The Daily Record Names Chris Ripley, Sinclair President and CEO, One of Maryland’s Most Admired CEOs

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Chris Ripley, Sinclair's President and CEO, has been named one of Maryland's 2024 Most Admired CEOs by The Daily Record. This prestigious recognition honors talented business leaders across Maryland whose leadership and vision are admired by their peers. Ripley, who has led Sinclair since 2017, will be honored in the category of 'public company with more than $500 million in annual revenue' at a ceremony on November 7.

Additionally, Ripley will be inducted into the Circle of Leadership, an honor reserved for three-time winners who have demonstrated sustained achievement over at least six years. The Daily Record's managing director, Suzanne Fischer-Huettner, praised the honorees as trendsetters who positively impact their companies and communities. Winners will be profiled in a special magazine insert in the November 8 issue of The Daily Record and available online.

Chris Ripley, Presidente e CEO di Sinclair, è stato nominato uno dei CEO più ammirati del Maryland per il 2024 dal The Daily Record. Questo prestigioso riconoscimento celebra i leader aziendali di talento in tutto il Maryland, il cui leadership e visione sono ammirati dai loro pari. Ripley, che guida Sinclair dal 2017, sarà onorato nella categoria di 'azienda pubblica con oltre 500 milioni di dollari di fatturato annuale' durante una cerimonia che si terrà il 7 novembre.

Inoltre, Ripley sarà inserito nel Circle of Leadership, un'onorificenza riservata ai vincitori che abbiano dimostrato risultati eccezionali per almeno sei anni. Suzanne Fischer-Huettner, direttore generale del The Daily Record, ha elogiato i premiati come trendsetter che influenzano positivamente le loro aziende e le comunità. I vincitori saranno presentati in un inserto speciale nella rivista del 8 novembre del The Daily Record e saranno disponibili online.

Chris Ripley, Presidente y CEO de Sinclair, ha sido nombrado como uno de los CEO más admirados de Maryland en 2024 por The Daily Record. Este prestigioso reconocimiento honra a líderes empresariales talentosos en todo Maryland cuyas habilidades de liderazgo y visión son admiradas por sus colegas. Ripley, quien ha dirigido Sinclair desde 2017, será honrado en la categoría de 'empresa pública con más de 500 millones de dólares en ingresos anuales' en una ceremonia el 7 de noviembre.

Además, Ripley será incluido en el Circle of Leadership, un honor reservado para ganadores de tres veces que han demostrado logros sostenidos durante al menos seis años. Suzanne Fischer-Huettner, directora general de The Daily Record, elogió a los homenajeados como creadores de tendencias que impactan positivamente a sus empresas y comunidades. Los ganadores serán perfilados en un insert especial en la edición del 8 de noviembre de The Daily Record y estarán disponibles en línea.

크리스 립리, 싱클레어의 사장 겸 CEO가 The Daily Record가 선정한 2024년 메릴랜드에서 가장 존경받는 CEO 중 한 명으로 이름을 올렸습니다. 이 저명한 인정은 메릴랜드의 재능있는 비즈니스 리더를 기리며, 그들의 리더십과 비전은 동료들로부터 존경받고 있습니다. 2017년부터 싱클레어를 이끌어온 립리는 '연간 수익이 5억 달러 이상인 상장 회사' 부문에서 11월 7일에 열리는 시상식에서 수상할 예정입니다.

또한 립리는 리더십 서클에 이름을 올리게 되며, 이는 최소 6년 이상 지속적인 성과를 보여준 3회 수상자에게 주어지는 영예입니다. The Daily Record의 총괄 이사인 수잔 피셔-후엣너는 수상자들을 긍정적으로 회사와 지역 사회에 영향을 미치는 트렌드 세터로 칭찬했습니다. 수상자는 The Daily Record의 11월 8일자 특별 잡지 삽입물에서 소개될 예정이며, 온라인에서도 확인할 수 있습니다.

Chris Ripley, Président et PDG de Sinclair, a été nommé l'un des PDG les plus admirés du Maryland pour 2024 par The Daily Record. Cette prestigieuse reconnaissance honore les leaders d'affaires talentueux à travers le Maryland dont le leadership et la vision sont admirés par leurs pairs. Ripley, qui dirige Sinclair depuis 2017, sera honoré dans la catégorie de 'société publique avec plus de 500 millions de dollars de revenus annuels' lors d'une cérémonie le 7 novembre.

De plus, Ripley sera intronisé dans le Circle of Leadership, une distinction réservée aux lauréats ayant démontré des réalisations soutenues pendant au moins six ans. Suzanne Fischer-Huettner, directrice générale de The Daily Record, a loué les lauréats comme des créateurs de tendances qui ont un impact positif sur leurs entreprises et leurs communautés. Les gagnants seront présentés dans un insert spécial du magazine dans l'édition du 8 novembre de The Daily Record et disponibles en ligne.

Chris Ripley, Präsident und CEO von Sinclair, wurde von The Daily Record als einer der 2024 am meisten bewunderten CEOs von Maryland ausgezeichnet. Diese prestigeträchtige Anerkennung ehrt talentierte Führungskräfte aus Maryland, deren Führung und Vision von ihren Kollegen geschätzt werden. Ripley, der Sinclair seit 2017 leitet, wird in der Kategorie 'öffentliches Unternehmen mit einem Jahresumsatz von über 500 Millionen Dollar' bei einer Zeremonie am 7. November geehrt.

Zudem wird Ripley in den Circle of Leadership aufgenommen, eine Ehrung, die dreifachen Gewinnern vorbehalten ist, die über mindestens sechs Jahre hinweg nachhaltige Erfolge vorweisen können. Suzanne Fischer-Huettner, Geschäftsführerin von The Daily Record, lobte die Ausgezeichneten als Trendsetter, die ihre Unternehmen und Gemeinschaften positiv beeinflussen. Die Gewinner werden in einem speziellen Magazinbeitrag in der Ausgabe vom 8. November von The Daily Record vorgestellt und sind auch online verfügbar.

  • None.
  • None.

Ripley to be Inducted into 2024 Circle of Leadership

BALTIMORE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Daily Record, Maryland’s daily news media company focused on law, government and business, has named Chris Ripley, Sinclair’s President and Chief Executive Officer, one of Maryland’s 2024 Most Admired CEOs.

The Daily Record’s annual Most Admired CEO list honors talented business CEOs, higher education leaders and nonprofit executive directors throughout Maryland whose leadership and vision are admired by those around them.

“This award underscores the strength of Chris' leadership navigating the dynamic media landscape and transforming Sinclair to meet the changing needs of our audiences and clients. We are honored Chris and Sinclair have been recognized for these efforts,” said Jason Smith, Executive Vice Chairman of Sinclair.

Ripley, who has served as Sinclair’s President and CEO since 2017, will be honored in the category of “public company with more than $500 million in annual revenue” at a ceremony on November 7.

Ripley will also be inducted into the Circle of Leadership, which honors three-time winners for sustained achievement over a period of at least six years.

“The 2024 Most Admired CEOs demonstrate impressive resumes and are effective leaders for their companies, making a positive impact on the lives of others. They are trendsetters who empower those who work with them in a professional setting and on community boards,” said Suzanne Fischer-Huettner, managing director of BridgeTower Media/The Daily Record. “They are good listeners who are also committed to mentoring the next generation of leaders. The Daily Record congratulates this year’s honorees.”

The winners will also be profiled in a special magazine that will be inserted into the November 8 issue of The Daily Record and will be available online at

About Sinclair

Sinclair, Inc. (Nasdaq: SBGI) is a diversified media company and a leading provider of local news and sports. The Company owns, operates and/or provides services to 185 television stations in 86 markets affiliated with all the major broadcast networks; owns Tennis Channel and multicast networks Comet, CHARGE!, TBD., and The Nest. Sinclair’s content is delivered via multiple platforms, including over-the-air, multi-channel video program distributors, and the nation’s largest streaming aggregator of local news content, NewsON. The Company regularly uses its website as a key source of Company information which can be accessed at

About The Daily Record

The Daily Record is a digital first, daily news media company focused on law, government and business at The Daily Record publishes a print edition on weekdays in addition to more than 25 special products a year in a variety of industries including Power Lists. The Daily Record hosts 13 annual events to recognize excellence and provide leadership opportunities. These events include Maryland’s Top 100 Women, Most Admired CEOs, Influential Marylanders, Health Care Heroes, Icon Honors and more. The Daily Record’s Digital Marketing Solutions helps customers with social media, search engine marketing and optimization, retargeting and email marketing among other services. The Daily Record, with 136 years of editorial excellence, is part of BridgeTower Media, the leading provider of B2B information, research, events and marketing solutions across more than 25 U.S. markets and industries.

Category: General

Sinclair: Jessica Bellucci,

The Daily Record: Suzanne Fischer-Huettner,

Source: Sinclair, Inc.


What award has Chris Ripley of Sinclair (SBGI) received in 2024?

Chris Ripley, Sinclair's President and CEO, has been named one of Maryland's 2024 Most Admired CEOs by The Daily Record.

When will Chris Ripley be honored for his Most Admired CEO award?

Chris Ripley will be honored at a ceremony on November 7, 2024.

What additional honor will Chris Ripley receive along with the Most Admired CEO award?

Chris Ripley will be inducted into the Circle of Leadership, which honors three-time winners for sustained achievement over at least six years.

In which category was Chris Ripley of Sinclair (SBGI) recognized for the Most Admired CEO award?

Chris Ripley was recognized in the category of 'public company with more than $500 million in annual revenue'.

Where will the profiles of the Most Admired CEO winners, including Chris Ripley, be published?

The winners' profiles will be published in a special magazine insert in the November 8 issue of The Daily Record and available online at

Sinclair, Inc.


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