2024 SAIC Corporate Responsibility Report: Employee Resource Groups

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Science Applications International Corp (SAIC) has released its 2024 Corporate Responsibility Report, highlighting the growth and impact of its Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). In FY24, ERG membership increased by 14.4%, with 12.3% of the workforce belonging to at least one ERG. SAIC aims to have 20% of its workforce as ERG members by the end of FY26.

The report details seven ERGs: Accessibility, Connect & Grow, Equality Alliance, Military/Veteran, Multicultural, STEM, and Women's. These groups focus on various initiatives, including disability awareness, professional development, LGBTQ+ support, veteran advocacy, cultural celebration, STEM promotion, and women's empowerment. Notable achievements include raising funds for charities, organizing community events, and providing resources for underrepresented groups within the company.

La Science Applications International Corp (SAIC) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto sulla Responsabilità Aziendale 2024, evidenziando la crescita e l'impatto dei suoi Gruppi di Risorse per i Dipendenti (ERG). Nell'anno fiscale 2024, l'adesione agli ERG è aumentata del 14,4%, con il 12,3% della forza lavoro che appartiene ad almeno un ERG. SAIC mira ad avere il 20% della propria forza lavoro come membri degli ERG entro la fine dell'anno fiscale 2026.

Il rapporto dettaglia sette ERG: Accessibilità, Connect & Grow, Equality Alliance, Militari/Veterani, Multiculturale, STEM e Donne. Questi gruppi si concentrano su diverse iniziative, tra cui sensibilizzazione sui disabili, sviluppo professionale, supporto LGBTQ+, advocacy per i veterani, celebrazione culturale, promozione STEM e empowerment femminile. Tra i risultati significativi vi sono la raccolta di fondi per enti di beneficenza, l'organizzazione di eventi comunitari e la fornitura di risorse per gruppi sottorappresentati all'interno dell'azienda.

Science Applications International Corp (SAIC) ha publicado su Informe de Responsabilidad Corporativa 2024, destacando el crecimiento y el impacto de sus Grupos de Recursos para Empleados (ERG). En el año fiscal 2024, la membresía en los ERG aumentó un 14.4%, con un 12.3% de la fuerza laboral perteneciendo a al menos un ERG. SAIC tiene como objetivo que el 20% de su fuerza laboral sea miembro de un ERG para finales del año fiscal 2026.

El informe detalla siete ERG: Accesibilidad, Conectar y Crecer, Alianza por la Igualdad, Militar/Veterano, Multicultural, STEM y Mujeres. Estos grupos se enfocan en diversas iniciativas, incluyendo concienciación sobre discapacidad, desarrollo profesional, apoyo LGBTQ+, defensa de veteranos, celebración cultural, promoción de STEM y empoderamiento de mujeres. Entre los logros notables se encuentran la recaudación de fondos para organizaciones benéficas, la organización de eventos comunitarios y la provisión de recursos para grupos subrepresentados dentro de la empresa.

Science Applications International Corp (SAIC)는 2024년 기업 책임 보고서를 발표하며 직원 자원 그룹 (ERG)의 성장과 영향을 강조했습니다. 2024 회계연도에 ERG 회원 수는 14.4% 증가했으며, 전체 직원의 12.3%가 최소 하나의 ERG에 소속되어 있습니다. SAIC는 2026 회계연도 말까지 20%의 직원이 ERG 회원이 되기를 목표로 하고 있습니다.

보고서는 접근성, 연결 및 성장, 평등 동맹, 군인/재향군인, 다문화, STEM 및 여성 등 7개의 ERG를 자세히 설명합니다. 이 그룹들은 장애인 인식, 전문성 개발, LGBTQ+ 지원, 재향군인 옹호, 문화 기념, STEM 홍보 및 여성의 권한 강화를 포함한 다양한 이니셔티브에 집중합니다. 주목할 만한 성과에는 자선 단체를 위한 기금 모금, 지역 사회 행사 조직, 회사 내 소외된 그룹을 위한 리소스 제공 등이 포함됩니다.

Science Applications International Corp (SAIC) a publié son Rapport de Responsabilité Sociétale 2024, mettant en avant la croissance et l'impact de ses Groupes de Ressources pour Employés (ERG). Au cours de l'exercice 2024, l'adhésion aux ERG a augmenté de 14,4%, avec 12,3% de la main-d'œuvre appartenant à au moins un ERG. SAIC vise à avoir 20% de sa main-d'œuvre comme membres d'ERG d'ici la fin de l'exercice 2026.

Le rapport détaille sept ERG : Accessibilité, Connect & Grow, Alliance Égalité, Militaire/Vétéran, Multiculturel, STEM et Femmes. Ces groupes se concentrent sur diverses initiatives, notamment la sensibilisation au handicap, le développement professionnel, le soutien LGBTQ+, la défense des vétérans, la célébration culturelle, la promotion de STEM et l'autonomisation des femmes. Parmi les réalisations notables figurent la collecte de fonds pour des œuvres de charité, l'organisation d'événements communautaires et la fourniture de ressources pour des groupes sous-représentés au sein de l'entreprise.

Die Science Applications International Corp (SAIC) hat ihren Corporate Responsibility Report 2024 veröffentlicht, der das Wachstum und den Einfluss ihrer Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) hervorhebt. Im Geschäftsjahr 2024 stieg die Mitgliedschaft in den ERGs um 14,4%, wobei 12,3% der Belegschaft zu mindestens einer ERG gehörten. SAIC hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, bis Ende des Geschäftsjahres 2026 20% seiner Mitarbeiter als ERG-Mitglieder zu haben.

Der Bericht beschreibt sieben ERGs: Barrierefreiheit, Connect & Grow, Gleichstellungsallianz, Militär/Veteranen, Multikulturalität, STEM und Frauen. Diese Gruppen konzentrieren sich auf verschiedene Initiativen, darunter Bewusstsein für Behinderungen, berufliche Entwicklung, Unterstützung von LGBTQ+, Verteidigung von Veteranen, kulturelle Feierlichkeiten, Förderung von STEM und Stärkung der Frauenrechte. Zu den bemerkenswerten Erfolgen gehören die Mittelbeschaffung für Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen, die Organisation von Veranstaltungen in der Gemeinschaft und die Bereitstellung von Ressourcen für unterrepräsentierte Gruppen im Unternehmen.

  • ERG membership grew by 14.4% in FY24, indicating increased employee engagement
  • 12.3% of SAIC's workforce belongs to at least one ERG, showing strong participation
  • SAIC has set a goal to have 20% of its workforce as ERG members by the end of FY26, demonstrating commitment to diversity and inclusion
  • The Military/Veteran ERG raised over $50,000 in donations for military charities
  • The Women's ERG raised over $250,000 in support of organizations supporting women
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 7, 2024 / Science Applications International Corp.

We foster employee connections, engagement, inclusiveness and business impact through our seven Employee Resource Groups and Communities of Interest. In FY24, ERG membership grew by 14.4%, with 12.3% of the workforce belonging to at least one ERG. Our goal is to have 20% of SAIC's workforce as a member of at least one ERG by the end of FY26.



Supports and encourages open conversations about visible and non-visible disabilities, including mental health and neurodiversity. Last year, the group conducted a series of events focused on educating the workforce on topics related to accessibility including American Sign Language, mental health awareness and implications for security clearances, mindfulness and elder care.

Connect & Grow

Connects early-career and tenured professionals for networking, professional development, community service and environmental stewardship. This group sponsored more than a dozen events nationwide for employee engagement and development, which included raising more than $7,500 for the Appalachian Trail Conservancy and collecting more than 1,600 pounds of e-waste for handling and disposal.

Equality Alliance

Champions lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and allied employees who celebrate and raise awareness for the LGBTQ+ community. This ERG created resources for our LGBTQ+ workforce focused on access to benefits, guidance for gender transitioning employees and training on our commitment to respect and understanding so everyone can be their authentic selves. It also sponsored and supported LGBTQ+-focused community events and volunteer opportunities.


Serves as an advocate and resource for employees who are former or active-duty service members and their families. With nearly 30% of our workforce being a U.S. military veteran, this group raised more than $50,000 in donations for military charities nationwide during FY24. It created and maintains a network for veterans to share stories, express appreciation, access resources and give back to their communities and coworkers.


Celebrates and champions employees' ethnic and cultural differences and encourages the development, engagement and retention of SAIC's underrepresented minorities. This group created, hosted and facilitated multiple engagements recognizing Black History, Diwali, Lunar New Year, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and Hispanic Heritage.


Supports STEM programs in the communities where SAIC operates, and employees reside, as well as opportunities for current and future STEM professionals. Last year, this group of employees sponsored, facilitated and judged more than 17 robotics-, rocket- and science-based events inspiring young people to engage in science, technology, engineering and math. They also created and coordinated a program to refurbish and donate lightly used SAIC laptops and other electronics to multiple schools nationwide.


A place for employees to champion growth, create networking and outreach opportunities and educate others about the unique challenges women face at work. In FY24, the largest of our resource groups, provided nationwide support to organizations supporting women including Girls Inc, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Women in Aerospace, Women in Technology and The Women's Center -- and raised over $250,000 in support of these organizations.

Learn more about Employee Resource Groups in SAIC's 2024 Corporate Responsibility Report.

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Spokesperson: Science Applications International Corp.

SOURCE: Science Applications International Corp.

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How many Employee Resource Groups does SAIC have in 2024?

According to the 2024 Corporate Responsibility Report, SAIC has seven Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).

What is SAIC's goal for ERG membership by the end of FY26?

SAIC aims to have 20% of its workforce as members of at least one ERG by the end of FY26.

What percentage of SAIC's workforce belonged to an ERG in FY24?

In FY24, 12.3% of SAIC's workforce belonged to at least one Employee Resource Group.

How much did SAIC's Military/Veteran ERG raise for military charities in FY24?

The Military/Veteran ERG raised more than $50,000 in donations for military charities nationwide during FY24.

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