Sandy Spring Bank Earns National Workplace Recognition for Fourth Consecutive Year

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Sandy Spring Bank has been certified as a Great Place To Work for the fourth consecutive year. This recognition is based on employee feedback about the company's culture, values, and experience. 78% of Sandy Spring Bank employees consider it a Great Place To Work, compared to 57% at typical U.S. companies.

Key highlights from the survey include:

  • 90% felt good about the bank's community contributions
  • 91% felt welcomed when joining the company
  • 91% felt able to take time off when necessary
  • 86% believe management is honest and ethical
  • 86% feel pride in the company's accomplishments

Gary Fernandes, Executive VP and Chief HR Officer, emphasized the bank's commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture. This recognition underscores Sandy Spring Bank's dedication to employee well-being and maintaining a culture of trust and integrity.

Sandy Spring Bank è stata certificata come Great Place To Work per il quarto anno consecutivo. Questo riconoscimento si basa sul feedback dei dipendenti riguardo alla cultura, ai valori e all'esperienza dell'azienda. Il 78% dei dipendenti di Sandy Spring Bank la considera un ottimo posto di lavoro, rispetto al 57% delle aziende statunitensi in generale.

I punti salienti dell'indagine includono:

  • Il 90% si sente positivo riguardo ai contributi della banca alla comunità
  • Il 91% si è sentito accolto all'ingresso in azienda
  • Il 91% ritiene di poter prendere tempo libero quando necessario
  • Il 86% crede che la gestione sia onesta ed etica
  • Il 86% prova orgoglio per i successi dell'azienda

Gary Fernandes, Vice Presidente Esecutivo e Chief HR Officer, ha sottolineato l'impegno della banca nel promuovere una cultura del posto di lavoro positiva e inclusiva. Questo riconoscimento sottolinea la dedizione di Sandy Spring Bank al benessere dei dipendenti e al mantenimento di una cultura di fiducia e integrità.

Sandy Spring Bank ha sido certificada como un Gran Lugar Para Trabajar por cuarto año consecutivo. Este reconocimiento se basa en la retroalimentación de los empleados sobre la cultura, los valores y la experiencia de la empresa. El 78% de los empleados de Sandy Spring Bank lo considera un Gran Lugar Para Trabajar, en comparación con el 57% de las empresas típicas en EE. UU.

Los puntos clave de la encuesta incluyen:

  • El 90% se siente bien respecto a las contribuciones de la banca a la comunidad
  • El 91% se sintió bienvenido al unirse a la empresa
  • El 91% siente que puede tomarse tiempo libre cuando es necesario
  • El 86% cree que la administración es honesta y ética
  • El 86% se siente orgulloso de los logros de la empresa

Gary Fernandes, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Director de Recursos Humanos, enfatizó el compromiso del banco de fomentar una cultura laboral positiva e inclusiva. Este reconocimiento subraya la dedicación de Sandy Spring Bank al bienestar de los empleados y al mantenimiento de una cultura de confianza e integridad.

샌디 스프링 은행4년 연속 일하기 좋은 곳으로 인증받았습니다. 이 인정은 회사의 문화, 가치 및 경험에 대한 직원 피드백을 기반으로 합니다. 샌디 스프링 은행 직원의 78%가 이곳을 일하기 좋은 곳으로 여기며, 이는 미국의 일반적인 기업에서의 57%와 비교됩니다.

설문조사에서의 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 90%가 은행의 지역사회 기여에 대해 긍정적으로 느꼈습니다
  • 91%가 회사에 합류할 때 환영받는 기분이었습니다
  • 91%가 필요할 때 휴가를 낼 수 있다고 느꼈습니다
  • 86%가 경영진이 정직하고 윤리적이라고 믿습니다
  • 86%가 회사의 성과에 대해 자부심을 느낍니다

게리 페르난데스, 부사장 겸 인사 책임자는 긍정적이고 포용적인 직장 문화를 조성하려는 은행의 노력을 강조했습니다. 이 인정은 샌디 스프링 은행이 직원 복지와 신뢰 및 정직의 문화 유지에 대한 헌신을 강조합니다.

Sandy Spring Bank a été certifiée Great Place To Work pour la quatrième année consécutive. Cette reconnaissance est basée sur les retours des employés concernant la culture, les valeurs et l'expérience de l'entreprise. 78 % des employés de Sandy Spring Bank considèrent que c'est un excellent lieu de travail, contre 57 % dans les entreprises américaines classiques.

Les points clés de l'enquête comprennent :

  • 90 % se sentent bien au sujet des contributions de la banque à la communauté
  • 91 % se sont sentis accueillis en rejoignant l'entreprise
  • 91 % estiment pouvoir prendre des congés lorsque nécessaire
  • 86 % croient que la direction est honnête et éthique
  • 86 % ressentent de la fierté pour les réalisations de l'entreprise

Gary Fernandes, Vice-Président Exécutif et Responsable des Ressources Humaines, a souligné l'engagement de la banque à favoriser une culture de travail positive et inclusive. Cette reconnaissance souligne le dévouement de Sandy Spring Bank au bien-être des employés et au maintien d'une culture de confiance et d'intégrité.

Sandy Spring Bank wurde zum vierten Mal in Folge als Great Place To Work ausgezeichnet. Diese Auszeichnung basiert auf dem Feedback der Mitarbeiter zur Kultur, zu den Werten und Erfahrungen des Unternehmens. 78% der Mitarbeiter von Sandy Spring Bank betrachten es als einen großartigen Arbeitsplatz, im Vergleich zu 57% in typischen US-Unternehmen.

Wichtige Ergebnisse der Umfrage umfassen:

  • 90% fühlten sich gut über die Beiträge der Bank zur Gemeinschaft
  • 91% fühlten sich bei Eintritt in das Unternehmen willkommen
  • 91% fühlten sich in der Lage, bei Bedarf Freizeit zu nehmen
  • 86% glauben, dass das Management ehrlich und ethisch ist
  • 86% sind stolz auf die Erfolge des Unternehmens

Gary Fernandes, Executive VP und Chief HR Officer, betonte das Engagement der Bank, eine positive und inklusive Unternehmenskultur zu fördern. Diese Anerkennung unterstreicht das Engagement von Sandy Spring Bank für das Wohl der Mitarbeiter und die Aufrechterhaltung einer Kultur des Vertrauens und der Integrität.

  • None.
  • None.

OLNEY, Md., Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sandy Spring Bank today announced that it has been certified as a Great Place To Work, marking the fourth consecutive year that the Bank has achieved this recognition.

The Great Place To Work® (GPTW) survey measures employees’ level of trust in their organization and is based solely on employee feedback about the culture, values and experience.

“We are committed to fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture,” said Gary Fernandes, Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer at Sandy Spring Bank. “Our team's dedication to our values and their trust in our organization are what make this achievement possible. We are proud of this recognition and will continue to prioritize our employees' experience and growth."

Seventy-eight percent of Sandy Spring Bank employees say it is a Great Place To Work, compared to 57% of employees at a typical U.S.-based company.

  • 90% of employees felt good about the ways Sandy Spring Bank contributes to the community.
  • 91% felt welcomed when they joined the company.
  • 91% felt they were able to take time off from work when necessary.
  • 86% believe management is honest and ethical in its business practices.
  • 86% say they feel a sense of pride when they see what we accomplish.

Sandy Spring Bank's continued distinction as a Great Place to Work underscores its dedication to creating a supportive and enriching work environment. This recognition highlights the Bank's commitment to its employees' well-being, helping to foster a culture of trust and integrity.

About Sandy Spring Bank

Sandy Spring Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: SASR), a financial services company headquartered in Olney, Maryland. Sandy Spring Bank is a premier community bank in the Greater Washington, D.C. region. With over 50 locations, the bank offers a broad range of commercial and retail bankingmortgageprivate banking, and trust services throughout Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.  Through its subsidiaries, Rembert Pendleton Jackson and West Financial Services, Inc., Sandy Spring Bank also offers a comprehensive menu of wealth management services.

Media Contact: 
Amber Washington
301.774.6400 ext. 5697


What recognition did Sandy Spring Bank (SASR) receive in October 2024?

Sandy Spring Bank (SASR) was certified as a Great Place To Work in October 2024, marking the fourth consecutive year the bank has received this recognition.

How does Sandy Spring Bank's employee satisfaction compare to typical U.S. companies?

78% of Sandy Spring Bank employees say it is a Great Place To Work, compared to 57% of employees at a typical U.S.-based company.

What percentage of Sandy Spring Bank employees felt welcomed when joining the company?

91% of Sandy Spring Bank employees felt welcomed when they joined the company.

How do Sandy Spring Bank employees view the company's community contributions?

90% of Sandy Spring Bank employees felt good about the ways the bank contributes to the community.

What percentage of Sandy Spring Bank employees believe management is honest and ethical?

86% of Sandy Spring Bank employees believe management is honest and ethical in its business practices.

Sandy Spring Bancorp Inc


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Banks - Regional
National Commercial Banks
United States of America