Schwab Survey: Bullishness Among Traders Reaches Highest Level in Two Years

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The latest Charles Schwab Trader Sentiment Survey reveals a surge in trader optimism, with 56% reporting a bullish outlook for the next three months, up 10 points from Q2. Nearly 60% of traders believe it's a good time to invest, and over half feel financially better off compared to last year. Inflation concerns have decreased, while expectations for Fed rate cuts have increased.

Traders favor AI stocks (62%) and are most bullish on the Information Technology sector (61%). The survey also highlights increased positive sentiment towards growth stocks, mega-cap tech, and domestic stocks. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, 94% of traders believe it will impact financial markets, with 44% reducing portfolio risk in preparation.

Il più recente Survey di Sentiment dei Trader di Charles Schwab rivela un aumento dell'ottimismo tra i trader, con il 56% che riporta una prospettiva rialzista per i prossimi tre mesi, in aumento di 10 punti rispetto al secondo trimestre. Quasi il 60% dei trader crede che sia un buon momento per investire, e oltre la metà si sente economicamente meglio rispetto all'anno scorso. Le preoccupazioni per l'inflazione sono diminuite, mentre le aspettative per i tagli ai tassi da parte della Fed sono aumentate.

I trader favoriscono le azioni AI (62%) e sono particolarmente ottimisti riguardo al settore della tecnologia dell'informazione (61%). Il sondaggio evidenzia anche un aumento del sentiment positivo verso le azioni di crescita, le mega-cap tech e le azioni domestiche. Con l'avvicinarsi delle elezioni presidenziali del 2024, il 94% dei trader ritiene che avrà un impatto sui mercati finanziari, con il 44% che riduce il rischio del portafoglio in preparazione.

La última Encuesta de Sentimiento de Traders de Charles Schwab revela un aumento en el optimismo de los traders, con un 56% reportando una perspectiva alcista para los próximos tres meses, un aumento de 10 puntos respecto al segundo trimestre. Casi el 60% de los traders cree que es un buen momento para invertir, y más de la mitad se siente financieramente mejor que el año pasado. Las preocupaciones por la inflación han disminuido, mientras que las expectativas de recortes en las tasas de la Fed han aumentado.

Los traders prefieren acciones de IA (62%) y son más optimistas acerca del sector de tecnología de la información (61%). La encuesta también destaca un sentimiento positivo creciente hacia las acciones de crecimiento, las mega-cap de tecnología y las acciones domésticas. A medida que se acercan las elecciones presidenciales de 2024, el 94% de los traders cree que impactará en los mercados financieros, con el 44% reduciendo el riesgo en su cartera en preparación.

최신 찰스 슈왑 트레이더 심리 조사에 따르면 트레이더들 사이에서 낙관론이 급증하고 있으며, 56%가 향후 3개월 동안 상승세를 예상하고 있어 2분기 대비 10포인트 상승하였습니다. 거의 60%의 트레이더가 지금이 투자할 좋은 시점이라고 믿으며, 절반 이상이 작년보다 재정적으로 더 나은 상황이라고 느끼고 있습니다. 인플레이션에 대한 우려는 감소했으며, 연준의 금리 인하 기대감은 증가했습니다.

트레이더들은 AI 주식(62%)을 선호하며, 정보기술(IT) 섹터에 대해 가장 낙관적입니다(61%). 조사 결과는 성장주, 대형 기술주 및 국내 주식에 대한 긍정적인 감정이 증가했음을 강조합니다. 2024년 대통령 선거가 다가오면서, 94%의 트레이더들이 그것이 금융 시장에 영향을 미칠 것이라고 믿고 있으며, 44%는 준비를 위해 포트폴리오 리스크를 줄이고 있습니다.

Le dernier sondage sur le Sentiment des Traders de Charles Schwab révèle une hausse de l'optimisme des traders, 56% rapportant une perspective haussière pour les trois prochains mois, soit une augmentation de 10 points par rapport au deuxième trimestre. Près de 60% des traders estiment que c'est un bon moment pour investir, et plus de la moitié se sent mieux sur le plan financier par rapport à l'année dernière. Les préoccupations concernant l'inflation ont diminué, tandis que les attentes concernant les baisses de taux de la Fed ont augmenté.

Les traders privilégient les actions d'IA (62%) et sont les plus optimistes concernant le secteur de la technologie de l'information (61%). L'enquête souligne également un sentiment positif accru envers les actions de croissance, les méga-cap, et les actions domestiques. À l'approche des élections présidentielles de 2024, 94% des traders estiment que cela aura un impact sur les marchés financiers, 44% réduisant le risque de leur portefeuille en préparation.

Die neueste Charles Schwab Trader Sentiment Umfrage zeigt einen Anstieg des Optimismus unter den Tradern, wobei 56% eine bullische Perspektive für die nächsten drei Monate berichten, was einen Anstieg um 10 Punkte im Vergleich zum zweiten Quartal darstellt. Fast 60% der Trader glauben, dass jetzt ein guter Zeitpunkt zum Investieren ist, und mehr als die Hälfte fühlt sich finanziell besser als im letzten Jahr. Die Inflationssorgen sind zurückgegangen, während die Erwartungen für Zinssenkungen der Fed gestiegen sind.

Trader bevorzugen KI-Aktien (62%) und sind am optimistischsten in Bezug auf den Informations-Technologiesektor (61%). Die Umfrage hebt auch ein erhöhtes positives Sentiment gegenüber Wachstumsaktien, Mega-Cap-Technologie und heimischen Aktien hervor. Mit dem Näherkommen der Präsidentschaftswahl 2024 glauben 94% der Trader, dass sie die Finanzmärkte beeinflussen wird, wobei 44% das Risiko des Portfolios zur Vorbereitung reduzieren.

  • None.
  • None.

Inflation concerns decline nearly ten points from the second quarter

WESTLAKE, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Traders are feeling better about the markets than they have any time in the past two years with 56% reporting a bullish outlook for the next three months, up ten points from the second quarter. This is according to the latest Charles Schwab Trader Sentiment Survey, a quarterly survey that explores the outlooks, expectations, and perspectives of traders at Charles Schwab.

Trader optimism extends beyond the short-term market outlook, with nearly six in ten traders feeling it is a good time to invest (up 11 points QoQ) and more than half saying they are better off financially compared to a year ago (up five points QoQ and seven points YoY). Additionally, most traders (69%) are confident in their decision-making.

Trader confidence trends

4Q ‘23

1Q ‘24

2Q ‘24

3Q ‘24

Good time to invest





Better off financially





Confident in decision-making





Inflation, which was traders’ top concern last quarter, fell to third place while expectations for Fed rate cuts increased. Thirty-three percent of those surveyed expect rate cuts of 50 basis points or more in the remainder of the year, up from 25% of respondents predicting such cuts last quarter.

“Coming into the third quarter, traders reported higher levels of optimism about the markets and economy – and continued confidence in their own decision-making,” said James Kostulias, head of Trading Services at Charles Schwab. “While we have seen increased market volatility since fielding our Q3 survey, we’re seeing some longer-term positivity among traders, and they are in a better position than ever before to manage volatility and market risks in a nuanced way thanks to the insights, education, and professional-grade platforms and tools at their fingertips.”

Sector and asset class views

Traders favored AI stocks (62%) with bullishness toward the segment increasing six points from Q2. They point to Information Technology (49%) as the sector that will be most impacted by the rise of AI, followed by Health Care (15%).

Looking across sectors, traders were most bullish toward Information Technology followed by Energy, Health Care, and Utilities. They were least bullish on Real Estate and Consumer Discretionary.

Bullish Sector Sentiment

2Q ‘24

3Q ‘24

Information Technology






Health care












Consumer Discretionary



Real Estate



When asked about asset classes and styles, traders reported increasingly positive sentiment toward growth stocks, mega cap tech, domestic stocks, and equities in general. Fewer traders were bullish on spot Bitcoin ETFs and spot ether ETFs.

Bullish sentiment over next three months

1Q ‘24

2Q ‘24

3Q ‘24

Artificial intelligence stocks




Domestic stocks




Growth stocks




Mega cap tech stocks




Equities in general




Value stocks




Spot Bitcoin ETFs




Spot ether ETFs




Looking at which instruments traders are considering trading in Q3, a modest percentage are interested in trading spot Bitcoin ETFs (13%) and spot ether ETFs (11%). Most are considering trading options (65%) and almost half (48%) plan to trade AI stocks.

Election comes into focus

The political landscape in D.C. is a top concern among traders, followed by worries that the market is due for a correction.

Primary concerns within the next three months

2Q ‘24

3Q ‘24

The political landscape in Washington D.C.



Market is due for a correction






Geopolitical/global macro issues



AI bubble



Potential of a recession



Most traders (94%) believe the presidential election will have at least some impact on financial markets. As the election approaches, almost half (44%) say they are reducing risk in their portfolio and 25% are engaging in options hedging to navigate the election’s impact in advance.

“A lot has happened in the election in the past few weeks, and traders will continue to be hit with a constant stream of news between now and Election Day,” said Kostulias. “What we see from our survey data is that traders plan to take a measured approach to trading in relation to the election. A sizeable portion are taking steps to manage risk, and even more are leaving the election out of their trading plans–a good indication that they are paying close attention but not being overly reactive.”

About the Charles Schwab Trader Sentiment Survey

The Charles Schwab Trader Sentiment Survey is a quarterly study exploring the outlooks, expectations, trading patterns and points of view of clients at Charles Schwab–who actively trade equities or trade options, futures, or forex. The study included 1,040 Active Trader clients at Charles Schwab between the ages of 18-75 and was fielded from July 9-19, 2024.

About Charles Schwab

At Charles Schwab, we believe in the power of investing to help individuals create a better tomorrow. We have a history of challenging the status quo in our industry, innovating in ways that benefit investors and the advisors and employers who serve them, and championing our clients’ goals with passion and integrity.

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Content intended for educational/informational purposes only. Not investment advice, or a recommendation of any security, strategy, or account type.

Historical data should not be used alone when making investment decisions. Please consult other sources of information and consider your individual financial position and goals before making an independent investment decision.

All investments involve risk including the possible loss of principal. Please consider all risks and objectives before investing.

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Margaret Farrell

Director, Corporate Communications

(203) 434-2240



Source: The Charles Schwab Corporation


What is the current trader sentiment according to the Charles Schwab survey for SCHW?

According to the latest Charles Schwab Trader Sentiment Survey, 56% of traders report a bullish outlook for the next three months, the highest level in two years.

How has trader sentiment towards AI stocks changed for SCHW?

Bullishness towards AI stocks increased to 62% in Q3, up 6 points from Q2, according to the Charles Schwab survey.

What sector do traders believe will be most impacted by AI, as per SCHW's survey?

Traders believe the Information Technology sector (49%) will be most impacted by the rise of AI, followed by Health Care (15%).

How are traders preparing for the 2024 presidential election's impact on markets, according to SCHW?

44% of traders are reducing risk in their portfolios, while 25% are engaging in options hedging to navigate the election's potential impact on financial markets.

What percentage of traders are considering trading spot Bitcoin ETFs in Q3, as per SCHW's survey?

13% of traders are considering trading spot Bitcoin ETFs in Q3, according to the Charles Schwab Trader Sentiment Survey.

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