SAIC 2024 Corporate Responsibility Report: Attracting, Developing and Nurturing Our People

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SAIC's 2024 Corporate Responsibility Report highlights the company's efforts in attracting, developing, and nurturing talent. Key initiatives include:

1. Creation of social communities of interest for employee support and informal training.

2. Emphasis on workplace flexibility, offering remote and hybrid options.

3. Focus on employee engagement and retention through an inclusive culture.

4. Strong employee referral program, with 32% of new hires coming from referrals in FY24.

5. Significant investment in employee development, with approximately 155,000 training hours completed in FY24.

These initiatives aim to enhance employee well-being, reduce environmental impact, and maintain SAIC's position as an industry leader in employee retention.

Il Rapporto sulla Responsabilità Sociale 2024 di SAIC evidenzia gli sforzi dell'azienda nel attrarre, sviluppare e coltivare talenti. Le iniziative chiave includono:

1. Creazione di comunità sociali di interesse per il supporto dei dipendenti e la formazione informale.

2. Enfasi sulla flessibilità lavorativa, offrendo opzioni remote e ibride.

3. Focalizzazione sul coinvolgimento e sulla retention dei dipendenti attraverso una cultura inclusiva.

4. Un forte programma di referral dei dipendenti, con il 32% delle nuove assunzioni provenienti da referenze nell'anno fiscale 2024.

5. Investimenti significativi nello sviluppo dei dipendenti, con circa 155.000 ore di formazione completate nell'anno fiscale 2024.

Queste iniziative mirano a migliorare il benessere dei dipendenti, ridurre l'impatto ambientale e mantenere la posizione di SAIC come leader del settore nella retention dei dipendenti.

El Informe de Responsabilidad Corporativa 2024 de SAIC destaca los esfuerzos de la empresa en atraer, desarrollar y fomentar el talento. Las iniciativas clave incluyen:

1. Creación de comunidades sociales de interés para el apoyo a los empleados y la capacitación informal.

2. Énfasis en la flexibilidad laboral, ofreciendo opciones remotas e híbridas.

3. Enfoque en la participación y retención de empleados a través de una cultura inclusiva.

4. Un sólido programa de referencias de empleados, con el 32% de las nuevas contrataciones provenientes de referencias en el año fiscal 2024.

5. Inversión significativa en el desarrollo de empleados, con aproximadamente 155,000 horas de capacitación completadas en el año fiscal 2024.

Estas iniciativas buscan mejorar el bienestar de los empleados, reducir el impacto ambiental y mantener la posición de SAIC como líder en la industria en retención de empleados.

SAIC의 2024년 기업 책임 보고서는 인재를 유치, 개발 및 육성하는 것에 대한 회사의 노력을 강조합니다. 주요 이니셔티브는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 직원 지원 및 비공식 교육을 위한 사회적 관심 커뮤니티의 생성.

2. 원격 및 하이브리드 옵션을 제공하는 직장 유연성의 강조.

3. 포용적인 문화를 통해 직원 참여 및 유지에 대한 집중.

4. FY24에서 새로운 채용의 32%가 추천을 통해 이루어진 강력한 직원 추천 프로그램.

5. FY24에서 약 155,000시간의 교육이 완료된 직원 개발에 대한 상당한 투자.

이러한 이니셔티브는 직원의 복지를 향상시키고 환경 영향을 줄이며 직원 유지를 위한 산업 리더로서 SAIC의 지위를 유지하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Le Rapport de Responsabilité Sociétale 2024 de SAIC met en avant les efforts de l'entreprise pour attirer, développer et nourrir des talents. Les initiatives clés comprennent :

1. Création de communautés sociales d'intérêt pour le soutien des employés et la formation informelle.

2. Accent mis sur la flexibilité au travail, avec des options à distance et hybrides.

3. Focus sur l'engagement et la rétention des employés grâce à une culture inclusive.

4. Un solide programme de recommandations des employés, avec 32 % des nouvelles recrues provenant de recommandations au cours de l'exercice fiscal 2024.

5. Investissement significatif dans le développement des employés, avec environ 155 000 heures de formation réalisées au cours de l'exercice fiscal 2024.

Ces initiatives visent à améliorer le bien-être des employés, à réduire l'impact environnemental et à maintenir la position de SAIC en tant que leader de l'industrie en matière de rétention des employés.

Der Corporate Responsibility Report 2024 von SAIC hebt die Bemühungen des Unternehmens zur Gewinnung, Entwicklung und Pflege von Talenten hervor. Zu den wichtigsten Initiativen gehören:

1. Bildung sozialer Interessengemeinschaften zur Unterstützung der Mitarbeiter und zur informellen Schulung.

2. Betonung der Flexibilität am Arbeitsplatz, mit Angeboten für Remote- und Hybridoptionen.

3. Fokus auf Mitarbeiterengagement und -bindung durch eine inklusive Kultur.

4. Ein starkes Mitarbeiterempfehlungsprogramm, wobei 32 % der Neuanstellungen im Geschäftsjahr 2024 aus Empfehlungen stammen.

5. Signifikante Investitionen in die Mitarbeiterentwicklung, mit etwa 155.000 Ausbildungsstunden, die im Geschäftsjahr 2024 abgeschlossen wurden.

Diese Initiativen zielen darauf ab, das Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter zu verbessern, die Umweltbelastung zu reduzieren und die Position von SAIC als Branchenführer in der Mitarbeiterbindung zu wahren.

  • 32% of approximately 5,900 new hires in FY24 came from employee referrals
  • Employees completed approximately 155,000 hours of training in FY24
  • Over 9,100 hours dedicated to leadership development
  • Consistent decrease in voluntary attrition rate
  • Flexible work options contributing to reduced leased space and lower greenhouse gas emissions
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 16, 2024 / In 2023, we created our social communities of interest to connect employees across the enterprise that offer corporate support and informal training opportunities. They are:

  • Coaching: Learning from each other on how to improve, sharing lessons learned, best practices and SAIC resources.

  • Family: Knowledge-sharing related to balancing work and caregiving for family members, and SAIC's benefits and resources that help with family care.

  • Mentoring: Sharing principals of mentoring programs across SAIC to connect and collaborate, leveraging the company's mentoring resources.

  • Volunteering: Learning about, supporting and promoting volunteer activities in the communities where we work.

  • Wellness: Exchange of best practices on wellness and information on SAIC's wellness benefits.


Work at SAIC prioritizes flexibility, inclusion and well-being: We empower our employees to own their work experiences.

SAIC fosters a flexible environment by offering schedule options that include alternate work schedules along with increasing remote and hybrid work environments. Our definition of flexibility is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Putting our customers and their business needs first, our employees and their leaders work together to develop schedules to ensure work is done well while contributing to the employee's well-being.

Employee flexibility also helps us attract a wider talent pool and retain highly skilled people in extremely sought-after disciplines such as science, technology, engineering and cybersecurity.

The flexibility for individuals to choose a four-day workweek or a hybrid or remote work schedule helps lessen our impact on the planet too. By having fewer employees working in offices, we have been able to reduce our leased space, which leads to lower greenhouse gas emissions and paper use. Reducing or eliminating employee commutes helps our reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as well.

Attracting, Developing and Nurturing Our People

To drive employee engagement and retention, we work to create an inclusive workforce culture throughout the talent lifecycle that develops the critical skills of our employees. When we need to hire externally, we design our efforts to attract highly skilled and exceptional talent. Employee referrals often result in some of our best performing new hires. In FY24, 32% of the approximately 5,900 new employees hired came from an employee referral. We are an industry leader in the retention of our employees, consistently decreasing voluntary attrition as a percentage of employees.

Through technical and professional skills training, leadership development programs, higher education programs and tuition assistance programs for continuing education or industry certification, we invest in developing and upskilling our people. In FY24, our employees completed approximately 155,000 hours of training, or nearly six and a half hours per employee. This time included over 9,100 hours of leadership development.

Learn more about SAIC's Communities of Interest in SAIC's 2024 Corporate Responsibility Report

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Spokesperson: Science Applications International Corp.

SOURCE: Science Applications International Corp.

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What are SAIC's social communities of interest created in 2023?

SAIC created five social communities of interest in 2023: Coaching, Family, Mentoring, Volunteering, and Wellness. These communities connect employees across the enterprise, offering corporate support and informal training opportunities.

How does SAIC (SAIC) promote workplace flexibility?

SAIC promotes workplace flexibility by offering alternate work schedules, remote and hybrid work environments. The company empowers employees to work with their leaders to develop schedules that meet both business needs and contribute to employee well-being.

What percentage of SAIC's new hires came from employee referrals in FY24?

In FY24, 32% of the approximately 5,900 new employees hired at SAIC came from employee referrals.

How many training hours did SAIC employees complete in FY24?

SAIC employees completed approximately 155,000 hours of training in FY24, averaging nearly six and a half hours per employee. This included over 9,100 hours of leadership development.

Science Applications International Corporation


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