SAIC's Jeff Raver on Corporate Responsibility, Culture Change
SAIC Vice President of ESG Integration and DEI Initiatives Jeff Raver highlighted how small acts of allyship can significantly impact company culture. He shared an example from SAIC's Equality Alliance ERG, where an employee's rainbow ribbon pin led to a meaningful conversation about LGBTQ+ acceptance with her daughter. Raver emphasized that such initiatives, detailed in their recent Corporate Responsibility Report, contribute to SAIC's development as a talent magnet and solutions provider.
Il Vice Presidente di SAIC per l'integrazione ESG e le iniziative DEI, Jeff Raver, ha sottolineato come piccoli gesti di alleanza possano avere un impatto significativo sulla cultura aziendale. Ha condiviso un esempio dall'Equality Alliance ERG di SAIC, dove il pin arcobaleno di un dipendente ha portato a una conversazione significativa sull'accettazione LGBTQ+ con sua figlia. Raver ha enfatizzato che tali iniziative, dettagliate nel loro recente Rapporto di Responsabilità Aziendale, contribuiscono allo sviluppo di SAIC come polo attrattivo di talenti e fornitore di soluzioni.
Jeff Raver, Vicepresidente de SAIC para la integración ESG y las iniciativas DEI, destacó cómo pequeños actos de alianza pueden impactar significativamente la cultura de la empresa. Compartió un ejemplo del Equality Alliance ERG de SAIC, donde un pin de cinta arcoíris de una empleada llevó a una conversación significativa sobre la aceptación LGBTQ+ con su hija. Raver enfatizó que tales iniciativas, detalladas en su reciente Informe de Responsabilidad Corporativa, contribuyen al desarrollo de SAIC como un imán para talentos y proveedor de soluciones.
SAIC의 ESG 통합 및 DEI 이니셔티브 부사장인 Jeff Raver는 작은 연대의 행동이 회사 문화에 상당한 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 강조했습니다. 그는 SAIC의 Equality Alliance ERG에서의 예를 공유했으며, 한 직원의 무지개 리본 핀은 그녀의 딸과 LGBTQ+ 수용에 관한 의미 있는 대화로 이어졌습니다. Raver는 최근 발표된 기업 책임 보고서에 자세히 설명된 이러한 이니셔티브가 SAIC의 인재 유치 및 솔루션 제공자로서의 발전에 기여한다고 강조했습니다.
Jeff Raver, vice-président de SAIC pour l'intégration ESG et les initiatives DEI, a souligné comment de petits gestes de solidarité peuvent avoir un impact significatif sur la culture d'entreprise. Il a partagé un exemple de l'Equality Alliance ERG de SAIC, où une épingle de ruban arc-en-ciel d'un employé a conduit à une conversation significative sur l'acceptation LGBTQ+ avec sa fille. Raver a souligné que de telles initiatives, détaillées dans leur récent Rapport de Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises, contribuent au développement de SAIC en tant qu'aimant à talents et fournisseur de solutions.
Jeff Raver, Vizepräsident von SAIC für ESG-Integration und DEI-Initiativen, hob hervor, wie kleine Aktionsgesten der Solidarität die Unternehmenskultur erheblich beeinflussen können. Er teilte ein Beispiel aus SAICs Equality Alliance ERG, bei dem eine Regenbogen-Brosche eines Mitarbeiters zu einem bedeutungsvollen Gespräch über LGBTQ+-Akzeptanz mit ihrer Tochter führte. Raver betonte, dass solche Initiativen, die in ihrem aktuellen Bericht zur Unternehmensverantwortung detailliert beschrieben sind, dazu beitragen, dass SAIC sich als Talente-Magnet und Lösungsanbieter weiterentwickelt.
- Company demonstrates commitment to inclusive workplace culture, potentially enhancing talent retention and recruitment
- None.
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / November 6, 2024 / For SAIC Vice President of ESG Integration and DEI Initiatives Jeff Raver, small acts can add up to big impacts when it comes to shaping a company's culture.
This year, several of SAIC's employee resource groups have focused on allyship to create a culture of inclusion. One member of the Equality Alliance ERG, and an ally to SAIC's LGBTQ+ workforce, wears a rainbow ribbon pin on her badge lanyard, he said. The ribbon sparked a conversation with her daughter one day when she returned home from work.
"What resulted was a sincere and heartfelt conversation between a mother and her daughter about what it means to be gay and how the feelings her daughter was experiencing were perfectly normal," Raver said. "The lesson from this incredible interaction is how even the smallest act of allyship can have an enormous impact on the people around us and how our SAIC commitment to ensuring everyone has the space to be their authentic selves is something our employees can take home with them every day."
Raver said this conversation is just one example of the many efforts outlined in the recently released Corporate Responsibility Report that make up SAIC's corporate culture, shaping it into the talent magnet and powerful solutions provider it is.
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SOURCE: Science Applications International Corp.
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What initiatives has SAIC implemented for workplace inclusion in 2024?