potash Project, located in Saskatchewan, Canada.
The contract, which includes potash continuous mining systems, is valued at approximately SEK 1.9 billion.

An order value of approximately SEK 500 million will be reported in the third quarter 2024, and approximately SEK 400 million in each of the second and third quarter 2025.
The remaining order value is estimated to be booked in the second quarter 2026. The delivery period is expected to commence in 2028 and conclude in 2029.

The new contract is for Stage 2 of the development of the Jansen Potash Project and follows a SEK 2 billion contract announced in 2022 for Stage 1, which is currently being executed. Sandvik has been collaborating with BHP for several years to develop the underground mining equipment.

"We are very pleased to continue our partnership with BHP and look forward to further strengthen our collaboration with the supply of our high-performing mining solutions for Stage 2 of the Jansen project," says Mats Eriksson, President of Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions.

The Jansen Potash Project has the potential to be the largest potash-producing mine in the world, providing a rich source of potassium, a key ingredient for fertilizer, and supporting global food production.

Stockholm, September 3, 2024
Sandvik AB

For further information, contact Louise Tjeder, VP Investor relations, phone: +46 (0) 70782 6374 or Johannes Hellström, Press and Media Relations Manager, phone: +46 (0) 70721 1008

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Sandvik wins SEK 1.9 billion order from BHP for the Jansen Potash Project


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What is the value of Sandvik's new contract for the Jansen Potash Project?

Sandvik has been awarded a contract worth approximately SEK 1.9 billion from BHP for the Jansen Potash Project.

When will Sandvik (SDVKY) report the order value for the Jansen Potash Project contract?

Sandvik will report SEK 500 million in Q3 2024, SEK 400 million each in Q2 and Q3 2025, and the remainder in Q2 2026.

What is the expected delivery period for Sandvik's equipment for the Jansen Potash Project?

The delivery period for Sandvik's equipment is expected to commence in 2028 and conclude in 2029.

How does this new contract relate to Sandvik's previous work on the Jansen Potash Project?

This new contract is for Stage 2 of the project and follows a SEK 2 billion contract announced in 2022 for Stage 1, which is currently being executed.



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