WBFF/FOX 45 Baltimore to Launch “Spotlight on Maryland” Investigative Journalism Unit Focused on Governmental Inefficiencies

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WBFF/FOX 45 Baltimore has announced the launch of 'Spotlight on Maryland', a new investigative journalism unit aimed at exposing inefficiencies in state, county, and local governments. This initiative expands on the station's existing investigative reporting, covering topics such as allocation of taxpayer funds to non-profits, campaign finance practices, corruption, and government inefficiency across Maryland.

The station is expanding its staff to include additional investigative reporters and researchers for this unit. This new project builds upon the success of WBFF's Project Baltimore, which has received numerous awards for its investigative reporting on Baltimore area public school systems since 2017.

Scott Livingston, Senior Vice President of News for Sinclair, emphasized the importance of providing viewers with information to check government power and hold elected leaders accountable. The station aims to continue its legacy of community advocacy through unique reporting on under-examined issues and promoting public engagement on governmental abuses.

WBFF/FOX 45 Baltimore ha annunciato il lancio di 'Spotlight on Maryland', una nuova unità di giornalismo investigativo volta a svelare le inefficienze nei governi statali, della contea e locali. Questa iniziativa amplia il servizio di reporting investigativo esistente della stazione, coprendo argomenti come l'allocazione dei fondi dei contribuenti alle organizzazioni non profit, le pratiche di finanziamento delle campagne, la corruzione e l'inefficienza governativa in tutto il Maryland.

La stazione sta espandendo il proprio personale per includere ulteriori giornalisti investigativi e ricercatori per questa unità. Questo nuovo progetto si basa sul successo di Project Baltimore di WBFF, che ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti per il suo reportage investigativo sui sistemi scolastici pubblici dell'area di Baltimora dal 2017.

Scott Livingston, Vicepresidente Senior delle Notizie per Sinclair, ha sottolineato l'importanza di fornire ai telespettatori informazioni per controllare il potere governativo e ritenere i leader eletti responsabili. La stazione mira a continuare la sua eredità di responsabilità verso la comunità attraverso un reportage unico su questioni poco esaminate e promuovendo il coinvolgimento pubblico sugli abusi governativi.

WBFF/FOX 45 Baltimore ha anunciado el lanzamiento de 'Spotlight on Maryland', una nueva unidad de periodismo de investigación destinada a exponer las ineficiencias en los gobiernos estatales, del condado y locales. Esta iniciativa amplía la cobertura de reportes de investigación existentes de la estación, abarcando temas como la asignación de fondos de los contribuyentes a organizaciones sin fines de lucro, las prácticas de financiamiento de campañas, la corrupción y la ineficiencia gubernamental en todo Maryland.

La estación está expandiendo su personal para incluir más reporteros e investigadores de investigación para esta unidad. Este nuevo proyecto se basa en el éxito de Project Baltimore de WBFF, que ha recibido numerosos premios por su reportaje de investigación sobre los sistemas de escuelas públicas del área de Baltimore desde 2017.

Scott Livingston, Vicepresidente Senior de Noticias para Sinclair, enfatizó la importancia de proporcionar a los televidentes información para verificar el poder del gobierno y responsabilizar a los líderes electos. La estación busca continuar su legado de defensa comunitaria a través de reportajes únicos sobre cuestiones poco examinadas y promover la participación pública en abusos gubernamentales.

WBFF/FOX 45 볼티모어는 'Spotlight on Maryland'라는 새로운 조사 저널리즘 유닛의 출범을 발표했습니다. 이 유닛은 주, 카운티 및 지역 정부의 비효율성을 드러내는 데 목표를 두고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 납세자 기금을 비영리 단체에 할당하는 것, 캠페인 재정 관행, 부패 및 정부 비효율성과 같은 주제를 다루며, 메릴랜드 전역에 걸쳐 있는 기존의 조사 보도를 확장합니다.

이 방송사는 직원 수를 확장하고 있습니다 이 유닛을 위한 추가 조사 기자와 연구원을 포함시킵니다. 이 새로운 프로젝트는 WBFF의 Project Baltimore의 성공을 기반으로 합니다. 이 프로젝트는 2017년 이후 볼티모어 공립학교 시스템에 대한 조사 보도로 수많은 상을 수상했습니다.

신시내티어 뉴스의 수석 부사장인 스콧 리빙스턴은 시청자에게 정부 권력을 감시하고 선출된 지도자에게 책임을 물을 수 있는 정보를 제공하는 것의 중요성을 강조했습니다. 이 방송사는 검토가 부족한 문제에 대한 독창적인 보도를 통해 지역 사회를 위한 지속 가능한 사례를 구성하고 정부의 남용에 대한 공공 참여를 촉진할 것입니다.

WBFF/FOX 45 Baltimore a annoncé le lancement de 'Spotlight on Maryland', une nouvelle unité de journalisme d'investigation visant à exposer les inefficacités dans les gouvernements d'État, de comté et locaux. Cette initiative élargit la couverture actuelle du reportage d'investigation de la station, traitant des sujets tels que l'allocation des fonds des contribuables à des organismes à but non lucratif, les pratiques de financement des campagnes, la corruption et l'inefficacité gouvernementale à travers le Maryland.

La station augmente son personnel pour inclure des journalistes d'investigation et des chercheurs supplémentaires pour cette unité. Ce nouveau projet s'appuie sur le succès de Project Baltimore de WBFF, qui a reçu de nombreux prix pour son reportage d'investigation sur les systèmes scolaires publics de la région de Baltimore depuis 2017.

Scott Livingston, Vice-Président Senior des Nouvelles pour Sinclair, a souligné l'importance de fournir aux téléspectateurs des informations pour contrôler le pouvoir gouvernemental et tenir les dirigeants élus responsables. La station vise à continuer son héritage de défense communautaire à travers des reportages uniques sur des problèmes peu examinés et à promouvoir l'engagement public sur les abus gouvernementaux.

WBFF/FOX 45 Baltimore hat die Einführung von 'Spotlight on Maryland' angekündigt, einer neuen investigativen Journalismus-Einheit, die darauf abzielt, Ineffizienzen in den staatlichen, kreislichen und lokalen Regierungen aufzudecken. Diese Initiative erweitert die bestehenden investigativen Berichterstattung der Station und behandelt Themen wie die Zuweisung von Steuermitteln an gemeinnützige Organisationen, Praktiken der Wahlkampffinanzierung, Korruption und Regierungseffizienz im gesamten Maryland.

Die Station erweitert ihr Personal, um zusätzliche investigativen Reporter und Forscher für diese Einheit zu gewinnen. Dieses neue Projekt baut auf dem Erfolg von WBFF's Project Baltimore auf, das seit 2017 zahlreiche Auszeichnungen für seine investigative Berichterstattung über die öffentlichen Schulsysteme im Raum Baltimore erhalten hat.

Scott Livingston, Senior Vice President of News für Sinclair, betonte die Bedeutung, den Zuschauern Informationen zu geben, um die Regierungsmacht zu überprüfen und gewählte Führer zur Verantwortung zu ziehen. Die Station setzt sich dafür ein, ihr Erbe der Gemeinschaftsvertretung durch einzigartige Berichterstattung über unterexaminierte Themen fortzusetzen und das öffentliche Engagement in Bezug auf Regierungsmissbrauch zu fördern.

  • Expansion of investigative journalism resources
  • Potential for increased public accountability of government officials
  • Building on the success and recognition of Project Baltimore
  • None.

BALTIMORE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- WBFF/FOX 45 today announced the creation of “Spotlight on Maryland,” an investigative journalism unit designed to shed light on inefficiencies in state, county and local governments with the purpose of holding public officials in Maryland accountable. This new initiative will expand WBFF’s existing investigative and accountability reporting to other critical topics including the allocation of taxpayer funds to non-profits, campaign finance practices, corruption, and government inefficiency across Maryland. In addition to using existing station resources, FOX 45 is expanding staffing to add investigative reporters and researchers to the unit.

“News consumers want an honest presentation of the news and appreciate the hard work and dedication required to research and investigate issues that impact their lives. The fourth estate must provide citizens with important information they can use to check government power. Our job is to ask the questions our viewers would ask, hold our elected leaders accountable and be an advocate for Maryland taxpayers and we are committed to providing content that exposes the truth,” commented Scott Livingston, Senior Vice President of News for Sinclair.

Spotlight on Maryland” builds on the station’s ongoing mission to serve the community by holding government officials accountable, a goal reflected in the success of WBFF’s Project Baltimore, which investigates the Baltimore area public school systems. Project Baltimore’s impactful, results-driven investigative reporting demonstrates the value of continuous investigative storytelling. Since its creation in 2017, Project Baltimore’s investigative work has been recognized by the journalism community with numerous national and regional honors, including a national Emmy award for investigative reporting, forty-one regional Emmy awards, four national IRE awards for investigative reporting, Regional Edward R. Murrow awards, National Headliner awards, SPJ Sigma Delta Chi awards, and a National Press Photographers Association Award for Best Documentary.

Project Baltimore’s ground-breaking reports have prompted internal government investigations as well as changes in government policies and new state laws.

Spotlight on Maryland” will continue WBFF’s legacy of advocating for the community with unique reporting on under-examined arenas, sparking much-needed public engagement on governmental abuses, and holding elected officials accountable.

About WBFF FOX45:

WBFF FOX45 is Sinclair Broadcast Group’s Baltimore, MD station. Sinclair Broadcast Group is a subsidiary of Sinclair Inc., (Nasdaq: SBGI), a diversified media company and a leading provider of local news and sports. The Company owns, operates and/or provides services to 185 television stations in 86 markets affiliated with all the major broadcast networks; owns Tennis Channel and multicast networks Comet, CHARGE!, TBD., and The Nest. Sinclair’s content is delivered via multiple platforms, including over-the-air, multi-channel video program distributors, and the nation’s largest streaming aggregator of local news content, NewsON. The Company regularly uses its website as a key source of Company information which can be accessed at

Category: General

Jessica Bellucci,

Source: Sinclair, Inc.


What is the 'Spotlight on Maryland' initiative launched by WBFF/FOX 45?

'Spotlight on Maryland' is a new investigative journalism unit launched by WBFF/FOX 45 Baltimore to expose inefficiencies in state, county, and local governments in Maryland, aiming to hold public officials accountable.

What topics will 'Spotlight on Maryland' cover?

The initiative will cover topics including allocation of taxpayer funds to non-profits, campaign finance practices, corruption, and government inefficiency across Maryland.

How is WBFF/FOX 45 expanding its resources for 'Spotlight on Maryland'?

WBFF/FOX 45 is expanding its staff by adding investigative reporters and researchers to support the new 'Spotlight on Maryland' unit.

What awards has WBFF's Project Baltimore received?

Project Baltimore has received numerous awards including a national Emmy for investigative reporting, 41 regional Emmy awards, four national IRE awards, Regional Edward R. Murrow awards, National Headliner awards, SPJ Sigma Delta Chi awards, and a National Press Photographers Association Award.

Sinclair, Inc.


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