Scholastic Reports Fiscal 2025 First Quarter Results

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Scholastic (NASDAQ: SCHL) reported fiscal 2025 first quarter results, affirming its fiscal 2025 guidance. Revenues increased 4% to $237.2 million, while the operating loss decreased 11% to $88.5 million. The improved seasonal loss primarily reflected increased results in Children's Book Publishing and Distribution. Adjusted EBITDA improved 14% to a loss of $60.5 million.

Key highlights include:

  • Children's Book Publishing and Distribution segment revenues increased 3% to $105.4 million
  • Education Solutions revenues decreased 16% to $55.7 million
  • The newly formed Entertainment segment reported revenues of $16.6 million
  • International revenues remained in line with the prior year period, excluding currency exchange effects

The company remains focused on expanding its core businesses and developing new literacy programs. Scholastic expects to achieve its target of 90,000 book fairs in fiscal 2025 and anticipates benefits from upcoming releases in major franchises.

Scholastic (NASDAQ: SCHL) ha riportato i risultati del primo trimestre dell'esercizio fiscale 2025, confermando le previsioni per l'esercizio fiscale 2025. I ricavi sono aumentati del 4% raggiungendo i 237,2 milioni di dollari, mentre la perdita operativa è diminuita dell'11% a 88,5 milioni di dollari. La perdita stagionale migliorata ha riflesso principalmente i risultati in crescita nel settore della pubblicazione e distribuzione di libri per bambini. L'EBITDA rettificato è migliorato del 14%, con una perdita di 60,5 milioni di dollari.

I punti salienti includono:

  • I ricavi del segmento di pubblicazione e distribuzione di libri per bambini sono aumentati del 3% raggiungendo i 105,4 milioni di dollari
  • I ricavi delle soluzioni educative sono diminuiti del 16% a 55,7 milioni di dollari
  • Il nuovo segmento di intrattenimento ha riportato ricavi di 16,6 milioni di dollari
  • I ricavi internazionali sono rimasti in linea con il periodo dell'anno precedente, escludendo gli effetti delle variazioni del cambio

L'azienda continua a concentrarsi sull'espansione delle sue attività principali e sullo sviluppo di nuovi programmi di alfabetizzazione. Scholastic prevede di raggiungere il target di 90.000 fiere del libro nell'esercizio fiscale 2025 e prevede benefici dalle prossime uscite in importanti franchise.

Scholastic (NASDAQ: SCHL) reportó los resultados del primer trimestre del ejercicio fiscal 2025, confirmando su guía para el ejercicio fiscal 2025. Los ingresos aumentaron un 4%, alcanzando los 237.2 millones de dólares, mientras que la pérdida operativa disminuyó un 11% a 88.5 millones de dólares. La mejora en la pérdida estacional reflejó principalmente resultados positivos en la publicación y distribución de libros infantiles. El EBITDA ajustado mejoró un 14% con una pérdida de 60.5 millones de dólares.

Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

  • Los ingresos del segmento de publicación y distribución de libros infantiles aumentaron un 3%, alcanzando los 105.4 millones de dólares
  • Los ingresos de Soluciones Educativas disminuyeron un 16% a 55.7 millones de dólares
  • El nuevo segmento de Entretenimiento reportó ingresos de 16.6 millones de dólares
  • Los ingresos internacionales se mantuvieron en línea con el período del año anterior, excluyendo los efectos del tipo de cambio

La empresa sigue centrada en expandir sus negocios principales y en desarrollar nuevos programas de alfabetización. Scholastic espera alcanzar su objetivo de 90,000 ferias del libro en el ejercicio fiscal 2025 y anticipa beneficios de los próximos lanzamientos en importantes franquicias.

Scholastic (NASDAQ: SCHL)는 2025 회계연도 첫 분기 실적을 보고하며 2025 회계연도 가이던스를 확인했습니다. 매출은 4% 증가하여 2억 3,720만 달러에 달했습니다, 반면 운영 손실은 11% 감소하여 8,850만 달러에 이르렀습니다. 향상된 계절적 손실은 주로 아동 도서 출판 및 유통 부문의 결과가 개선된 것을 반영합니다. 조정된 EBITDA는 14% 개선되어 6,050만 달러의 손실을 기록했습니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 아동 도서 출판 및 유통 부문의 매출은 3% 증가하여 1억 5,540만 달러에 도달했습니다
  • 교육 솔루션 매출은 16% 감소하여 5,570만 달러에 달했습니다
  • 새로 형성된 엔터테인먼트 부문은 1,660만 달러의 매출을 보고했습니다
  • 해외 매출은 환율 변동 영향을 제외하고 전년 동기와 비슷한 수준을 유지했습니다

회사는 핵심 사업을 확장하고 새로운 읽기 프로그램을 개발하는 데 집중하고 있습니다. Scholastic은 2025 회계연도에 90,000개의 도서 박람회 목표를 달성할 것으로 예상하며 주요 프랜차이즈의 출시로 인한 이익을 기대하고 있습니다.

Scholastic (NASDAQ: SCHL) a publié les résultats du premier trimestre de l'exercice fiscal 2025, confirmant ses prévisions pour l'exercice fiscal 2025. Les revenus ont augmenté de 4% pour atteindre 237,2 millions de dollars, tandis que la perte opérationnelle a diminué de 11% pour s'établir à 88,5 millions de dollars. L'amélioration de la perte saisonnière a principalement reflété l'augmentation des résultats dans l'édition et la distribution de livres pour enfants. L'EBITDA ajusté s'est amélioré de 14% pour atteindre une perte de 60,5 millions de dollars.

Les principaux points forts comprennent :

  • Les revenus du segment édition et distribution de livres pour enfants ont augmenté de 3% pour atteindre 105,4 millions de dollars
  • Les revenus des solutions éducatives ont diminué de 16% pour s'établir à 55,7 millions de dollars
  • Le nouveau segment divertissement a rapporté des revenus de 16,6 millions de dollars
  • Les revenus internationaux sont restés conformes à ceux de l'année précédente, en excluant les effets des variations de change

L'entreprise reste concentrée sur l'expansion de ses activités principales et le développement de nouveaux programmes de littératie. Scholastic s'attend à atteindre son objectif de 90 000 foires du livre pour l'exercice fiscal 2025 et anticipe des bénéfices des prochaines sorties dans des franchises majeures.

Scholastic (NASDAQ: SCHL) hat die Ergebnisse des ersten Quartals des Geschäftsjahres 2025 bekannt gegeben und die Prognosen für das Geschäftsjahr 2025 bestätigt. Der Umsatz stieg um 4% auf 237,2 Millionen Dollar, während der operative Verlust um 11% auf 88,5 Millionen Dollar gesenkt wurde. Der verbesserte saisonale Verlust spiegelte hauptsächlich die gestiegenen Ergebnisse im Bereich Kinderbuchverlag und -vertrieb wider. Das bereinigte EBITDA verbesserte sich um 14% und betrug einen Verlust von 60,5 Millionen Dollar.

Wichtige Highlights sind:

  • Die Einnahmen im Segment Kinderbuchverlag und -vertrieb stiegen um 3% auf 105,4 Millionen Dollar
  • Die Einnahmen aus Bildungslösungen sanken um 16% auf 55,7 Millionen Dollar
  • Das neu gegründete Unterhaltungssegment berichtete von Einnahmen in Höhe von 16,6 Millionen Dollar
  • Die internationalen Einnahmen blieben im Einklang mit dem Vorjahreszeitraum, ohne die Auswirkungen von Währungsumrechnungen zu berücksichtigen

Das Unternehmen bleibt darauf fokussiert, seine Kerngeschäftsbereiche auszubauen und neue Leseprogramme zu entwickeln. Scholastic erwartet, im Geschäftsjahr 2025 90.000 Buchmessen zu erreichen, und rechnet mit Vorteilen aus bevorstehenden Veröffentlichungen wichtiger Franchises.

  • Revenues increased 4% to $237.2 million
  • Operating loss decreased 11% to $88.5 million
  • Adjusted EBITDA improved 14% to a loss of $60.5 million
  • Children's Book Publishing and Distribution segment revenues increased 3% to $105.4 million
  • Book Fairs revenues up 5% from the prior year period
  • Company on track to achieve target of 90,000 book fairs in fiscal 2025
  • Upcoming releases in major franchises expected to benefit fiscal 2025 revenues
  • Education Solutions revenues decreased 16% to $55.7 million
  • Net debt position of $152.1 million compared to net cash position of $119.9 million in prior year
  • Free cash use increased to $68.7 million from $57.8 million in prior year
  • Diluted loss per share of $2.21, though improved from $2.35 in prior year


Scholastic's Q1 FY2025 results show modest improvement despite the seasonally quiet period. Key points:

  • Revenues increased 4% to $237.2 million, driven by 9 Story Media Group acquisition
  • Operating loss decreased 11% to $88.5 million
  • Adjusted EBITDA loss improved 14% to $60.5 million
  • Book Fairs revenue up 5%, on track for 90,000 fairs target
  • Education Solutions revenue down 16% due to lower supplemental curriculum sales

The company affirmed FY2025 guidance, indicating confidence in its strategy. However, the shift to net debt of $152.1 million from a net cash position last year warrants attention. Overall, Scholastic appears to be managing its seasonal cycle well and positioning for growth in core segments.

Scholastic's strategic pivot towards becoming a global children's media and content company is evident in this report. Key developments:

  • Integration of 9 Story Media Group acquisition showing early positive impact
  • Launch of The Magic School Bus® and Clifford Classic® channels on ad-supported platforms
  • Continued bestseller success with franchises like Bad Guys® and anticipated releases in Dog Man® and Hunger Games® series
  • Focus on monetizing and expanding Scholastic IP through integrated entertainment division

These moves position Scholastic to capitalize on the growing demand for children's content across multiple platforms. The company's strong brand and IP portfolio provide a solid foundation for this strategy. However, execution and adaptation to rapidly changing media consumption habits will be important for long-term success in this competitive landscape.

Company Affirms Fiscal 2025 Guidance

NEW YORK, Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Scholastic Corporation (NASDAQ: SCHL), the global children's publishing, education and media company, today reported financial results for the Company's fiscal first quarter ended August 31, 2024.

Peter Warwick, President and Chief Executive Officer, said, "During our first quarter, Scholastic prepared for another important back-to-school season, as we executed on our long-term growth initiatives. In the seasonally quiet quarter for our school-based channels, first quarter's operating loss improved modestly versus the prior year.

"Scholastic advanced its strategy as a global children's media and content company last quarter, with engaging and critically acclaimed publishing, a growing slate of exciting media properties in development and production, and early wins from our acquisition of 9 Story Media Group. Scholastic-published titles maintained their presence on bestseller lists during the quarter, including the latest book in Aaron Blabey's Bad Guys® series, with exciting new titles in major global franchises planned for release in the fall and spring. In our integrated Scholastic Entertainment division, we took advantage of early opportunities to monetize and expand the reach of Scholastic IP, with the launch of new The Magic School Bus® and Clifford Classic® channels on advertising-supported distribution platforms. 

"With most children in the U.S. now back at school, our School Reading Events division remains as differentiated and relevant as ever, bringing the excitement of books, reading and stories to millions of kids and families, while generating approximately $200 million in cash and in-kind value last year to support schools and educators. In fiscal 2025 we remain focused on expanding the reach and impact of our Book Fairs and Clubs in this division, while innovating in how we serve our school partners. In our Education Solutions division, we continue to develop new structured literacy programs and supplemental products for schools, scheduled for launch next summer. We are confident these core businesses are well positioned for long-term growth.

"We remain focused on realizing Scholastic's opportunity to create value and impact this year and beyond. We are affirming our fiscal 2025 guidance and are committed to our capital allocation priorities, including investing in our most compelling growth opportunities to meet the demand for children's books, reading and media from a trusted brand, and returning capital to shareholders."

Fiscal 2025 Q1 Review

In $ millions

First Quarter


Fiscal 2025

Fiscal 2024










4 %

Operating income (loss)







11 %

Earnings (loss) before taxes







6 %

Diluted earnings (loss) per share







6 %

Operating income (loss), ex. one-time items *







8 %

Diluted earnings (loss) per share, ex. one-time items *







3 %

Adjusted EBITDA *







14 %

* Please refer to the non-GAAP financial tables attached


Revenues increased 4% to $237.2 million, reflecting the contribution of 9 Story Media Group, recorded in the Entertainment segment, partly offset by lower supplemental curriculum and collections product sales in Education Solutions

Operating loss decreased 11% to $88.5 million in the quarter, including $2.9 million in one-time charges, compared to $99.1 million a year ago, which included $6.3 million of one-time charges. Excluding one-time charges, operating loss improved 8% from a year ago. The improved seasonal loss primarily reflected increased results in Children's Book Publishing and Distribution. Adjusted EBITDA (a non-GAAP measure of operations explained in the accompanying tables) improved 14% to a loss of $60.5 million.

Quarterly Results

Children's Book Publishing and Distribution

In the fiscal first quarter, the Children's Book Publishing and Distribution segment's revenues increased 3% to $105.4 million.

  • Book Fairs revenues were $28.8 million, up 5% from the prior year period. Fairs activity is minimal during the first quarter based on the seasonality of the business. We expect participation at our book fairs to remain strong this school year, with fair count on track to achieve our target of 90,000 fairs in fiscal 2025.
  • Book Clubs revenues were $2.7 million, in line with the prior year period. Clubs activity is seasonally quiet during the summer months. After strategically transitioning Book Clubs to a smaller, more profitable core business in fiscal 2024, we implemented new strategies to reengage customers this back-to-school season.
  • Consolidated Trade revenues were $73.9 million, up 2% from the prior year period, primarily driven by higher foreign rights revenues, partly offset by lower frontlist sales compared to the prior year period when the Company released the paperback edition of the fourth book in the Hunger Games® series, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. Fiscal 2025 revenues are expected to benefit from new releases in the second half of the fiscal year, including the newest book in Dav Pilkey's Dog Man® series and the fifth book in Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games® series, Sunrise on the Reaping.

Segment operating loss was $36.6 million, compared to $41.0 million a year ago. The year-over-year improvement was primarily driven by higher foreign rights revenues on relatively consistent operating expenses.

Education Solutions

Education Solutions revenues decreased 16% to $55.7 million, due to lower sales of supplemental curriculum products, as school districts focus on adopting and implementing new core programs. This was partly offset by increased sales to state-sponsored partners, driven by the growing number of kids participating in these programs.

Segment operating loss was $17.0 million, compared to $18.7 million in the prior period, primarily reflecting higher state-sponsored program revenues, as increases in participation have a significant impact on profitability, and lower operating expenses in the quarter, which more than offset the impact of lower segment revenues.


The newly formed Entertainment segment includes the operations of Scholastic Entertainment Inc. (SEI), which were included in the Children's Book Publishing and Distribution segment in prior year periods, combined with 9 Story Media Group.

Segment revenues were $16.6 million, primarily reflecting the addition of 9 Story Media Group revenues, which closed in June.

Segment operating loss was $0.5 million which included one-time charges of $1.7 million. Excluding one-time charges, adjusted segment operating income was $1.2 million reflecting the contribution from 9 Story Media Group.


Excluding unfavorable foreign currency exchange of $0.2 million, International revenues were in line with the prior year period. Revenues increased on the strong performance of backlist sales in the U.K., which were offset by revenue declines in Canada.

Segment operating loss was $8.3 million compared to $8.2 million in the prior year period, which included one-time charges of $1.2 million in the prior year period. Excluding one-time charges, adjusted operating loss increased $1.3 million.


Overhead costs were $26.1 million compared to $30.7 million in the prior year period, which included one-time charges of $1.2 million and $5.1 million, respectively. Excluding one-time charges, adjusted overhead costs decreased $0.7 million driven by lower employee-related expenses.

Capital Position and Liquidity

In $ millions

First Quarter


Fiscal 2025

Fiscal 2024



Net cash (used) provided by operating activities







(10) %

Additions to property, plant and equipment and prepublication expenditures




(24) %

Net borrowings (repayments) of film related obligations




Free cash flow (use)*







(19) %

Net cash (debt)*








* Please refer to the non-GAAP financial tables attached


Net cash used by operating activities was $41.9 million, in line with the prior year period. Free cash use (a non-GAAP measure of operations explained in the accompanying tables) was $68.7 million in fiscal 2025, compared to free cash use of $57.8 million in the prior period, reflecting higher capital expenditures and production spend.

Net debt was $152.1 million compared to a net cash position of $119.9 million in the prior year period, reflecting the Company's borrowings under its existing revolving credit facility to fund the acquisition of 9 Story Media Group.

The Company distributed $5.7 million in dividends and repurchased 163,194 shares of its common stock for $5.0 million in the first quarter. The Company expects to continue purchasing shares, from time to time as conditions allow, on the open market or in negotiated private transactions for the foreseeable future.

Additional Information

To supplement our financial statements presented in accordance with GAAP, we include certain non-GAAP calculations and presentations including, as noted above, "Adjusted EBITDA" and "Free Cash Flow". Please refer to the non-GAAP financial tables attached to this press release for supporting details on the impact of one-time items on operating income, net income and diluted EPS, and the use of non-GAAP financial measures included in this release. This information should be considered as supplemental in nature and not as a substitute for the related financial information prepared in accordance with GAAP.

Conference Call

The Company will hold a conference call to discuss its results at 4:30 p.m. ET today, September 26, 2024. Peter Warwick, Scholastic President and Chief Executive Officer, and Haji Glover, the Company's Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, will moderate the call.

A live webcast of the call can be accessed at To access the conference call by phone, please go to, which will provide dial-in details. To avoid delays, participants are encouraged to dial into the conference call five minutes ahead of the scheduled start time. Shortly following the call, an archived webcast and accompanying slides from the conference call will be posted at

About Scholastic

For more than 100 years, Scholastic Corporation (NASDAQ: SCHL) has been encouraging the personal and intellectual growth of all children, beginning with literacy. Having earned a reputation as a trusted partner to educators and families, Scholastic is the world's largest publisher and distributor of children's books, a leading provider of literacy curriculum, professional services, and classroom magazines, and a producer of educational and entertaining children's media. The Company creates and distributes bestselling books and e-books, print and technology-based learning programs for pre-K to grade 12, and other products and services that support children's learning and literacy, both in school and at home. With international operations and exports in more than 135 countries, Scholastic makes quality, affordable books available to all children around the world through school-based book clubs and book fairs, classroom libraries, school and public libraries, retail, and online. Learn more at

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains certain forward-looking statements relating to future periods. Such forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including the conditions of the children's book and educational materials markets generally and acceptance of the Company's products within those markets, and other risks and factors identified from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated.

SCHL: Financial

Table 1

Scholastic Corporation

Consolidated Statements of Operations


(In $ Millions, except shares and per share data)

Three months ended



Revenues (1)





Operating costs and expenses:

Cost of goods sold



Selling, general and administrative expenses (2)



Depreciation and amortization



Total operating costs and expenses



Operating income (loss)



Interest income (expense), net



Other components of net periodic benefit (cost)



Earnings (loss) before income taxes



Provision (benefit) for income taxes (3)



Net income (loss) (1)



Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share of Class A and Common Stock (4)











Basic weighted average shares outstanding



Diluted weighted average shares outstanding




The financial results of 9 Story Media Group from the date of acquisition on June 20, 2024 through August 31, 2024
are included in the Company's consolidated results of operations as of August 31, 2024. The unaudited pro-forma
consolidated results of operations for the three months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023 as if the acquisition
had occurred on June 1, 2023, the beginning of fiscal 2024, includes revenues of $242.9 and $248.3, respectively, and
net loss of $64.3 and $78.9, respectively.


In the three months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023, the Company recognized pretax severance of $1.2
and $6.3, respectively, related to cost-savings initiatives. In the three months ended August 31, 2024, the Company
recognized pretax costs of $1.7 related to the acquisition of 9 Story Media Group.


In the three months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023, the Company recognized a benefit of $0.7 and
$1.6, respectively, for income taxes in respect to one-time pretax items.


Earnings (loss) per share are calculated on non-rounded net income (loss) and shares outstanding. Recalculating
earnings per share based on numbers rounded to millions may not yield the results as presented.


Table 2

Scholastic Corporation

Segment Results


(In $ Millions)

Three months ended






Children's Book Publishing and Distribution (1)


Books Clubs







4 %

Book Fairs




5 %

School Reading Events




5 %

Consolidated Trade




2 %

Total Revenues




3 %

Operating income (loss)




11 %

Operating margin



Education Solutions





(16) %

Operating income (loss)




9 %

Operating margin



Entertainment (1)






Operating income (loss)





Operating margin








(1) %

Operating income (loss)




(1) %

Operating margin








8 %

Operating income (loss)




15 %

Operating income (loss)







11 %

NM - Not meaningful


The newly formed Entertainment segment includes the operations of Scholastic Entertainment Inc.
(SEI), which were included in the Children's Book Publishing and Distribution segment in prior periods,
and 9 Story Media Group. The financial results for SEI for the three months ended August 31, 2023
have been reclassified to Entertainment to reflect this change.


Table 3

Scholastic Corporation

Supplemental Information


(In $ Millions)

Selected Balance Sheet Items



Cash and cash equivalents





Accounts receivable, net



Inventories, net



Accounts payable



Deferred revenue



Accrued royalties



Film related obligations


Lines of credit and long-term debt



Net cash (debt) (1)



Total stockholders' equity



Selected Cash Flow Items

Three months ended



Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities





Property, plant and equipment additions



Prepublication expenditures



Net borrowings (repayments) of film related obligations


Free cash flow (use) (2)






Net cash (debt) is defined by the Company as cash and cash equivalents less
production cash of $5.1 as of August 31, 2024, net of lines of credit, short-term
and long-term debt. Film related obligations are not included. The Company utilizes
this non-GAAP financial measure, and believes it is useful to investors, as an
indicator of the Company's effective leverage and financing needs.


Free cash flow (use) is defined by the Company as net cash provided by or used
in operating activities (which includes royalty advances) and cash acquired through
acquisitions and from sale of assets, reduced by spending on property, plant and
equipment and prepublication costs and adjusted for net cash flows from film
related obligations. The Company believes that this non-GAAP financial measure is
useful to investors as an indicator of cash flow available for debt repayment and
other investing activities, such as acquisitions. The Company utilizes free cash flow
as a further indicator of operating performance and for planning investing activities.


Table 4

Scholastic Corporation

Supplemental Results

Excluding One-Time Items


(In $ Millions, except per share data)

Three months ended









Diluted earnings (loss) per share (1)













Net income (loss) (2)













Earnings (loss) before income taxes













Children's Book Publishing and Distribution (3)











Education Solutions





Entertainment (3) (4)






International (5)






Overhead (6)







Operating income (loss)














Earnings (loss) per share are calculated on non-rounded net income (loss) and shares outstanding. Recalculating earnings 
per share based on rounded numbers may not yield the results as presented.


In the three months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023, the Company recognized a benefit of $0.7 and $1.6,
respectively, for income taxes in respect to one-time pretax items.


The newly formed Entertainment segment includes the operations of Scholastic Entertainment Inc. (SEI), which were included
in the Children's Book Publishing and Distribution segment in prior periods, and 9 Story Media Group. The financial results for
SEI for the three months ended August 31, 2023 have been reclassified to Entertainment to reflect this change.


In the three months ended August 31, 2024, the Company recognized pretax costs of $1.7 related to the acquisition of 9 Story
Media Group.


In the three months ended August 31, 2023, the Company recognized pretax severance of $1.2 related to cost-savings initiatives.


In the three months ended August 31, 2024  and August 31, 2023, the Company recognized pretax severance of $1.2 and $5.1,
respectively, related to cost-savings initiatives.


Table 5

Scholastic Corporation

Consolidated Statements of Operations - Supplemental

Adjusted EBITDA


(In $ Millions)

Three months ended



Earnings (loss) before income taxes as reported





One-time items before income taxes



Earnings (loss) before income taxes excluding one-time items



Interest (income) expense (1)



Depreciation and amortization (2)



Adjusted EBITDA (3)






For the three months ended August 31, 2024, amount includes production loan interest of
$0.4 amortized into cost of goods sold.


For the three months ended August 31, 2024 and August 31, 2023, amounts include
prepublication and production cost amortization of $6.7 and $6.7, respectively, and
depreciation of $0.7 and $0.6, respectively, recognized in cost of goods sold, amortization
of deferred financing costs of $0.1 and $0.1 respectively, and amortization of capitalized
cloud software of $2.2 and $1.7, respectively, recognized in selling, general and
administrative expenses.


Adjusted EBITDA is defined by the Company as earnings (loss), excluding one-time
items, before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. The Company believes
that Adjusted EBITDA is a meaningful measure of operating profitability and useful for
measuring returns on capital investments over time as it is not distorted by unusual
gains, losses, or other items.


Table 6

Scholastic Corporation

Consolidated Statements of Operations - Supplemental

Adjusted EBITDA by Segment


(In $ Millions)

Three months ended


CBPD (1) (2)

EDUC (1)

ENT (1) (2)

INTL (1)

OVH (1)


Earnings (loss) before income taxes as reported













One-time items before income taxes




Earnings (loss) before income taxes excluding one-time items







Interest (income) expense (3)






Depreciation and amortization (4)







Adjusted EBITDA (5)













Three months ended


CBPD (1) (2)

EDUC (1)

ENT (1) (2)

INTL (1)

OVH (1)


Earnings (loss) before income taxes as reported













One-time items before income taxes




Earnings (loss) before income taxes excluding one-time items







Interest (income) expense






Depreciation and amortization (4)







Adjusted EBITDA (5)














The Company's segments are defined as the following: CBPD - Children's Book Publishing and Distribution segment; EDUC - Education
Solutions segment; ENT - Entertainment segment; INTL - International segment; OVH - unallocated overhead.


The newly formed Entertainment segment includes the operations of Scholastic Entertainment Inc. (SEI), which were included in the
Children's Book Publishing and Distribution segment in prior periods, and 9 Story Media Group. The financial results for SEI for the
three months ended August 31, 2023 have been reclassified to Entertainment to reflect this change.


For the three months ended August 31, 2024, amount includes production loan interest of $0.4 amortized into cost of goods sold.


Depreciation and amortization in the Children's Book Publishing and Distribution, Education Solutions and International segments
includes amounts allocated from overhead.


Adjusted EBITDA is defined by the Company as earnings (loss), excluding one-time items, before interest, taxes, depreciation
and amortization. The Company believes that Adjusted EBITDA is a meaningful measure of operating profitability and useful for
measuring returns on capital investments over time as it is not distorted by unusual gains, losses, or other items.


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SOURCE Scholastic Corporation


What were Scholastic's (SCHL) revenue and operating loss for Q1 fiscal 2025?

Scholastic reported revenues of $237.2 million, up 4% from the previous year, and an operating loss of $88.5 million, which decreased 11% compared to the prior year period.

How did Scholastic's (SCHL) Children's Book Publishing and Distribution segment perform in Q1 fiscal 2025?

The Children's Book Publishing and Distribution segment's revenues increased 3% to $105.4 million, with Book Fairs revenues up 5% and Consolidated Trade revenues up 2% from the prior year period.

What was Scholastic's (SCHL) performance in the Education Solutions segment for Q1 fiscal 2025?

Education Solutions revenues decreased 16% to $55.7 million due to lower sales of supplemental curriculum products, partially offset by increased sales to state-sponsored partners.

How many book fairs does Scholastic (SCHL) expect to hold in fiscal 2025?

Scholastic expects to achieve its target of 90,000 book fairs in fiscal 2025, with fair count currently on track to meet this goal.

What is Scholastic's (SCHL) financial position at the end of Q1 fiscal 2025?

Scholastic reported a net debt position of $152.1 million, compared to a net cash position of $119.9 million in the prior year period, reflecting borrowings to fund the acquisition of 9 Story Media Group.

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