Walt Bettinger to Retire as CEO

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Rhea-AI Sentiment
(Very Positive)

The Charles Schwab has announced that Walt Bettinger will retire as CEO on December 31, 2024, as part of a multi-year succession plan. Rick Wurster, currently President of Schwab, will become President and CEO and join the Board of Directors on January 1, 2025. Bettinger will continue as Executive Co-Chairman of the Board alongside founder Charles R. Schwab.

During Bettinger's tenure as CEO since 2008, Schwab has seen significant growth:

  • Client assets grew from $1.14 trillion to $9.74 trillion
  • Client accounts increased from 9.3 million to 43.2 million
  • Schwab's stock value rose 400% to approximately $65 per share
  • Market capitalization grew 660% to about $119 billion

Bettinger expressed confidence in Wurster's leadership, citing his intelligence, integrity, and character. Charles Schwab praised Bettinger's successful tenure and supported Wurster as the next CEO, ensuring continuity for clients, employees, and stockholders.

Charles Schwab ha annunciato che Walt Bettinger si ritirerà come CEO il 31 dicembre 2024, nell'ambito di un piano di successione pluriennale. Rick Wurster, attuale Presidente di Schwab, diventerà Presidente e CEO e si unirà al Consiglio di Amministrazione il 1° gennaio 2025. Bettinger continuerà come Co-Presidente Esecutivo del Consiglio insieme al fondatore Charles R. Schwab.

Durante il mandato di Bettinger come CEO dal 2008, Schwab ha visto una crescita significativa:

  • Le attività dei clienti sono cresciute da 1,14 trilioni di dollari a 9,74 trilioni di dollari
  • Gli account dei clienti sono aumentati da 9,3 milioni a 43,2 milioni
  • Il valore delle azioni di Schwab è salito del 400% a circa 65 dollari per azione
  • La capitalizzazione di mercato è cresciuta del 660% a circa 119 miliardi di dollari

Bettinger ha espresso fiducia nella leadership di Wurster, citando la sua intelligenza, integrità e carattere. Charles Schwab ha lodato il successo del mandato di Bettinger e ha supportato Wurster come il prossimo CEO, garantendo continuità per clienti, dipendenti e azionisti.

Charles Schwab ha anunciado que Walt Bettinger se retirará como CEO el 31 de diciembre de 2024, como parte de un plan de sucesión a varios años. Rick Wurster, actual Presidente de Schwab, se convertirá en Presidente y CEO y se unirá a la Junta Directiva el 1 de enero de 2025. Bettinger continuará como Co-Presidente Ejecutivo de la Junta junto al fundador Charles R. Schwab.

Durante el mandato de Bettinger como CEO desde 2008, Schwab ha visto un crecimiento significativo:

  • Los activos de los clientes crecieron de 1.14 billones a 9.74 billones de dólares
  • Las cuentas de clientes aumentaron de 9.3 millones a 43.2 millones
  • El valor de las acciones de Schwab subió un 400% a aproximadamente 65 dólares por acción
  • La capitalización de mercado creció un 660% a alrededor de 119 mil millones de dólares

Bettinger expresó confianza en el liderazgo de Wurster, señalando su inteligencia, integridad y carácter. Charles Schwab elogió el exitoso mandato de Bettinger y apoyó a Wurster como el próximo CEO, asegurando continuidad para clientes, empleados y accionistas.

Charles Schwab는 Walt Bettinger가 CEO로서 은퇴할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 그는 2024년 12월 31일에 퇴임하며, 이는 다년간의 승계 계획의 일환입니다. 현재 Schwab의 사장인 Rick Wurster가 2025년 1월 1일에 사장 겸 CEO로 취임하고 이사회에 합류합니다. Bettinger는 창립자인 Charles R. Schwab와 함께 이사회의 공동 의장직을 계속 수행합니다.

Bettinger가 2008년부터 CEO로 재직하는 동안, Schwab은 상당한 성장을 이뤘습니다:

  • 고객 자산이 1.14조 달러에서 9.74조 달러로 증가했습니다.
  • 고객 계좌는 930만 개에서 4320만 개로 늘어났습니다.
  • Schwab의 주가는 약 65달러로 400% 상승했습니다.
  • 시장 가치는 약 1190억 달러로 660% 증가했습니다.

Bettinger는 Wurster의 리더십에 대한 신뢰를 표현하며 그의 지능, 진실성 및 인격을 언급했습니다. Charles Schwab은 Bettinger의 성공적인 재직 기간을 칭찬하며 Wurster를 다음 CEO로 지지하며 고객, 직원 및 주주들을 위한 연속성을 보장하고 있습니다.

Charles Schwab a annoncé que Walt Bettinger prendra sa retraite en tant que PDG le 31 décembre 2024, dans le cadre d'un plan de succession pluriannuel. Rick Wurster, président actuel de Schwab, deviendra président et PDG et rejoindra le conseil d'administration à compter du 1er janvier 2025. Bettinger continuera en tant que co-président exécutif du conseil aux côtés du fondateur Charles R. Schwab.

Depuis l'entrée en fonction de Bettinger en tant que PDG en 2008, Schwab a connu une croissance significative :

  • Les actifs des clients ont augmenté de 1,14 billion à 9,74 billions de dollars
  • Le nombre de comptes clients est passé de 9,3 millions à 43,2 millions
  • La valeur des actions de Schwab a augmenté de 400 % pour atteindre environ 65 dollars par action
  • La capitalisation boursière a augmenté de 660 % pour atteindre environ 119 milliards de dollars

Bettinger a exprimé sa confiance dans le leadership de Wurster, citant son intelligence, son intégrité et son caractère. Charles Schwab a salué le mandat réussi de Bettinger et a soutenu Wurster en tant que prochain PDG, garantissant la continuité pour les clients, les employés et les actionnaires.

Charles Schwab hat angekündigt, dass Walt Bettinger am 31. Dezember 2024 als CEO zurücktreten wird, im Rahmen eines mehrjährigen Nachfolgeplans. Rick Wurster, derzeit Präsident von Schwab, wird am 1. Januar 2025 Präsident und CEO und dem Vorstand beitreten. Bettinger wird weiterhin als Co-Vorsitzender des Vorstands alongside dem Gründer Charles R. Schwab tätig sein.

Während Bettingers Amtszeit als CEO seit 2008 hat Schwab ein signifikantes Wachstum erfahren:

  • Die Kundenvermögen wuchsen von 1,14 Billionen USD auf 9,74 Billionen USD
  • Die Kundenkonten erhöhten sich von 9,3 Millionen auf 43,2 Millionen
  • Der Aktienwert von Schwab stieg um 400% auf etwa 65 USD pro Aktie
  • Die Marktkapitalisierung wuchs um 660% auf etwa 119 Milliarden USD

Bettinger drückte Vertrauen in Wurstes Führung aus und nannte dessen Intelligenz, Integrität und Charakter. Charles Schwab lobte Bettingers erfolgreiche Amtszeit und unterstützte Wurster als nächsten CEO sicherte damit Kontinuität für Kunden, Mitarbeiter und Aktionäre.

  • Planned CEO succession ensures leadership continuity
  • Client assets grew from $1.14 trillion to $9.74 trillion under Bettinger's leadership
  • Client accounts increased from 9.3 million to 43.2 million
  • Stock value rose 400% to approximately $65 per share
  • Market capitalization grew 660% to about $119 billion
  • Successful acquisition and integration of Ameritrade
  • None.


Walt Bettinger's retirement as CEO of Charles Schwab marks the end of an era characterized by remarkable growth and expansion. Under his leadership, client assets grew by an impressive 754% to $9.74 trillion, while client accounts increased by 364% to 43.2 million. The company's market capitalization surged by 660% to approximately $119 billion.

The succession plan, naming Rick Wurster as the new CEO, appears well-orchestrated and should provide continuity. Wurster's experience as President since 2021 and his eight-year collaboration with Bettinger suggest a smooth transition. This change in leadership, while significant, is unlikely to result in drastic strategic shifts given Bettinger's continued involvement as Executive Co-Chairman.

For investors, this transition represents both stability and the potential for fresh perspectives. Wurster's commitment to the "Through Clients' Eyes" strategy indicates a continuation of Schwab's client-centric approach, which has been important to its success. However, the financial services landscape is rapidly evolving and Wurster will face challenges in maintaining Schwab's growth trajectory amidst increasing competition and technological disruption.

Will Continue Serving as Executive Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors

Rick Wurster Named CEO to Succeed Bettinger

WESTLAKE, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Charles Schwab Corporation today announced, as part of its multi-year succession plan, that Walt Bettinger has notified the Board of Directors of his intention to retire as Chief Executive Officer effective December 31, 2024. Rick Wurster, President of Schwab since 2021, will be named President and CEO and will join the Schwab Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2025. Bettinger will continue to serve as Executive Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors, along with founder Charles R. Schwab.

Bettinger has successfully led Schwab as CEO since late 2008. Some of the major accomplishments during his tenure to date include (figures through the end of August 2024, the last publicly available data):

  • Client assets grew from $1.14 trillion to $9.74 trillion.
  • Client brokerage, banking, and workplace participant accounts grew from 9.3 million to 43.2 million.
  • The value of a common share of Schwab stock grew from approximately $16 at the end of 2008 to approximately $65—a 400% increase.
  • The market capitalization of Schwab grew from approximately $18 billion at the end of 2008 to approximately $119 billion—a 660% increase.
  • Schwab has consistently been recognized by third parties for the quality of its client service and solutions.
  • Schwab acquired and integrated Ameritrade, the largest investment management brokerage service acquisition in the history of the industry.
  • Bettinger has been recognized multiple times by Fortune as a global business leader.

In announcing his decision to retire as CEO, Bettinger said, “As I approach my 65th birthday in 2025, the time is right for me to transition from day-to-day duties and focus on my role as Executive Co-Chairman of the Schwab Board of Directors. Serving the clients, employees and stockholders of Schwab as CEO for the past 16 years has been the honor and privilege of my more than 40-year business career. My deep belief in servant leadership has guided me throughout my career, while the support of Schwab’s Board of Directors and the incredibly talented 33,000 Schwab employees helped us navigate through multiple economic cycles while serving our clients and rewarding our stockholders.”

Bettinger added, “The Schwab Board’s thoughtful and disciplined approach to succession planning helps make this transition smooth. Rick Wurster and I have worked together on a daily basis for more than eight years. I have complete confidence in his leadership, and I am thrilled that the Schwab Board of Directors has selected him as my successor. In addition to being incredibly bright, Rick possesses a balance of intellectual honesty and curiosity, combined with high personal integrity and character. In my ongoing role as Executive Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors, I will support Rick, just as Chuck Schwab has supported me during my tenure as CEO.”

Co-Chairman Charles R. Schwab shared, “Walt’s successful tenure as CEO saw the most significant growth in the company’s history in terms of clients, assets, revenue, profits, and market capitalization. He has earned the right to determine the timing of his retirement as CEO, and I am delighted that he will continue to serve as Executive Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors with me. Moving forward, Rick Wurster is ideally prepared to assume the duties as our next CEO. He possesses all the attributes to be a successful CEO, and he has the full confidence and support of myself and the Board. This next step in our long-term succession plan ensures continuity for our clients, employees, and stockholders.”

Wurster said, “I am honored to succeed Walt as Schwab’s CEO. He has led Schwab to record results over the last 16 years and has done so with humility, exceptional character, and a servant mindset. I am fortunate to continue to work with Walt in my new role and am humbled by the confidence that Walt, Chuck, the Schwab Board of Directors, and our dedicated employees have placed in me. My belief in our long-term ‘Through Clients’ Eyes’ strategy will continue to guide Schwab in the coming years.”

About Charles Schwab

The Charles Schwab Corporation (NYSE: SCHW) is a leading provider of financial services, with 35.9 million active brokerage accounts, 5.4 million workplace plan participant accounts, 1.9 million banking accounts, and $9.74 trillion in client assets as of August 31, 2024. Through its operating subsidiaries, the company provides a full range of wealth management, securities brokerage, banking, asset management, custody, and financial advisory services to individual investors and independent investment advisors. Its broker-dealer subsidiary, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (member SIPC,, and its affiliates offer a complete range of investment services and products including an extensive selection of mutual funds; financial planning and investment advice; retirement plan and equity compensation plan services; referrals to independent, fee-based investment advisors; and custodial, operational and trading support for independent, fee-based investment advisors through Schwab Advisor Services. Its primary banking subsidiary, Charles Schwab Bank, SSB (member FDIC and an Equal Housing Lender), provides banking and lending services and products. More information is available at


Kate Pulley

Charles Schwab

Phone: 551-277-8688


Jeff Edwards

Charles Schwab

Phone: 415-667-1524

Source: The Charles Schwab Corporation


When will Walt Bettinger retire as CEO of Charles Schwab (SCHW)?

Walt Bettinger will retire as CEO of Charles Schwab (SCHW) on December 31, 2024.

Who will succeed Walt Bettinger as CEO of Charles Schwab (SCHW)?

Rick Wurster, currently President of Schwab, will succeed Walt Bettinger as CEO of Charles Schwab (SCHW) effective January 1, 2025.

What role will Walt Bettinger have after retiring as CEO of Charles Schwab (SCHW)?

After retiring as CEO, Walt Bettinger will continue to serve as Executive Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Charles Schwab (SCHW).

How much did Charles Schwab's (SCHW) client assets grow under Walt Bettinger's leadership?

Under Walt Bettinger's leadership, Charles Schwab's (SCHW) client assets grew from $1.14 trillion to $9.74 trillion.

The Charles Schwab Corporation


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