Schneider Electric & Kimberly-Clark Announce Tax Credit Transfer ("TCT") Agreements to Advance Grid Resiliency

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Schneider Electric announced new Tax Credit Transfer (TCT) agreements facilitated for Kimberly-Clark to advance grid resiliency and support America's clean energy transition. Kimberly-Clark will fund four new battery energy storage projects in Texas, USA, demonstrating its commitment to decarbonization and renewable energy solutions. The TCT deals include:

  • $82.5M for a 180 MW battery energy storage facility
  • $68M for a 100 MW battery energy storage facility
  • $55M for a 100 MW battery energy storage project
  • $32M for a 100MW battery energy storage facility

These projects align with Kimberly-Clark's goals to reduce absolute GHG emissions by 50% by 2030 and progress towards 100% renewable electricity in North America by 2030. The company's current vPPAs produce clean power from wind in Texas, making up 40% of its total electricity use by U.S. operations in renewable energy.

Schneider Electric ha annunciato nuovi accordi di trasferimento dei crediti d'imposta (TCT) facilitati per Kimberly-Clark al fine di migliorare la resilienza della rete elettrica e sostenere la transizione energetica pulita negli Stati Uniti. Kimberly-Clark finanzierà quattro nuovi progetti di accumulo energetico con batterie in Texas, USA, dimostrando il proprio impegno per la decarbonizzazione e le soluzioni energetiche rinnovabili. Gli accordi TCT includono:

  • 82,5 milioni di dollari per un impianto di accumulo energetico con batterie da 180 MW
  • 68 milioni di dollari per un impianto di accumulo energetico con batterie da 100 MW
  • 55 milioni di dollari per un progetto di accumulo energetico con batterie da 100 MW
  • 32 milioni di dollari per un impianto di accumulo energetico con batterie da 100 MW

Questi progetti sono in linea con gli obiettivi di Kimberly-Clark di ridurre le emissioni assolute di gas serra del 50% entro il 2030 e di progredire verso il 100% di elettricità rinnovabile in Nord America entro il 2030. I vPPA attuali dell'azienda producono energia pulita dal vento in Texas, coprendo il 40% del suo fabbisogno totale di elettricità utilizzata dalle operazioni negli Stati Uniti da fonti rinnovabili.

Schneider Electric anunció nuevos acuerdos de Transferencia de Créditos Fiscales (TCT) facilitados para Kimberly-Clark para avanzar en la resiliencia de la red y apoyar la transición energética limpia de América. Kimberly-Clark financiará cuatro nuevos proyectos de almacenamiento de energía en baterías en Texas, EE. UU., demostrando su compromiso con la descarbonización y las soluciones de energía renovable. Los acuerdos TCT incluyen:

  • 82,5 millones de dólares para una instalación de almacenamiento de energía en baterías de 180 MW
  • 68 millones de dólares para una instalación de almacenamiento de energía en baterías de 100 MW
  • 55 millones de dólares para un proyecto de almacenamiento de energía en baterías de 100 MW
  • 32 millones de dólares para una instalación de almacenamiento de energía en baterías de 100 MW

Estos proyectos están alineados con los objetivos de Kimberly-Clark de reducir las emisiones absolutas de GEI en un 50% para 2030 y avanzar hacia un 100% de electricidad renovable en América del Norte para 2030. Los vPPA actuales de la empresa producen energía limpia del viento en Texas, constituyendo el 40% de su uso total de electricidad por las operaciones en EE. UU. a partir de fuentes renovables.

슈나이더 일렉트릭이 김벌리-클락을 위해 그리드 복원력을 향상하고 미국의 깨끗한 에너지 전환을 지원하기 위한 새로운 세액 공제 전환(TCT) 계약을 발표했습니다. 김벌리-클락은 텍사스에서 네 개의 새로운 배터리 에너지 저장 프로젝트를 자금 지원할 것입니다, 이는 탈탄소화 및 재생 가능 에너지 솔루션에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다. TCT 계약에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 1억 2천5백만 달러의 180MW 배터리 에너지 저장 시설
  • 6천8백만 달러의 100MW 배터리 에너지 저장 시설
  • 5천5백만 달러의 100MW 배터리 에너지 저장 프로젝트
  • 3천2백만 달러의 100MW 배터리 에너지 저장 시설

이 프로젝트들은 김벌리-클락의 목표와 일치합니다: 2030년까지 절대 온실가스 배출량을 50% 줄이는 것과 2030년까지 북미의 100% 재생 가능 전기로 나아가는 것입니다. 회사의 현재 vPPA는 텍사스에서 바람으로부터 청정 전력을 생산하여 미국 내의 재생 가능 에너지 사용량 중 40%를 차지하고 있습니다.

Schneider Electric a annoncé de nouveaux accords de transfert de crédit d'impôt (TCT) facilités pour Kimberly-Clark afin d'améliorer la résilience du réseau et de soutenir la transition énergétique propre aux États-Unis. Kimberly-Clark financera quatre nouveaux projets de stockage d'énergie par batterie au Texas, États-Unis, démontrant ainsi son engagement en faveur de la décarbonisation et des solutions d'énergie renouvelable. Les accords TCT comprennent :

  • 82,5 millions de dollars pour une installation de stockage d'énergie par batterie de 180 MW
  • 68 millions de dollars pour une installation de stockage d'énergie par batterie de 100 MW
  • 55 millions de dollars pour un projet de stockage d'énergie par batterie de 100 MW
  • 32 millions de dollars pour une installation de stockage d'énergie par batterie de 100 MW

Ces projets s'alignent avec les objectifs de Kimberly-Clark de réduire les émissions absolues de GES de 50 % d'ici 2030 et d'atteindre 100 % d'électricité renouvelable en Amérique du Nord d'ici 2030. Les vPPA actuels de l'entreprise produisent de l'énergie propre à partir du vent au Texas, représentant 40 % de sa consommation totale d'électricité par les opérations américaines d'énergie renouvelable.

Schneider Electric kündigte neue Vereinbarungen über die Übertragung von Steuergutschriften (TCT) an, die für Kimberly-Clark erleichtert wurden, um die Netzresilienz voranzutreiben und den Übergang zu sauberer Energie in Amerika zu unterstützen. Kimberly-Clark wird vier neue Projekte zur Energiespeicherung mit Batterien finanzieren in Texas, USA, und damit sein Engagement für Dekarbonisierung und erneuerbare Energielösungen unter Beweis stellen. Die TCT-Vereinbarungen beinhalten:

  • 82,5 Millionen Dollar für eine 180-MW-Batteriespeicheranlage
  • 68 Millionen Dollar für eine 100-MW-Batteriespeicheranlage
  • 55 Millionen Dollar für ein 100-MW-Batteriespeicherprojekt
  • 32 Millionen Dollar für eine 100-MW-Batteriespeicheranlage

Diese Projekte stehen im Einklang mit den Zielen von Kimberly-Clark, die absoluten Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2030 um 50% zu reduzieren und bis 2030 auf 100% erneuerbare Elektrizität in Nordamerika hinzuarbeiten. Die aktuellen vPPAs des Unternehmens erzeugen saubere Energie aus Wind in Texas, was 40% des gesamten Stromverbrauchs der US-Operationen aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen ausmacht.

  • Kimberly-Clark is investing $237.5M in battery energy storage projects
  • The projects will contribute to grid resiliency and clean energy transition
  • Kimberly-Clark aims to reduce absolute GHG emissions by 50% by 2030
  • The company is progressing towards 100% renewable electricity in North America by 2030
  • 40% of Kimberly-Clark's U.S. operations electricity use comes from renewable energy
  • None.
  • New TCT agreements contribute to supporting America's clean energy transition through tax credit transferability under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
  • Projects are helping to pave the way for additional investments from the voluntary market to support developers fostering renewable energy projects.
  • Through strategic guidance from Schneider Electric, Kimberly-Clark will fund four new battery energy storage projects, demonstrating its support of critical grid resiliency.

BOSTON, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Schneider Electric, the global leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, today announced having facilitated several new TCT deals by Kimberly-Clark Corporation, one of the world's leading manufacturers of personal care and hygiene products and owner of household brands such as Huggies, Kleenex, Scott, Kotex, Cottonelle, Poise, Depend, and WypAll.

Since 2016, Schneider Electric has served as a strategic advisor to Kimberly-Clark in the manufacturer's ambitious decarbonization goals. These include a commitment to reduce absolute GHG emissions by 50% (1) by 2030 and progressing towards 100% renewable electricity in North America by 2030.

Most recently, Schneider Electric acted as a strategic advisor to Kimberly-Clark to help fund multiple battery energy storage projects as part of the rapid energy transition to green America's grid. These TCT deals represent one of the many approaches Kimberly-Clark is taking to advance sustainable solutions. The projects also serve as leading examples of how the voluntary market can support developers fostering key projects using the IRA's new tax credit transferability mechanism.

The work on these collective projects supports the advancement of battery energy storage in the Texas, USA, region, aligned with Kimberly-Clark's support of the green transition in renewable energy storage and generation. Kimberly-Clark's current vPPAs produce clean power from wind in Texas, which makes up 40% of its total electricity use by U.S. operations in renewable energy that Schneider Electric has advised on.

Details of the new Investment Tax Credit Transfer agreements include:

  • A $82.5M TCT agreement, a 180 MW battery energy storage facility
  • A $68M TCT agreement, a 100 MW battery energy storage facility
  • A $55M TCT agreement, a 100 MW battery energy storage project
  • A $32M TCT agreement, a 100MW battery energy storage facility

"Today's announcement is one of many examples of Kimberly-Clark's dedication to decarbonization and advancement of renewable energy solutions, and we hope that these types of innovative collaborations will continue to advance the green transition," said Lisa Morden, Kimberly-Clark's Chief Sustainability Officer.

"Kimberly-Clark's dedication to supporting the renewable energy landscape is evident in its contribution to the advancement of battery storage technology through tax credit transferability. Working together with Schneider, the company is paving the way for future investments from the voluntary market to support developers fostering innovative projects," said Steve Wilhite, President, Schneider Electric's Sustainability Business.

"Furthermore, Kimberly-Clark's commitment to funding the clean energy transition in response to the IRA underscores the company's dedication to sustainability. Tax credit transfers enable corporations to provide substantial financial support to developers; fostering projects crucial for accelerating America's energy transition, which Schneider Electric is proud to support," continued Wilhite.

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What is the total value of Kimberly-Clark's Tax Credit Transfer agreements for battery storage projects?

The total value of Kimberly-Clark's Tax Credit Transfer agreements for battery storage projects is $237.5 million, spread across four projects in Texas, USA.

What are Kimberly-Clark's sustainability goals mentioned in the press release?

Kimberly-Clark aims to reduce absolute GHG emissions by 50% by 2030 and progress towards 100% renewable electricity in North America by 2030.

How much of Kimberly-Clark's U.S. operations electricity use comes from renewable energy?

40% of Kimberly-Clark's total electricity use by U.S. operations comes from renewable energy, specifically from wind power in Texas.

What is the largest battery energy storage facility mentioned in the TCT agreements?

The largest battery energy storage facility mentioned is a 180 MW facility, with a TCT agreement value of $82.5 million.



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