Starbucks Expands Global Effort to Protect Future of Coffee with Two New Coffee Farms

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Starbucks has announced an expansion of its collaborative coffee innovation network to protect the future of coffee. The company has added new coffee farms in Guatemala and Costa Rica, with plans for future investments in Africa and Asia. These farms will focus on increasing productivity, improving farmer profitability, and building climate resilience.

The initiative builds on Starbucks' work at Hacienda Alsacia, its first company-operated coffee farm. The new farms will study hybrid coffee varieties under different conditions and explore the use of mechanization and drone technology to address labor challenges. Starbucks has already distributed nearly 90 million climate-resistant coffee trees and over 53 million seedlings to farmers as part of its commitment to distribute 100 million trees by 2025.

This expansion is part of Starbucks' broader coffee innovation network, which includes 10 Farmer Support Centers and 70 'model farms' within its supply chain. The company aims to develop solutions that can be applied across industries affected by climate change.

Starbucks ha annunciato un'espansione della sua rete di innovazione collaborativa nel settore del caffè per proteggere il futuro di questo prodotto. L'azienda ha aggiunto nuove piantagioni di caffè in Guatemala e Costa Rica, prevedendo ulteriori investimenti in Africa e Asia. Queste piantagioni si concentreranno su incrementare la produttività, migliorare la redditività degli agricoltori e costruire la resilienza climatica.

L'iniziativa si basa sul lavoro di Starbucks presso la Hacienda Alsacia, la sua prima piantagione di caffè gestita direttamente. Le nuove piantagioni studieranno varietà di caffè ibride in condizioni diverse ed esploreranno l'uso di meccanizzazione e tecnologia dei droni per affrontare le sfide legate alla manodopera. Starbucks ha già distribuito quasi 90 milioni di piante di caffè resistenti al clima e oltre 53 milioni di piantine agli agricoltori come parte del suo impegno a distribuire 100 milioni di alberi entro il 2025.

Questa espansione fa parte della rete di innovazione globale di Starbucks nel settore del caffè, che include 10 Centri di Supporto per Agricoltori e 70 'fattorie modello' all'interno della sua catena di approvvigionamento. L'azienda si propone di sviluppare soluzioni applicabili in tutti i settori colpiti dai cambiamenti climatici.

Starbucks ha anunciado una expansión de su red de innovación colaborativa en el café para proteger el futuro de este producto. La compañía ha añadido nuevas fincas de café en Guatemala y Costa Rica, con planes de futuras inversiones en África y Asia. Estas fincas se centrarán en aumentar la productividad, mejorar la rentabilidad de los agricultores y construir resiliencia climática.

La iniciativa se basa en el trabajo de Starbucks en la Hacienda Alsacia, su primera finca de café operada por la empresa. Las nuevas fincas estudiarán variedades de café híbrido en diferentes condiciones y explorarán el uso de Mecanización y tecnología de drones para abordar los desafíos laborales. Starbucks ya ha distribuido casi 90 millones de árboles de café resistentes al clima y más de 53 millones de plántulas a los agricultores como parte de su compromiso de distribuir 100 millones de árboles para 2025.

Esta expansión es parte de la red más amplia de innovación en café de Starbucks, que incluye 10 Centros de Apoyo a Agricultores y 70 'granjas modelo' dentro de su cadena de suministro. La compañía aspira a desarrollar soluciones que puedan aplicarse en diversas industrias afectadas por el cambio climático.

스타벅스는 커피의 미래를 보호하기 위해 협력적인 커피 혁신 네트워크의 확장을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 과테말라와 코스타리카에 새로운 커피 농장을 추가했으며, 아프리카와 아시아에 대한 향후 투자 계획도 갖고 있습니다. 이러한 농장은 생산성 향상, 농민 수익성 개선, 기후 회복력 구축에 중점을 두게 됩니다.

이 이니셔티브는 스타벅스의 첫 번째 자회사 운영 커피 농장인 아시엔다 알사시아에서의 작업을 기반으로 합니다. 새로운 농장은 다양한 조건에서의 하이브리드 커피 품종 연구와 노동 문제를 해결하기 위해 기계화 및 드론 기술 활용을 탐구할 것입니다. 스타벅스는 이미 9000만 그루의 기후 저항성 커피 나무5300만 묘목을 농민들에게 배포했습니다. 이는 2025년까지 1억 그루의 나무를 배포하겠다는 약속의 일환입니다.

이번 확장은 스타벅스의 광범위한 커피 혁신 네트워크의 일환으로 10개 농민 지원 센터70개의 '모델 농장'을 공급망에 포함시키고 있습니다. 이 회사는 기후 변화의 영향을 받는 산업 전반에서 적용할 수 있는 솔루션을 개발하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Starbucks a annoncé une expansion de son réseau collaboratif d'innovation café pour protéger l'avenir du café. L'entreprise a ajouté de nouvelles exploitations de café au Guatemala et au Costa Rica, avec des plans d'investissements futurs en Afrique et en Asie. Ces exploitations se concentreront sur l'augmentation de la productivité, l'amélioration de la rentabilité des agriculteurs et la construction de la résilience climatique.

L'initiative s'appuie sur le travail de Starbucks à la Hacienda Alsacia, sa première exploitation caféière exploitée par l'entreprise. Les nouvelles exploitations étudieront des variétés de café hybrides sous différentes conditions et exploreront l'utilisation de mécanisation et de technologie de drones pour faire face aux défis de la main-d'œuvre. Starbucks a déjà distribué près de 90 millions d'arbres à café résistants au climat et plus de 53 millions de plants aux agriculteurs dans le cadre de son engagement à distribuer 100 millions d'arbres d'ici 2025.

Cette expansion fait partie du réseau d'innovation café plus vaste de Starbucks, qui comprend 10 Centres de Soutien aux Agriculteurs et 70 'fermes modèles' au sein de sa chaîne d'approvisionnement. L'entreprise vise à développer des solutions applicables dans toutes les industries touchées par le changement climatique.

Starbucks hat eine Erweiterung seines kooperativen Innovationsnetzwerks für Kaffee angekündigt, um die Zukunft des Kaffees zu schützen. Das Unternehmen hat neue Kaffeefarmen in Guatemala und Costa Rica hinzugefügt und plant zukünftige Investitionen in Afrika und Asien. Diese Farmen werden sich auf Produktivitätssteigerung, Verbesserung der Rentabilität der Landwirte und den Aufbau von Klimawiderstandsfähigkeit konzentrieren.

Die Initiative basiert auf der Arbeit von Starbucks in der Hacienda Alsacia, seiner ersten unternehmenseigenen Kaffeefarm. Die neuen Farmen werden hybride Kaffeevermäunpakt unter verschiedenen Bedingungen untersuchen und den Einsatz von Mechanisierung und Drohnentechnologie erforschen, um Arbeitskräfteherausforderungen zu bewältigen. Starbucks hat bereits fast 90 Millionen klimaresistente Kaffeebäume und über 53 Millionen Setzlinge an Landwirte verteilt, im Rahmen seines Engagements, bis 2025 insgesamt 100 Millionen Bäume zu verteilen.

Diese Expansion ist Teil des umfassenderen Innovationsnetzwerks von Starbucks für Kaffee, das 10 Farmer Support Center und 70 'Modellfarmen' innerhalb seiner Lieferkette umfasst. Das Unternehmen verfolgt das Ziel, Lösungen zu entwickeln, die in allen von den Klimaveränderungen betroffenen Branchen angewendet werden können.

  • Expansion of coffee innovation network with new farms in Guatemala and Costa Rica
  • Plans for future farm investments in Africa and Asia
  • Distribution of nearly 90 million climate-resistant coffee trees to farmers
  • Research focus on increasing productivity, improving farmer profitability, and building climate resilience
  • Exploration of mechanization and drone technology to address labor challenges
  • Climate change impacting availability and quality of high-quality coffee
  • Rising temperatures causing drought and coffee leaf rust disease
  • Labor availability challenges for farmers in Latin America


Starbucks' expansion of its coffee innovation network is a significant move in the coffee industry. The addition of farms in Guatemala and Costa Rica, with plans for Africa and Asia, demonstrates a comprehensive approach to addressing climate change impacts on coffee production. This initiative goes beyond mere sustainability efforts; it's a strategic investment in the company's supply chain resilience. The focus on developing climate-resistant coffee varieties and improving farming practices could lead to more stable coffee supplies and potentially lower input costs in the long term. However, the full impact of these investments may take years to materialize and success is not guaranteed given the unpredictable nature of climate change. Investors should view this as a long-term strategy to mitigate supply chain risks rather than an immediate boost to profitability.

This initiative aligns with growing consumer demand for sustainably sourced products and corporate responsibility. By investing in coffee farming communities and sustainability, Starbucks is strengthening its brand image and potentially attracting environmentally conscious consumers. The company's commitment to distribute 100 million coffee trees by 2025, with 90 million already distributed, shows tangible progress. This could positively impact consumer perception and loyalty, potentially driving sales growth. However, the direct financial impact is difficult to quantify in the short term. Investors should monitor how Starbucks leverages these initiatives in its marketing and whether it translates to increased market share or premium pricing power in the competitive coffee market.

In collaboration with coffee farmers around the world, Starbucks to scale solutions to ensure the future of coffee for all; adds two new coffee innovation farms located in Guatemala and Costa Rica with future farm investments in Africa and Asia.

Investments build on Starbucks work with farmers to help increase productivity on farms, increase profitability for farmers and mitigate the impact of climate change on coffee.

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Starbucks today announced an expansion of its collaborative coffee innovation network, further connecting farmers from around the world with resources to protect the future of coffee. Building on the groundbreaking global agronomy innovation at Hacienda Alsacia, Starbucks first company-operated coffee farm, the company added farms located in Guatemala and Costa Rica with future farm investments in Africa and Asia. The learning on these farms aims to find solutions to increase productivity on farms, support increased profitability for farmers and build climate resilience.

Starbucks agronomist at Hacienda Alsacia (Photo: Business Wire)

Starbucks agronomist at Hacienda Alsacia (Photo: Business Wire)

“Starbucks works with more than 450,000 farms that grow the highest quality Arabica coffee in the world,” said Michelle Burns, Starbucks evp of Global Coffee and Sustainability. “Our promise to those farmers and their communities is that we will always work to ensure a sustainable future of coffee for all. Our solution is to develop on-farm interventions, share seeds, research and practices across the industry to help farmers mitigate the impacts of climate change.”

Starbucks buys three percent of the world’s coffee, sourcing and roasting only Arabica coffee beans, a variety known for its rich and complex flavors. Climate change is impacting the availability of high-quality coffee around the world and farming communities are feeling the impact on productivity, crop quality and their livelihoods. Rising temperatures that cause drought, coffee leaf rust disease and other related climate challenges are impacting the availability, quality and taste of coffee as it’s known today.

At Hacienda Alsacia, Starbucks is working to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The company has created best practices to make growing coffee more profitable; developed the next generation of disease-resistant, quality coffee; and shared it all with farmers around the world. For example, since making the commitment to distribute 100 million coffee trees by 2025, Starbucks has distributed approximately 90 million climate-resistant coffee trees and more than 53 million coffee seedlings to farmers. Additional coffee innovation farms will enable more research in new geographies to better mitigate the threat of climate change.

The new farms in Costa Rica and Guatemala will both study hybrid coffee varieties under different elevations and soil conditions, which is a critical step in the research of new genetic material. The farm in Costa Rica, located next to Hacienda Alsacia, will also be designed to explore the use of mechanization, drones and other technologies to help support labor availability challenges that farmers in Latin America are facing. In Guatemala, one of Starbucks most important origins, the farm in the Antigua Valley will replicate a smallholder farming design with conditions that mirror challenges that many farms face today.

With future farm investments also planned for Africa and Asia, Starbucks will have a coffee innovation network spanning the three main growing regions of the “Coffee Belt” – Latin America, Africa, and Asia Pacific – and be equipped to study the varied cultures, landscapes and growing methods that all contribute to coffee flavor.

Research on Starbucks innovation farms will be scaled through the company’s coffee innovation network, a multi-pronged approach to ensuring a sustainable future of coffee for all. In addition to innovation farms, the network includes 10 Farmer Support Centers in coffee-growing regions around the world, where world-class agronomists collaborate directly with farmers on research and best practices, and 70 “model farms” within Starbucks supply chain, where solutions are put into action. The network’s focus on learning and innovation will continue through the sustainability learning and innovation lab at Hacienda Alsacia, which will break ground in December.

“Through these innovation farms, we will develop solutions that will not only improve coffee productivity and quality but also empower farmers with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in a changing world and challenging climate,” said Roberto Vega, Starbucks vice president of Global Coffee Agronomy, R&D and Sustainability. “This work is done on behalf of coffee farmers everywhere with findings that can be applied across other industries and crops that are also impacted by climate change.”

For more information about Starbucks sustainability initiatives and coffee sourcing practices, please visit

Starbucks Media Relations


Source: Starbucks Corporation


What new coffee farms has Starbucks (SBUX) added to its innovation network?

Starbucks has added new coffee farms in Guatemala and Costa Rica to its innovation network, with plans for future investments in Africa and Asia.

How many climate-resistant coffee trees has Starbucks (SBUX) distributed to farmers?

Starbucks has distributed approximately 90 million climate-resistant coffee trees and more than 53 million coffee seedlings to farmers.

What is the main goal of Starbucks' (SBUX) coffee innovation network expansion?

The main goal is to protect the future of coffee by increasing productivity on farms, improving farmer profitability, and building climate resilience.

How is Starbucks (SBUX) addressing labor challenges in coffee farming?

Starbucks is exploring the use of mechanization, drones, and other technologies to help support labor availability challenges that farmers, particularly in Latin America, are facing.

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