SecureTech’s 2025 Roadmap: Driving Innovation and Growth
SecureTech Innovations (OTC:SCTH), a leader in cybersecurity and Web3 technologies, has unveiled its 2025 Roadmap, focusing on innovation and growth. Key initiatives include:
- Expanding its product line to address emerging cybersecurity threats.
- Enhancing Web3 platforms to ensure secure and efficient digital transactions.
- Investing in R&D to drive technological advancements.
The company aims to strengthen its market position and deliver value to shareholders through strategic partnerships and acquisitions. SecureTech's CEO emphasized the importance of staying ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.
SecureTech Innovations (OTC:SCTH), un leader nella cybersecurity e nelle tecnologie Web3, ha svelato il suo Piano Strategico 2025, concentrandosi su innovazione e crescita. Le iniziative chiave includono:
- Espandere la propria linea di prodotti per affrontare le minacce emergenti alla cybersecurity.
- Migliorare le piattaforme Web3 per garantire transazioni digitali sicure ed efficienti.
- Investire in ricerca e sviluppo per promuovere avanzamenti tecnologici.
L'azienda mira a rafforzare la propria posizione di mercato e a fornire valore agli azionisti attraverso alleanze strategiche e acquisizioni. Il CEO di SecureTech ha sottolineato l'importanza di rimanere all'avanguardia nel panorama tecnologico in rapida evoluzione.
SecureTech Innovations (OTC:SCTH), líder en ciberseguridad y tecnologías Web3, ha presentado su Hoja de Ruta 2025, centrada en la innovación y el crecimiento. Las iniciativas clave incluyen:
- Ampliar su línea de productos para abordar las amenazas emergentes a la ciberseguridad.
- Mejorar las plataformas Web3 para asegurar transacciones digitales seguras y eficientes.
- Invertir en I+D para impulsar los avances tecnológicos.
La empresa busca fortalecer su posición en el mercado y ofrecer valor a los accionistas a través de alianzas estratégicas y adquisiciones. El CEO de SecureTech destacó la importancia de mantenerse en la vanguardia en un panorama tecnológico en rápida evolución.
SecureTech Innovations (OTC:SCTH)는 사이버 보안 및 Web3 기술의 선두주자로서 혁신과 성장을 중심으로 2025 로드맵을 발표했습니다. 주요 이니셔티브는 다음과 같습니다:
- 새롭게 대두되는 사이버 보안 위협에 대응하기 위해 제품 라인을 확장합니다.
- 안전하고 효율적인 디지털 거래를 보장하기 위해 Web3 플랫폼을 향상시킵니다.
- 기술 발전을 이끌기 위해 연구개발에 투자합니다.
회사는 전략적 파트너십 및 인수를 통해 시장 위치를 강화하고 주주에게 가치를 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. SecureTech의 CEO는 빠르게 변화하는 기술 환경에서 앞서 나가는 것의 중요성을 강조했습니다.
SecureTech Innovations (OTC:SCTH), un leader dans le domaine de la cybersécurité et des technologies Web3, a dévoilé sa Feuille de Route 2025, axée sur l'innovation et la croissance. Les initiatives clés comprennent :
- Élargir sa gamme de produits pour faire face aux menaces émergentes en matière de cybersécurité.
- Améliorer les plateformes Web3 pour garantir des transactions numériques sécurisées et efficaces.
- Investir dans la R&D pour favoriser les avancées technologiques.
L'entreprise vise à renforcer sa position sur le marché et à offrir de la valeur aux actionnaires grâce à des partenariats stratégiques et des acquisitions. Le PDG de SecureTech a souligné l'importance de rester à l'avant-garde dans un paysage technologique en rapide évolution.
SecureTech Innovations (OTC:SCTH), ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Cybersicherheit und Web3-Technologien, hat seinen 2025-Fahrplan vorgestellt, der sich auf Innovation und Wachstum konzentriert. Zu den zentralen Initiativen gehören:
- Erweiterung der Produktpalette zur Bekämpfung neuer Bedrohungen der Cybersicherheit.
- Verbesserung der Web3-Plattformen, um sichere und effiziente digitale Transaktionen zu gewährleisten.
- Investition in Forschung und Entwicklung zur Förderung technologischer Fortschritte.
Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, seine Marktposition zu stärken und den Aktionären durch strategische Partnerschaften und Übernahmen Mehrwert zu bieten. Der CEO von SecureTech betonte die Wichtigkeit, in der sich schnell entwickelnden Technologielandschaft ganz vorne mitzumischen.
- Expansion of product line to address new cybersecurity threats.
- Enhancements in Web3 platforms for secure digital transactions.
- Increased investment in R&D for technological advancements.
- Focus on strategic partnerships and acquisitions to strengthen market position.
- None.
Roseville, Minnesota, Jan. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SecureTech Innovations, Inc. (OTC: SCTH), a pioneering force in cybersecurity and Web3 technologies and platforms, is thrilled to announce its forward-looking vision for 2025 and beyond. Under the dynamic leadership of our new President and CEO, SecureTech is poised for major gains in 2025 by focusing on strategic initiatives designed to propel the company to new heights.
Key Strategic Initiatives Planned for 2025:
- Recapitalize the Business: SecureTech aims to strengthen its financial foundation through short-term bridge, intermediate, and long-term funding solutions.
- Aggressive M&A Program: Pursuing an assertive mergers and acquisitions strategy to drive rapid growth and expansion.
- Reduce Outstanding Shares: Continue with the 2024 Share Reduction Program to strategically reduce outstanding shares to around 17 million issued and outstanding by Q3 2025.
- Listing Upgrades: Targeting a Q2 2025 upgrade to the OTCQB, with a subsequent NASDAQ uplisting to increase market visibility and investor confidence.
- Divest and Spin-Off Top Kontrol Product Line: Streamlining our portfolio by providing loyal shareholders with a special dividend and spinning off Top Kontrol as an independent OTCQB company.
- Initiate Investor Relations/Awareness Program: Launching an initiative to enhance communication and introduce SecureTech to the investment community.
As these initiatives start taking shape, SecureTech will release additional details to our shareholders via official press releases and SEC filings.
J. Scott Sitra, SecureTech’s President and CEO, commented, “SecureTech has accomplished many great things since its inception. It is now time to take the company and its shareholders to the next level by leveraging the many benefits offered by this magnificently structured public company.”
“We have already started working diligently on manifesting our 2025 Strategic Initiatives. Presently, we are in advanced discussions to acquire two remarkable businesses. One is a payment processing business handling about US
About SecureTech Innovations
SecureTech is a company at the forefront of developing and marketing security and safety devices, products, and technologies – our products preserve life, protect property, and prevent crime. SecureTech is the maker of Top Kontrol®, the only anti-theft and anti-carjacking system known that can safely stop a carjacking without any action by the driver. Through its Piranha Blockchain subsidiary, SecureTech is pioneering cutting-edge cybersecurity and Web3 technologies and platforms. For more information, visit,, and
This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements refer to future events, expectations, plans, and prospects. SecureTech Innovations, Inc. (“SecureTech”) believes the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable as of the date they are made. However, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. SecureTech identifies forward-looking statements with words like 'believes,' 'estimates,' 'anticipates,' 'expects,' 'plans,' 'projects,' 'intends,' 'potential,' 'may,' 'could,' 'might,' 'will,' 'should,' 'approximately,' and similar expressions that convey uncertainty about future events or outcomes. These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, including market conditions and other circumstances. More detailed information about SecureTech and the risks that may affect these forward-looking statements can be found in SecureTech’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including the risks contained in the section of our Annual Report filed on Form 10-K entitled “Risk Factors.” These filings are available on the SEC’s website at
Forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of the date they are made. SecureTech has no obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect new events or circumstances after the date of this press release, except as required by law.
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