Scholastic Kids Press Celebrates 25th Class of Student Journalists

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Scholastic welcomes 27 student journalists to its Scholastic Kids Press program, celebrating its 25th class. Since 2000, over 500 Kid Reporters aged 10-14 have participated, developing media literacy skills and reporting on significant events. The program has covered historic moments like 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the COVID-19 pandemic, while interviewing influential figures such as Anderson Cooper, Michelle and Barack Obama, and Lin-Manuel Miranda.

The 25th cohort includes new and returning journalists from various regions of the U.S. and countries like Australia, Brazil, and the UK. The program emphasizes media literacy and unbiased reporting, encouraging students to uncover news through interviews and fact-checking. Many former Kid Reporters have pursued careers in journalism or found success in other fields.

Scholastic Kids Press aims to cultivate self-awareness, empathy, and compassion through storytelling, providing students with unique opportunities to engage with experts and newsmakers.

Scholastic accoglie 27 giovani giornalisti nel suo programma Scholastic Kids Press, celebrando la sua 25esima classe. Dal 2000, oltre 500 giovani reporter di età compresa tra 10 e 14 anni hanno partecipato, sviluppando competenze di alfabetizzazione mediatica e riportando eventi significativi. Il programma ha coperto momenti storici come l'11 settembre, l'uragano Katrina e la pandemia di COVID-19, intervistando figure influenti come Anderson Cooper, Michelle e Barack Obama, e Lin-Manuel Miranda.

La 25esima coorte include nuovi e ritorni giornalisti provenienti da diverse regioni degli Stati Uniti e paesi come Australia, Brasile e Regno Unito. Il programma enfatizza l'alfabetizzazione mediatica e il reportage imparziale, incoraggiando gli studenti a scoprire notizie attraverso interviste e verifica dei fatti. Molti ex giovani reporter hanno intrapreso carriere nel giornalismo o hanno avuto successo in altri settori.

Scholastic Kids Press mira a coltivare la consapevolezza di sé, l'empatia e la compassione attraverso il racconto, fornendo agli studenti opportunità uniche di interagire con esperti e protagonisti delle notizie.

Scholastic da la bienvenida a 27 jóvenes periodistas en su programa Scholastic Kids Press, celebrando su 25ª clase. Desde el año 2000, más de 500 Reporteros Jóvenes de entre 10 y 14 años han participado, desarrollando habilidades de alfabetización mediática y reportando eventos significativos. El programa ha cubierto momentos históricos como el 11 de septiembre, el huracán Katrina y la pandemia de COVID-19, entrevistando a figuras influyentes como Anderson Cooper, Michelle y Barack Obama, y Lin-Manuel Miranda.

La 25ª cohorte incluye nuevos y antiguos periodistas de diversas regiones de EE.UU. y países como Australia, Brasil y el Reino Unido. El programa enfatiza la alfabetización mediática y la cobertura imparcial, animando a los estudiantes a descubrir noticias a través de entrevistas y verificación de hechos. Muchos ex Reporteros Jóvenes han seguido carreras en el periodismo o han encontrado éxito en otros campos.

Scholastic Kids Press tiene como objetivo cultivar la autoconciencia, la empatía y la compasión a través de la narración, proporcionando a los estudiantes oportunidades únicas para interactuar con expertos y creadores de noticias.

Scholastic은 27명의 학생 기자를 Scholastic Kids Press 프로그램에 초대하며 25번째 기수를 기념합니다. 2000년 이래로, 10세에서 14세 사이의 500명 이상의 키드 리포터가 참여하여 미디어 리터러시 기술을 개발하고 중요한 사건을 보도해왔습니다. 이 프로그램은 9/11, 허리케인 카트리나, COVID-19 팬데믹과 같은 역사적 순간을 다루었으며, 앤더슨 쿠퍼, 미셸과 바락 오바마, 린-마누엘 미란다와 같은 영향력 있는 인물들과 인터뷰를 진행했습니다.

25번째 기수는 미국의 다양한 지역과 호주, 브라질, 영국과 같은 국가에서 온 새로운 기자와 복귀 기자들로 구성되어 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 미디어 리터러시 및 공정한 보도를 강조하며, 학생들이 인터뷰와 사실 확인을 통해 뉴스를 찾도록 장려합니다. 많은 전직 키드 리포터들은 저널리즘 경력을 쌓거나 다른 분야에서 성공을 거두었습니다.

Scholastic Kids Press는 이야기를 통해 자기 인식, 공감, 연민을 키우는 것을 목표로 하며, 학생들에게 전문가 및 뉴스 제작자와 소통할 수 있는 독특한 기회를 제공합니다.

Scholastic accueille 27 jeunes journalistes dans son programme Scholastic Kids Press, célébrant sa 25e promotion. Depuis 2000, plus de 500 jeunes reporters âgés de 10 à 14 ans ont participé, développant des compétences en littératie médiatique et rapportant des événements significatifs. Le programme a couvert des moments historiques tels que le 11 septembre, l'ouragan Katrina et la pandémie de COVID-19, tout en interviewant des personnalités influentes comme Anderson Cooper, Michelle et Barack Obama, et Lin-Manuel Miranda.

La 25e cohorte comprend de nouveaux journalistes ainsi que des anciens venus de diverses régions des États-Unis et de pays comme l'Australie, le Brésil et le Royaume-Uni. Le programme met l'accent sur la littératie médiatique et le reportage impartial, encourageant les étudiants à découvrir des nouvelles grâce à des interviews et à la vérification des faits. De nombreux anciens reporters ont poursuivi une carrière dans le journalisme ou ont rencontré du succès dans d'autres domaines.

Le programme Scholastic Kids Press vise à cultiver la conscience de soi, l'empathie et la compassion à travers la narration, offrant aux étudiants des opportunités uniques d'interagir avec des experts et des acteurs de l'actualité.

Scholastic heißt 27 Schülerjournalisten in seinem Scholastic Kids Press Programm willkommen und feiert die 25. Klasse. Seit 2000 haben über 500 Kinderreporter im Alter von 10 bis 14 Jahren teilgenommen und dabei Medienkompetenz entwickelt sowie über bedeutende Ereignisse berichtet. Das Programm hat historische Momente wie den 11. September, den Hurrikan Katrina und die COVID-19-Pandemie abgedeckt und einflussreiche Persönlichkeiten wie Anderson Cooper, Michelle und Barack Obama sowie Lin-Manuel Miranda interviewt.

Die 25. Kohorte umfasst neue und wiederkehrende Journalisten aus verschiedenen Regionen der USA und Ländern wie Australien, Brasilien und dem Vereinigten Königreich. Das Programm legt Wert auf Medienkompetenz und unvoreingenommene Berichterstattung und ermutigt die Schüler, Nachrichten durch Interviews und Faktenprüfung zu entdecken. Viele ehemalige Kinderreporter haben Karrieren im Journalismus eingeschlagen oder in anderen Bereichen Erfolg gehabt.

Scholastic Kids Press zielt darauf ab, Selbstbewusstsein, Empathie und Mitgefühl durch Geschichtenerzählen zu fördern und den Schülern einzigartige Möglichkeiten zu bieten, mit Experten und Nachrichtenmachern in Kontakt zu treten.

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The 2024-25 cohort of 27 kids ages 10-14 join a legacy of more than 500 students who have participated in the award-winning program, reporting "news for kids, by kids"

NEW YORK, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Scholastic welcomes 27 student journalists to join the award-winning Scholastic Kids Press program. Since 2000, more than 500 Kid Reporters, ages 10–14, from around the world, have participated in the program and developed skills related to media literacy, including how to vet sources, think and write critically, and understand the robust impact of multimedia storytelling.

Meet the 25th class of Kid Reporters:

In the program's 25-year history, Scholastic Kid Reporters have shared local, national, and international stories with their peers under the guidance of their editor based in New York City. The students reported on historic turning points, including the September 11 terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina, several U.S. presidencies, Winter and Summer Olympic Games, National STEAM Day, Comic-Con, and the COVID-19 pandemic. They have also interviewed such influential figures as CNN news anchor Anderson Cooper; civil rights activist Ruby Bridges; Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Lin-Manuel Miranda; conservationist Jane Goodall; former First Lady and President of the United States Michelle and Barack Obama; former Vice President Mike Pence, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor; New York Yankees shortstop Aaron Judge; Captain Underpants and Dog Man creator Dav Pilkey; and more.

Many former Kid Reporters have pursued careers in journalism, working for outlets such as ABC, NBC, CBS, The Los Angeles Times, Politico, and USA Today. Others have found success in fields outside of journalism, in civil service, the U.S. military, the arts and humanities, and more.

This 25th cohort is composed of new and returning student journalists, representing all four regions of the U.S., as well as several countries, including Australia, Brazil, China, the Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Singapore, and the United Kingdom.

According to the Scholastic whitepaper Reading for Life, as children encounter the lives of others through storytelling, they naturally cultivate self-awareness, empathy, and compassion for the struggles of others. Scholastic Kids Press encourages students to uncover news through interviews with key members of their community while fact-checking, cross-referencing, and analyzing information to provide news for their peers, all with the gentle and constructive guidance of a trusted editor. With an emphasis on media literacy and unbiased reporting, Kid Reporters learn a comprehensive approach to shedding light on community happenings and the topics that matter most to kids. They also receive a unique opportunity to meet with experts, leaders, and newsmakers.


Suzanne McCabe, Editor, Scholastic Kids Press, said: "I'm thrilled to celebrate the 25th class and all the young reporters who have gone through our program. It has been a highlight of my career to mentor and teach these brilliant students from all over the world. Each year, these young people get to chase their curiosities and passions as they learn to believe in their ability to write, speak, and participate in a local and global community of readers."

Nicholas Wu, Reporter at POLITICO, and former Kid Reporter, said: "Scholastic Kids Press was a cool, tactile experience where I learned how to interview someone and how to write a story. Regardless of whether Scholastic Kid Reporters pursue journalism or not, I hope they learn the importance of a free press and of asking hard questions. I found these skills, along with the experiences I had, invaluable, and I hope many others do too."

Evy Bingle, 11-year-old Kid Reporter, said: "Scholastic Kids Press has unlocked countless opportunities for me. It allows me to build community, inspire change, and spread knowledge. This adventure is truly once-in-a-lifetime."

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How many student journalists are in the 25th class of Scholastic Kids Press?

The 25th class of Scholastic Kids Press includes 27 student journalists aged 10-14.

What skills do Scholastic Kid Reporters develop through the program?

Kid Reporters develop media literacy skills, including how to vet sources, think and write critically, and understand the impact of multimedia storytelling.

How many Kid Reporters have participated in the Scholastic Kids Press program since its inception?

Since 2000, more than 500 Kid Reporters have participated in the Scholastic Kids Press program.

What notable events have Scholastic Kid Reporters covered?

Kid Reporters have covered events such as the September 11 terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina, U.S. presidencies, Olympic Games, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Which countries are represented in the 25th class of Scholastic Kids Press?

The 25th class includes student journalists from the U.S., Australia, Brazil, China, the Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Singapore, and the United Kingdom.

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