India-US Partnership, Led by Saankhya Labs and Sinclair, Announces the Development of Low Cost Direct-to-Mobile (D2M) Devices for Consumer Trials in India

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Saankhya Labs, Free Stream Technologies, and Sinclair Inc. (SBGI) are collaborating to develop low-cost Direct-to-Mobile (D2M) devices for consumer trials in India. These devices will use Saankhya's Pruthvi-3 ATSC 3.0 chipsets, supporting India's semiconductor and self-reliance initiatives. The partnership aims to launch various D2M-enabled devices, including smartphones, USB dongles, STB/Gateways, and feature phones, demonstrating interoperability with mobile system-on-a-chip suppliers holding over 70% global market share.

Consumer trials are set to begin in the first half of 2025, targeting India's 300 million feature phone users. This initiative aligns with India's push for mobile technology expansion and Prime Minister Modi's vision for India's 'Techade'. The collaboration leverages Saankhya's end-to-end D2M technology expertise and Sinclair's experience with ATSC 3.0 standard deployment.

Saankhya Labs, Free Stream Technologies e Sinclair Inc. (SBGI) stanno collaborando per sviluppare dispositivi Direct-to-Mobile (D2M) a basso costo per prove consumatore in India. Questi dispositivi utilizzeranno i chip Pruthvi-3 ATSC 3.0 di Saankhya, sostenendo le iniziative indiane sui semiconduttori e l'auto-sufficienza. L'obiettivo della partnership è lanciare vari dispositivi abilitati al D2M, inclusi smartphone, dongle USB, STB/Gateways e telefoni di base, dimostrando l'interoperabilità con fornitori di sistemi mobile-on-a-chip che detengono oltre il 70% della quota di mercato globale.

Le prove consumatore inizieranno nella prima metà del 2025, mirando ai 300 milioni di utenti di telefoni di base in India. Questa iniziativa è in linea con l'espansione della tecnologia mobile in India e la visione del Primo Ministro Modi per il 'Techade' indiano. La collaborazione sfrutta l'expertise di Saankhya nella tecnologia D2M end-to-end e l'esperienza di Sinclair nel dispiegamento dello standard ATSC 3.0.

Saankhya Labs, Free Stream Technologies y Sinclair Inc. (SBGI) están colaborando para desarrollar dispositivos Direct-to-Mobile (D2M) de bajo costo para pruebas de consumidores en India. Estos dispositivos utilizarán los chipsets Pruthvi-3 ATSC 3.0 de Saankhya, apoyando las iniciativas indias de semiconductores y auto-suficiencia. La asociación tiene como objetivo lanzar varios dispositivos habilitados para D2M, incluidos teléfonos inteligentes, dongles USB, STB/Gateways y teléfonos simples, demostrando interoperabilidad con proveedores de sistemas móvil-on-a-chip que poseen más del 70% de la cuota de mercado global.

Las pruebas de consumidores comenzarán en la primera mitad de 2025, dirigidas a los 300 millones de usuarios de teléfonos simples en India. Esta iniciativa se alinea con el impulso de India hacia la expansión de la tecnología móvil y la visión del Primer Ministro Modi para la 'Techade' de India. La colaboración aprovecha la experiencia de Saankhya en tecnología D2M de punta a punta y la experiencia de Sinclair en el despliegue del estándar ATSC 3.0.

사안키야 연구소(Saankhya Labs), 프리스트림 테크놀로지스(Free Stream Technologies) 및 신클레어 주식회사 (SBGI)가 인도에서 소비자 시험을 위한 저비용 Direct-to-Mobile (D2M) 장치 개발을 위해 협력하고 있습니다. 이 장치는 사안키야의 Pruthvi-3 ATSC 3.0 칩셋을 사용하여 인도의 반도체 및 자립 이니셔티브를 지원합니다. 이 파트너십의 목표는 스마트폰, USB 동글, STB/게이트웨이 및 기능폰을 포함한 다양한 D2M 지원 장치를 출시하여, 전 세계 시장 점유율의 70% 이상을 보유한 모바일 시스템 온 칩 공급업체와의 상호운용성을 보여주는 것입니다.

소비자 시험은 2025년 상반기에 시작될 예정이며, 인도의 3억 기능폰 사용자를 대상으로 합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 모바일 기술 확장을 위한 인도의 추진과 '테크에이드(Techade)'에 대한 모디 총리의 비전과 일치합니다. 이 협업은 사안키야의 종합 D2M 기술 전문성과 신클레어의 ATSC 3.0 표준 배포 경험을 활용합니다.

Saankhya Labs, Free Stream Technologies et Sinclair Inc. (SBGI) collaborent pour développer des dispositifs Direct-to-Mobile (D2M) à faible coût pour des essais consommateurs en Inde. Ces dispositifs utiliseront les chipsets Pruthvi-3 ATSC 3.0 de Saankhya, soutenant les initiatives indiennes en matière de semi-conducteurs et d'autonomie. L'objectif du partenariat est de lancer divers dispositifs compatibles D2M, y compris des smartphones, des dongles USB, des décodeurs/Passerelles et des téléphones de base, démontrant l'interopérabilité avec des fournisseurs de systèmes mobile-on-a-chip détenant plus de 70 % de part de marché mondiale.

Les essais consommateurs devraient commencer au cours de la première moitié de 2025, ciblant les 300 millions d'utilisateurs de téléphones de base en Inde. Cette initiative s'aligne sur l'expansion de la technologie mobile en Inde et la vision du Premier ministre Modi pour le 'Techade' de l'Inde. La collaboration tire parti de l'expertise de Saankhya dans la technologie D2M de bout en bout et de l'expérience de Sinclair dans le déploiement de la norme ATSC 3.0.

Saankhya Labs, Free Stream Technologies und Sinclair Inc. (SBGI) arbeiten zusammen, um kostengünstige Direct-to-Mobile (D2M) Geräte für Verbrauchertests in Indien zu entwickeln. Diese Geräte verwenden die Pruthvi-3 ATSC 3.0 Chipsets von Saankhya und unterstützen Indiens Initiativen zur Halbleiterentwicklung und Selbstversorgung. Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, verschiedene D2M-fähige Geräte zu lancieren, darunter Smartphones, USB-Dongles, STB/Gateways und Handys, und dabei die Interoperabilität mit Anbietern von System-on-a-Chip-Lösungen zu demonstrieren, die über 70 % des weltweiten Marktanteils halten.

Die Verbrauchertests sollen in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2025 beginnen und richten sich an die 300 Millionen Nutzer von Handys in Indien. Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit Indiens Bestrebungen zur Expansion der mobilen Technologie und der Vision von Premierminister Modi für Indiens 'Techade'. Die Zusammenarbeit nutzt die umfassende D2M-Technologiekompetenz von Saankhya sowie die Erfahrung von Sinclair bei der Implementierung des ATSC 3.0 Standards.

  • Collaboration to develop low-cost D2M devices for the Indian market
  • Potential to tap into a market of 300 million feature phone users in India
  • Alignment with India's semiconductor and self-reliance initiatives
  • Interoperability with mobile SoC suppliers holding over 70% global market share
  • Planned consumer trials set to begin in the first half of 2025
  • None.

This collaboration marks a significant milestone in India's semiconductor journey. The development of low-cost Direct-to-Mobile (D2M) devices powered by Saankhya's Pruthvi-3 ATSC 3.0 chipsets aligns with India's push for self-reliance in technology. The partnership's focus on creating affordable D2M-enabled phones could potentially revolutionize the Indian mobile market, especially considering the 300 million featurephone users who might upgrade.

The integration of broadcast capabilities into mobile devices could reshape content delivery models, potentially disrupting traditional cellular networks. However, the success of this technology will heavily depend on spectrum allocation, regulatory support and consumer adoption rates. While the initiative shows promise, it's important to monitor how well these devices perform in real-world conditions during the upcoming consumer trials.

The collaboration between Saankhya Labs, Free Stream Technologies and Sinclair to develop D2M devices for the Indian market is strategically timed. With India's growing focus on technology self-reliance and the government's push for semiconductor development, this initiative could capture significant market share. The potential to convert 300 million featurephone users to D2M-enabled devices represents a massive opportunity.

However, the 2025 trial launch timeline seems distant in the fast-evolving tech landscape. Competitors might introduce similar technologies earlier, potentially eroding the first-mover advantage. The success of this venture will largely depend on pricing strategy, content partnerships and the ability to demonstrate clear advantages over existing mobile technologies to both consumers and regulators.

This partnership could significantly impact the financial landscape of India's telecom and media sectors. By targeting the vast featurephone market with low-cost D2M devices, Saankhya Labs and its partners could tap into a substantial revenue stream. The potential for reduced data costs through broadcast technology might attract price-sensitive consumers, potentially affecting traditional telecom revenues.

For Sinclair (NASDAQ: SBGI), this venture represents a strategic expansion into emerging markets, diversifying its revenue sources beyond the U.S. However, investors should note that the 2025 trial launch indicates a long runway before potential returns materialize. The capital expenditure required for developing and launching these devices, along with the uncertain regulatory environment for D2M technology in India, presents considerable financial risks that need careful monitoring.

BENGALURU & DELHI, INDIA & BALTIMORE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Saankhya Labs, a subsidiary of Tejas Networks, Free Stream Technologies, incubated at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, and Sinclair, Inc. today announced the companies are collaborating to design and launch a variety of value-for-money mobile phones with augmented Direct-to-Mobile (D2M) broadcast capability. These consumer devices will be powered by Saankhya’s Pruthvi-3 ATSC 3.0 chipsets – the next step in India’s semiconductor journey and Atmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliance.)

Saankhya Labs has done pioneering work in bringing to market broadcast radio heads for cellularization of single frequency networks and building the world’s first D2M smartphone (Mark ONE) reference design. For over two years, next generation D2M technology has undergone trials and field validation in Bengaluru, Delhi and the United States. Now the partnership is commencing consumer trials for multi-media delivery and datacasting use cases. This development leveraging the first ‘Designed in India’ chip comes on the heels of a strong semiconductor push by the Narendra Modi led government in India.

Consumer trials will be conducted on a variety of D2M devices comprising of smartphones, USB dongle accessories, STB/Gateways and a low cost featurephone. They will demonstrate interworking with mobile system-on-a-chip from suppliers with a collective global market share exceeding 70%.

Parag Naik, Founder and CEO of Saankhya Labs said, “As India’s foremost fabless chip company, Saankhya is delighted to see this path breaking D2M technology getting one step closer to launch. For rapid proliferation of the device ecosystem, we are actively working with a number of mobile device suppliers to develop solutions that integrate our award-winning Software Defined Radio (SDR) chipsets. As an end-to-end originator and supplier of D2M technology – chipsets, radios, software and network infrastructure, we are fully equipped to rapidly validate end-to-end performance and gear up for launch.”

Chris Ripley, President and CEO of Sinclair said, “I firmly believe that low-cost featurephones will be the biggest driver for domestic demand in India since 4G/5G, incentivizing over 300 million featurephone users to shift to broadcast-enabled phones at a low incremental cost. We expect to launch these devices for trials in the first half of 2025. This competitive market segment can be expected to produce affordable phones for the Indian and global markets.”

“ATSC 3.0’s time and frequency interleaving feature provides excellent mobile performance, which is why we played a foundational role in the creation and deployment of the standard for next generation broadcast,” he added.

Sumeet Nindrajog, Director of FreeStream said, “Leading mobile brands clearly see the compelling consumer value proposition in D2M service offerings and are gearing up to scale to the needs of the Indian marketplace when deployment takes off. D2M will ride on the tremendous momentum to expand the mobile technology supply chain in India. As India’s first Chips-to-Platform DeepTech startup, FreeStream is working on putting together a D2M ecosystem that will realize PM Modi’s vision of India’s Techade.”

About Saankhya Labs

Saankhya Labs, a subsidiary of Tejas Networks (BSE: 540595) (NSE: TEJASNET), is an innovative leading-edge technology company with a breadth of wireless communication system solutions. Saankhya offers a wide range of communication products for 5G NR, Broadcast and Satellite Communication applications. With over 100 international technology patents and unique 'chipset-to-systems' expertise, Saankhya's solutions include the award-winning SDR chipsets for communication, next gen Open RAN Solutions for 5G networks, multi-standard direct to mobile (D2M) broadcast and Satcom solutions. For more information, visit Saankhya Labs at

About Sinclair

Sinclair, Inc. (Nasdaq: SBGI) is a diversified media company and a leading provider of local broadcast television, including news and sports. Sinclair’s Hunt Valley Maryland-based ONE Media subsidiary has a vision to build and globally deploy innovative “Next Generation” platforms and technologies for wireless broadcast of enhanced video, data, and nationally important services. Sinclair and ONE Media regularly use their websites as key sources of company information which can be accessed at and respectively.

About FreeStream

Incubated at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, Free Stream Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is India's first and only 'Chips to Platform' DeepTech start-up that is focused on developing, deploying, and managing nationwide network infrastructure for cutting-edge Direct-to-Mobile (D2M) broadcast technology and related platform services. We communicate our growth strategy at

Category: General

Saankhya Labs: Vivek Kimbahune:

Sinclair/ONE Media Technologies: Jessica Bellucci

Source: Sinclair, Inc.


What is the purpose of the India-US partnership between Saankhya Labs and Sinclair (SBGI)?

The partnership aims to develop low-cost Direct-to-Mobile (D2M) devices for consumer trials in India, including smartphones, USB dongles, STB/Gateways, and feature phones, powered by Saankhya's Pruthvi-3 ATSC 3.0 chipsets.

When are the consumer trials for D2M devices expected to begin in India?

Consumer trials for the D2M devices are set to begin in the first half of 2025, targeting India's 300 million feature phone users.

How does this partnership support India's semiconductor initiatives?

The partnership leverages Saankhya's 'Designed in India' Pruthvi-3 ATSC 3.0 chipsets, supporting India's push for semiconductor development and self-reliance (Atmanirbhar Bharat).

What is the potential market impact of the D2M devices in India?

The partnership aims to incentivize over 300 million feature phone users in India to shift to broadcast-enabled phones at a low incremental cost, potentially driving significant domestic demand.

Sinclair, Inc.


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