Schneider Electric Champions Energy Transition at Climate Week NYC

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Schneider Electric, a leader in energy management and automation, is actively participating in Climate Week NYC 2024. The company plans to unveil significant decarbonization initiatives and share insights on the urgent need for progress in meeting global renewable energy and efficiency goals. Schneider Electric advocates for a holistic approach to sustainability, emphasizing the importance of electrification, digitalization, and cross-industry collaboration.

During the event, Schneider Electric will showcase how artificial intelligence can drive sustainability without compromising business goals. The company will also highlight the importance of tax credit transfer agreements enabled by the Inflation Reduction Act. Additionally, Schneider Electric's Sustainability Research Institute will present a new study on sustainable practices in building design and material selection, demonstrating significant reductions in environmental impact through strategic design choices.

Schneider Electric executives will participate in various events throughout Climate Week, discussing topics such as accelerating impact in the new energy era, climate trends, and transformative innovation in sustainability.

Schneider Electric, leader nella gestione dell'energia e dell'automazione, partecipa attivamente a Climate Week NYC 2024. L'azienda prevede di svelare importanti iniziative di decarbonizzazione e condividere intuizioni sulla necessità urgente di progredire nel raggiungimento degli obiettivi globali di energia rinnovabile ed efficienza. Schneider Electric sostiene un approccio olistico alla sostenibilità, enfatizzando l'importanza dell'elettrificazione, digitalizzazione e collaborazione intersettoriale.

Durante l'evento, Schneider Electric mostrerà come l'intelligenza artificiale possa promuovere la sostenibilità senza compromettere gli obiettivi aziendali. L'azienda sottolineerà anche l'importanza degli accordi di trasferimento del credito d'imposta abilitati dall'Inflation Reduction Act. Inoltre, l'Istituto di Ricerca sulla Sostenibilità di Schneider Electric presenterà un nuovo studio sulle pratiche sostenibili nella progettazione edilizia e nella selezione dei materiali, dimostrando significative riduzioni dell'impatto ambientale attraverso scelte progettuali strategiche.

I dirigenti di Schneider Electric parteciperanno a vari eventi durante la Climate Week, discutendo temi come l'accelerazione dell'impatto nella nuova era energetica, le tendenze climatiche e l'innovazione trasformativa nella sostenibilità.

Schneider Electric, líder en gestión de energía y automatización, participa activamente en Climate Week NYC 2024. La empresa planea revelar importantes iniciativas de descarbonización y compartir ideas sobre la urgente necesidad de avanzar en el cumplimiento de los objetivos globales de energía renovable y eficiencia. Schneider Electric aboga por un enfoque integral de la sostenibilidad, enfatizando la importancia de la electrificación, digitalización y colaboración entre industrias.

Durante el evento, Schneider Electric mostrará cómo la inteligencia artificial puede impulsar la sostenibilidad sin comprometer los objetivos empresariales. La empresa también resaltará la importancia de los acuerdos de transferencia de créditos fiscales habilitados por la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación. Además, el Instituto de Investigación en Sostenibilidad de Schneider Electric presentará un nuevo estudio sobre prácticas sostenibles en el diseño de edificios y selección de materiales, demostrando reducciones significativas en el impacto ambiental mediante elecciones de diseño estratégicas.

Los ejecutivos de Schneider Electric participarán en varios eventos durante la Climate Week, discutiendo temas como la aceleración del impacto en la nueva era energética, las tendencias climáticas y la innovación transformadora en sostenibilidad.

슈나이더 일렉트릭은 에너지 관리 및 자동화의 선두주자로서 2024 뉴욕 기후 주간에 적극적으로 참여하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 중요한 탈탄소화 이니셔티브를 발표하고 글로벌 재생 에너지 및 효율성 목표를 달성하기 위한 긴급한 필요성에 대한 통찰력을 공유할 예정입니다. 슈나이더 일렉트릭은 지속 가능성에 대한 총체적 접근 방식을 지지하며, 전기화, 디지털화 및 산업 간 협력의 중요성을 강조합니다.

이 행사에서 슈나이더 일렉트릭은 인공지능이 비즈니스 목표를 해치지 않으면서 지속 가능성을 어떻게 이끌어낼 수 있는지를 보여줄 것입니다. 또한 이 회사는 인플레이션 감축 법에 의해 가능해진 세액 공제 양도 계약의 중요성을 강조할 것입니다. 더불어, 슈나이더 일렉트릭의 지속 가능성 연구소는 건축 설계 및 자재 선택에서의 지속 가능한 관행에 대한 새로운 연구를 발표하여 전략적 설계 선택을 통해 환경 영향을 크게 줄일 수 있음을 보여줄 것입니다.

슈나이더 일렉트릭의 경영진은 기후 주간 동안 다양한 행사에 참여하여 새로운 에너지 시대에서의 영향 가속화, 기후 동향 및 지속 가능성에서의 혁신적인 혁신과 같은 주제에 대해 논의할 것입니다.

Schneider Electric, leader en gestion de l'énergie et en automatisation, participe activement à la Semaine du Climat NYC 2024. L'entreprise prévoit de dévoiler d'importantes initiatives de décarbonisation et de partager des informations sur la nécessité urgente de progresser vers les objectifs mondiaux en matière d'énergie renouvelable et d'efficacité. Schneider Electric plaide pour une approche holistique de la durabilité, soulignant l'importance de l'électrification, de la numérisation et de la collaboration intersectorielle.

Lors de l'événement, Schneider Electric montrera comment l'intelligence artificielle peut promouvoir la durabilité sans compromettre les objectifs commerciaux. L'entreprise mettra également en avant l'importance des accords de transfert de crédits d'impôt rendus possibles par le Inflation Reduction Act. De plus, l'Institut de recherche sur la durabilité de Schneider Electric présentera une nouvelle étude sur les pratiques durables dans la conception de bâtiments et la sélection de matériaux, démontrant des réductions significatives de l'impact environnemental grâce à des choix de conception stratégiques.

Les dirigeants de Schneider Electric participeront à divers événements tout au long de la Semaine du Climat, discutant des thèmes tels que l'accélération de l'impact dans la nouvelle ère énergétique, les tendances climatiques et l'innovation transformative en matière de durabilité.

Schneider Electric, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Energiemanagement und Automatisierung, beteiligt sich aktiv an der Climate Week NYC 2024. Das Unternehmen plant, bedeutende Dekarbonisierungsinitiativen vorzustellen und Einblicke in die dringende Notwendigkeit zu geben, Fortschritte bei den globalen Zielen für erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz zu erzielen. Schneider Electric befürwortet einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz für Nachhaltigkeit, wobei die Bedeutung von Elektrifizierung, Digitalisierung und branchenübergreifender Zusammenarbeit hervorgehoben wird.

Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung wird Schneider Electric zeigen, wie Künstliche Intelligenz Nachhaltigkeit vorantreiben kann, ohne die Unternehmensziele zu gefährden. Das Unternehmen wird auch die Bedeutung von Steuergutschrift-Übertragungsvereinbarungen hervorheben, die durch den Inflation Reduction Act ermöglicht werden. Darüber hinaus wird das Nachhaltigkeitsforschungsinstitut von Schneider Electric eine neue Studie über nachhaltige Praktiken im Gebäudedesign und Materialauswahl präsentieren, die signifikante Reduzierungen der Umweltauswirkungen durch strategische Designentscheidungen demonstriert.

Führungskräfte von Schneider Electric werden an verschiedenen Veranstaltungen während der Climate Week teilnehmen und Themen wie die Beschleunigung von Auswirkungen in der neuen Energieära, Klimatrends und transformative Innovationen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit diskutieren.

  • Unveiling significant decarbonization initiatives at Climate Week NYC 2024
  • Showcasing how AI can drive sustainability without compromising business goals
  • Highlighting the importance of tax credit transfer agreements for accelerating clean energy investments
  • Presenting new research on sustainable building design and material selection
  • Strong executive presence at multiple high-profile events during Climate Week
  • None.
  • Emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to sustainability, and of cross-industry collaboration
  • Company executives on the ground to discuss sustainable business practices and new initiatives on decarbonization underscoring commitment to sustainability
  • Research from Sustainability Research Institute unveils the importance of integrating sustainable practices in building design and material selection

NEW YORK, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Schneider Electric, the leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, today shared details on its active participation at Climate Week NYC 2024. Under this year's theme, "It's Time," the company is set to unveil significant decarbonization initiatives, and share insights on the urgent need for progress, to meet the global goal of tripling renewable capacity and doubling energy efficiency, with a just transition in mind.

Schneider Electric at Climate Week NYC 2024

"Electrification and digitalization are at the heart of our strategy to accelerate decarbonization. The energy landscape is rapidly evolving, offering businesses unprecedented opportunities to reshape business models, improve efficiency, and enhance resilience," says Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chairman, Schneider Electric. "At Climate Week, we're eager to showcase how embracing innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence, can drive sustainability without compromising business goals."

Accelerating Impact in the New Energy Era

During Climate Week NYC, Schneider Electric will showcase initiatives to accelerate decarbonization for businesses. The company advocates for a holistic approach to sustainability, prioritizing business value and leveraging the power of technology and collaboration across industries: from data centers and transport to grids and supply chains. Schneider Electric's new publication, "Artificial Intelligence for Energy Transition," released during the event, explains the technology's pivotal role in driving efficiency and sustainability across sectors, from industrial processes to home management systems.

The event will also see the company underline the importance of tax credit transfer agreements, enabled by the Inflation Reduction Act, as a strategic and powerful tool for accelerating corporate investments in clean energy technologies. The transfer and exchange of tax credits help companies worldwide achieve their sustainability goals while realizing significant tax savings. Throughout the week, Schneider Electric plans to release updates on electrifying transportation infrastructure and decarbonizing supply chains, as well as tax credit transfer deals.

Decarbonization and Beyond: New Research on Sustainable Building Design

Schneider Electric, recently named world's most sustainable company, will also address the potential of the decarbonization of buildings, both new and retrofits. Schneider Electric's Sustainability Research Institute will unveil a new study on sustainable practices in building design and material selection. Analyzing over 550 buildings, the research demonstrates that significant reductions in embodied carbon, water use, energy consumption, and ecotoxicity can be achieved through strategic design choices. The study underscores how digital technologies are crucial for the construction sector to realize these environmental impact reductions.

Schneider Electric at Climate Week

Schneider Electric will have a robust presence on the ground at Climate Week, including at the following events: 

  • Forbes Sustainability Leaders Summit on Tuesday, September 24th from 2:40 – 3:00 p.m. EST where Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chairman of Schneider Electric, will speak on accelerating impact in the new energy era through partnerships with industry leaders.
  • UN Global Compact Leader's Summit on Tuesday, September 24th from 4:30 – 5:00 p.m. EST where Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chairman of Schneider Electric, will speak on "Impact at Every Level: Schneider Electric's journey to sustainability."
  • 2024 Climate Capital Summit on Wednesday, September 25th, where Scott Harden will discuss climate trends, from software and real asset infrastructure to private and public markets.
  • UN Global Compact CMO Forum on Friday, September 27th, where Chris Leong will share insights on two panels: "Dialogue Round Two: Transformative Innovation" and "Facilitated Insights Exchange".
  • WEF Sustainable Development Impact Meetings 2024 during the week of 23-27 September., where Mike Kazmierczak, on Tuesday, September 24th, will take part of the session "Potential Unlocked: Transforming Energy Demand for a Sustainable Future".
  • Climate Group Executive Series 2024 on Monday, September 23rd from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. EST, Thomas Kwan will discuss holistic impacts and taking a systems approach on "Climate Group x McKinsey - Advancing the energy transition in the built environment".
  • World Biodiversity Summit on Thursday, September 26th, from 5:10 – 5:35 p.m. EST, where Vanessa Miler-Fels will discuss the essential role businesses can play in advancing global biodiversity and climate agenda.

Further Schneider Electric executives from across the business will be on hand to discuss the company's latest news, the next phase of global decarbonization, and how the private sector can act on their sustainability ambitions. These executives include:

As part of Climate Week, Schneider Electric and its partners will have several other announcements related to decarbonization, which will be shared via the company's global and U.S. online newsrooms.

About Schneider Electric

Schneider's purpose is to create Impact by empowering all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability. At Schneider, we call this Life Is On.

Our mission is to be the trusted partner in Sustainability and Efficiency.

We are a global industrial technology leader bringing world-leading expertise in electrification, automation and digitization to smart industries, resilient infrastructure, future-proof data centers, intelligent buildings, and intuitive homes. Anchored by our deep domain expertise, we provide integrated end-to-end lifecycle AI enabled Industrial IoT solutions with connected products, automation, software and services, delivering digital twins to enable profitable growth for our customers.

We are a people company with an ecosystem of 150,000 colleagues and more than a million partners operating in over 100 countries to ensure proximity to our customers and stakeholders. We embrace diversity and inclusion in everything we do, guided by our meaningful purpose of a sustainable future for all.

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What is Schneider Electric's main focus at Climate Week NYC 2024?

Schneider Electric's main focus at Climate Week NYC 2024 is to unveil significant decarbonization initiatives and share insights on the urgent need for progress in meeting global renewable energy and efficiency goals. The company is emphasizing a holistic approach to sustainability, prioritizing business value and leveraging technology and collaboration across industries.

How is Schneider Electric (SBGSF) incorporating artificial intelligence into its sustainability efforts?

Schneider Electric is showcasing how artificial intelligence can drive sustainability without compromising business goals. The company is releasing a new publication titled 'Artificial Intelligence for Energy Transition' during Climate Week NYC 2024, which explains AI's pivotal role in driving efficiency and sustainability across various sectors, from industrial processes to home management systems.

What new research is Schneider Electric presenting at Climate Week NYC 2024?

Schneider Electric's Sustainability Research Institute is unveiling a new study on sustainable practices in building design and material selection at Climate Week NYC 2024. The research, which analyzed over 550 buildings, demonstrates that significant reductions in embodied carbon, water use, energy consumption, and ecotoxicity can be achieved through strategic design choices and the use of digital technologies in the construction sector.

How is Schneider Electric (SBGSF) leveraging the Inflation Reduction Act for sustainability?

Schneider Electric is underlining the importance of tax credit transfer agreements enabled by the Inflation Reduction Act as a strategic tool for accelerating corporate investments in clean energy technologies. These transfer and exchange of tax credits help companies worldwide achieve their sustainability goals while realizing significant tax savings.



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