Now Is the Time to Prioritize Saving, But Americans Are Not Using Accounts That Accelerate Progress, Santander Survey Finds
Santander Bank's latest survey reveals a significant savings paradox: while 78% of Americans prioritize saving, 69% aren't utilizing higher-yield accounts that could accelerate their financial growth. The survey, part of Santander's GPS Tracker series, shows that 82% of Americans faced savings obstacles in Q4 2024, citing bills, unexpected expenses, and debt as main barriers.
Despite challenges, 70% of Americans are optimistic about saving more in 2025, with younger generations showing the most confidence. The study found that 22% recently moved money to higher-yielding accounts, with 45% of informed savers earning at least 3% APY. Notably, 77% of high-yield savings account holders regret not opening their accounts sooner, with 90% reporting faster savings accumulation.
The survey identified key misconceptions preventing wider adoption of high-yield accounts, including beliefs about fund accessibility and bank relationship requirements. A typical saver with $8,000 could earn over $300 annually at 4% APY, nearly 10 times more than traditional savings accounts.
Il ultimo sondaggio della Banca Santander rivela un significativo paradosso del risparmio: mentre il 78% degli americani dà priorità al risparmio, il 69% non sta utilizzando conti ad alto rendimento che potrebbero accelerare la loro crescita finanziaria. Il sondaggio, parte della serie GPS Tracker di Santander, mostra che l'82% degli americani ha affrontato ostacoli al risparmio nel Q4 2024, citando bollette, spese impreviste e debiti come principali barriere.
Nonostante le sfide, il 70% degli americani è ottimista riguardo a un risparmio maggiore nel 2025, con le generazioni più giovani che mostrano la maggiore fiducia. Lo studio ha rivelato che il 22% ha recentemente trasferito denaro su conti ad alto rendimento, con il 45% dei risparmiatori informati che guadagnano almeno il 3% APY. È interessante notare che il 77% dei titolari di conti di risparmio ad alto rendimento si rammarica di non aver aperto i loro conti prima, con il 90% che riporta un accumulo di risparmi più veloce.
Il sondaggio ha identificato principali idee errate che impediscono una maggiore adozione dei conti ad alto rendimento, inclusi credenze sull'accessibilità dei fondi e requisiti di relazione con la banca. Un risparmiatore tipico con $8.000 potrebbe guadagnare oltre $300 all'anno con un APY del 4%, quasi 10 volte di più rispetto ai conti di risparmio tradizionali.
La última encuesta del Banco Santander revela una paradoja significativa sobre el ahorro: mientras que el 78% de los estadounidenses prioriza el ahorro, el 69% no está utilizando cuentas de alto rendimiento que podrían acelerar su crecimiento financiero. La encuesta, parte de la serie GPS Tracker de Santander, muestra que el 82% de los estadounidenses enfrentó obstáculos para ahorrar en el cuarto trimestre de 2024, citando facturas, gastos inesperados y deudas como principales barreras.
A pesar de los desafíos, el 70% de los estadounidenses es optimista sobre ahorrar más en 2025, con las generaciones más jóvenes mostrando la mayor confianza. El estudio encontró que el 22% ha trasladado recientemente dinero a cuentas de mayor rendimiento, con el 45% de los ahorradores informados ganando al menos un 3% APY. Notablemente, el 77% de los titulares de cuentas de ahorro de alto rendimiento se arrepiente de no haber abierto sus cuentas antes, con el 90% reportando una acumulación de ahorros más rápida.
La encuesta identificó conceptos erróneos clave que impiden una adopción más amplia de cuentas de alto rendimiento, incluyendo creencias sobre la accesibilidad de los fondos y los requisitos de relación bancaria. Un ahorrador típico con $8,000 podría ganar más de $300 anuales a un APY del 4%, casi 10 veces más que las cuentas de ahorro tradicionales.
산탄데르 은행의 최신 조사 결과, 중요한 저축 역설이 드러났습니다: 미국인의 78%가 저축을 우선시하는 반면, 69%는 재정 성장을 가속화할 수 있는 고수익 계좌를 활용하지 않고 있습니다. 이 조사는 산탄데르의 GPS 트래커 시리즈의 일환으로, 2024년 4분기 동안 82%의 미국인이 저축 장애물에 직면했다고 보고하며, 청구서, 예상치 못한 비용, 부채를 주요 장벽으로 언급했습니다.
어려움에도 불구하고, 70%의 미국인이 2025년에 더 많은 저축을 할 것이라고 낙관하고 있습니다, 특히 젊은 세대가 가장 큰 자신감을 보이고 있습니다. 연구에 따르면 22%가 최근에 고수익 계좌로 돈을 이동했으며, 정보에 밝은 저축가의 45%가 최소 3% APY를 벌고 있습니다. 특히, 고수익 저축 계좌 보유자의 77%는 계좌를 더 일찍 열지 않은 것에 대해 후회하고 있으며, 90%는 더 빠른 저축 누적을 보고하고 있습니다.
조사는 고수익 계좌의 더 넓은 채택을 방해하는 주요 오해를 확인했으며, 이는 자금 접근성과 은행 관계 요구 사항에 대한 믿음을 포함합니다. $8,000를 가진 일반 저축가는 4% APY에서 연간 $300 이상을 벌 수 있으며, 이는 전통적인 저축 계좌보다 거의 10배 더 많습니다.
La dernière enquête de la Banque Santander révèle un paradoxe d'épargne significatif : tandis que 78 % des Américains donnent la priorité à l'épargne, 69 % n'utilisent pas de comptes à rendement élevé qui pourraient accélérer leur croissance financière. L'enquête, faisant partie de la série GPS Tracker de Santander, montre que 82 % des Américains ont rencontré des obstacles à l'épargne au quatrième trimestre 2024, citant les factures, les dépenses imprévues et les dettes comme principales barrières.
Malgré ces défis, 70 % des Américains sont optimistes quant à la possibilité d'épargner davantage en 2025, les générations plus jeunes affichant la plus grande confiance. L'étude a révélé que 22 % ont récemment transféré de l'argent vers des comptes à rendement élevé, avec 45 % des épargnants informés gagnant au moins 3 % APY. Notamment, 77 % des titulaires de comptes d'épargne à rendement élevé regrettent de ne pas avoir ouvert leurs comptes plus tôt, 90 % rapportant une accumulation de savings plus rapide.
L'enquête a identifié des idées fausses clés qui empêchent une adoption plus large des comptes à rendement élevé, y compris des croyances sur l'accessibilité des fonds et les exigences de relation bancaire. Un épargnant typique avec 8 000 $ pourrait gagner plus de 300 $ par an à un APY de 4 %, presque 10 fois plus que les comptes d'épargne traditionnels.
Die neueste Umfrage der Santander Bank zeigt ein signifikantes Sparparadoxon: Während 78% der Amerikaner das Sparen priorisieren, nutzen 69% keine hochverzinslichen Konten, die ihr finanzielles Wachstum beschleunigen könnten. Die Umfrage, Teil der GPS Tracker-Serie von Santander, zeigt, dass 82% der Amerikaner im 4. Quartal 2024 mit Sparhindernissen konfrontiert waren, wobei Rechnungen, unerwartete Ausgaben und Schulden als Hauptbarrieren genannt werden.
Trotz der Herausforderungen sind 70% der Amerikaner optimistisch, 2025 mehr sparen zu können, wobei die jüngeren Generationen das größte Vertrauen zeigen. Die Studie ergab, dass 22% kürzlich Geld auf hochverzinsliche Konten übertragen haben, wobei 45% der informierten Sparer mindestens 3% APY verdienen. Bemerkenswerterweise bedauern 77% der Inhaber von hochverzinslichen Sparkonten, ihre Konten nicht früher eröffnet zu haben, wobei 90% von einer schnelleren Ansammlung von Ersparnissen berichten.
Die Umfrage identifizierte wichtige Missverständnisse, die eine breitere Nutzung hochverzinslicher Konten verhindern, einschließlich der Annahmen über die Zugänglichkeit von Mitteln und die Anforderungen an die Beziehung zur Bank. Ein typischer Sparer mit 8.000 $ könnte bei 4% APY über 300 $ jährlich verdienen, fast 10-mal mehr als bei traditionellen Sparkonten.
- None.
- None.
- Nearly eight in 10 say saving is a high priority, but seven in 10 are not using accounts that offer higher interest rates.
- Saving a portion of a tax refund in a high-yield savings account, as part of a savings plan, could generate thousands of dollars over time.
- Seven in 10 Americans are optimistic they will save more this year, with younger generations being the most confident.
- More than three-quarters of current high-yield savings accountholders wish they had opened their accounts sooner.
As Americans focus on building their savings, the beginning of the year is when consumers have been most successful at saving. According to the GPS Tracker, consumers were most likely to add to their savings and meet their savings goals in the first quarter, followed by the second quarter. With
“Now is the time for savers to put their hard-earned money to work for them,” said Swati Bhatia, Head of Retail Banking and Transformation at Santander Bank, which recently announced the
For instance, a
Americans Struggled to Save in Q4, But Have Optimism for 2025
Americans will look to overcome the savings hurdles they faced late last year. More than eight in 10 (
Despite these shortcomings, seven in 10 Americans are optimistic they will save more in 2025, with younger generations being the most confident. Encouragingly, more consumers are beginning to take advantage of the opportunity to earn higher rates on their money. More than one in five (
High-Yield Savings Accounts Make a Big Difference, But Misperceptions Limit Usage
High-yield savings accountholders overwhelmingly agree these accounts build confidence and generate meaningful yield. In fact, more than three quarters (
Despite the positive sentiments among accountholders, misperceptions about high-yield savings accounts may be responsible for their low usage. For example, three-quarters of savers with only a traditional savings account are unaware money in a high-yield savings account is not locked up for an extended period, such as six months or one year, and
Another common misperception is that interest rates on high-yield savings accounts or CDs will not generate meaningful dollars. However, the typical saver with
This research on growing personal savings, conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of Santander Bank, surveyed 2,256 Americans adults. This Q4 study was conducted between December 20 – 23, 2024. The interviews were conducted online, and the margin of error is +/- 2 percentage points for the total audience at a
The full report and more information about the Santander Bank, N.A. survey can be found here.
About Santander Bank, N.A
Santander Bank, N.A. is one of the country’s leading retail and commercial banks, with
Openbank in
1Assumes a
2The median savings in bank accounts is
3The typical savings account has an Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of
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Media Contact
Andrew Simonelli
Caroline Connolly
Source: Santander Bank, N.A.
What percentage of Americans are not using high-yield savings accounts according to Santander's 2025 survey?
How much interest could a $2,000 tax refund generate in a Santander high-yield savings account over 5 years?
What were the main savings obstacles Americans faced in Q4 2024 according to SAN's research?
How much more interest could an $8,000 deposit earn in a high-yield account versus a traditional savings account?