WBFF’s Project Baltimore Wins National News Emmy® Award

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WBFF's Project Baltimore has won a National News Emmy® Award for their investigative series 'Disabled & Denied'. The series exposed how Baltimore City Schools violated federal education rights by denying proper education to students with disabilities. This led to multiple state-level investigations and mandated improvements in the district's special education programs.

The award, presented by The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS), recognizes outstanding regional investigative reporting. The winning team includes Carolyn Peirce, Chris Papst, Ray Rogowski, Jed Gamber, and Anthony Durso.

Since its inception in 2017, Project Baltimore has received numerous accolades, including 4 National Investigative Reporters and Editors awards, 41 regional Emmy Awards, and 9 Edward R. Murrow Awards. This latest recognition underscores the team's commitment to impactful journalism and exposing issues in the education system.

Il Progetto Baltimore di WBFF ha vinto un National News Emmy® Award per la sua serie investigativa 'Disabili e Negati'. La serie ha messo in luce come le Scuole della Città di Baltimora abbiano violato i diritti educativi federali negando un'adeguata istruzione agli studenti con disabilità. Questo ha portato a numerose indagini a livello statale e a miglioramenti obbligatori nei programmi di istruzione speciale del distretto.

Il premio, conferito dalla National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS), riconosce le eccezionali indagini locali nel giornalismo. Il team vincente è composto da Carolyn Peirce, Chris Papst, Ray Rogowski, Jed Gamber e Anthony Durso.

Dal suo avvento nel 2017, Project Baltimore ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti, tra cui 4 premi della National Investigative Reporters and Editors, 41 Emmy Award regionali e 9 Edward R. Murrow Awards. Questo ultimo riconoscimento sottolinea l'impegno del team nel giornalismo significativo e nell'esporre le problematiche del sistema educativo.

El Proyecto Baltimore de WBFF ha ganado un National News Emmy® Award por su serie de investigación 'Discapacitados y Negados'. La serie expuso cómo las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Baltimore violaron los derechos educativos federales al negar una educación adecuada a los estudiantes con discapacidades. Esto llevó a múltiples investigaciones a nivel estatal y a mejoras obligatorias en los programas de educación especial del distrito.

El premio, presentado por la National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS), reconoce los informes investigativos regionales sobresalientes. El equipo ganador incluye a Carolyn Peirce, Chris Papst, Ray Rogowski, Jed Gamber y Anthony Durso.

Desde su inicio en 2017, Project Baltimore ha recibido numerosos galardones, incluidos 4 premios de National Investigative Reporters and Editors, 41 premios Emmy regionales y 9 premios Edward R. Murrow. Este último reconocimiento subraya el compromiso del equipo con el periodismo impactante y la exposición de problemas en el sistema educativo.

WBFF의 프로젝트 볼티모어전국 뉴스 에미상(National News Emmy® Award)을 탐사 시리즈 '장애인과 부정'으로 수상하였습니다. 이 시리즈는 볼티모어시 교육청이 장애 학생들에게 적절한 교육을 제공하지 않아 연방 교육 권리를 위반했음을 폭로했습니다. 이로 인해 여러 주 차원에서 조사가 이루어졌고, 지역의 특별 교육 프로그램에 대한 개선이 의무화되었습니다.

이 상은 전국 텔레비전 예술과 과학 아카데미(NATAS)에서 수여하며, 뛰어난 지역 탐사 보도를 인정합니다. 수상 팀은 Carolyn Peirce, Chris Papst, Ray Rogowski, Jed Gamber 및 Anthony Durso로 구성됩니다.

2017년 시작 이후, 프로젝트 볼티모어는 4개의 국가 조사 기자 및 편집자 상, 41개의 지역 에미 상, 9개의 에드워드 R. 머로 상을 포함하여 수많은 찬사를 받았습니다. 이번 수상은 팀의 영향력 있는 저널리즘과 교육 시스템의 문제를 폭로하려는 헌신을 강조합니다.

Le Projet Baltimore de WBFF a remporté un National News Emmy® Award pour sa série d'investigation 'Handicapés et Refusés'. La série a révélé comment les Écoles de la Ville de Baltimore ont violé les droits éducatifs fédéraux en refusant une éducation adéquate aux élèves handicapés. Cela a conduit à de multiples enquêtes au niveau de l'État et à des améliorations obligatoires dans les programmes d'éducation spécialisée du district.

Le prix, présenté par la National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS), reconnaît les reportages d'investigation régionaux exceptionnels. L'équipe victorieuse comprend Carolyn Peirce, Chris Papst, Ray Rogowski, Jed Gamber et Anthony Durso.

Depuis sa création en 2017, Project Baltimore a reçu de nombreuses distinctions, dont 4 prix des National Investigative Reporters and Editors, 41 Emmy Awards régionaux et 9 prix Edward R. Murrow. Cette dernière reconnaissance souligne l'engagement de l'équipe envers un journalisme impactant et l'exposition des problèmes dans le système éducatif.

WBFFs Projekt Baltimore hat einen National News Emmy® Award für ihre investigativen Serie 'Behindert & Abgelehnt' gewonnen. Die Serie deckte auf, wie die Schulen der Stadt Baltimore die bundesstaatlichen Bildungsrechte verletzt haben, indem sie Schülern mit Behinderungen eine angemessene Bildung verweigerten. Dies führte zu mehreren staatsübergreifenden Untersuchungen und vorgeschriebenen Verbesserungen in den Sonderpädagogikprogrammen des Bezirks.

Der Preis, der von der National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) verliehen wurde, würdigt herausragende regionale investigativen Berichterstattung. Das Gewinnerteam besteht aus Carolyn Peirce, Chris Papst, Ray Rogowski, Jed Gamber und Anthony Durso.

Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2017 hat Projekt Baltimore zahlreiche Auszeichnungen erhalten, darunter 4 nationale Investigative Reporters and Editors-Preise, 41 regionale Emmy Awards und 9 Edward R. Murrow Awards. Diese neueste Auszeichnung unterstreicht das Engagement des Teams für wirkungsjournalismus und das Aufdecken von Problemen im Bildungssystem.

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BALTIMORE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Sinclair is pleased to announce Project Baltimore, the special investigative reporting unit of WBFF, Sinclair’s Baltimore MD FOX affiliate, has been awarded a News Emmy® Award from The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS). This national Emmy Award honors the best in news coverage across the country.

Outstanding Regional News Story: Investigative – Disabled & Denied
Carolyn Peirce, Executive Producer; Chris Papst, Investigative Reporter; Ray Rogowski, Investigative Producer; Jed Gamber, Photographer; Anthony Durso, Photographer

Project Baltimore’s winning series of reports exposed how Baltimore City Schools denied students with disabilities a proper education, and in doing so, violated their federal education rights. “Disabled & Denied” resulted in multiple state-level investigations, which found City Schools violated the education rights of four students. The state also mandated the district develop plans to better educate all students with disabilities or risk losing funding.

Since its inception in 2017, Project Baltimore’s reporting has been honored with dozens of national and regional awards including 4 National Investigative Reporters and Editors awards, a National Press Photographers Association award, 5 National Headliner awards, 2 Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi awards, 1 National Emmy award, 41 regional Emmy Awards, 9 Edward R. Murrow Awards, and 11 AP awards. Project Baltimore’s work has also been a finalist for the Alfred I. duPont and the Education Writers Association awards.

“This Emmy Award is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion of WBFF’s Project Baltimore team and we are incredibly honored to receive this prestigious recognition from the Academy. I'm proud of the entire team for their tireless efforts, and we're grateful to our audience for trusting us to bring them the news that matters,” said Scott Livingston, Senior Vice President of News.

“This series of reports highlights the injustice of students with disabilities not receiving the education they need and deserve,” stated Project Baltimore’s lead investigative reporter Chris Papst. “Public schools receive extra tax dollars to educate students with disabilities. Oftentimes the services are not rendered, but the schools keep the money. I want to thank the Baltimore City families and students who came forward to expose this serious issue. And thank you to the Academy for recognizing the significance of their stories.”

About Sinclair:

Sinclair, Inc. (Nasdaq: SBGI) is a diversified media company and a leading provider of local news and sports. The Company owns, operates and/or provides services to 185 television stations in 86 markets affiliated with all the major broadcast networks; and owns Tennis Channel and multicast networks Comet, CHARGE!, TBD., and The Nest. Sinclair’s content is delivered via multiple platforms, including over-the-air, multi-channel video program distributors, and the nation’s largest streaming aggregator of local news content, NewsON. The Company regularly uses its website as a key source of Company information which can be accessed at

Category: General

Jessica Bellucci

Source: Sinclair, Inc.


What award did WBFF's Project Baltimore win in 2023?

WBFF's Project Baltimore won a National News Emmy® Award from The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) for their investigative series 'Disabled & Denied'.

What was the focus of Project Baltimore's Emmy-winning investigation?

The Emmy-winning investigation, 'Disabled & Denied', exposed how Baltimore City Schools denied students with disabilities a proper education, violating their federal education rights.

What impact did Project Baltimore's 'Disabled & Denied' series have?

The series resulted in multiple state-level investigations, which found City Schools violated the education rights of four students. The state mandated the district develop plans to better educate all students with disabilities or risk losing funding.

How many Emmy Awards has Project Baltimore won since its inception in 2017?

Since 2017, Project Baltimore has won 1 National Emmy Award and 41 regional Emmy Awards, among numerous other accolades.

Who are the team members behind WBFF's Emmy-winning Project Baltimore investigation?

The winning team includes Carolyn Peirce (Executive Producer), Chris Papst (Investigative Reporter), Ray Rogowski (Investigative Producer), Jed Gamber (Photographer), and Anthony Durso (Photographer).

Sinclair, Inc.


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