Sinclair’s EVP and Chief Financial Officer Lucy Rutishauser Appointed to the Business Advisory Council of the ATSC Board

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Sinclair has announced that Lucy Rutishauser, the company's EVP and CFO, has been appointed to the Business Advisory Council of ATSC, the broadcast Standards Association. As a council member, Rutishauser will provide strategic insights to connect business and technology sectors, expanding ATSC standards across industries and regions.

ATSC 3.0, also known as NextGen TV in the US and DTV+ in Brazil, is designed to enhance over-the-air TV with improved video quality, interactive features, and internet integration. It offers benefits such as:

  • Enhanced public safety through advanced emergency alert systems
  • Broadcast Positioning System as a complement to GPS
  • Improved viewer experience with 4K, HDR, and immersive audio
  • New revenue opportunities for broadcasters, including targeted advertising

Rutishauser expressed excitement about joining the council during this transformative period for the broadcast industry, highlighting ATSC 3.0's potential across various sectors.

Sinclair ha annunciato che Lucy Rutishauser, EVP e CFO dell'azienda, è stata nominata membro del Business Advisory Council dell'ATSC, l'associazione per gli standard di trasmissione. In qualità di membro del consiglio, Rutishauser fornirà approfondimenti strategici per connettere i settori aziendale e tecnologico, espandendo gli standard dell'ATSC in diversi settori e regioni.

ATSC 3.0, conosciuto anche come NextGen TV negli Stati Uniti e DTV+ in Brasile, è progettato per migliorare la TV terrestre con una qualità video migliorata, funzionalità interattive e integrazione con internet. Offre vantaggi come:

  • Maggiore sicurezza pubblica grazie a sistemi avanzati di allerta per le emergenze
  • Sistema di Posizionamento in Broadcast come complemento al GPS
  • Esperienza utente migliorata con 4K, HDR e audio immersivo
  • Nuove opportunità di fatturato per i broadcaster, inclusa la pubblicità mirata

Rutishauser ha espresso entusiasmo per l'adesione al consiglio in questo periodo di trasformazione per l'industria della trasmissione, evidenziando il potenziale dell'ATSC 3.0 in vari settori.

Sinclair ha anunciado que Lucy Rutishauser, EVP y CFO de la empresa, ha sido nombrada miembro del Consejo Asesor Empresarial de ATSC, la asociación de estándares de transmisión. Como miembro del consejo, Rutishauser proporcionará perspectivas estratégicas para conectar los sectores empresarial y tecnológico, expandiendo los estándares de ATSC en diversas industrias y regiones.

ATSC 3.0, también conocido como NextGen TV en EE. UU. y DTV+ en Brasil, está diseñado para mejorar la televisión terrestre con una mejor calidad de video, características interactivas e integración con internet. Ofrece beneficios como:

  • Mayor seguridad pública a través de sistemas avanzados de alerta de emergencia
  • Sistema de Posicionamiento por Broadcast como complemento al GPS
  • Mejor experiencia del espectador con 4K, HDR y audio inmersivo
  • Nuevas oportunidades de ingresos para las emisoras, incluida la publicidad dirigida

Rutishauser expresó su entusiasmo por unirse al consejo durante este período transformador para la industria de la transmisión, destacando el potencial de ATSC 3.0 en varios sectores.

신클레어는 회사의 EVP이자 CFO인 루시 루티하우저가 방송 표준 협회인 ATSC 비즈니스 자문 위원회의 위원으로 임명되었다고 발표했습니다. 루티하우저는 위원으로서 비즈니스와 기술 부문을 연결하는 전략적 통찰력을 제공하여 ATSC 표준을 다양한 산업과 지역으로 확장할 것입니다.

ATSC 3.0, 미국에서는 NextGen TV로, 브라질에서는 DTV+로 알려진 이 기술은 지상파 TV를 향상시키기 위해 설계되었습니다. 이는 향상된 비디오 품질, 인터랙티브 기능 및 인터넷 통합을 포함합니다. 다음과 같은 이점을 제공합니다:

  • 고급 비상 경고 시스템을 통한 공공 안전 향상
  • GPS를 보완하는 방송 위치 시스템
  • 4K, HDR 및 몰입형 오디오로 개선된 시청 경험
  • 타겟 광고를 포함한 방송사를 위한 새로운 수익 기회

루티하우저는 방송 산업의 이 변혁적인 시기에 위원회에 합류하게 되어 기쁘다고 말하며, ATSC 3.0의 다양한 분야에서의 잠재력을 강조했습니다.

Sinclair a annoncé que Lucy Rutishauser, EVP et CFO de l'entreprise, a été nommée membre du Conseil consultatif des entreprises de l'ATSC, l'association des normes de diffusion. En tant que membre du conseil, Rutishauser fournira des informations stratégiques pour connecter les secteurs commercial et technologique, élargissant ainsi les normes de l'ATSC à travers les industries et les régions.

ATSC 3.0, également connu sous le nom de NextGen TV aux États-Unis et DTV+ au Brésil, est conçu pour améliorer la télévision terrestre avec une qualité vidéo améliorée, des fonctionnalités interactives et une intégration Internet. Il offre des avantages tels que :

  • Sécurité publique améliorée grâce à des systèmes avancés d'alerte d'urgence
  • Système de positionnement par diffusion en complément du GPS
  • Expérience viewer améliorée avec 4K, HDR et audio immersif
  • Nouvelles opportunités de revenus pour les diffuseurs, y compris la publicité ciblée

Rutishauser a exprimé son enthousiasme à rejoindre le conseil pendant cette période de transformation pour l'industrie de la diffusion, mettant en avant le potentiel de l'ATSC 3.0 dans divers secteurs.

Sinclair hat bekannt gegeben, dass Lucy Rutishauser, EVP und CFO des Unternehmens, in den Business Advisory Council der ATSC, die Vereinigung für Rundfunkstandards, berufen wurde. Als Mitglied des Rates wird Rutishauser strategische Einblicke geben, um die Geschäfts- und Technologiesektoren zu verbinden und die ATSC-Standards in verschiedenen Branchen und Regionen auszubauen.

ATSC 3.0, auch bekannt als NextGen TV in den USA und DTV+ in Brasilien, wurde entwickelt, um die terrestrische TV-Übertragung zu verbessern mit verbesserter Videoqualität, interaktiven Funktionen und Internetintegration. Es bietet Vorteile wie:

  • Erhöhte öffentliche Sicherheit durch fortschrittliche Notfallwarnsysteme
  • Broadcast Positioning System als Ergänzung zu GPS
  • Verbessertes Zuschauererlebnis mit 4K, HDR und immersivem Audio
  • Neue Einnahmequellen für Rundfunkanbieter, einschließlich gezielter Werbung

Rutishauser äußerte ihre Begeisterung darüber, während dieser transformierenden Phase der Rundfunkindustrie dem Rat beizutreten und hob das Potenzial von ATSC 3.0 in verschiedenen Sektoren hervor.

  • Appointment of Sinclair's EVP and CFO to ATSC Business Advisory Council, potentially influencing industry standards
  • ATSC 3.0 technology offers new revenue opportunities for broadcasters through targeted advertising
  • Enhanced viewer experience with ATSC 3.0 may lead to increased audience engagement and retention
  • Potential for expanded market reach through ATSC 3.0's diverse applications beyond traditional broadcasting
  • None.

BALTIMORE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Sinclair is pleased to announce Lucy Rutishauser, the company’s EVP and CFO, has been appointed to the Business Advisory Council of ATSC, the broadcast Standards Association.

As a member of the ATSC Board Business Advisory Council, Rutishauser will contribute strategic insights to bridge business and technology sectors, expanding the scope of ATSC standards across a range of industries and geographies.

ATSC is a multinational body that sets broadcast standards. ATSC 3.0 (also known as NextGen TV in the US and DTV+ in Brazil), is designed to enhance over-the-air TV with improved video quality, interactive features, and internet integration. The system’s IP backbone further enables broadcasters to deliver any data payload in addition to linear television services. ATSC 3.0's one-to-many infrastructure allows broadcasters to transmit data to multiple users simultaneously with a single signal and creates a more efficient use of the broadcast spectrum. ATSC 3.0 can enhance public safety by enabling emergency alert systems with detailed video, maps, and real-time information. ATSC 3.0 also enables the Broadcast Positioning System, a highly resilient, terrestrial complement to GPS that can provide precise timing information across the United States.

ATSC 3.0 offers a better experience for viewers with enhanced video and audio quality (4K, HDR, and immersive audio) and interactive features like real-time data (sports scores, weather, etc.), and ecommerce integrations. ATSC 3.0 also opens new revenue opportunities for broadcasters such as targeted advertising, allowing broadcasters to deliver personalized ads based on viewer data including location, demographics, or viewing habits.

“I am thrilled to join the ATSC Business Advisory Council at such a pivotal time for the broadcast industry,” said Rutishauser. “Sinclair has been at the forefront of ATSC 3.0 development, playing a key role as an early adopter and developer of the physical layer. ATSC 3.0 represents a transformative leap, not just for broadcasters, but for various industries and public sectors that can harness its capabilities—from delivering enhanced consumer experiences to improving public safety. We’re just scratching the surface of its total addressable market and potential uses and I’m looking forward to seeing its continued adoption and growth.”

“Unlike past digital television systems, which were designed for decades of success without the need to upgrade, today’s media and communications landscape demands flexible technology that can adapt to rapidly changing consumer and market demands,” said Madeleine Noland, ATSC president. “ATSC 3.0 is designed from the ground up to be evolvable, enabling broadcasters to react quickly and proactively to new opportunities. ATSC highly values the insights of Ms. Rutishauser and all the Business Advisory Council members as we navigate this exciting modern world together.”

About Sinclair:

Sinclair is a subsidiary of Sinclair, Inc., (Nasdaq: SBGI) a diversified media company and leading provider of local news and sports. The Company owns, operates and/or provides services to 185 television stations in 86 markets affiliated with all the major broadcast networks and owns Tennis Channel and multicast networks Comet, CHARGE!, TBD., and The Nest. Sinclair’s content is delivered via multiple platforms, including over-the-air, multi-channel video program distributors, and the nation’s largest streaming aggregator of local news content, NewsON. The Company regularly uses its website as a key source of Company information which can be accessed at

About ATSC:

ATSC, the Broadcast Standards Association, is an international, non-profit organization developing voluntary standards and recommended practices for digital terrestrial broadcasting. Serving as an essential force in the broadcasting industry, ATSC guides the seamless integration of broadcast and telecom standards to drive the industry forward. Currently, the ATSC 3.0 Standard is providing the best possible solution for expanding the potential of the broadcast spectrum beyond its traditional application to meet changing needs. From conventional television to innovative digital data services, ATSC has one clear goal: to empower the broadcasting ecosystem like never before. For more information, visit

Category: General

Media contact:

Jessica Bellucci

Source: Sinclair, Inc.


What is Lucy Rutishauser's new role in relation to ATSC and how might it impact Sinclair (SBGI)?

Lucy Rutishauser, Sinclair's EVP and CFO, has been appointed to the Business Advisory Council of ATSC. This role allows her to contribute strategic insights that bridge business and technology sectors, potentially influencing the development and adoption of ATSC standards, which could benefit Sinclair (SBGI) as an early adopter of ATSC 3.0 technology.

How does ATSC 3.0 technology create new revenue opportunities for Sinclair (SBGI)?

ATSC 3.0 technology opens new revenue streams for Sinclair (SBGI) through targeted advertising. It allows broadcasters to deliver personalized ads based on viewer data, including location, demographics, and viewing habits, potentially increasing the value of advertising inventory.

What are the key features of ATSC 3.0 that could benefit Sinclair (SBGI) and its viewers?

ATSC 3.0 offers several benefits for Sinclair (SBGI) and its viewers, including improved video quality (4K, HDR), immersive audio, interactive features, internet integration, enhanced emergency alert systems, and the ability to provide real-time data. These features can lead to a better viewing experience and increased audience engagement.

How is Sinclair (SBGI) positioned in the development and adoption of ATSC 3.0 technology?

Sinclair (SBGI) has been at the forefront of ATSC 3.0 development, playing a key role as an early adopter and developer of the physical layer. This positioning could give Sinclair an advantage as the technology continues to be adopted and its potential uses expand across various industries and public sectors.

Sinclair, Inc.


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