374Water Preliminary Data Shows 99.9999% AFFF PFAS Destruction with Arcadis & US Department of Defense

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374Water Inc (NASDAQ: SCWO) has announced peer-reviewed preliminary data showing 99.9999% destruction efficiency of PFAS in aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) using their AirSCWO technology. The findings were published in the National Ground Water Association Journals by Arcadis researchers.

AFFF, widely used in firefighting for flammable liquid and gas fires, contains PFAS which pose significant environmental and health risks. With the U.S. Department of Defense and European Union mandating transition to fluorine-free firefighting foams in 2024, 374Water's AirSCWO system is positioned as a potential large-scale solution for AFFF disposal.

The Arcadis study identifies four waste types at AFFF remediation sites: concentrate, rinsate solutions, cleaning agents, and contaminated solid wastes. Unlike traditional disposal methods such as landfilling that carry long-term liability, the AirSCWO technology offers permanent destruction of these hazardous materials, positioning the company to support growing demand across federal, municipal, and industrial markets.

374Water Inc (NASDAQ: SCWO) ha annunciato dati preliminari sottoposti a revisione paritaria che mostrano un efficacia di distruzione del 99,9999% delle PFAS in schiuma filmogena acquosa (AFFF) utilizzando la loro tecnologia AirSCWO. I risultati sono stati pubblicati nelle riviste della National Ground Water Association dai ricercatori di Arcadis.

L'AFFF, ampiamente utilizzata nei pompieri per incendi di liquidi e gas infiammabili, contiene PFAS che rappresentano significativi rischi ambientali e per la salute. Con il Dipartimento della Difesa degli Stati Uniti e l'Unione Europea che impongono la transizione a schiume antincendio prive di fluoro nel 2024, il sistema AirSCWO di 374Water si posiziona come una potenziale soluzione su larga scala per lo smaltimento dell'AFFF.

Lo studio di Arcadis identifica quattro tipi di rifiuti nei siti di bonifica dell'AFFF: concentrato, soluzioni di risciacquo, agenti detergenti e rifiuti solidi contaminati. A differenza dei metodi di smaltimento tradizionali come le discariche, che comportano responsabilità a lungo termine, la tecnologia AirSCWO offre una distruzione permanente di questi materiali pericolosi, posizionando l'azienda per supportare la crescente domanda nei mercati federali, municipali e industriali.

374Water Inc (NASDAQ: SCWO) ha anunciado datos preliminares revisados por pares que muestran una eficiencia de destrucción del 99,9999% de PFAS en espuma formadora de película acuosa (AFFF) utilizando su tecnología AirSCWO. Los hallazgos fueron publicados en las revistas de la National Ground Water Association por investigadores de Arcadis.

AFFF, ampliamente utilizada en la lucha contra incendios de líquidos y gases inflamables, contiene PFAS que representan riesgos ambientales y de salud significativos. Con el Departamento de Defensa de EE. UU. y la Unión Europea exigiendo la transición a espumas de combate contra incendios libres de flúor en 2024, el sistema AirSCWO de 374Water se posiciona como una posible solución a gran escala para la eliminación de AFFF.

El estudio de Arcadis identifica cuatro tipos de desechos en los sitios de remediación de AFFF: concentrado, soluciones de enjuague, agentes de limpieza y residuos sólidos contaminados. A diferencia de los métodos de eliminación tradicionales como los vertederos, que conllevan responsabilidad a largo plazo, la tecnología AirSCWO ofrece una destrucción permanente de estos materiales peligrosos, posicionando a la empresa para apoyar la creciente demanda en los mercados federales, municipales e industriales.

374Water Inc (NASDAQ: SCWO)는 동료 검토를 거친 초기 데이터를 발표하며, 그들의 AirSCWO 기술을 사용하여 수성 필름 형성 폼(AFFF)에서 PFAS의 99.9999% 파괴 효율성을 보여주었습니다. 이 결과는 Arcadis 연구자들에 의해 National Ground Water Association 저널에 게재되었습니다.

AFFF는 가연성 액체 및 가스 화재에 대한 소방에서 널리 사용되며, PFAS를 포함하고 있어 환경과 건강에 중대한 위험을 초래합니다. 미국 국방부와 유럽 연합이 2024년까지 불소가 없는 소방 폼으로의 전환을 의무화함에 따라, 374Water의 AirSCWO 시스템은 AFFF 폐기를 위한 잠재적인 대규모 솔루션으로 자리 잡고 있습니다.

Arcadis 연구는 AFFF 정화 사이트에서 네 가지 유형의 폐기물을 식별합니다: 농축액, 세척 용액, 세정제 및 오염된 고형 폐기물. 장기적인 책임이 따르는 매립과 같은 전통적인 폐기 방법과 달리, AirSCWO 기술은 이러한 위험한 물질의 영구적인 파괴를 제공하여 연방, 지방 및 산업 시장에서 증가하는 수요를 지원할 수 있는 회사로 자리 잡고 있습니다.

374Water Inc (NASDAQ: SCWO) a annoncé des données préliminaires examinées par des pairs montrant une efficacité de destruction de 99,9999% des PFAS dans la mousse formant un film aqueux (AFFF) en utilisant leur technologie AirSCWO. Les résultats ont été publiés dans les revues de la National Ground Water Association par des chercheurs d'Arcadis.

L'AFFF, largement utilisée dans la lutte contre les incendies de liquides et de gaz inflammables, contient des PFAS qui posent des risques environnementaux et sanitaires significatifs. Avec le Département de la Défense des États-Unis et l'Union Européenne imposant la transition vers des mousses anti-incendie sans fluor en 2024, le système AirSCWO de 374Water se positionne comme une solution potentielle à grande échelle pour l'élimination de l'AFFF.

L'étude d'Arcadis identifie quatre types de déchets sur les sites de dépollution de l'AFFF : concentré, solutions de rinçage, agents de nettoyage et déchets solides contaminés. Contrairement aux méthodes d'élimination traditionnelles telles que les décharges, qui entraînent des responsabilités à long terme, la technologie AirSCWO offre une destruction permanente de ces matériaux dangereux, positionnant l'entreprise pour soutenir la demande croissante sur les marchés fédéraux, municipaux et industriels.

374Water Inc (NASDAQ: SCWO) hat vorläufige, peer-reviewed Daten veröffentlicht, die eine Zerstörungseffizienz von 99,9999% von PFAS in wasserbasiertem Schaum (AFFF) unter Verwendung ihrer AirSCWO-Technologie zeigen. Die Ergebnisse wurden in den Zeitschriften der National Ground Water Association von Arcadis-Forschern veröffentlicht.

AFFF, das weit verbreitet zur Bekämpfung von brennbaren Flüssigkeiten und Gasbränden eingesetzt wird, enthält PFAS, die erhebliche Umwelt- und Gesundheitsrisiken darstellen. Da das US-Verteidigungsministerium und die Europäische Union ab 2024 den Übergang zu fluorfreien Löschschaumstoffen vorschreiben, positioniert sich das AirSCWO-System von 374Water als potenzielle großflächige Lösung für die Entsorgung von AFFF.

Die Arcadis-Studie identifiziert vier Abfallarten an AFFF-Sanierungsstandorten: Konzentrat, Spülflüssigkeiten, Reinigungsmittel und kontaminierte feste Abfälle. Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen Entsorgungsmethoden wie Deponien, die langfristige Haftung mit sich bringen, bietet die AirSCWO-Technologie eine permanente Zerstörung dieser gefährlichen Materialien und positioniert das Unternehmen, um die wachsende Nachfrage in den Bereichen Bund, Kommunen und Industrie zu unterstützen.

  • Achieved 99.9999% PFAS destruction efficiency in peer-reviewed study
  • Positioned for rapid scaling due to DoD and EU regulatory mandates
  • Technology offers permanent solution vs temporary storage methods
  • Commercial-scale operation already demonstrated
  • Cannot process contaminated solid wastes
  • Technology still considered 'maturing' according to research


374Water's peer-reviewed data showing 99.9999% destruction of PFAS in firefighting foam represents a significant technological validation for their AirSCWO system. The timing couldn't be better as regulatory pressure mounts—the DoD and EU are mandating transitions to fluorine-free foams in 2024, creating an immediate market need.

What's particularly valuable is the demonstrated commercial-scale capability. Most PFAS destruction technologies struggle with scaling beyond laboratory conditions, but 374Water appears to have cleared this important hurdle. The Arcadis research specifically highlights AirSCWO as a potential solution for managing AFFF waste streams at scale—addressing concentrate, rinsate solutions, and cleaning agents.

The strategic advantage here is in solving the long-term liability problem. Unlike landfilling, which merely transfers responsibility without elimination, complete destruction removes future environmental liabilities—a compelling value proposition for governmental and industrial clients with significant AFFF stockpiles.

The company's expansion of destruction services business suggests they're positioning for commercial deployment rather than just technology development. With state buyback programs already underway and regulatory deadlines approaching, 374Water could capture significant market share in what appears to be an expanding remediation opportunity across federal, municipal and industrial sectors.

This peer-reviewed validation represents a potential revenue inflection point for 374Water. The company has identified a clear, urgent market need with the massive AFFF disposal challenge facing the DoD, aviation sector, and industrial clients. The regulatory-driven transition to fluorine-free foams creates an immediate addressable market for their destruction technology.

While the announcement doesn't provide specific revenue projections, the CEO's statement about "scaling rapidly" indicates management anticipates meaningful commercial adoption. The key advantage is their technology's documented destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) at commercial scale—moving beyond the proof-of-concept hurdle that often limits cleantech companies.

This positions 374Water to potentially capture market share in what could become a substantial remediation services sector. With a current market cap of just $46 million, the company has significant growth potential if they can successfully commercialize this application of their AirSCWO technology.

Investors should note the strategic shift toward developing a "destruction services business" rather than merely selling equipment—suggesting a recurring revenue model may be emerging. The DoD's massive PFAS remediation needs alone could drive substantial demand. The company's ability to scale operations and secure contracts will be critical metrics to watch in upcoming quarters as this market opportunity develops.

Peer Review Highlights 374Water’s AirSCWO as a Potential Solution at Scale

DURHAM, N.C., March 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 374Water Inc. (NASDAQ: SCWO) (“374Water”) (the “Company”), a global leader in waste destruction technology for the municipal, federal, and industrial markets, today announced peer reviewed preliminary data demonstrating AirSCWO’s 99.9999% destruction of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (“PFAS”) in aqueous film-forming foam (“AFFF”). Published in the National Ground Water Association (“NGWA”) Journals, the article by Craig Divine, et al. with Arcadis, titled “Solutions for Managing Aqueous Film-Forming-Foam- (AFFF-) Impacted Infrastructure” details the enormity of the AFFF problem, outlines the immense challenges of treating AFFF solutions and infrastructure, and highlights 374Water’s AirSCWO as a potential solution at scale.

AFFF, a critical tool in combating flammable liquid and gas fires, including petroleum, greases, tars, oils, oil-based paints, solvents and alcohols, has long been utilized by sectors such as municipal firefighting, aviation, military and petrochemical industries. AFFF’s effectiveness stems from its unique composition, which includes per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (“PFAS”). However, PFAS are highly persistent in the environment and pose significant risks to human health and ecosystems, necessitating urgent measures for their safe destruction. The U.S. Department of Defense (“DoD”) and the European Union (“EU”) have introduced stringent regulations, including the transition to fluorine-free firefighting foams in 2024. In addition, multiple states have implemented buyback programs to support this transition and safely dispose of AFFF stocks.

“The enormity of the AFFF PFAS problem across the federal, municipal and industrial landscapes presents an opportunity for 374Water to scale rapidly,” said Chris Gannon, CEO of 374Water. “374Water’s AirSCWO system has consistently shown PFAS >99.9999% destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) operating at commercial scale. We are excited by the potential of AirSCWO to provide a permanent solution to dispose of this waste, and we are actively building our destruction services business to support growing demand.”

“There is a significant need for efficient, cost-effective, sustainable, and adaptive options for the destruction of stockpiles of AFFF,” the authors explain. As SCWO technology continues to mature, solutions such as 374Water’s AirSCWO can “provide significant value across the US DoD portfolio, civil aviation, and other industrial sectors.”

The Arcadis article specifies four different waste types found at AFFF remediation sites: AFFF concentrate, rinsate solutions, cleaning agents, and contaminated solid wastes. With the exception of solid wastes, the “aqueous wastes may be managed on-site using…PFAS destruction technologies,” the authors note. Despite traditional disposal methods such as landfilling which are still in wide use, the authors acknowledge the residual “long-term liability for the waste,” persisting. They go on to say, SCWO “may alleviate any future liability of the waste…that the other options do not.”

“We are elated to participate in this waste destruction demonstration showcasing the effectiveness of 374Water’s commercial-scale AirSCWO technology,” says Howard Teicher, 374Water’s VP of Government. “It is an honor to partner with the Federal government, state and local municipalities, and industrial customers to provide commercial-scale solutions to address PFAS and other waste destruction needs.”

NGWA Journal article can be found here:

Arcadis published a brief podcast discussion of the article, which can be found here:

About 374Water

374Water Inc. (NASDAQ: SCWO) is a global cleantech company providing innovative solutions addressing wastewater treatment and waste management issues within the municipal, federal and industrial markets. 374Water's AirSCWO technology is designed to efficiently destroy and mineralize a broad spectrum of organic non-hazardous and hazardous organic wastes producing safe dischargeable water streams, safe mineral effluent, safe vent gas, and recoverable heat energy. 374Water's AirSCWO technology has the potential to assist its customers to meet discharge requirements, reduce or eliminate disposal costs, remove bottlenecks, and reduce litigation and other risks. 374Water continues to be a leader in innovative waste treatment solutions, dedicated to creating a greener future and eradicating harmful pollutants. Learn more by visiting and follow us on LinkedIn.

Cautionary Language on Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this communication are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. These statements relate to future events or our future financial performance, including statements relating to our ability to process a range of waste and contaminants, including AFFF, at scale, the regulatory environment, and our future prospects and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance, or our achievements or those of our industry to be materially different from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking statements. In some cases, forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words like "may," "will," "could," "would," "should," "expect," "plan," "anticipate," "intend," "believe," "estimate," "project," "consider," "predict," "potential," "feel," or other comparable terminology. The Company has based these forward-looking statements on its current expectations, assumptions, estimates, beliefs, and projections. While the Company believes these expectations, assumptions, estimates, and projections are reasonable, such forward-looking statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond the Company's control. These and other important factors, including those discussed under "Risk Factors" in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024, as well as the Company's subsequent filings with the SEC, may cause actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements herein are made only as of the date they were first issued, and unless otherwise required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

Investor Relations and Media Contact

Chris Tyson
Executive Vice President
MZ North America
Direct: 949-491-8235


What destruction efficiency rate did 374Water's AirSCWO achieve for PFAS in AFFF?

374Water's AirSCWO technology demonstrated 99.9999% destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) of PFAS in AFFF at commercial scale.

When will the Department of Defense transition to fluorine-free firefighting foams?

The U.S. Department of Defense will transition to fluorine-free firefighting foams in 2024.

What types of waste can 374Water's SCWO technology treat at AFFF remediation sites?

The technology can treat three types of aqueous wastes: AFFF concentrate, rinsate solutions, and cleaning agents, but not contaminated solid wastes.

How does 374Water's SCWO solution compare to traditional AFFF disposal methods?

Unlike traditional landfilling which carries long-term liability, SCWO technology can permanently destroy PFAS, eliminating future waste liability.

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