Weekly share repurchase program transaction details

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SBM Offshore reports the transaction details of its EUR130 million share repurchase program for October 10-16, 2024. The program, announced on February 29, 2024, and increased on August 8, 2024, aims to reduce share capital and provide shares for employee programs. Key points:

- 49.12% of the program completed as of October 16, 2024
- Cumulative Repurchase Amount: EUR 63,858,295
- Cumulative Quantity Repurchased: 4,242,869 shares
- Cumulative Average Repurchase Price: EUR 15.05

In the last 5 trading days, 132,114 shares were repurchased at an average price of EUR 17.01, totaling EUR 2,247,262. All shares were purchased via Euronext Amsterdam, CBOE DXE, and Turquoise.

SBM Offshore riporta i dettagli della transazione del suo programma di riacquisto di azioni da 130 milioni di euro per il periodo dal 10 al 16 ottobre 2024. Il programma, annunciato il 29 febbraio 2024 e aumentato l'8 agosto 2024, ha l'obiettivo di ridurre il capitale sociale e fornire azioni per i programmi dei dipendenti. Punti chiave:

- 49.12% del programma completato al 16 ottobre 2024
- Importo cumulativo del riacquisto: 63.858.295 EUR
- Quantità cumulativa riacquistata: 4.242.869 azioni
- Prezzo medio di riacquisto cumulativo: 15,05 EUR

Nell'ultima settimana di trading, sono state riacquistate 132.114 azioni a un prezzo medio di 17,01 EUR, per un totale di 2.247.262 EUR. Tutte le azioni sono state acquistate tramite Euronext Amsterdam, CBOE DXE e Turquoise.

SBM Offshore informa sobre los detalles de la transacción de su programa de recompra de acciones de 130 millones de euros para el período del 10 al 16 de octubre de 2024. El programa, anunciado el 29 de febrero de 2024 y ampliado el 8 de agosto de 2024, tiene como objetivo reducir el capital social y proporcionar acciones para los programas de empleados. Puntos clave:

- 49.12% del programa completado hasta el 16 de octubre de 2024
- Monto acumulado de recompra: 63,858,295 EUR
- Cantidad acumulada recomprada: 4,242,869 acciones
- Precio promedio de recompra acumulado: 15.05 EUR

En los últimos 5 días de negociación, se recompraron 132,114 acciones a un precio promedio de 17.01 EUR, sumando un total de 2,247,262 EUR. Todas las acciones fueron compradas a través de Euronext Ámsterdam, CBOE DXE y Turquoise.

SBM Offshore는 2024년 10월 10일부터 16일까지의 1억 3천만 유로 규모의 자사주 매입 프로그램에 대한 거래 세부 정보를 보고했습니다. 이 프로그램은 2024년 2월 29일에 발표되었고, 2024년 8월 8일에 확대되었으며, 자본금 감소와 직원 프로그램을 위한 주식 제공을 목표로 합니다. 주요 사항:

- 2024년 10월 16일 기준 49.12% 프로그램 완료
- 누적 매입 금액: 63,858,295 유로
- 누적 매입 주식 수: 4,242,869
- 누적 평균 매입 가격: 15.05 유로

최근 5 거래일 동안 132,114 주가 평균 가격 17.01 유로에 재매입되었으며, 총액은 2,247,262 유로입니다. 모든 주식은 Euronext 암스테르담, CBOE DXE 및 Turquoise를 통해 매입되었습니다.

SBM Offshore rapporte les détails de la transaction de son programme de rachat d'actions de 130 millions d'euros pour la période du 10 au 16 octobre 2024. Le programme, annoncé le 29 février 2024 et augmenté le 8 août 2024, vise à réduire le capital social et à fournir des actions pour les programmes d'employés. Points clés :

- 49,12% du programme complété au 16 octobre 2024
- Montant cumulé du rachat : 63.858.295 EUR
- Quantité cumulée rachetée : 4.242.869 actions
- Prix moyen de rachat cumulé : 15,05 EUR

Au cours des 5 derniers jours de négociation, 132.114 actions ont été rachetées à un prix moyen de 17,01 EUR, pour un total de 2.247.262 EUR. Toutes les actions ont été achetées par l'intermédiaire d'Euronext Amsterdam, CBOE DXE et Turquoise.

SBM Offshore berichtet über die Transaktionsdetails seines 130 Millionen Euro Aktienrückkaufprogramms für den Zeitraum vom 10. bis 16. Oktober 2024. Das Programm, das am 29. Februar 2024 angekündigt und am 8. August 2024 erhöht wurde, zielt darauf ab, das Grundkapital zu reduzieren und Aktien für Mitarbeiterprogramme bereitzustellen. Schlüsselpunkte:

- 49,12% des Programms bis zum 16. Oktober 2024 abgeschlossen
- Kumulativer Rückkaufbetrag: 63.858.295 EUR
- Kumulierte Rückkaufmenge: 4.242.869 Aktien
- Durchschnittlicher Rückkaufs-Preis: 15,05 EUR

In den letzten 5 Handelstagen wurden 132.114 Aktien zu einem Durchschnittspreis von 17,01 EUR zurückgekauft, was insgesamt 2.247.262 EUR ergibt. Alle Aktien wurden über die Euronext Amsterdam, CBOE DXE und Turquoise erworben.

  • Ongoing share repurchase program of EUR130 million demonstrates confidence in company's financial position
  • 49.12% of the program already completed, showing steady progress
  • Average repurchase price of EUR 15.05 potentially indicates value creation for remaining shareholders
  • Significant capital expenditure of EUR130 million for share repurchases may impact available funds for other investments or operations

October 16, 2024

SBM Offshore reports the transaction details related to its EUR130 million (c. US$140 million) share repurchase program for the period October 10, 2024 through October 16, 2024.

The repurchases were made under the EUR65 million share repurchase program announced on February 29, 2024, effective from March 1, 2024 and increased by EUR65 million as announced on August 8, 2024. The objective of the program is to reduce share capital and, in addition, to provide shares for regular management and employee share programs. Information regarding the progress of the share repurchase program and the aggregate of the transactions (calculated on a daily basis) for the period March 1, 2024 through October 16, 2024 can be found in the top half of the table below. Further detailed information regarding both the progress of the share repurchase program and all individual transactions can be accessed via the Investors section of the Company’s website.

Share Repurchase Program  
Overall progress Share Repurchase Program:  
Total Repurchase Amount EUR 130,000,000 
Cumulative Repurchase Amount EUR 63,858,295 
Cumulative Quantity Repurchased 4,242,869 
Cumulative Average Repurchase Price EUR 15.05 
Start Date  March 1, 2024 
Percentage of program completed as of October 16, 202449.12% 
Overview of details of last 5 trading days:  
Trade DateQuantity RepurchasedAverage Purchase PriceSettlement Amount 
October 10, 2024 26,453 EUR 16.92EUR 447,468 
October 11, 2024 22,012 EUR 17.12EUR 376,806 
October 14, 2024 26,213 EUR 17.17EUR 450,077 
October 15, 2024 27,751 EUR 16.98EUR 471,223 
October 16, 2024 29,685 EUR 16.90EUR 501,688 
Total132,114EUR 17.01EUR 2,247,262 

1All shares purchased via Euronext Amsterdam, CBOE DXE and or Turquoise

This press release contains information which is to be made publicly available under the Market Abuse Regulation (nr. 596/2014). The information concerns a regular update of the transactions conducted under SBM Offshore’s current share repurchase program, as announced by the Company on February 29, 2024 and August 8, 2024, details of which are available on its website.

Corporate Profile

SBM Offshore designs, builds, installs and operates offshore floating facilities for the offshore energy industry. As a leading technology provider, we put our marine expertise at the service of a responsible energy transition by reducing emissions from fossil fuel production, while developing cleaner solutions for alternative energy sources.

More than 7,400 SBMers worldwide are committed to sharing their experience to deliver safe, sustainable and affordable energy from the oceans for generations to come.

For further information, please visit our website at

Financial Calendar  DateYear
Third Quarter 2024 Trading Update November 142024
Full Year 2024 Earnings February 202025
Annual General Meeting April 92025
First Quarter 2025 Trading Update May 152025
Half Year 2025 Earnings August 72025

For further information, please contact:

Investor Relations
Wouter Holties
Corporate Finance & Investor Relations Manager

Mobile:+31 (0) 2 02 36 32 36

Media Relations

Evelyn Tachau Brown
Group Communications & Change Director

Mobile:+377 (0) 6 40 62 30 34

Market Abuse Regulation

This press release may contain inside information within the meaning of Article 7(1) of the EU Market Abuse Regulation.


Some of the statements contained in this release that are not historical facts are statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance, or events to differ materially from those in such statements. These statements may be identified by words such as ‘expect’, ‘should’, ‘could’, ‘shall’ and similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties. The principal risks which could affect the future operations of SBM Offshore N.V. are described in the ‘Impact, Risk and Opportunity Management’ section of the 2023 Annual Report.

Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results and performance of the Company’s business may vary materially and adversely from the forward-looking statements described in this release. SBM Offshore does not intend and does not assume any obligation to update any industry information or forward-looking statements set forth in this release to reflect new information, subsequent events or otherwise.

This release contains certain alternative performance measures (APMs) as defined by the ESMA guidelines which are not defined under IFRS. Further information on these APMs is included in the Half-Year Management Report accompanying the Half Year Earnings 2024 report, available on our website

Nothing in this release shall be deemed an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities. The companies in which SBM Offshore N.V. directly and indirectly owns investments are separate legal entities. In this release “SBM Offshore” and “SBM” are sometimes used for convenience where references are made to SBM Offshore N.V. and its subsidiaries in general. These expressions are also used where no useful purpose is served by identifying the particular company or companies.

"SBM Offshore®", the SBM logomark, “Fast4Ward®”, “emissionZERO®” and “F4W®” are proprietary marks owned by SBM Offshore.



What is the total value of SBM Offshore's (SBFFF) current share repurchase program?

SBM Offshore's current share repurchase program has a total value of EUR130 million (approximately US$140 million).

When did SBM Offshore (SBFFF) announce the increase in its share repurchase program?

SBM Offshore announced an increase of EUR65 million to its share repurchase program on August 8, 2024.

What percentage of SBM Offshore's (SBFFF) share repurchase program was completed by October 16, 2024?

As of October 16, 2024, 49.12% of SBM Offshore's share repurchase program was completed.

What is the cumulative average repurchase price for SBM Offshore (SBFFF) shares under the current program?

The cumulative average repurchase price for SBM Offshore shares under the current program is EUR 15.05.



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